Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator


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All Chu Lian had done was to read a book where the female lead had cheated on her wonderful husband. While wondering why, before she knew it, she was waking up in the body of that very same female lead!

Wait, did that mean the handsome husband from the book was hers now? Chu Lian decided to welcome him with open arms!

However, what she got wasn’t the kind husband she had been expecting. Instead, his personality seemed to have been completely flipped! He left her all alone on their wedding night… and just five days into their marriage, her dear husband abandoned his loving wife and left to enlist in the army!

Fine! Be that way! She could pass her days perfectly well somehow, even if she had to do it alone!

Chu Lian put her household in order, charmed the rest of her new family, and did a little business on the side. She even opened up some new trade routes! Her days passed peacefully and leisurely… Until her dear husband got into trouble at the frontline of the war.

Hmph, isn’t he crawling back to me for help in the end? Forget it, I’ll go save him myself!

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Letti28 rated it
April 4, 2022
Status: Completed
I loved this novel! It was an interesting concept, with even more interesting MC and ML.

And I have to say, I don’t understand why some ppl have problems with ML's trust issues. I mean, if you've been driven out, with your whole family ruined, by a greedy evil biatch, who even cheated on you and used you, I'm impressed the ML didn’t choke MC on their wedding night upon seeing "her" again. The way he was making his escape is way too tolerant, and it just helps them to later... more>> get their relationship better. And in the while we can see how capable our cute MC is. Maybe she's a bit Mary Sue-ish, but I like them this way :D

I have no problem with their s*x life, she's shy even though she made up her mind, and just needs a bit of pushing. She's openminded for these things, but even in the 21th century, girls tend to be shy, aren't they? I think everyone was shy at first, no matter how many p. Rn or h. Ntai they watched/read, when you are doing it with a living person, you're just shy and insecure about your body and inexperience.

So I recommend it! And its even fully translated, with great quality. There were maybe a little flaws in the story, but not much plot armor, its 5/5 for me. <<less
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nimeaano rated it
March 14, 2022
Status: Completed
Actually I'm more inclined to give this 3.5

Story is juvenile and pretty light. I like that MC is quite realistic with her goal and not easily provoked.

However, the plot and character is inconsistent at times.

For example, wise grandmother in law goes from lovey dopey into enemy just after a report. Sister in law goes from capable and caring into jealous and corrupt. Eldest brother's concubine pregnancy was forgotten for so long.


Everyone captured by MC's food and there are no one who seems to be able to recreate it except those who were personally taught by her. There is also some unnecessary or idiotic plot development

I still don't understand how the antagonist plan to get ML back just by getting rid of MC if she's not pretty, doesn't have good social status or any power or anything special.


Also, yes, the ending is rushed.
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ChNyinG rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: c468
I liked it but got bored so I dropped it. The novel wasnt bad but at some point the author exaggerated a little for example:


that the original ChuLian transmigrated into the body of that maid and stuff at that point I just stopped reading. And there CL und HCD were already pretty lovey dovey so I just dropped it

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LauraTakarai rated it
November 22, 2021
Status: Completed
I was bored when I picked this one, it's completed and not so long. The premise of a transmigrator meeting a reincarnator is good.

It's quite a good novel, plot it's interesting but its has many upside down,

I think this novel's greatest problem is its antagonist, he has not a single trait that makes him likeable, he's just scum. And the one that's pulling the string behind screen is reveled almost at the end, but didn't surprise me at all.
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November 19, 2021
Status: c1
I really hate the male, Both male are tr*sh. Specially He sanglang.


Like he touched her in her sleep but everything is forgiven, because he save the FL "eyes roll" and he is to handsome.
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October 25, 2021
Status: --
Novel is okay but not very good, would recommend trying at the very least.

While I hate when entire world revolves around main character, the classic mary sue. The can't do wrong, has basically no flaws. This novel strangely enough I can get behind with only slight annoyance. While main character is a mary sue it isn't utterly infatuating.

