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Gripes have their origins and debts have their debtors. We haven’t crossed each other in days past or present, nor formed any grudges. I am but duty-bound to carry this out, so apologies in advance!

In his past life, Yang Chen was a gentle person who was oppressed for his whole life.

Now that he’s reborn, he chose to become an executioner and severs ties and grudges with his executioner’s blade, killing all that climb onto the Immortal Executioner’s Platform!

Heads will roll! Humans’ in the human realm, demons’ in the demon realm, devils’ in the devil realm and immortals’ in the immortal realm!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Immortal Executioner
Slaying Immortals
Related Series
Tales of Demons and Gods (10)
The Human Emperor (9)
Transcending the Nine Heavens (6)
The Ruler Of Darkness (5)
Against the Gods (4)
Cheeky Sword God (4)
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  2. Novels That I Have Read Over The Years
  3. Op Mc / simulation systems
  4. My Main Novels
  5. what webnovels have to offer, my favorites

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/30/23 Xianxianovel c764
10/25/23 Xianxianovel c763
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10/21/23 Xianxianovel c760
10/19/23 Xianxianovel c759
10/17/23 Xianxianovel c758
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10/11/23 Xianxianovel c756
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10/05/23 Xianxianovel c754
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98 Reviews sorted by

Basiun rated it
March 7, 2022
Status: c41
Temp. Review 40 chapters in.

So far, this novel has really done little to impress me.
The translation quality is mediocre at best, and nothing in the story thus far has really stood out.
So at the end of the day, my impression is "Not good, but maybe it could improve"

The "coincidences" in timing for plot convenience is egregious.
The ratio between male/female cultivators can be described as "Everyone who is either an enemy or irrelevant bystander will definitely be a male".
It makes no sense why the first antagonists try to immediately bully the main character. Apparently, some irrelevant low-level maggots are angry about some random mortal receiving a borderline useless pill in some random mortal town from "Fairy Shi" who randomly showed up there to rescue some seemingly random people.
It also makes no sense how the main character acts given the situation. He supposedly is trying to cultivate silently by himself, but every time he is given an opportunity, he will try his hardest to look as exceptional as he possibly could be - Example: Creating a "revolutionary pill" from mortal herbs in a broken cauldron and then showing the big boss of the medicine department his "ridiculous flame control" and telling him that he "trained his control for a few months" as an excuse.
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Ryantm rated it
March 29, 2020
Status: 909
Fighting scenes are horrible. Also your lucky if you get see the main character fight every 50 chapters. It's gotten to the point every time he leaves his sect I'm hopeful he goes alone (which is almost never) because when he bring his wives there always the ones who do the fighting. When I read cultivation novels I'm always disappointed how the wive (s) are usually ignored and forgotten but this novel goes in the complete opposite focusing more on the wives than the main character. More than 3/4 of... more>> his time in the mortal realm (around 750 chapters) he has been running around looking for items and brining his wives to places to make sure they have the perfect cultivation path, all the while neglecting himself. He even has to completely restart his cultivation at chapter 909 because he screwed up his own cultivation path... Also although I haven't read about his time in the immortal realm it looks like it suffers from a similar problem as sovereign of the three realms, that being the entire immortal realm arc is rushed and only a bit more than 150 chapters long. For reference there are 5 stages in the mortal realm 3 in the spirit realm and 4 in the immortal realm, so in just 150 of the 1330 chapter he blows through 4 stages. The novel also waste a lot of time on excessively long description taken chapters to explain his process in cultivation, and alchemy and other such things. On the plus side the main character actually uses his brain. <<less
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AutumnSnowz rated it
January 11, 2019
Status: c315

So after 500 or so chapter the harem that I said was good became pure crap. Literally girls are force into his harem and he's to s*upid to say no and they get injected into his harem with no big romance or story behind it beside the athour wanting him to have more lovers. It was suppose to be a gem in the harem pile of crap writing but turn out it just part of the pile of crap that shines a bit more than the rest of the crap. 3.5 out of 5 now.


