Welcome to the Nightmare Live


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Wen Jianyan was a fraudster that was best at deceiving people.

One day, he was suddenly forced to become a novice anchor in the Nightmare live broadcast room.

Wen Jianyan: “…..”

A newcomer became the most-watched anchor because he was too good at deceiving people.

He lied to his teammates to deceive the audience and NPCs. He could deceive people as well as ghosts.

Sooner or later this guy will overturn!

There were more and more spectators who were gloating with schadenfreude, looking forward for that day.

But…why was the mission in this live room getting more and more strange?

【Senior anchor’s side quest: Kiss the evil spirit for 30 seconds】

【Reward: Unknown】

【Top anchor’s main quest: Undress the evil god for three minutes】

【Reward: Unknown】

Audience: Oh, the streamer has mastered a new wealth code? Hurry up, there’s something our paying viewers can’t watch!

The top boss approached step by step, whispering temptations:

“How is it? Frying CP*? We can make the fake thing real.”

Wen Jianyan: “…..”

I’m sorry, I’m very principled, thank you for not deceiving yourself.

— Don’t come here!

*Frying CP means pretending to be a couple.

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Welcome to the Nightmare Live Room
Welcome to Your Nightmare
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July 2, 2024
Status: c540
I've finished up to yuying University arc in chapter 540 in the raws. What I can say is that the story is very fleshed out. There's a lot of details in each arc and a lotttt of world building! Considering each arc come close to around 100 chapters each. I really encourage you to read this novel and I fully recommend checking out the raws at the official website. I came to read this while waiting for 'turning' to update and I think this Novel imo is just as good... more>>

one point to note tho, as someone who frequently reads horror BL, this is the FIRST one that actually got me scared. Like legitimately SCARED. The author's ability to describe the horrors really got me scared to the bones. I thoroughly understand why MC is so scared all the time because I am literally feeling the same way as him. Which is great because I don't feel that MC being cowardly feels out of place in the novel at ALL. In fact when I watch the MC being so brave I feel like patting him on the back because I know I don't got the guts to do the same as him ahaha

Plot of the instances:


The instances are all linked to a much more bigger conspiracy that is the nightmare. The places mentioned in all the instances are all related.


I read a review about someone saying MC is too OP. But I disagree,


In fact the MC is ridiculously unlucky. He encounters a lottt of death flags and even came close to death once. He solves problems using wit and is known among anchors to be infamously cowardly since he always chooses to run rather than fight. He isn't equipped with a talent that is suited for combat and in that sense is much physically weaker than a lot of anchors. I don't think he is OP at all. Its because he is weaker that he must rely on wits to survive. But do not be confused, mc's talent is in fact one of the most powerful among the anchors. But because its too powerful it has high activation condition


the MC is a little cowardly but he is very brave. Which makes him really entertaining imo. One moment he is acting cunning and threatening people, the next moment he's hiding behind the wall vomitting from stress. I think this side of him is so cute! He is also very selfless but unwilling to show people this side of him so he lies and hides from his friends when he is hurt. When I read this novel I feel so much pity for him. He reminds me of wei wuxian a lot.

Who is the ML:


Not much information is known about what exactly is Wu Zhu but so far we know that he is the 'God Father'. A God that is imprisoned by the nightmare and in the sense kinda powers the whole instance. Nightmare is very afraid of him and has called Wu Zhu a 'BUG' that needs to be removed. He was once set free by an anchor (will not say who) and triggered a huge BUG in the nightmare and many instances were then forced to close to contain ML.

When MC first met ML, he was very aggressive at first and wanted to eat MC. But overtime he realises that he doesn't want to kill MC anymore and even finds him endearing. ML doesn't realise he likes MC but is very vocal in wanting to progress in their physical relationship. Btw they officially did 'it' ard chapter 540++. He is very possessive and you can see how he cares about MC and even worries about him when MC was injured. Imo he's very cute and sweet >< but you need to read to the later chapters first to see this side of him.


The other reviewers have talked about the upcoming arcs so I will simply write what I think is the direction of the plot in upcoming arcs. This is purely my opinion.


With the yuying University (as of v540) we are starting to see that nightmare's true colours. With MC close brush with death and *something that happened during this arc* MC has started to isolated himself further. Because of this I think ML's contributions to the story will improve from here on. He will start becoming mc's anchor and maybe MC will start to rely more on ML. This might mean that the relationship is going to progress! So I'm really happy but at the same time I think MC needs a hug.

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New Zavira rated it
June 15, 2024
Status: c497
I wont say anything about the plot, because its clear atp that this one is ABSOLUTE TOP TIER.

But the romance, god!!!! We got supeerr super little, but everytime ML comes on screen, I would : really on edge, squealing, or both. The tension is unmatched. Its really slow burn but when it burn, damn, its gonna be forest fire kind of burn. *Chef's kiss*
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Morfzine rated it
March 23, 2022
Status: c134
OMG YASSS, never would have thought that someone gonna pick this novel so fast. Now you might have think this will be similar to a certain unlimited flow novel that has both scammer MC x god ML also. But nope it's different and let's not compare them that much. Then let's talk about the character.

