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Gripes have their origins and debts have their debtors. We haven’t crossed each other in days past or present, nor formed any grudges. I am but duty-bound to carry this out, so apologies in advance!

In his past life, Yang Chen was a gentle person who was oppressed for his whole life.

Now that he’s reborn, he chose to become an executioner and severs ties and grudges with his executioner’s blade, killing all that climb onto the Immortal Executioner’s Platform!

Heads will roll! Humans’ in the human realm, demons’ in the demon realm, devils’ in the devil realm and immortals’ in the immortal realm!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Immortal Executioner
Slaying Immortals
Related Series
Tales of Demons and Gods (10)
The Human Emperor (9)
Transcending the Nine Heavens (6)
The Ruler Of Darkness (5)
Against the Gods (4)
Cheeky Sword God (4)
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  2. Novels That I Have Read Over The Years
  3. Op Mc / simulation systems
  4. My Main Novels
  5. what webnovels have to offer, my favorites

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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98 Reviews sorted by

Mod rated it
July 28, 2016
Status: c123
A great story about a righteous man who gets tired of being pushed around. Warning: infuriating enemies (although it does make you actually hate them which makes for good catharsis later). Overall an amazingly well thought out story about an unarrogant guy who just wants to protect everyone he loves in his next life and kill everyone who decides to try to hurt them.

dumb shits keep focusing on the fact that our boy Yang Chen was an executioner before a cultivator, better get their necks cleaned and ready for the mc's blade hehe

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Night rated it
June 7, 2016
Status: --
Smart MC and pretty good novel. I'm enjoying it. Not really like it thought.

This novel always trying to say MC has something like a supreme awesome wonderful 100% great treasure or technique or whatever it was but till now the MC cultivation really slow. So yeah it feel weird.

Anyways, you should just try read it.
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ththth12 rated it
March 31, 2016
Status: --
This is a good xianxia story. Especially the beginning is very interesting. MC knows a forbidden method to increase cultivation talent. He just needs to kill a lot of people for it. So he becomes an executioner. He can kill a lot of people legally, and he will also get rewarded for it. Start reading from Blue Silver Translations. That other translation is almost unreadable.


This was yet another disappointment. It became quickly generic CN novel, and MC started to defeat cultivators ridiculously above his own level. He claimed that he... more>> was lying low to not appear suspicious, and not to change history, yet he stared doing ridiculous achievements very soon. Everything to save face, of course.

2/5 <<less
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terraheart rated it
September 12, 2022
Status: Completed
Decent read, standard overpowered protagonist with large 1 dimensional harem. Also incorrectly tagged as xianxia rather than a xuanhuan - immortality isn't the goal, it's mainly revenge.

Reasons to read:

    • A lot of crafting/ alchemy chapters
    • Long chapters = decent read per chapter
    • Sect building throughout novel
Reasons to avoid:

    • Very slow pacing, rather than filler, many chapters have a lot of waffle
    • Below average romance, 1 dimension girls, very large harem
    • Only half translated - can read mtl on wnmtl. Org
    • Lack of action can mean those are use to standard arrogant bashing guilty pleasure novels will drop this
Okay ending but the 4.0 rating is much higher than this novel deserves. Overall, 6/10.
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mja rated it
July 31, 2020
Status: c167
This novels is disgustingly bad with very lazy writing literally everyone the MC meets other than his friends and elders become mortal enemies with him and will stop at nothing just to kill him or humiliate him. The author is either has no understanding of writing or he's so s*upid that he can only think of one way to create suspense which doesn't even work because the MC always wins overwhelmingly 100% which automatically robs any suspense that could ever exist.
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RajSanthosh rated it
December 8, 2019
Status: Completed
The whole story is a good one. A smart MC, a good alchemist, a famous figure.

He has 5- wifes, 8-concubines, 30 maids. But doesn't matter, it doesn't goes off the story.

The problem is the explanation, most of the things are explained for half the chapter, which makes readers bored.

The good things are

- demon monster continent

-Gongsun Ling's natal weapon

-becoming enemies sect secret disiple in spritual world

-refining the whole realm

There are no repeatativies, no arrogant young master who wants mc's wife and MC kills him and MC got chased by clan/sect and comes again to kill once he got powerup.