Old review: This is a great novel that I really enjoy. There is some filler and words count added to have more words but over all I think the novel still is a great novel. I love the harem in here since they all have personality and background. The romance is all build up in one way or another and they don't just fall in love for no reason.
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h0b0onsn0w rated it
October 9, 2018
Status: --
Really strong start but like all other of it's genre, after the first arc or so 2/3 of almost every chapter following is exposition about info no one really care about. Nothing that pushes the story forward. Not even some kind of humorous filler. It's all infodump bs. If you like really really excessively detailed bs about cultivation/pill refining/artifact refining, this is for you. If you come for a story, well, Tales of demons and god's story progress is faster even though it's 1 chapter per month (I'm not talking... more>> translation speed, I'm talking story speed) <<less
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Noahjeno rated it
August 12, 2018
Status: c1100
For me zhanxian is a rollercoaster. There are fun parts and there are boring parts as well. There are lot of cultivation novels out there where MC will cultivate hundreds of years or MC will cultivate what others do in decades in couple of years. But here despite MC being a repeater or rebirth with all resources he obtains will cultivate for hundreds and thousands of years. Sad part is readers can feel those years which makes the story boring.

But MC is fine. He is smart, op, humble, friendly, decisive... more>> and knowledgeable. His treasure hunting and adventures are mostly interesting. World building is great and antagonists are not s*upid here although I feel their iq are getting degrading as the story progresses.

I have mixed feelings regarding the romance part. For 10000 years, MC was in the run in his past life but the only woman he ever thought about was his master. It was not love he felt but respect. Only this feelings slowly changes when other women enters. For the sake of his sect h <<less
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Ziri rated it
April 18, 2018
Status: c98
Interesting novel its different from the rest.

He doesn't go looking for a fight.

Knows how to advantage of his abilities instead of hiding them. He kills most enemy of previous lives instead of killing a strnger with no relation to him.

He knows how to take benefits.
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sidneyvan94 rated it
February 23, 2018
Status: c1330
I've read the whole novel and what I can say about it is that its a good story for reading and passing the time and had a lot of potential for improvement but somehow the author got tired of writing and rushed the ending. Overall its an enjoyable story and like every other story you will always find some parts you like, some parts you don't and the authors mistakes.

if you ask me whether I recommend reading this or not I say yeah go for it.

here is what I liked... more>> and what I didn't like about this novel.


i liked how the protagonist's harem is there for the whole novel


the story's title would make more sense if it had something to do with him being an alchemist

the plot wasn't well planned

so you find instances where the protagonists cultivation in the story is too fast and the cultivation realms aren't enough so the author tries to find excuses for reducing the cultivation speed like cultivating too fast is bad for your foundation, the protagonist has to reduce some cultivation levels so that his cultivation is more pure, the protagonist has to take ages to stabilize his foundation.


the worst mistake when it comes to cultivation in the story is like the author spent a lot of chapters describing the protagonists process of cultivation e.g how he stabilizes his foundation, how he enhances his cultivation's purity how he balances his elements respective cultivation. This happens like more than half the story which is past chapter 900 only to make the protagonist discard his cultivation and start from scratch. So this decision makes the first half of the story pointless because even though he recovers his cultivation to human immortal in like 50 chapters he doesn't go through the whole process he did in the first half of the story.

the author breaks the rules of the story's world and it feels like he contradicts himself.

he describes how cultivation shouldn't go too fast, should make your cultivation pure, shouldn't use external objects like pills to increase cultivation, should stabilise foundation, increasing cultivation too fast consequences would be insuficient mood and yet at the end of the day all these only apply to the MC and his wives like no one else does this in the story or even doing so can be fixed easily.

mistakes like forgetting which cultivation realm the protagonist is in.

loose ends

some of the disciplines he was supposed to receive weren't even mentioned in the story in the end he only took like 3 discipines of which their character werent developed.

a lot of the chapters the protagonist spends training but the protagonist rarely fights.

bad character development

the roles of his wives and concubines are to be messenger's of the sects or just making tea or alcohol (being housewives) in the story despite how the author author used to describe how they were well known strong characters in the story.

the other concubines don't have character development its so bad to the point the group of cocubines from 5 elements sect are described with one word murong 5 sisters no individuality. the author tries to make the MC like a type of dark hand who manipulates things from the shadows which fails miserably because despite how the mc's plans are complicated nothing ever goes wrong which is very unrealistic because no matter how good someone is at making strategies not all plans ever go 100% right.

the story's quality drops at the final world in the story

the final world's chapters are less than 200

most of the people the MC meets at the final world are at the like the last stage of cultivation including servants so the author cant even describe how strong the top characters are by cultivation level. <<less
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KKristen rated it
November 13, 2017
Status: c197
I finally dropped this series after months of not being able to motivate myself to read the newest chapters.

