Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator


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All Chu Lian had done was to read a book where the female lead had cheated on her wonderful husband. While wondering why, before she knew it, she was waking up in the body of that very same female lead!

Wait, did that mean the handsome husband from the book was hers now? Chu Lian decided to welcome him with open arms!

However, what she got wasn’t the kind husband she had been expecting. Instead, his personality seemed to have been completely flipped! He left her all alone on their wedding night… and just five days into their marriage, her dear husband abandoned his loving wife and left to enlist in the army!

Fine! Be that way! She could pass her days perfectly well somehow, even if she had to do it alone!

Chu Lian put her household in order, charmed the rest of her new family, and did a little business on the side. She even opened up some new trade routes! Her days passed peacefully and leisurely… Until her dear husband got into trouble at the frontline of the war.

Hmph, isn’t he crawling back to me for help in the end? Forget it, I’ll go save him myself!

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266 Reviews sorted by

Marikosebas rated it
August 5, 2018
Status: c389
I like the story itself, the title name says it all. The MC herself is a very relaxed person and her husband is a very high strung individual that sometimes she thinks he has lost his mind. XD

like all stories I do have likes and dislikes, I already describe what I like but the things I do not like is that MC easily gets kidnapped. Three times up to now I guess?
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Felix3D rated it
June 18, 2018
Status: Completed
I wish it had more food discussions, but I understand that's more of a side-aspect to things. The plot progression is really interesting, and believable, and the most important thing is that it really takes a fresh spin on not only the traditional Josei Chinese Insufferably smug Female Lead, but also the idea of transmigration and reincarnation stories as a whole.

This is definitely one to read, especially if you've read other Josei chinese romance WN's, as it's sorta like History's Number One Founder but for romance novels as it's almost... more>> a parody of the genre but not quite. <<less
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Mariria33 rated it
May 13, 2024
Status: Completed
Quite long but interesting story. Would be nice to have to some side stories on this. Also I liked that the MC is not a complete fool and had some guts and also could remember his previous life.
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meatbunluver rated it
January 10, 2024
Status: Completed
3.5/5. It's been a long time since I've read this, but there's one point in the story that I don't think I'll forget.


where the FL goes to find the ML and is willing to sacrifice her life to save the ML


For me specifically, it was how that plot point was executed that made a lasting impression. Otherwise I probably wouldn't read this again? Not very memorable and it's too long.
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December 12, 2023
Status: c709
oh my god. Usually I dont like to read het novels because the MCs are usually written in horrible ways but this one was so amazing. We start with chu lian, a transmigrator who is getting married to her husband he changdi. Shes excited cause he changdi is such a calm and sweet person in the novel she just read, but when she meets him he is rude and cold to her. She then decides she doesnt need her husband, all she needs is status!!! And good food!!! And then... more>> we just proceed to see her life in the great wu dynasty as she becomes to be known as the greatest foodie and turns everyone else into foodies as well.

the translator split each chapter into several chapters, so the translation is longer than it actually is, but it was tastefully done and easily bingeable. I binged this over the past few days and just finished it. I loved how the side characters were so well developed in this. There were several friendships with the MC, and side relationships that I was rooting for. There were plot points, especially towards the mid/end part of the novel that were a welcome twist. However good the side characters are, the main characters steal the cake. I loved watching chu lian and he changdi interact, and eventually fall in love. Seeing ML realize how loved he is by MC, and watching their love story blossom is amazing to watch.

also the s*x scenes are pretty tasteful, so it didnt feel incredibly awkward like other het novels ive read. I laughed at hcd a few times because of how hormy he gets lmaooooo

10/10 I love this novel so much <<less
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JavaZA rated it
September 25, 2023
Status: Completed
Just finished the entire story, I didn't have a novelupdates account before this but I have made one just to write a review.
Not even a review to be honest, I don't know how to explain it but everything in the story was basically perfect, I seriously don't get some of the complaints from other reviews.