No fast powerups, well MC is litte faster, but he is like normal other geniuses.

And hero has a best plot armour, his sworn brother li cheng, who is a typical op character.
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dragonray250 rated it
November 14, 2018
Status: Completed
Overall the story was very well done. Harem was well done and each female character was developed well. Ending was a bit rushed and had some contradictions in the end but overall a good experience. MC's scheming and planning was very fun to read and how he interacted with his enemies and his wife's sects were pretty interesting to read as well. The novel can basically be summed up to 3 arcs: mortal realm arc, spirit realm arc and the immortal realm arc. The mortal realm arc took up around... more>> 60% of the novel spirit realm 30% and immortal realm 10% which made it seem like the story was rushed. <<less
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bushwhacker2k rated it
December 30, 2017
Status: c102
This is 90% repetitive talking about how using this chi cultivation technique will awe others and give incredible results, and about 10% talking and actually doing things (like fighting).

The important stuff (the character interactions and conflicts) are so minimal and overshadowed by the verbose nothing that it feels like it doesn't really have any substance.
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GDLiZy rated it
September 19, 2017
Status: c98
Well, Dropped.

The beginning of the novel is very promising with a lot of potentials.

But it keeps letting me down with MC making s*upid decisions when it comes to females, his master etc.

Pill concocting and cultivation is overly long with too many details like 10 chapters just for concocting a pill in the mortal world.

MC should be really wise or somewhat smart if he can survive to Golden Immortal but he keeps making weird and illogical excuse about many, many problems.
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lehur rated it
September 18, 2017
Status: c26
  1. MC very kind-hearted, he treated (someone who insulted him) with benevolence, e.g. His servant and even make them to be stronger (MC very caring toward other people)
  2. MC very coward, he only need cultivated and meet his master, but did it in roundabout ways, too many unnecessary moves (afraid as spy, or others foolish reason).
  3. MC weak, he lazy, every day only act like sage to give others pointer, and with little training.
  4. MC rubbish
  5. The advantage of this novel was having a good plot only (revenge for master and so on)
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shura_god rated it
August 21, 2016
Status: c135
This review is based on current translated chapters. I will add a rating once I read ahead and see if it is any good. So its one of those "reincarnated back to younger self" stories and its tries to use somewhat clever plot point to make the MC an OP character. And while it does go through the motions like other Chinese LN, the story is rather meaty. It has covered a lot of ground by chap 135. So it is meatier than other stories in the same league. I... more>> am enjoying this a bit but will be able to give a better review after reading the raws. <<less
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Danzerus rated it
August 13, 2016
Status: c142
If you pay attention, it actually uses a lot of Journey to the West's world buildings: immortal treasures, Jade Empress and Emperor, Heavenly Court, etc... Clever way to reuse those elements with the rebellion instead of making a new alternative world.

Again very solid and brilliant start. Not the incarnation but the beheading of immortals and learning their secrets. A strong foundation before the story and this novel has that. What's more, good romance and comedy are always a big plus in my book. Better than most xianxia novels available.

MC's schemes... more>> and is as sly as Meng Hao from ISSTH is what make it fun to read.

There are a lot repetitiveness in the way author tells story but you can go ahead and skip paragraphs to make the story smoother if you feel like. <<less
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
July 29, 2016
Status: c123
The first 20 chapters were absolutely terrible and hard to understand. The Ranking and sudden Power up, I had no idea what's going on. If it weren't for the fact that I've read a lot of Wuxias and know a little mythology I would be more confuse. I recommend not to read this as your first Chinese Novel. The paste of the story is unbelievable.

Half of a chapter = one arc. And I thought DSI was fast. But it does slow down after awhile. (It does change later)

The first... more>> few chapters the MC acts really dark. The little Comedy it has reminds me of Transcending the nine heaven or World defying Dan god. In the end its your other typical cultivating Wuxia. Nothing new and nothing fresh. Honestly it gets very boring & repetive. So I drop this. All he does is kill and characters are to plain and bland. No personality whatsoever.

The "Romance" is dam to obvious and boring.