Basically, an immortal is betrayed and killed, and he's reborn as his younger self in the past. Because he somehow remembers hundreds of tiny details about the future, he uses them to quickly gain an OP amount of killing intent, super weapons, storage space, secret garden, treasures, super skills, talents, etc etc etc.

This series is only interesting if you want to see how rich and powerful a guy who knows everything can... more>> get. Everything comes way too easily to him for hundreds of chapters, and there is zero suspense since he is never in any danger. Basically, he just used his cheat knowledge to level up endlessly without any challenges.

The writing isn't great. Lots of huge word/info-dumps and a veeery slow pace. The first 50 chapters are more interesting than anything that comes after. The other characters (whether they are friend or foe) are all super 1-dimensional. Typical arrogant villians, loyal beasts, easily-impressed girls. Their personalities don't develop unless the MC makes them develop.

The translation quality isn't too bad. Maybe 4 out of 5. <<less
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pomoli rated it
October 31, 2017
Status: --
Pretty good for a xianxia WN.


  • MC makes sense, and while he isn't the best MC around, he's pretty good natured, staying low key when necessary, actually using his knowledge of the future instead of brute forcing everything. I especially liked how he resolved

    the conflict in the desert, making two big sects at each others throats.

  • The story is interesting overall.
  • Not all of the side characters are psychopaths.
  • The romance is not bad, though it could have been way better.

  • Too much s*upid arrogant antagonists.
  • Not enough development of side characters.
  • Too many repetitions everywhere. It is really tedious sometime to see the same thing repeated over and over in a chapter, just to make it artificially longer.
  • Too much techno-babble, with entire arcs around that.
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Much Much mrm
Much Much mrm rated it
September 11, 2017
Status: c34
This must be the s*upidest MC known to Mankind.

He came from the future only to ignore minor matters and only focus on his goal, when he is clearly laying obstacles for himself and changing the future.

For example...

... more>>

He was to execute a girl but he knew she would be saved and join a specific sect. But by him being in the same city and drawing people in that shouldn't have come, he changed her future and his. Because that girl ended up in the wrong sect and the person that saved that girl was a famous female cultivator and that cultivator gave the MC a gift and with that gift the MC antagonised many males and the MC keeps on making enemies with this as the base without caring about the future. It will be a miracle if the timeline hasn't changed hugely


I see this as the author having an excuse to keep this story going. <<less
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Oshino Shinobu
Oshino Shinobu rated it
August 25, 2017
Status: c208
Its a must read! If you like SOTR or ED etc this is for you. OP MC is very well done. Often the mc's future happiness feels one hair away from destruction.

Harem part is tiny so don't let that put you off.

You will regret not having read this sooner, trust me!
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Randydandy rated it
August 20, 2017
Status: c1330
Really great novel but it gets a little boring near the end and the end was also rushed ... more>>

I'm not even sure if he passed the last tribulation since he himself did not have to do anything at the end


Great characters and even the mc's women have some kind of personality (some of em and they lose it sometimes), their faith in him also gets annoying because he can do whatever he wants and everyone believes that it will be fine

Kinda annoying that as soon as MC gets close to a high boundary there are suddenly more people on that level than it seemed like, especially at the end of the mortal world.

MC stopped fighting after the mortal world lol


The enemies seem really s*upid sometimes but that's fine for me <<less
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LoneDK rated it
March 6, 2017
Status: --
The story started out decently enough, the MC is an average immortal gets resurrected, proceed to be awesome. It's quite well written until the point I dropped it (It's a very minor spoiler about the harem but I'll put a spoiler tag in it just in case). It's a bit generic but readable and a good time kill. The most interesting part of this novel is the revenge storyline and to be honest, everything else is kinda boring after a while. As I read more and more the only thing... more>> that kept me going was to see the revenge story plays out and I kinda skimmed over everything else because it's kinda just about the MC hoarding treasure and powering up which was not a good sign for it. I was willing to weather it out to see if it gets better then this sh*t happened.