... more>>

The main character is a foodie who supposedly was constantly cooking and is good at drawing. While there are a few marketing ideas that main character pulls off it for most part all follows a logical sense. Basically outside of marketing, any talent she shows can be concluded under two categories of related by association of food or done from standpoint of pulling from memories and having the ability to recreate it because of her art skills. While most of marketing ideas for most part might draw a few questions but also can be contributed from a modern mindset.


Most annoying is the transition of the main characters mindset. Like most people now believe they're the most progressive and open minded people there have ever been. Because for most part usually true, literally because each new generation majority of them are. This is attributed to society they live in. Yet this open mindedness is quickly called into question during situations like this, main character is no longer living in modern society. Yes while she has already had most of her mindset set in stone people seem to forget human's are supposed to be the most adaptable creatures in the world.

In a situation like this you either adapt to the times or the times get to enjoy your execution for witch-like practices that go against cruel and medieval type of brutal culture that past is concerning social status. And the main character adapts way too quick and yet when it suits her somehow instantly switches back to modern mindset. Then get these awful r*pe-like situation most, myself included, either find extraordinarily uncomfortable or angry about. While I can pull my head out of my ass and realize that the actions is not nearly that bad considering the times of the story, the main character's reacts make it harder to swallow as stated her transition into this new world mindset is just way too fast and basically has no development and just happens instantly.

Part of this has to do with her submissive yet extremely shy personality that isn't utterly against something just too shy to admit it. Feels like author uses misunderstandings way too much as a crutch that if the sky fell no person would hold it up, the share number of crutches would. But again the transition leaves a lack of character development that makes most of the s*xual instances incredibly difficult to read and feel like were reading a stockholm syndrome r*pe love story.

Last but not least, enemy characters. Not sure much else needs to be said after that like yea its god awful writing that thinking about it makes me question if novel is worth three stars as that seems incredible high for such god awful writing when in context of the enemies in the story. <<less
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rh.hours rated it
June 11, 2021
Status: Completed
(More accurate would be 3.5)
It started off with an interesting premise, transmigration meets reincarnator, how cool is that? I love how the FL gains the ML's trust gradually as well with her character and abilities.
But ultimately it got way too draggy for me. This was a novel that could have been completed in less than 400 chapters but got dragged to 700 chapters due to the many filler chapters. I finished it but I honestly skipped quite a few chapters after the first half. In the second half I couldn't really see the direction or aim the story was going, and not in the suspenseful way, but more of an all-over-the-place way. Even their relationship— I couldn't see any ACTUAL development after they fall in love. Not that I'm complaining about all the bedroom scenes, but for such a long novel I felt that there was a lack in their chemistry and communication. However the author did eventually pull the storyline back on track. Overall a decent read, but it couldn't keep me invested.
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Gxmwp rated it
May 27, 2021
Status: c424
The best comment to describe this novel would be "You know what? They learnt nothing. Everyone else around them helped them solve the problem." - fandesu__oldDQ chapter 660

If you're hoping to find something to read that requires hard thinking then this isn't the book for you. Not that that's exactly a bad point, sometimes you just want to read something where it's obvious that the protagonist will win. Is Chu Lian a mary sue? Hell to the yes, but I still had fun reading her shenanigans in the first... more>> 200 or so chapters (I will admit to being sick and tired of reading how 'petite' and 'wide eyed' she is though). There are still a lot of problems with the book though.

First of all would be He Changdi, the ML. At the start of the novel, it's easy to feel sympathetic to him since it's obvious the Chu Lian he knew ended up betraying him horribly in his past life. However, as the story goes on, and it becomes more and more obvious that she is literally a different woman, it becomes harder and harder to sympathize with him until you end up straight up hating him.