The politics in the story was handled exceptionally well, better than I expected when I first headed into this.
The character designs were really good, no unreasonable young master lusting after swan meat or anything weird and cliche, everything is perfect, I can say with certainty that 90% of all characters and actions you can find in real life in the era the story takes place in. The author has truly put a lot of thought into each character that made a significant appearance.
The character development was truly spectacular, not immediate, not unreasonable, appropriately timed and managed.
The world building I truly cannot describe because I don't really know how, it was like pieces of a puzzle just coming together and fitting perfectly to make one beautiful image. Everything made sense and connected in one way or another.
And most importantly, the plot, as I was reading I didn't encounter a single plot hole or unreasonable plot line. Nothing felt forced and all of the happenings in the story flowed smoothly into each other and melded well. There is no such thing as plot armor, unreasonable plot and/or plot holes, the author has truly planned everything out before writing the story.

I guess the story just is not for everyone, so if your impatient and want immediate gratification, this is not for you, but if you like to see character development and a world that the author has truly placed a lot of thought into then this is for you.
I am not even that big of a fan of romance and drama but I rate this story a solid 5/5 and would really recommend for most people to read it, a truly marvelous masterpiece from the author.
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D.Whale rated it
September 3, 2023
Status: c700
2.5 stars (for food, side characters and translation quality)

I hope no one ever learns from the examples of Chu Lian or He Changdi. Please communicate with your significant other/s. Be straightforward and honest. If you feel like you'd rather give your lover the cold shoulder than properly communicate. The relationship isnt worth keeping.

The misunderstandings and the lack of communication+ cold wars were truly infuriating and toxic.

The ML is way too dub-con too my liking. FL doesn't like but doesn't say, she calls it "torture" but still goes along with... more>> it. TALK! DAMMIT! I don't know how many hairs I pulled out of my scalp. The so called snu snu was hard to read through.

If they were in the modern times they'd have divorced by now with FL giving the male lead silent treatment waiting for ML to speak up.

Yet she never does the same.

The author tries to pin it all on the ML when relationships are a two way street so the couple are both at fault. He Sanlang the tsundere was infuriating at the start, due to his PTSD his paranoia was understandable, and he later showed signs of improvement. However, the FL remained the same, indifferent and lacking growth besides having a golden finger for certain occasions.

While at first her giving ML "retribution" for how he treated her initially was satisfying to read. It got old way too fast, plus since they already decided to become a couple, why did they still went with their round-about way of communicating. Both sides hurt and silent, keeping things to themself until one gets guilt-tripped/feels guilty and speaks up.

**THEY BOTH DON'T APOLOGISE TO EACH OTHER FOR THE ACTIONS THAT HURT THE OTHER PARTY. The number of apologies can be counted on one hand.... The lack of accountability and sincere apologies. Author tries to show that they "talk through their eyes." That is a one way ticket to miscommunication folks. I get that eyes can be "expressive" but what is more expressive is words coupled with actions!

The only thing that kept me going was the foods, the foodie nobles, tsun tsun Duanjia, Prince Jin+Sima Hui

(This review was written after I re-read it again, I finished in 2019, and realised how harmful the miscommunications/stone walling were in this relationship.)

Author tries to justify it through FL point of view but it's just another way of justifying avoidance/refusal to communicate. Both characters seemed to improve yet author pulls their IQs down to the ground again for "drama" and "plot" sake. We don't need drama like this. Make the plot fun not unnecessary misunderstandings that stretch the "drama. <<less
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l8rose rated it
July 21, 2023
Status: Completed
I enjoyed the concept but some of it falls a little flat and the ending comes across very suddenly. It's like the sudden stop after falling off a cliff.

The translation is pretty good and it's easy to fall in love with the MC, but some side characters are very one-dimensional or suddenly change their behaviour as if that conveys depth. Such as:

... more>>

ML's grandmother goes from simping for the MC to treating her like crap. Further worsened by learning that the MC was kidnapped for several days (which automatically makes the Grandma think she's spoiled goods). Grandma outright ignores the ML's utter devotion to the MC and just makes life difficult for everyone.

The ML's SIL is a prime example of a one dimensional character. Her behaviour is constantly bad. Sure, she had to deal with the arrival of the pretty and capable MC along with the fact that she hadn't produced a male heir but she turned a lot of her negativity onto the MC (like all of it really) and repeatedly attempts to screw over her new SIL the MC. Like taking credit for MC's cooking and sending crap gifts for New Years. Even to the point of trying to have her husband's concubine miscarry and frame it on the MC. Then it turns out she's been siphoning money from the general fund of the family. It's like she has one emotion and it's always set to petty.