Our MC (shou), Wen Jianyan, is a scammer that have just succeeded on scamming one billion (dollar ?) but unfortunately got s**ked by Nightmare Live before he can enjoy his the fruits of his labora. He... more>> has great acting skill, skilled on psychological manipulation, and is fluent with most languages given as being a professional international scammer need those type of ability. But unlike many horror protagonist, he's actually really REALLY scared by the horror (and weirdly fond of children/babies ?).


btw there will be some kind of horror mpreg here, though the kids are not ML's so beware if you don't like it. *Cough-Cough* the author loves to make Wen Jianyan more breedable.


To the point that he would still throw up his ever living guts subconsciously even after experiencing many games. Now with that skill, that face, and that personality it's only natural that he's extremely charming and he absolutely knows that. Though for most of the time, there's only 3 type of situation where he uses that advantage which is :

    1. To seduce ML, so he can spare his live.
    2. Collecting information in anchor hall and teasing his sexually confused teammates (oh yeah sometimes he uses females skin / body cuz he needs multiple identity).
    3. Giving his cute fans fanservice (striptease), but for most of the time it's accidental.
Talking about fans, the viewer in this novel is actually likeable and not annoying ! (At the start it's typical skeptical viewers, but gradually they all turned into masochistic cuties :D). Generally his fanbase divided into 3 main group :

    • Strategy / career fans that loves how MC manipulating the environment to his own advantage
    • Schadenfreude that always laugh when the game dunked our MC or when he instantly got karma caused by his action
    • The simps. Wife fans, husband fans, girlfriend fans, mother fans, you name it. Some are sadistic (love it when MC got crushed) some are masochistic (want MC to step on them and scam all of their money) but they all agree to call MC = My Liar Wife (which I agree *nods*)
Now Jianyan love his dear his live, he rather be conservative playing this absurd death game. What secret item ? Completion rate ? For him living is winning enough. But a**hole game won't let him having it easy so he resort to a more 'radical' tactic which instead more often than not, breaks the game. The game goes bonker at him, so it put him to a more dangerous game but surprise, he survive, and also broke the game again, thus the cycle repeat. It's like that meme where 2 guys mad at each other:

"Please don't put me in a game that 2 level higher than my rank"

"How about YOU don't broke MY well designed game ?"

"Then don't put me there in the first place r*tard!"

"No YOU don't f*cking break my game up !"

That's one of the main comedy point of this novel. It's still scary and creepy, the comedy usually put when the thriller part is (temporarily) done so it won't disturb your immersion. The other point being MC's instant karma and how he has sh*t luck but got a luck based skill.


See that apple on the cover ? That's his skill. It revolves around making his lies come true but with his negative luck it's nearly useless unless the plot said otherwise


Example of it :


In arc 2, the game suddenly threw in a new faction to oppose MC's and his allies to try to balance the game (it's 3 vs 17-20 btw). So he sneak onto the opposing team by pretending to be NPC, but when victory on sight, the game summon a big red arrow to point on him (or rather the item in his hand) LMAO


Sorry for my rambling on Wen Jianyan I just love him so much. Anyway, to other topics

ML, uh yeah there's not much about him at this point other than him gradually regaining his self awareness, memories, and power. He goes from an innocent monster that just want to eat a meal after eons of slumber to the sadistic perv we see in recent chapter. Kinda forgot what his name is but it's 'Witch's Candle' or something (prob bad MTL). He's a mirror god, with tomes all over his body, and also has shadow tentacle.


He will also bestow MC with some kind of tomes in his belly that look like a succubus mark and will get hot if near his fragment hehe :3


MC's will have many teammates, females also (btw the females here are very well written though there not much of it in early chapters). His teammate is basically a victim association squad lol, they are so done with Wen Jianyan sh*t but will always protect him to the last moment (cuz he's not the combat type). Here his teammates and their role :


Males :

    • The guy in arc 1 = His power is tarot, a fore casting skill, skill which was rare and are monopolized by one of the biggest guild. Though in arc 1 we see him kinda silly, he's pretty logical and calm after that (the kind that will roll his eyes when he sees MC 'seduces' yet another victim).
    • A sharpshooter that MC's 'kidnaps' from a mercenary group = Skill is optimized sense especially his eyes. A dumbass and blushed when seeing MC's female bodies.
    • Oh yeah, forgot to mention the gangster-looking guy who likes to bake.
    • And the guy who is basically just in charge of the governing/logistic matter of the guild (he's the previous president of the guild which MC owns now btw).

Females :

    • That girl who also has the surname 'Wen' = Skill is combat type (either whips or sword I always confused it with the other girl skill). A born leader and most likely gay. She's in a guild (will be out of it later cuz of 'reason') and also has a bad history with MC before her main introduction arc. I somehow suspicious she is MC's unknown sister or something cuz of the same surnames.
    • Only know she has western (code) name, is it laura or something ? = Illusion/auxiliary type of skill. Not a impactful as the 2 other girls, but she is the righthand women of the previous girl.
    • Blue hair girl = Also a leader, combat type skill and I think she's the one that uses whips ? Very capable too as seen as how she can bring a team with no guild to higher rank.
And here is my rank of all arc (except the newest mental hospital cuz I will only read it after author done writing it) (from good to average) (maybe some small spoilers) :

  • Based on monster design creepiness : Antai Community-arc 3 (paper dolls are creepy AF), Fukang Hospital-arc 2 (hmm body horror), Fantasy Amusement Park (return to frogge), Decai Middle School (it IS an introduction arc so don't expect something fancy, still good tho).
  • Based on the thriller : Fukang Hospital (sleep with corpses and doing things alone is not pleasant), Decai Middle School (the statues and constant pursuers), Fantasy Amusement Park (although lots of peps, every rides has player limit), Antai Community (probably cuz I already sus on who's the mastermind, not really scary except the paper dolls).
  • Based on logic chain + action = Fantasy amusement Park (rule solving's always good, the rides are AMAZING even though I don't expect much from it. The possible death scenario is like final destination + resident evil), Fukang Hospital (the challenge in every floor is exciting to read + the unexpected final confrontation is just *chef's kiss*), Antai Community (it's a bit similar with arc 2, they have unexpected faction battle but this one is more one man show cuz it uses 'trick' rather than 'deception', you got what I mean if you have read it), Decai Middle School (It mixed with some newbies so they relatively easy to use/lied to).