When he finally realizes the two Chu Lian's are different he straight up becomes a child. Excuse me, even more of a child since before this realization one of his brilliant totally adult ways of sabotaging her was by literally gorging himself on her food so she wouldn't be able to eat. Truly the brilliant machinations of a high class noble man. Anyways, he becomes jealous of anyone who gains her favor (one of the female generals ends up being like an older sister figure and even THAT's seen as threatening) in any way and expects her to carry out her wifely duties without so much of an apology (at least up to chapter 424) for his earlier behavior. He's also assaulted her in her sleep a total of 3 times so far, a number I pray to god doesn't go up. Another problem I had was the fact this 20 year old man couldn't seem to wrap his head around the fact this 15, yes 15, year old girl was probably manipulated by Xiao Bojian. Yes, I know it was common for girls to be married off young back then and I'm able to put that fact aside (at least a bit) when reading period pieces, but even back then that was still known as the 'you're still s*upid listen to your elders' age. I get she had a hand in his downfall, but jesus christ she's a s*upid teenager who was obviously a pawn. You're main target should be the one actually orchestrating everything not the grunt who doesn't know any better aaaa. This behavior being excused as him "just being a tsundere lol" is so annoying. He's not a tsundere, he's just insane. If you want a good tsun then look at Makise Kurisu from Steins;Gate or Kyo Soma from Fruits Basket!

Basically another case of a love interest acting like an annoying son to the female lead rather than a partner she can rely on. In the words of Shen Jiu, he's nothing but a beast.

Second of all is how any and everyone who disagrees with Chu Lian in any way, shape, or form is automatically a petty, jealous villain. This can be seen most obviously through the ruining of what was once a pretty good character.

Madame Zou does not deserve the downgrade she eventually got. It's like the author wanted Chu Lian to be the favorite wife so much that she realized "oh shit, Madame Zou's too level headed. Better make her become extremely jealous and crazy for ReaSoNs!" At the start of the story she's a generally agreeable elder sister in law to Chu Lian and acts as the one who's essentially keeping the estate running smoothly. We're then introduced to her growing unease over Chu Lian's rapid success and growing favor with the Matriarch. This plot point by itself is perfectly fine and I was curious to find out how this friction between the two would play out. Alas, there was only ever one conclusion for someone having even the slightest of negative opinons of Chu Lian. She only grows more and more jealous, starts trying to take credit for Chu Lians accomplishments, it's revealed that she's also a thief, and finally she goes on an erratic rampage after her husband is made to take a concubine. Yep, you heard that right. This feudal Chinese woman who's grown up with this custom as the norm, was warned this would happen, and knows that her husband had no choice in the matter goes on a rampage where she blames her HUSBAND and the girl being given to him like an object rather than, idk, just ignore the girl and find comfort in the fact her husband is also upset about the situation pointing to his obvious preference for her.

Uhg, she's not the only character who gets overly punished for committing the sin of not putting Chu Lian on a pedestal, but if I were to explain why some of the other characters have also been wronged for the same reason then I'd be ranting and raving for hours.

Honestly, the story's the most fun when we're just focusing on how Chu Lian passes her days normally and watching her navigate her way through tough situations. Sure, you ALWAYS know she's going to win and that the naysayer's going to be punished, but the journey there's at least entertaining. I just had to get some thought off my chest though cause dear lord the events of the past 50 chapters or so have been...

After reading He Changdi vicously coping a feel right after Chu Lian just escaped a life or death situation and was unconscious was when I finally gained a deep understanding of the saying "coughing up blood in rage".


Well all I'll say is, I hope He Changdi's role in the story goes back to how it was in the first 200 chapters. Almost non-existent!

Edit: Sanlang still sucks

constantly holding Chu Lian down, assaulting her when she doesn't know it's him, feeding her an aphrodisiac without her consent, using his safety and health in order to make her forgive him, never using his words, still overall childish throughout the entire novel

. Only true hoes Stan Sima Hui and Prince Jin. Also did anyone else notice when the author would forget her own plot points and accidentally rewrite history lmao <<less
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En-Jay99 rated it
February 28, 2021
Status: Completed
Mostly good, sometimes annoying.

Despite the fun title, the author could've made things more interesting but it worked out I guess. I'd give it an average rating. This is a food novel though so while there are plots and schemes, a lot of it is people being 'conquered' by food so it's actually a low-tension read.