So the harem started out ok. The MC seemed reluctant to take in harem member but the story of him building the harem is decent enough. And then the author decided the MC needs more trophy so he doubled the harem in one stroke and for the lamest excuse. It has been repeatedly said that the MC is this badass cultivator and highest level alchemist in the world so very few sects are willing to get on his bad side even the big ones as he can call on many allies. Not only that the MC said it himself that he wasn't going to expand the harem. Yet when the big sects sends women to his harem to be "concubines" to try to "strengthen" their relationship, the f*cking sect leader told him to take them it and he does it. Even if one of the women sent were from the sect he wanted to destroy, WTF?

So yeah, if you dislike that kind of harem, I would recommend a pass. For me, it ruined an otherwise passable story. <<less
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oezsoyb rated it
January 23, 2017
Status: c70
I do not understand why this novel has such good ranking. I would personally give it a 3 or 4 Stars. And here is the reason why: There are way too many explanations and descriptions of items/cultivations, this novel doesnt feel like a novel surrounding the MC, but more like an encyclopedia for cultivation. There is next to no dialougue at all, which makes it really tiring too read. I have to take a break every 5 chapters because of the mass of information.

Cultivation wise this novel is a huge... more>> 5/5, the descriptions and such are s bit confusing but still possible to grasp. Character, story and atmosphere wise this novel is a 1/5. Overall, If I wanted to read an educational book I could have went to the library, I dont need novels for that. <<less
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Nedrey rated it
September 16, 2016
Status: c147
Great start (5 stars back then), but I've scaled it down to 4 because of the lack of interactions and because the pacing really slowed down. Something else that bothers me: why hasn't he collected everything in his world yet after all the knowledge he picked up from his job (plot hole)
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cnicks032296 rated it
September 10, 2016
Status: c142
This book is a fantastic read, unlike other xiaxian novels the MC and the antagonists aren't ret*rds. It is similar to tdg but instead of focusing on his revenge and repeating his same mistakes, he takes advantage of his knowledge of the future to set himself up for the future. My favorite part is now at c142 he realized that he's getting c*cky, he calms down and forces himself to improve on his weaknesses. In other xiaxia novels after they get reborn they start acting even more c*cky and would... more>> die within 5 years if they didn't have plot armor, over all this is more like a fantastic book and has an extremely relatable MC that doesn't dwell on his mistakes too long and learns from his mistakes. <<less
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Invisalats rated it
August 19, 2016
Status: c134
This is a great novel so far.

I was leary about the premise of having an executioner as the MC but the author did a wonderful job of giving the reason for the MC becoming an executioner.

Also contrary to what might be said, there is a good reason for him gaining the abilities and treasures at a fairly fast pace. The MC is not just a walking plot armor in my opinion as we are given an explanation of how he acquired the knowledge, resources and abilities, and it is obvious... more>> that the mortal realm is just a required area of plot and not where the real story takes place.

The pacing is fine and the main character is intelligent but not infallible as at times his overconfidence can cause negligence. As for the side characters currently they don't have too much depth but it seems the author is focusing on getting the protagonist to where the real story starts and there are hints that some of the characters will become more active later with possibly more substance to their personalities.

I'll revisit this review after chapter 300. <<less
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niax rated it
June 15, 2016
Status: c40
The MC is not the usual arrogant prick they usually are. Also, he used his brains and wit to the extreme, which is very refreshing. Totally digging it so far.
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May 3, 2016
Status: --
I like the premise of the story, but there are too few interactions going on. If you like stories with a lot of narratives and descriptions with almost no interactions, then this novel is for you.
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Asf rated it
February 20, 2016
Status: --
The MC is smart and very manipulative. He is selective with his words and he knows what to do to make some people like him, stay away from trouble while getting the most benefits from them all.
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