My personal favorite is Fantasy Amusement park if you can't see it already, because really, it's just THAT good

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hy-d-ra rated it
May 12, 2022
Status: c301
Jianyan is the best Ghost Mom :') You'll understand, if you read it *wink*

I'm kind of late to the camp, but let me shove in my bossom, I've been boasting this author so much, since the day I found them and in every review under every novel that's been translated and put on NU and recommending their novels and the reason is very simple - I fell in love with their non-mainstream type of writing and storytelling. Same is for this story.

What type of main character that we've seen in Infinity Flow genre by this time? We have seen Infinite Flow stories with MCs who act all collected and never afraid, as if they don't visit ghost-filled and blood-scented dungeons, but take a walk in their backyard. They might be... more>> ghosts themselves or simply humans that do not conform to the typical behavior, they do have a certain appeal. We also have seen the scaredy cat type, which is basically "I'm scared, but I will somehow survive through with screams and shouts". This is our comedy-type personality that makes the readers laugh. The other comedy-type personality that we've also seen so far is the easy-going type. So. Which type is WJ? None of those (imo :D).
When it comes to Sangwo what they did is to present you a character that is a manipulative fraudster with a glib tongue, who has amazing skills of confusing people into believing him, he can play tactics, which is he so good at. Yet he's a complete wuss. All WJ did prior to getting trapped in this horror was to swindle people out of their money, by his thinking and actions and also backstory you know he didn't do it for a day or two, he's a PRO, all capital letters. He was about to enjoy his life and was about to go on an early retirement with piles of spoils he earned through years, but was trapped in this bloody game. He can't be called a good person. Period. With such a combo he's almost the most fitting and least fitting person for Infinity Flow bloody game. Because it's Nightmare Live, entertain to death, baby! His wuss ass will be on the verge of nervous breakdown, he will be scared to death inside, but his face will never show it. Which is totally refreshing off the bat. Yes, we know he's not really a good person, but others aren't good either most of the time, he can con even more or less good-natured people, though he won't do anything bad to them, he may intentionally or not get everyone on his own pirate ship though XD but with his nature of being like that, he won't give anyone full sencerity, he may rely on you, he can include you in his crazy plan when dealing with dungeons and bosses, he can even save you, but the question will still hang in the air - did he do it because he cares or did he do it, because I'm useful. What also bought me that despite being a fraudster and cheating people you can see his intelligence, his adaptability, many things he trained himself to do, which not only show his professionalism in his own field, but also that he actually trusts himself more than others and he works hard himself to solve what is happening around him.

The cute part about WJ in dungeons is not only his nature that swindles people left and right, but also how he goes against rules and it blows out of proportions. The game isn't ready for his finding loopholes, doing sh*t so yolo that the game goes mad about him.


If you read few arcs, you know WJ's shitty luck isn't the only thing that goes against him, but the game itself changes and tries to fix WJ. If you read the mental hospital arc and the amusement park then I'm sure you reached the part where WJ makes a deal both with the game and with ML. Double agent uhuhu. It's not explained in detail how our ML appeared and why his shards are in every dungeon and we also don't know how Nightmare Live came around BUT we can assume that ML is some sort of god entity with immense power and his power was shattered and used for this game, while ML wants the awakening, the game on the contrary doesn't. WJ wants to get rid off ML (on the surface, who knows what he's thinking), but it's a hard thing to do. So he agreed on both sides and allegedly helps. I think this turn of events is very exciting!!

ARCS: The best part I think is that the arcs and stories actually make sense, they're not some nonsense randomized where MCs just find things out of nowhere or you can't wrap around your head like what is going on or they solve stuff btw, but actually you can feel simple, but nicely put together plots for each dungeon, not to mention that in this novel like in the previous novels by this author we see the main storyline (the awakened God and also what is this Nightmare Live even is) going on in the background of the arcs.


Tbh the further it goes the more insane it becomes! The school arc was most tame since it was an introduction. The hospial was exciting, after all it was truly like a horror game scenario. AND THE BABIES! Omg why they're so ghostly and creepy, but also cute?! Most memorable after all and I was SO HAPPY he could take them with him outside of the arc! The community arc was a true horror and suspence. Amusement arc is creepy, but fascinating don't you find? Froggo. Nursing home/mental hospital was even crazier. What a pun. But dealing with every crazy patient that wanted to chase WJ and trying to deal with dungeon was something. THE RED DRESS, okay? I've been hoarding chapters of consequent arcs, because it's cool to read it all together. Let's accept arcs are long, not everyone likes that *wink*

Oh yes, about the "ROMANCE". It can't be called that (by now), let's be honest :D And actually, I do think it's very reasonable that WJ is not all hung up on the ML and vice versa. When we start we're not even a hundred miles near what can be called romance and I'm not surprised, because this author is on the side of a slow burn and this slow burn is so slow that you'll doubt if they ever turn out together :'D Joking.. Or am I? Anyway, their meeting isn't the best start so don't be surprised that WJ basically wants to get rid off this unknown and dangerous entity. Also don't be surprised if the ML, who is also like an ancient god of horror does not go all romantic on his knees with a bouquet of flowers and instead is more inclined to eating WJ.. Literally. At least I can applaud that everyone is in place and does not act out of character all of a sudden. Trust me, it's my hidden pet peeve when things are described in a sloppy way with attraction after first sight.