Then you have the Princess BFF who is solely focused on having the MC show her how to cook a duck. Like this is the driving force behind the friendship and it's not until the duck gets cooked that we learn it's because it was the favorite thing for the previous Emperor to eat. She basically wanted to make the duck for her father on the anniversary of her grandfather's death (kind of weird but whatever).


The villain is comically villainous and it's rather predictable when things are going to happen. Her going North is also not quite as heroic as the synopsis made it out to be although it does provide a rather entertaining moment where she doesn't recognize her hubby. The secondary villain was kind of weird.


She was literally rolled out after a good chunk of time had already passed in the story. Then she orchestrates schemes in the background but then throws a temper tantrum any time things don't go her way. If she was a guy, she would have a mustache to twirl while explaining her plot to her captives. Worst part is that none of the other servants ever questions why this woman repeatedly destroys things in her room.


It gets a little slow with some contrived plots to drive drama but then the end hits. Every plotline gets tied up in the last couple of chapters.


From confirming that MC's body is the daughter of the Emperor to the laughable attempt at a rebellion. It happens so fast that I had to reread it because it confused me. The main antagonists only got a very short explanation for his end. "He was executed at the Meridian gate" And that was it. Two of the side relationships were also handled in this way. It was weird.


All in all, it does have some parts which make it enjoyable and it was pretty entertaining reading the ML falling for the MC. It's a literal 180. He's still angry at her for things but it goes from wanting to mu*der her to wanting to mu*der anyone who looks at her.

Those odd things aside, it's a decent way to spend the better part of the day. <<less
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Winowill rated it
May 7, 2023
Status: Completed
I loved a lot about this book and it was a really enjoyable read. The translation is solid and the notes are awesome. The only reason I didn't give this 5 stars is the ending felt really rushed.

There was a lot of time and detail put into a lot of other parts of the book just to have the finale smushed into a few chapters. It wasn't as satisfying as other endings I've read and most characters ends were summed up in a couple of paragraphs after not getting a... more>> lot of mention in the previous arc. Some didn't get any at all. Also, the big "end boss" fights were super short compared to any other.

It is somewhat predictable and the sub characters are more of a platform for MC, but that isn't a must have for me. The food is a great subplot for any who have interest. I will likely read it again <<less
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SuspiciousPenguin rated it
January 3, 2023
Status: Completed
I've read this novel three times, and I still love it after each read. It's very satisfying reading about her success and face slapping.


I would like to add the romance is a slow but pleasurable burn.

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chibiching rated it
November 28, 2022
Status: Completed
Lots of antagonists with face slapping included, I appreciated that everyone got their just desserts. Definitely a joy to read despite the food p*rn getting pushed aside towards that end.

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Zephki rated it
November 19, 2022
Status: c1
I absolutely enjoyed it. The slow burn, the descriptions, the food! The intrigue. If anything, I think the story could have been longer towards the end, so much more to tell about the side characters, really good couples I would have loved to know more how their interactions were.... either way! Recommended!
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July 31, 2022
Status: Completed
(UPDATE: 02/13/2023) Wanted to reread but I remember the story's details too well. So I dropped it earlier (c37.) I'll check it out again later tho.


OLD REVIEW: FL transmigrates into the body of Chu Lian on the night of the original's marriage. She only knows about half of what was to come since she didn't finish the novel, and what she does know end up not counting all that much because her new husband (the ML), He Changdi is a reincarnator that has all of his memories from his... more>> previous life. The novel is all intrigue and drama, with a bit of business management and Royal intrigue on the side. The setting is a fantasy dynasty similar to the Ming Dynasty and the FL is the poor miss who married the third son of a count. Common tropes are food p*rn, misunderstandings caused by lack of communication, evil schemes, and so on.

I was a little leery about reading this novel at first, but I ended up liking it a lot! The FL is the chill kind that lacks ambition, while the ML is the stoic tsundere type. I liked the FL's optimism in the beginning, she was excited to have a good husband (as the ML had been described to be), but upon finding out that the ML isn't all that, she still found a silver lining all by herself. There were times when their choices were a bit s*upid, not gonna lie LOL. They kept putting themselves into danger for nothing!! But the face-slapping was satisfying and the cannon fodders/scum villains more realistic than most. Lastly, as for the TL, it's very well done! I enjoyed the read and will definitely come back to reread it someday. WARNING: It should be said, just like a lot of historical novels set in Ancient China, the FL is transmigrated into the body of a teen (15yo.) Nothing happens till she's 16 and her mental age is 20+, but just keep that in mind. Other than that, the ML isn't the most learned when it comes to consent 🤧.