This guy has no morals at all... so don't call him "Righteous" <<less
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Dao Seeker
Dao Seeker rated it
July 21, 2016
Status: c120
Although in this novel MC has yet to face any life or death moments, filled with many walk in the park scenerios, It is interesting in its own way because of narration. You won't hate this novel just because something isn't there, its an enjoyable read.
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sleib rated it
June 13, 2016
Status: c95
If you love xianxia, you will love this. This one is not some low level xianxia novel either, but definitely one of the high quality ones. Story is interesting, MC is interesting, world is interesting, cultivation path is interesting. The fictional world reminds me of mu*dering Heaven Edge's. There is also some mention of Chinese mythological creatures and gods. Also chapters are much longer than normal and I personally like it.
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sayadewa rated it
April 7, 2016
Status: --
This story is very good. A smart MC is always welcome in any story. Unlike other generic xianxia, this one has MC that truly knows how to solve problems without using powers that come from last minute plot armor breakthrough, but only with pure tactic. Utilizing every single minor thing he can use and his environment to defeat enemies above his level.

He is also a smooth talker. Able to control his emotions and attack the weak point in their “Grand” speech instead, making them lose much face. Very different than... more>> other xianxia MCs who will be angry and manipulated by other’s speech and ultimately ending in a death battle, winning by using plot power. He also know when to hide and when to show his power and knowledge to get more allies and turn his enemy's plots into his advantage instead.

Sadly, the people around MC, whether its his allies or the peanut galleries, are twice more idiotic than other xianxias. The peanut galleries always support his enemy even after they saw the enemy is proven on the wrong side and his allies are so s*upid they can’t even find one single culprit that always endangering MC even when said culprit come forward in front of the crowd and start spouting obvious bullsh*t that can make even a brain-dead person know that he is the one who did it.

Overall, MC 11/10, other things 2/10. I’ll just giving these 4 stars purely because of MC’s awesomeness. If only other things can reach standard xianxia I’ll give this 5 stars.. <<less
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hero.storm rated it
March 7, 2016
Status: --
Giving this novel a 2/5 from a 3.5/5 and writing another review after reading ahead of the currently translated chapters. Keep in mind that the review I'll be writing within the SPOILER tag contains spoilers. Do not read it if you don't want to get spoiled.

... more>>

I really like this novel. Just read my first review below about me wishing another translator picked would pick this up / edit the chapters because it's was that good for me. However...

It. Gets. So. f*cking. Drawn. Out.

Everyone knows that the main enemy of the MC in this current "world" / level is the Greatest Heaven Sect (GHS). Guess what? I read the raws up to chapter 615 before dropping it and THERE STILL HASN'T BEEN A MAJOR BATTLE AGAINST THE f*ckING SECT. You read that right. There have been extremely small clashes (in which the MC always wins) but that's about it. They're small and GHS doesn't know that the MC is the one behind it.

What happens between the current chapters and the last chapter I read is pretty much...

1) MC decides to travel outside the sect.
1.2) MC gets ambushed by GHS.
2) MC goes into some special area / different world and gets treasures.
2.1) If it's a different world, MC uses his skill refining in order to get rich in said world and buy / get some goodies. (And sometimes recruits monsters he meet into the sect)
3) MC gets ambushed by GHS (if he wasn't ambushed before going into the special area / world.)
4) MC either goes to his wives / goes to his sect.
5) MC gives his wives some power ups / gives his sect some powers ups. (Items or pills)
6) Pills are sold /traded to his wives' sects before getting sold / traded to whoever else (more expensive to the others, especially for GHS).

That's pretty much it again and again. (3 times from what I remember) They're all pretty much repeated fillers just to prolong the actual fight against GHS. It's obvious that his reputation / influence will have a hand in dealing with GHS be it by creating alliances / asking the sects he's had business with to do something to GHS. Too bad I never reached the actual fight because of how drawn out it already was.

Another thing is that EVERY SINGLE SECT especially his own is completely INCOMPETENT.

Anyway, just thinking of it grinds my gears so let me finish this off quickly. Basically, I'm dropping this novel. I mean... usually I read the raws to decide to whether to drop a novel or not (if it's not completely terrible). For this novel I did read the raws but I couldn't even stick it out long enough to read the conclusion of the MC's first major opponent. That's how badly drawn out it was. All I can think of is "oh he finally got some power ups and returned to the sect. I'm sure he'll finally fight GHS. Nope, time for the MC to go on a journey again.