But, can you be mad? Let's be honest. WJ just wants to survive and our god certainly doesn't even know what feelings are. No wonder he just wanted to eat WJ at first and later some parts did seem steamy (>.>) Not to mention our god marked WJ with a tattoo. Also the mental hospital was the steamiest so far, after all the shard assimilated with those guys. These are all bits and pieces. Not romantic at all. But what would you expect from someone like them and in the situation like theirs?


Oh yeah. Although it's still on-going, but I don't expect to be disappointed in the slightest. I know this author, I know their ability, they've been consistent. The only difference is that they really let go with this novel and it's way-way longer than previous ones. Good or bad is up to you. I find it a good point, because WJ is charismatic to me, it's funny to read about him, the storyline is interesting, sometimes text even becomes sultry, anyway it's refreshing. The stories can be touching or disturbing, but I find it all good. And I hope for you to enjoy it as well :)

ALSO! Watch out for the novel's page, each arc gets new cover and I find it fun to follow. <<less
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Salted Eggie
Salted Eggie rated it
March 10, 2022
Status: c172
Mtl-ed of course. Readable which you can see the plot and outline whatsoever. But the rules, dungeon and prop are not that understandable. Translated may been better but I'm tempted to just read it lol.

I'm not giving any spoiler (I try). Fraudster MC as in the summary. An unlucky fraudster that always get into troubles but actually timid. I don't really understand his real self. He's good and bad but all in his calculation. Maybe some not but he still overcome it. He's charming but not really using that (use... more>> only on pe*vert ml). Overall likable.

ML is a obsessive bastard that claim want to eat (literal eat) MC that actually just a lunatic pe*vert. I kinda hate n like his nature. I like novel where ML keep showing but this one is a dilemma. Cuz MC suffer if ML appear.

The dungeon to me is SCARY. There's monster or ghost everywhere. Thankfully its mtl that I read as fast as possible. And MC fraudster nature help alleviate that scary part.

4.8/5 cuz its not completed yet. Overall, satisfying read! (I'll reread after translated) <<less
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dday0425 rated it
April 10, 2022
Status: c202
I'm already addicted! 😭 It's so hard now that it's still ongoing and I have to wait for the new chapter.

The overall story is fire. 🔥 As a horror novel, the author has done an extremely excellent job. The story is creepy, thrilling and super entertaining. It's not as light-hearted as it sounds in the synopsis, instead the tone of the story is rather serious, both in copies and main storyline. The plots are complex but not confusing as the story is very well organized and constructed. I really appreciate... more>> the fact that the story direction is more towards ghost/superstitious beings instead of mystery solving. ❤️ Moreover, there are many unexpected surprises within and between the copies, which make me feels both excited and emotional. The connections between each copies are also set up very well. The pacing is great. It's quick, concise and comprehensive, and it isn't boring at all despite me reading all of it in one go.

The character developments so far are more from the side characters. Although it's slow, but still noticeable. Each of them have so many rooms for the development, and I sincerely wish to see them more in the future. On the other hand, the MC's character is very consistent. So far, there is no significant change in his character since he's set as someone who is very good at concealing himself. His character is very hard to determine to be honest. He's smart, focus, ruthless, loyal (to his friends), has clear goals and bottom lines, yet at the same time he's cunning, deceiving and very insincere. However, despite carrying all those bad traits, this man is still charming af. I lost count how many times I was fascinated by him. He's probably one of the most interesting and attractive MC I've ever seen.

I have no comment on ML though. He's scary and uncomfortable. As much as I love this story, with how the story progressed so far, I don't think the romance is necessary at all. 🤔 Although I quite like the main storyline related to ML, their relationship is just too uncomfortable and unhealthy. Now, I kind of hope he will appear less, and that the story will focus more on the MC and his teammates. <<less
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August 8, 2023
Status: c492
As of right now, I am reading on JJWC through MTL (which has been surprisingly painless) and am just about caught up with the raw updates, so I thought I should write a comprehensive review of the story so far, seeing how there aren’t any other reviews up to date. I will give an overall review of the plot, characters, and romance, and then a more in depth review of each arc. It will be (mostly) spoiler free!

But first I’ll address if the story is worth reading—

It is. For sure... more>> it is! It is epic, exciting, plot intensive, but be warned, very slow burn!