One thing I liked was there was no 'r*pe as punishment' or used as a counter to schemes used by MC that happens a lot in CN novels. The chapters are actually short so 700 chapters... more>> isn't much when you actually start reading. Fav thing was MC thinking that all these people who scheme and plot have way too much free time, which I agree with lol. <<less
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Suka Novel
Suka Novel rated it
February 24, 2021
Status: Completed
I dearly enjoy reading it. I have read it a couple of times (just He Chang Di's & Chu Li An's parts though) now. 🌹

TMR is one of my favorite Ancient Novels besides PGC (Long Fei Ye & Han Yun Xi). 💕💕

I love reading how the relationship between He Chang Di & Chu Li An grows and gets stronger throughout the novel. They're solid as a couple ~ they weather any misunderstandings or dramas quickly and efficiently due to their love & care for each other. 💖💖

I just wish that... more>> the novel would last longer so we can enjoy more interactions between He Chang Di & Chu Li An...

(completed on July 4, 2020) <<less
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Saphie rated it
February 14, 2021
Status: Completed
I've actually read this before already and like it very much back then, however, rereading it now I've found a few things.

While MC is the cool and calm MC we all wants, the first half with orig!ML was too frustrating. Not rejecting but not agreeing, really makes one heart angry. Though I really like it when she was building up her business and getting involved with the higher ups.

For the ML... Simply put, he doesn't deserve MC. Too prideful and too toxic. Does not know communication. Really want to strangle... more>> him to death. This was better without him to the point I skimmed every mcxML chapters...

Ending is RUSHED. Like rushed rushed, leaving one dissatisfied. First half was kinda good though, when it was just all about MC. <<less
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jade21 rated it
January 8, 2021
Status: Completed
Lots of people have left their reviews here so I'll just keep it short. MC and ML are both smart and cunning and not some luck by chance characters. They both are self made people who earned their fame and riches by their own hard work and clever thinking. Ending was very very rushed. I'm kind of bummed about it because after reading entire 709 chapters what I get is no epilogue but a chapter of rush ending 😔

Anyways story is very good and funny at times.. Definitely recommended...
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readingjenny rated it
October 29, 2020
Status: Completed
+ I read it so fast, I regret it now. The pacing is inconsistent though. I feel the ending is rushed.

and until now, I am still not convinced why the MC needs to go to the north. Because she needs to get the medicine? ML is still the one who gets it. She have no participation on accomplishing that part. You can say she inform him about the medicine. But if she can travel to the north, so does a messenger. And a messenger can do the job more efficiently.

Because she needs to help the ml? She did help the ML but the family did not know that beforehand. Like why would send a lady in a place where there is war when you do not know how she can help. What accompany him?? But they are not in a close relationship that time.

But it does not matter because I enjoyed it.

+I want more. I wish there are special chapters or at least an epilogue.


the original FL is just so good to read. I love to hate her. I enjoyed reading her plans. On the other hand, I hate the bojian. He is plain disgusting. I am reminded of real life stalkers. His actions feel icky to read, I can feel the mc's disgust.


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Sophiethebunny rated it
October 16, 2020
Status: Completed
First of all, this is fiction. So, if you’re trying to justify what happens in a fiction with reality, you’re foolish. I really enjoyed reading this novel regardless. It’s a good read with a good pace although the ending is quite abrupt and I wasn’t happy with it very much.

I know the main lead female character is a little too good to be true but so what. Why would people want to read average characters? If we want to, we all should just look in the mirror instead of reading.... more>> Thank you translator and editor (s) for this beautiful work. You guys did amazing. <<less
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August 20, 2020
Status: Completed
Not a full 5 star, but enjoyable reading. MC is transmigator but didn’t finished the novel she read. The world she transmigrated is a foodie tr*sh, so everything she cooked become a legendary culinary. Its funny to see people around her become her food s*ave. The drama is not heavy. The story plot kinda similar with rebirth of malicious empress + tyrannical wang. MC is smart but lazy, similar with ETT.

ML is cute, he want to revenge but he’s too nice so the revenge is always failed. He’s not an... more>> op ML, but cute to see when he start to jealous with people around her wife.

Enjoyable reading, smooth translation, recommended if you want light romance with light drama and comedic scene. <<less
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Unsungsun Yoo
Unsungsun Yoo rated it
August 15, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a good novel. That said, there are a few flaws that might infuriate readers. In fact, I suggest you read Dryvk's review of this novel first before reading mine. He/she covers many things that I agree about the novel, other than the rating. So go ahead and read his/her review first.

