Welcome to the Nightmare Live


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Wen Jianyan was a fraudster that was best at deceiving people.

One day, he was suddenly forced to become a novice anchor in the Nightmare live broadcast room.

Wen Jianyan: “…..”

A newcomer became the most-watched anchor because he was too good at deceiving people.

He lied to his teammates to deceive the audience and NPCs. He could deceive people as well as ghosts.

Sooner or later this guy will overturn!

There were more and more spectators who were gloating with schadenfreude, looking forward for that day.

But…why was the mission in this live room getting more and more strange?

【Senior anchor’s side quest: Kiss the evil spirit for 30 seconds】

【Reward: Unknown】

【Top anchor’s main quest: Undress the evil god for three minutes】

【Reward: Unknown】

Audience: Oh, the streamer has mastered a new wealth code? Hurry up, there’s something our paying viewers can’t watch!

The top boss approached step by step, whispering temptations:

“How is it? Frying CP*? We can make the fake thing real.”

Wen Jianyan: “…..”

I’m sorry, I’m very principled, thank you for not deceiving yourself.

— Don’t come here!

*Frying CP means pretending to be a couple.

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Welcome to the Nightmare Live Room
Welcome to Your Nightmare
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44 Reviews sorted by

Nomiya rated it
November 4, 2023
Status: c337
Hey there! At first, I was a bit unsure about diving into this novel because of the number of chapters. But guess what? I got totally hooked and couldn't stop reading! It's that good! If you love horror, you definitely need to give it a try. Happy reading, fellow horror enthusiasts!
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KeyonDrenson rated it
December 9, 2022
Status: c20
MC is a bit villainous/ morally grey, character is a clever conman who tricks his way to survive through various infinite flow horror worlds, romance is not the focus in this story and is VERY SLOW but this isn't really a romance so that's okay
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