WTNL is an unlimited flow horror story, meaning it is somewhat episodic. The MC, Wen Jianyan, is suddenly elected as a Nightmare Live broadcast anchor and must survive through different horror scenarios called “instances” or “copies.” Despite each instance seemingly existing on its own, more and more information is revealed as the story progresses, and there is in fact an ultimate goal. The individual instances vary, with some consisting more of mind games and others being a bit more action intensive, but they all have a healthy mix of both. I will talk more about the copies later, but the overarching plot is really. Damn. Good. Nearly 500 chapters in, and this story absolutely has the potential to go 1000. If the author doesn’t rush it, I don’t doubt that it will.
The highlights of the plot are definitely the connect-the-dots sort of epiphanies, plot altering/out of the box thinking, team bonding, and the MC figuring his way out of intense, life threatening situations. It really is exciting! As for its downsides, it can get a bit repetitive, and Wen Jianyan is almost always right, and almost always wins, even when it doesn’t seem like the logic of his conclusions are completely foolproof. The story is not emotionally heavy, which I personally prefer. That’s not to say it’s lighthearted at all, it’s just going to entertain and excite you rather than depress you.


MC: Wen Jianyan is incredibly intelligent, but not without flaws. He is very good at putting on a mask—acting more sociable or perhaps less afraid—which comes from his past as a con artist. I adore the fact that he is not the “nothing fazes me” sort of MC. He has a unique way of expressing fear, but he is not quite fearless. He doesn’t shy away from working with others, however he doesn’t really include them either. He only directs them. This is a flaw I saw mentioned in another review, the “just trust me, ” practically becoming a catchphrase of his. The good thing is, both the story and other characters address this as a character flaw! It is not merely a, “sit back and let me show you my power, ” sort of thing. Character development happens at a rate that feels like real time, so it is slow. But the breakthroughs of any character are emotional. We still don’t know much about Wen Jianyan aside from what he is willing to show, as he is a very guarded person. However, it is clear there is a lot the author is wanting to tell!

TLDR—very intelligent, but still with some proper flaws, sociable, and guarded. A pretty decent and very entertaining main character.

ML: I won’t be saying much to avoid spoilers, but the ML is powerful and non-human. He is intriguing from the start, but it takes him a while to get decent characterization. Really, he only appears one to a few times an arc. I’d say he’s a bit typical. Not bland, just typical. There definitely seems to be more to come with his character though, so I’m hoping the author takes it in a unique direction! There are mixed reviews on him being a good or bad ml, but at the very least, I don’t find him detestable. He is actually pretty easygoing considering the current dynamic. I will talk more about this in the romance section.

TLDR—typical, but not without potential. Maybe a bit controversial.

Side Cast: The cast starts small and builds up over the course of the story. The author does a very good job of combining realism with characterization, which makes the characters both relatable and recognizable. At first, the side characters don’t have much to offer. Su Cheng is a decent but not exactly important sidekick. C*ckscomb is fun, but again, not that essential. This all changes in my favorite arc, the Fantasy Amusement Park, where we meet Wen Ja, Yun Bilan, and Lilith. Yun Bilan grew to become a top three favorite character of mine, and she just keeps getting better. She’s a girl boss and a good friend. Lilith was some of the best writing the author has done so far. She was so painfully realistic. Then, we soon get to meet my personal favorite character, a little devil who I’ll keep the identity of a secret, and from then on the side characters start getting a lot more attention and development, though not to the point where it gets in the way of the main story.

TLDR—starts of somewhat poorly, but improves drastically and puts out some great side characters!


I should first note that at chapter 492, the MC and ML are still two people who don’t get along on the opposite sides of a bet rather than lovers in any sense. Although tension of a more, ahem, s*xual nature has been there since the first meeting, and a romantic plot line is not entirely absent, it is truly slow burn. I will argue that works best that way, though, as the two are naturally getting closer through shared goals, gaining interest, and learning more about each other. I want to address the idea that there is a power imbalance between the two. There is, and there isn’t. It’s important to note that, despite Wu Zhu being a more powerful entity, Wen Jianyan matches and even surpasses him with his wit and abilities. I don’t think readers need to worry about said power imbalance when Wen Jianyan has not technically lost to Wu Zhu even once. Next, Wu Zhu is not a great person. But neither is Wen Jianyan. For all Wen Jianyan has done, Wu Zhu’s actions and reactions are pretty reasonable. Even lenient at times. There are moments where it gets a bit iffy, but I just don’t think it’s that bad. (The way I described it made it sound toxic, but it really isn't? It’s so hard to explain).

TLDR—Slowburn. The romance is decent. It is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea—it’s far from wholesome, but it’s not that toxic either.


I’ve read this novel over the course of a few weeks, so this is not going to be that specific.

Arc 1: School— The first chapter is immediately engaging. One of the coolest openings I’ve ever read. Go see for yourself! This first arc is pretty short and helps the ready get an understanding of the world and the main character without holding your hand through it. It’s a good introduction.

arc 2: Hospital— a little weirder for sure. At parts it was a little uncomfortable. Not too different from the first arc, this one didn’t stand out.

arc 3: Apartment Building (Antai community) — we get a lot more info on the ML in this arc. It’s also more gruesome than the previous arcs and introduces pvp!

arc 4: Fantasy Amusement Park—probably my favorite arc. Original, gross, fast paced, multiple threats, a rule based system, emotional, and the biggest breakthrough to the main plot!

arc 5: Sanatorium—this was a pathetic drop off compared to the previous arc. The first 2/3rds are painful. Fan service, the MC got inexplicably dumber, and it’s just, meh. The last 3rd, however, managed to create one of the coolest moments in the novel. Information lined up perfectly so that the reader could experience the realization with the MC, and it’s just really epic the way the arc ends. Hard to rate, because it is the worst arc, but it has the best scene.

arc 6: Department Building—this one has different levels that the characters have to progress through. It’s does get too repetitive in my opinion, but it was well thought out. Here we also get my favorite character, and a better look into abilities and the intentions of the system.