... more>>

There was one flaw that Dryvk did not get to because he/she gave up much earlier. The Emperor has a secret corps of intelligence gathering. Many well-kept secrets could not be hidden from them. A good example of this was when ML claimed credit for FL's original contribution of the "snowboat, " because she did not want to claim the credit herself. Keep in mind that men were the dominant s*x during this setting. Somehow, the Emperor found out. In fact, every little thing was known to him because the Emperor was suddenly interested in FL. However, if the Emperor had this capability, why did he not find out earlier that Ye Xun, a woman he loved and had a child with, died and left FL? You are telling me the Emperor did not find anything about her and his daughter who is FL? If you ask me, that is pretty bloody disappointing. Sure, it could have been the mysterious organization behind Xiao Biaojian keeping things a secret. However, how does the Emperor NOT HAVE spies in that organization as well? Maybe it is just me not reading further along.


Other than that, it is a decent story. The ending is a little too quick though all loose ends are taken care of.

Rebirth Of The Malicious Empress Of Military Lineage is still better though. &Gt;. &Lt; <<less
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Jecaye rated it
July 14, 2020
Status: Completed
4.5/5 stars


When you read this, make sure you have a snack with you because you. Will. Get. Hungry.

Although I didn't like the ML in the beginning, when he realized that FL isn't what he thought she was, he changed so that's that.
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kyrez rated it
June 28, 2020
Status: Completed
Definitely recommended!

This is one of my early readings and it still remains as one of my favourites~

I admire how the FL was able to survive and came out on top every time she was schemed. She didn't idle around, and instead planned meticulously on how to live her life leisurely; which actually needed a lot of hard work! She also became stronger and confident as time went on.

ML was a bit 'cruel' in the beginning. He wasn't really violent in the physical sense, but he was a bit volatile in... more>> the aspect of emotions and thoughts. Understandable, since he had already went through a difficult life and death before being 'reborn'. He was also able to detect the few differences and strangeness from the FL; though it took him quite a while before he finally looked deeper into it.

It's a slow romance as the plot and the characters were being built up. Though I like that misunderstandings do not occur much. Maybe once or twice, but the FL and ML have quite a bit of trust in each other. They were also able to solve their quarrels instead of dragging them. They're a sweet couple.

Talk about sweet; this novel has lots of it. I always felt hungry whenever I read about the dishes mentioned and explained. Translators (who are so awesome!) also provided some photos which made them looked much more scrumptious and delicious~

All in all-- this novel is a must read if you enjoy reading about transmigration, rebirth, foods and delicacies, strong female lead, tsundere male lead, historical and political plot, and lastly, happy ending^^ <<less
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strongandindie rated it
June 22, 2020
Status: c267
The translation is excellent with many thoughtful, helpful notes. The novel is fine for passing time, however, it’s not my cup of tea and failed to provide the feels, comedy that I’d (perhaps wrongly) expected. There is too much inner court drama, scheming between women, and the male lead and second male lead are both insufferable and I’ve lost patience. If you’re a foodie and don’t mind inner court drama with many villainous small-minded women, this may be a good fit for you.
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June 22, 2020
Status: Completed
I tried this novel because I need something long enough to have me preoccupied for days. With 700+ chapters, it was really more than I can ask for! There are many things that I wanted to point out, but I'll try to keep it simple.

1. The story is about your-usual-but-not-really-usual transmigrator story, thanks to the addition of reincarnator, and I find it quite refreshing.

2. The MC is ?, not too kind/weak, or overly reckless with no care of her surroundings (gosh, how I loathed this kind of MC). She just... more>> have the right amount of kindness, smart, and cunning. Perfect.

3. The ML, well, not really my favourite. But thankfully his character is more developed through the story, so at least he is decent enough to deserve our MC hohoho

4. The plot is so slow in the first hundred chapters with no real conflict that I started to think this story is like those eating k-drama lol. Many major conflicts are put near the end that it feels rushed.

All in all I really recommend this novel. BIG THANKS TO THE TRANSLATOR, I can feel you really workhard in translating this novel, thank you so much ?? *Sniff* <<less
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