Giving this novel a 3.5/5.
Honestly one of the most interesting beginnings among the novels I’ve recently read.

The major downside though is that it was only partially translated by Bagelson as a teaser and the new translator who decided to pick up the novel is leagues behind Bagelson in terms of translation quality. Lots of words missing, wrong grammar, constant switching from past tense to present tense, incorrect capitalization, etc. Feel free to read Ch.12 and compare it to Ch.13.

Also, after reading Ch.13 I decided to check the latest translated chapter (Ch.33) to see if the quality improved. The paragraph from that chapter I’m quoting below answers that question...


“... Yang Chen’s mind had already returned to his previous life and the memories of Gongsun Ling started appearing bit by bit.

cultiIn every sect, some genius disciples brimming with talent would appear and certainly Gongsun Ling was one of those genius disciples. The

And so in his previous life, Gongsun Ling... ”


Not sure if the word “culti” is a part of a sentence talking about cultivation or if it was just misplaced. Similar to how I’m not sure if the “The” there is just misplaced or an entire sentence was omitted.

Those being said, I’m honestly hoping the new translator picks up an editor or ups his translation quality. If he doesn’t, I hope another translator would decide to pick this story up. Until one of those things happen, I’ll be putting this novel on hold as the translation quality really kills the beauty and mystery of the novel for me.

• Update 1 (11:42 PM 3/22/2016) •

Noticed the good amount of updates released recently so I decided to check if the chapters were already edited. I first checked the Ch.33 (mentioned above) and was happy to find out that it has been edited. I Immediately checked Ch.13 (mentioned above and where I paused reading the novel) and found that it was also edited. Seeing that, I decided to resume reading the story. Unfortunately, it was only edited up to Ch.14. Reading Ch.15 the errors found in the previously unedited chapters were apparent. Hopefully the translator / editors continue to edit the rest of the unedited chapters, especially since there are sentences / paragraphs which feel like they state contradicting ideas and sentences / paragraphs which don’t make sense because of missing words.

Looking forward to checking for changes in a few weeks. <<less
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TheRockyAvalon rated it
December 25, 2015
Status: --
I finished reading chapter 12 yesterday, only to find out that the 12 chapters released were merely a teaser. I am truly saddened as this novel is very promising and, on top of being well written, was very entertaining to scroll through. I thoroughly advise anyone reading this review to go ahead and read the 12 chapters posted as each chapter is rather long and carries on the story nicely. You won't be left on any big cliffhangers, at least not of the unbearable type. The story feels very similar... more>> to TDG and other types where the protagonist comes back in time, under-powered but completely over-potentiated and start kicking ass immediately. Again, this story has great potential and I would suggest anyone reading this review to go ahead and indulge in it. I hope it gets updated soon! <<less
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Doll1234567 rated it
March 27, 2023
Status: c587
The MC is pretty weak minded. I liked the relationships he had until now it seemed to have a lot of potential for development. Suddenly 7 new woman get forced on the MC but he is unable to reject them. Even if the novels keeps trying to insinuate that the MC cares and isn't just h**ny. He clearly doesn't care about his wife's he treats them more like objects. I have the same problem with his pet dragon treated like some sort of weapon. On top of this the MC... more>> gets lots of chances to strengthen the sect but instead keeps trading his pills the things he clearly doesn't need in the coming thousand years. Also if the MC cares so much about his master SHOW that he does instead of creating a harem! <<less
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Mad jackal
Mad jackal
September 24, 2022
Status: c584
The story is too slowly passed to be interesting. The MC will go on for hundreds of years and have no progress in strength or ability but we are to sweep it under the rug because he is "laying foundation for future development". I tend to dislike a novel that does that for too long because it has never paid off before, and the author uses it to stretch out their work way too long. The other thing I tend to dislike is harem. Harems are for indecisive and wishywashy... more>> mc's that were born without testicles or a spine. Here are two things that cant exist in the same novel, a good romance that is in any way believable, and a harem. <<less
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