Arc 7: Hotel— this would have to be my second favorite arc. It is a PvP arc, though with a lot of PvE, and it feels like a step up in difficulty from the previous arc. We also get great side character moments, strangely adorable ML/MC interactions, and some much needed character development, or at least hints of it.

arc 8: University—current arc. This arc is very long but also really enjoyable. I’d definitely put it in the top three with the Amusement Park and the Hotel, though I'm not sure if it would place first, second, or third. Real progress seems to be being made in the romance line, a final deal is born, and death has been closer than ever. This arc has me excited for the future of the novel.

It’s been 500 chapters and we’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg. So much potential, and it looks like it’s heading in the right direction! I would 100% recommend this to anyone looking for entertainment. Welcome readers to the Nightmare Live ;). <<less
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Blithe rated it
January 15, 2023
Status: c285
What an intriguing MC! What a thrilling plot! Let me tell you I haven't placed my phone down since I started reading this novel.

I adore the MC. He is just brilliant. Every arc keeps me at my toes whether it is the horror, the plot or how the MC manages to escape the throes of death each time. Honestly I'm too dumb to understand how the MC thinks but it nonetheless delights me to read about his brilliance.

I've been getting very tired of reading novels where the MC is cool... more>> until they are in front of the ML and suddenly they are the most submissive person in existence. Thus our unyielding MC made me admire him more. Tbh the tension between the MC and ML is quite ehemmmm...... interesting *blushes*.

I couldn't wait for the novel to update so I mtled. Some chapters were missing and it isn't completed. That's literally the only thing that stumps me about this novel. <<less
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Rida rated it
April 13, 2022
Status: c195
Extremely slow burn.

Up to chapter 195, the ML feels some lust for the MC but the MC is thinking about betraying and double-crossing him.

I feel the MC is frustrating at times and I can't be bothered waiting for updates to see how the MC and the ML's relationship progresses. Maybe I'll come back and pick up where I left off once the novel is completed.
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Kerry976 rated it
March 27, 2023
Status: c68
I just finished Supernatural Movie Actor and when I look back at this... it looks especially dull.

The first few chapters felt fun. I enjoy a lying MC. It's just... I don't like how the author forces other characters to trust these lies. As if no one can doubt MC's words because he has the 'aura'. Believe me, some of the lies are childish but are believed only because MC looks beautiful enough. Like what the hell.

MC can be considered smart when he can think better than me, the reader, surprise... more>> the reader, and make me exclaim in satisfaction. If his lies can only be believed by the deliberately dumbed-down characters, not me, he isn't worth it. Other characters always believe him.... Always is such a boring word.

Ah, don't mind me, I just miss Xie Chai. And wished I could find an alternative in this MC, but got disappointed. But...

This novel actually isn't bad. The instances are good. If I don't mind those half-baked lies, I enjoyed how he solved the instances. So, if you can endure the repeated use of "aura" which seems to be the norm in every novel, it is enjoyable. Ah, yes, don't expect romance. It's barely there. ML appears only for a moment and that too after an instance ends. ML appears every 20 chapters and just for a few lines. So, romance isn't worth mentioning. <<less
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michaslbabe rated it
December 31, 2022
Status: c42
WOAH this is good. There's no romance as of yet, but I don't even care about that- I just wanna watch the MC be the best conman in the world. He's so funny and the horror is actually scary, but there's still a comedic undertone due to the MC's scamming. Stellar novel and excellent translation!!!
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Popsicles rated it
October 18, 2022
Status: c36
Coming from someone who had read the latest translation, I really have to say this: Prepare your tissues QAQ

While this novel is thriller (supernatural thriller!) mystery, the amount of tears that I shed because of Chapter 36 is unbelievable. So, brace yourselves. There'll be gut-wrenching gore, comedy gold timing, characters shooting their own foot and walking into a lion's mouth, and of course! A whole lot of scamming by yours truly.

Wen Jianyan, the unfortunate protagonist, strives to survive in the Nightmare Live. Be it scamming his peers or even... more>> the gong, he will do anything to survive! As well as giving fan services to his dear subscribers ;)

Let's root for our brother Wen! The one and only scammer to f*cking scam the instance!

Ah, I really want to put spoilers here.

"A mother for a day is a mother for life!" Or something like that. Cue tears and snot for our dear blue-purple babies QAQ


Remember, everyone: Entertain 'till death! <<less
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March 9, 2022
Status: --
It looks like good (base on the summary). I also like the cover especially the long haired guy (he looks like lan wangji fron the manga MDZS 😂😂😍)...

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April 29, 2022
Status: c150
I'm absolutely tortured by the ongoing status of this novel... it's really good, it might be one of my favorites but I haven't decided yet. Although the CP/romance-line doesn't really appeal to me because of how it leans a little too much into sadism (and it's slow burn progress so these parts are way longer than necessary) -- I like the story/instances and the MC's operations enough to just ignore the romance-line. If it could be called romance?