RATING: 4.25/5

Overall? My opinion of this novel is pretty high! My official rating is 4.25, but I ended up rounding it off to 5 stars because my enjoyment level was around that much. Definitely worth reading! I'm glad I gave it a chance. The FL doesn't have much of a golden finger, but the way the author developed her character was very good. She has her strengths and weaknesses, which made her journey more interesting to read! <<less
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calypsoxin rated it
March 30, 2022
Status: c650
1.5 stars.

If you're here for the romance: It's rushed and makes no sense. CP is toxic and cannot communicate. Their first meeting itself started off with domestic violence yet the MC, a modern woman, brushes it off. Even towards the end of the novel, domestic violence still continues, with the ML constantly exerting too much strength on her and leaving visible injuries when he's overcome by emotion. ML is also paranoid, spiteful, and has issues from his past life (understandable) but makes no effort to improve himself or even TRY... more>> to voice his concerns to the MC. 50 chapters till the ending yet even a simple misunderstanding causes a significant amount of damage to their already weak relationship (which makes no sense because he had been completely head over heels for every aspect of her like, a couple hundred chapters ago). It's always one step forward and two steps back with them.

(TW: r*pe) The explicit scenes in this story are written horribly. Every time they have s*x, she's always reluctant to do it yet gives in to the ML who can't keep it in his pants. And when they do do it, she's always weakly fighting back and crying but he continues anyway. Moreover, he gropes her (when she was unconscious) to the point where it hurts yet he doesn't feel remorseful. But nooo obviously she's okay with it because she allows him to do whatever he wants 🙄

If you're here for the MC: Her past is a mystery. She's able to do anything proficiently and always manages to keep her cool no matter what. It's like the author just gave her a bunch of careers. Other than knowing she was an orphan who became successful enough in life to travel frequently and try out food from everywhere after starting a business, we don't know much about her. After transmigrating, she's the usual peerless beauty who manages to get all the big-shots in society on her side because of her culinary tricks (that no one can replicate) and innovative modern dishes (which are apparently a big deal because "secret recipes" are like... really important? I don't get it either). She doesn't face any actual difficulties, only the usual cannon fodder that can't compare to her in the slightest and that prick of a ML who can't make up his mind as to whether he can stand being around her or hate her guts completely.

If you're here for the ML: Why?

If you're here for the plot: The first half starts off decently. Despite her extremely difficult husband, the MC manages to gain the affection of almost the entire household. She then works her way up and makes important friends, becomes an important person herself, helps a business prosper somewhere along the way, yada yada yada – in short, she's living the life. Then she moves to the harsh and cold north to help out her scum of a husband which subsequently improves their relationship. Then at one point the chapters become less plot and more "descriptions of kissing scenes or s*x scenes or scenes where the MC gets into a pickle but the ML's always there to support her".

If you're here for the side characters: Don't bother. They either wholeheartedly support the MC, hate her from the get-go, or were on her side at first, then started looking for trouble out of nowhere. <<less
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August 8, 2021
Status: Completed
3.5 Stars

This isn't a bad story, but it had the potential to be better. Some of the good points, for me:

  • The ML. He does try to do bad things to our FL at the start, but he always just ends up hilariously hurting himself instead. Later he's sweet, protective, and awkward. I would say he's easily the best part of the story.
  • FL is relaxed, calm, and smart enough to get a pass for me.
  • Food... so much food. I ended up cooking because of this novel.
  • No real second ML - which I prefer.
  • Excellent translation.
There are several points that pull the story down though, which is unfortunate.