Honestly no part of it appeals to me, the 'I kill you, you... more>> kill me' enemies to lovers trope is nice when it's done right - but this leans a little too much into the 'no I will really kill you/there's no distinction between me and other antagonists in this story actually' territory. I don't know how to describe it, but after I got to the sanatorium arc the sadism just went up a notch and it's. Ugh. Anyways it's not sexy to me specifically so I stopped here first, waiting for the novel to be completed before I keep reading. High risk high reward is nice, but it can't just be the same type all the time.. anyways... <<less
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April 24, 2022
Status: c75
Don't read review, the following are spoilers. Wen Jianyan renamed his stream room as < Integrity First > or <Integrity above all>. Shameless! [Reader donates +50 reward points] Later, he mischievously named their team, <Law-abiding and good citizens team>. 😅😭 [Reader donates 100+ reward points]

I had just finished reading the first instance. I'm living for Wen Jianyan's character profile. A conman who's afraid of ghost but can spout bullsh*t without batting an eye. He's got a talent for remembering details that proved to help with creating his new persona to... more>> camouflage himself amongst NPCs and Anchors. If you treat him well, he won't disappoint you- well, he'll try to suck you dry still but not worse than his enemies. If you like vicious protagonists, well, probably not for you. His way of clearing missions is not usual, if his mission involves sacrificing an innocent whether they're anchors or NPCs, he will not do it in that capacity, but instead try to do the mission in a much harder way with no bloodshed. His trademark is offending everyone in the instance. To quote and unquote from Wu Zhu, "You always find a new way to offend me every time." He's asking for a beating, it was very intense to read ah!!!

I really like the barrages, it's very entertaining especially since their reactions whenever Wen Jianyan pit another person or successfully deceive an NPC, it was very exhilarating! The system is capitalist! The store prices are inhumane for rookies, the income share charges robs you in daylight, and contract must be terminated.

The instance was original and was solved by our protagonist but I don't know why I feel something's missing.

The anchors' assigned initial character settings in the instance has no bearing in the actual scene. Like seriously, they got no relationship with the plot they need to uncover. They don't need to abide by some rules or the personality and duties that their characters need to observe. (Which makes it easier for our protagonist to trick his poor victims). They could be just playing as guests and it would not change a thing. 🕯️ Before I forget, compared to other novels I read, this is not scary at all. Or maybe it is just me? I did not read this yet in a translated fashion so the nuances might had been lost. OF COURSE THIS IS STILL JUST A JUDGEMENT AFTER READING 1-20. Might change on later arcs.

Last translated status: c8

1-20 Decai Middle School
21-40 Fukang Private General Hospital


Hoh~? I wonder if Mr. Mirror is one of the former anchors turned NPC due to exceeding the limit of using supernatural powers in the instance? It can't be it was only mentioned in the passing by the commenters, right?

41-70 The blessing of the goddess of luck in the happy community


I really like Su Cheng! He's very interesting and now slowly adapting to the shenanigans of Wen Jianyan.

Su Cheng does not panic after seeing the other anchors conceal an important matter from the NPC [Wen Jianyan]:

In this world, anyone can be tricked. Only this guy [Wen Jianyan] doesn't. He's the one who will cheat. This liar must be up to something else!

In addition, this innocent anchor will be soon corrupted by our protagonist ah. :&Gt; HAHA, I like these types. I remember Qiao Yifan developing his strategy like these after being influenced by Ye Xiu, Wei Chen and that guy from One Hundred Blossoms.

Damn, I can't. This Wu Zhu's so extreme. I was very anxious even though I know that our protagonist's life won't end there.



75- Fantasy Amusement Park <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
January 8, 2024
Status: c165
THANKS TO MORFZINE'S REVIEW! Honestly attracted me to read this after reading the review! I wholly agree with what they said lol! I'll probably MTL the rest, dunno yet but this novel is honestly so good hahaha! I personally find it rare to find an MC like this. Not that I hate other MCs but finding one so vehemently refusing to fall in love. Always take advantage of others, even willing to want to kill the ML. Can't say you hate him because he'll make you LOVE him. Seriously recommend!
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luxe rated it
December 15, 2022
Status: c156
Initial arcs are so fun and exciting, especially the first one and second one - so spooky! However, the ML really sucks in this.

At first, I thought it couldn't be that bad like the reviews said. I've read many different MLs that are slightly possessive and jealous and bloodthirsty! But, this ML is a league on his own - especially when you get to the Ping An Sanatorium arc. What a circus, unless you enjoy a crowd of yandere all vying for your attention.

I really hope the arcs don't violently... more>> focus on the ML like this one. It was more interesting when they were independent stories that the MC could handle like thinly connected mysteries. I don't like how the worlds have started to pit him as soon as the npc/ML lays eyes on him instead of indiscriminate focus on all players until MC digs a pit himself. Because that's understandable. ML being a possessive creepy yandere god is not cool. <<less
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December 14, 2022
Status: c388
Wowwee! This novel kind of reminds me of another infinite flow survival novel, but based on my foggy memories, it seems that this novel has more detail. And thus, is more likable! Of course, because I read mostly MTL, there's no telling how off my actual initial impression is. However, there's no doubt that I enjoyed the novel quite a bit, and I'm looking forward to rereading it in the future (hopefully with the TL further along QAQ).

Summary: The MC (Wen Juanyan) is a fraudster that ended up being dragged... more>> into "Nightmare Live." Nightmare Live is a organization that captures souls from reality and forces them to survive through various inhumane, horror/survival instances for the sake of the audience's entertainment. As a fraudster, the MC stands out by beating everyone back with lies. However, it soon becomes very clear that fate is not very kind to him — not only is he being constantly dragged into doing the most extreme mission tasks, there's also a mysterious evil entity following him every step of the way ;)

Things to watch out for! This is a slow romance, so don't expect any progress any time soon. The author teases a bit with some big moves right away, but in reality, all the MC wants is the ML death LOL And this goes on for a loooong time. This is also not a team-building kind of infinite flow project. The MC shines as an individual, and the people around him are often just tools to make certain things more convenient (although he does care more than he admits). I like that the author switches things up rather than constantly drawing on the "fraudster" trick. There's always something new and exciting within the instances, and each one is their own detailed world (like seriously, these instances can go on forever sometimes!).

All in all, definitely worth the read! The MTL is also not bad if you plug the raw directly into GT. Though you will have to purchase the rights to all the available chapters to read the story without disruptions (the author puts up a lot of false chapters to prevent pirating.) I won't be giving it an official rating for now, because I most of what I read is in MTL XD and idk how long this text will actually be. But based on what I've read. This already a fave for me. Probably 4.5+! So 5 stars in all~ <<less
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revon rated it
July 11, 2022
Status: c52
To tell you the truth, everytime I read or more on understand the personality of the MC. Wen Jianyan acts like Cale from TCF/LCF. I know that I shouldn't compare to them because Cale is Cale but...

... more>>

With the way he scams/lies against those ghosts/enemies with different identity of NPC just to survive in every scenario and also annoying those anchors if ever they survive in that hellhole just kinda draw me into a conclusion that MC acts almost like Cale

*please don't hate this comment if you found it offensive*


I hope that his friend/companion

*not male interest* Su Cheng

would last long and would not die in the near chapters. I'm gonna read it further if he will have another companion/members in his team 😂 <<less
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Dziera rated it
March 20, 2022
Status: c182
It's still an ongoing series, thus my review and ratings might change.

MC is a charming fraudster in real life which is the background for his intelligence and ability to solve and take advantage of any situation. He's in no way a brave person, he's really scared of ghost but manage to stay calm and think during critical situation. Well mostly I like the way he's able to scam everyone (including ghost) and that's also what makes this story interesting. MC is not a purely kind person, doesn't trust easily, but... more>> he appreciates loyalty. People also stay with him because even though he's a fraudster, they knew they can trust their life on him.

ML, there's not much to say about his personality as there's lack in background story. For now, I can said he still doesn't have enough empathy like a normal human being, hopefully not in the future. He has a goal and MC kinda unluckily need to assist him to obtain his goals.

The instances itself are very interesting to me although it's long. It's scary, complex and full of mystery. Sometimes, the closer MC got in clearing an instance, the harder it gets. 5.0 stars for now as this story made me waiting for updates every day. I recommend it for the MC personality and the instances. <<less
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urrcale rated it
May 31, 2024
Status: c607
I really like this type of couple! When I first started reading I thought how can MC and ML be together with this kind of dynamic?

and the more I read, the more enlightened I became. Their relationship got more suspenseful and hotter the more the arc went on.

... more>>

MC and ML's relationship heats up during the '昌盛大厦 / Prosperity Building' arc and after this arc ML and MC will begin to gradually open up to each other, especially in this arc it is also seen that the Nightmare system does not trust MC at all.



I really liked the moment when ML imitated the magazine that MC brought when MC visited ML which he kept in his ring. And how ML was jealous of Hugo (Number 4 on the leaderboard) in the Yuying University arc. It was so cute, I swear.


I liked the relationship dynamics between the MC and ML. The horror was very interesting and very scary, especially with how the author put the arc together. What is the relationship between one place and another.

As I read I started to understand why MC keeps his distance even from his friends. Nightmare really destroys how streamers think. And the more I get here, I feel that only ML can survive beside MC, especially with his power.


Yuying University and Lucky Cruise's arc really ruined me. I miss the sweet relationship between the MC and his friend in the beginning.


Talent usage spoiler:


Talent usage destroys the streamer itself, it's like slowly destroying yourself from within.

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as per my last email
as per my last email rated it
February 27, 2024
Status: c176
First off, this is definitely one of the best unlimited flow/horror webnovels I've ever read. Read this if you have not already!!

The MC is intriguing, he's cunning and manipulative, able to get what he wants by charming those around him. On the other hand, he's a coward at heart, and he vomits after confronting a ghost and acting calm. This contradictory aspect of him gives the webnovel a humorous tone. Not only that, he's always acting as various NPC characters, even pretending to be a member of the opposite team.... more>> Really makes me laugh, especially when he gets exposed.

The plot is really well thought out, each arc is long, especially when compared to other, typical unlimited flow webnovels. Each arc is unique, and I find myself remembering the plot of each arc, even after months. Fun fact, the second arc, with the

ghost babies

fascinated me so much I reread it three times. I'm surprised each time MC finally reveals the mysteries of each arc, it's always something unpredictable.

Other than the horror elements, this webnovel also shows a shockingly humane side of the characters in general. The MC, even though he chose to do so because of manipulative reasons, inadvertently save people. In the arc about

frogs, seeing the characters react to Lilith regaining sanity to sacrifice herself and save them was really emotional.


Not much to say about the ML, he seems to be a psycho, all-powerful figure as of now. His relationship with MC is certainly one full of tension, that's all I can say. The romance is definitely slow-burn, so don't rush to read this webnovel expecting them to be lovey-dovey. It's quite literally the opposite. <<less
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