  • The "second ML" is a creepy stalker psycho and not in any way good.
  • It seems like the plot had a lot of unnecessary twists for no reason. The author would introduce a mystery or a antagonist, then randomly throw in other plots, then switch back... it's just hard to get invested in any of them.
  • Plot breaks - usually I don't even notice when an author does this, but there are a LOT of breaks from the previous story. Some of which would see the same plot point re-written 3 or 4 different times.
  • Loose ends. From what I can see, this story must have been canceled on short notice and the author just wrapped everything up as quickly as possible. For major plot lines this means one or two sentences. For less central characters you don't even find out what happens. For example, (mild spoiler) - one of the antagonists ends up hurt but we never get a solid answer of how badly they're hurt or how others around them will react, nothing. Annoying!
Overall this is a decent read and if you're bored and want to read a completed novel I would say give it a try. Personally I think Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife, which has... more>> every trope that this novel has - only much better done - is a better story by far. However, TWBW isn't finished translated yet to my knowledge, so there's a wait to be had. <<less
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mercipourleslivres rated it
July 31, 2021
Status: Completed
One of my favorites! The ML isn't too tsundere at all... in fact this OTP is like in my top 3 het cnovel OTPs of all time now.
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July 17, 2021
Status: c2
I'm just starting the story & reserve my rating for now. I see many negative comments about the ML's actions at the start of the srory & I wanted to comment on it.

I don't condone his actions but I understand why he was like that. The feeling of being cheated feels so horrible that you'd could be driven to mu*der.
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chande rated it
July 3, 2021
Status: Completed
I personally think that this story is not bad. It's enjoyable and good enough to past the time.

MC's personality is likeable. She had a carefree personality and wasn't too OP.

ML was like a j*rk in the first days of his marriage with MC. He also treated MC horribly. Although I dislike him a bit because of it, I still think that his behaviour was understandable.

... more>>

He was suffered so much in the hand of original "Chu Lian". The original Chu Lian blatantly cuckolded him with Xiao Bojian. Not only that, she also destroyed his family and make him exiled to the north. He died with resentment in his heart. When he saw Chu Lian again after coming back to the past, it's understandable that he hated her to the bone and wished to kill her right here and there.

But when he knew that MC wasn't the original Chu Lian, he started to treat her better and became a doting husband instead.


My favorite character in this story wasn't MC or ML but Sima Hui. Initially, she fell in love with ML but after she knew that he was married, she chose to step back and even punished her attendant because she meddled in MC and ML's relationship. Later, she became MC's best friend and she also had her happy ending.


She married ML's best friend, Prince Jin and later became an empress after Prince Jin ascended the throne.


I'm a bit disappointed about the other character's development though, such as:


When the amiable Madam Zou and Matriarch He suddenly became a bad guy.

Madam Zou was initially a kind woman and even grateful towards MC after she saved her life during the kitchen fire. But suddenly she became a jealous woman after MC made many achievements. She also had a fall out with her husband (He Dalang, ML's eldest brother) resulting the matriarch sent a concubine to Dalang for the sake of having a male heir (Madam Zou only gave birth to 2 daughters during her marriage with Dalang). However, I also kind of pity her because of this. It's not her fault that she couldn't gave birth to a boy. But I also know that at that time, a male heir was precious, moreover Dalang was expected to inherited the count of Jing'an in the future so male heir was necessary.

As for Matriarch He, she initially loved MC dearly. She even gave away her restaurant that was part of her dowry to MC. But after her daughter came back to the mansion, she suddenly became muddleheaded and started to treat MC as an eyesore. Even before her death, her relationship with MC still didn't came back as they used to be.


As for the ending, it's a bit rushed but there was no loose end so it's still acceptable. <<less
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June 25, 2021
Status: c709
this novel is a typical OP female lead marries a husband who does not favour her scenerio. The interactions between the ML and FL are hilarious. The romance can be considered sweet.
In terms of a generic novel type, this is one of the best. But as a novel itself, it has the same flaws as many others.

Female Lead is able to earn the favour of all the right people. Female lead is very good at discerning people who might harbour bad intentions towards her. Female lead had a skill that no one else can compete with her on. Female lead wins over all of the people in the story worth anything. Female lead is in love with a male lead from the start to end regardless of how he behaves.
Just based on this I'm sure you can understand my point about the flaws.
But as with most of such novels, there are a lot of female characters that are portrayed as villains even tho they are just normal women for those times, trying to salvage their lives and ensure their future is a good one. But the FL just stomps over all these things with her sheer existence, which upsets me as usual.
Its a step or stepped on world, but I blame the author for making good characters seem like villains with the way things are written.
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Extra Me
Extra Me
June 16, 2021
Status: Completed
It was a good read for passing time. Although there were s*upid moments where I would have to roll my eyes a big turn, it was good as a dog blood drama in ancient China.
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