Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator


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All Chu Lian had done was to read a book where the female lead had cheated on her wonderful husband. While wondering why, before she knew it, she was waking up in the body of that very same female lead!

Wait, did that mean the handsome husband from the book was hers now? Chu Lian decided to welcome him with open arms!

However, what she got wasn’t the kind husband she had been expecting. Instead, his personality seemed to have been completely flipped! He left her all alone on their wedding night… and just five days into their marriage, her dear husband abandoned his loving wife and left to enlist in the army!

Fine! Be that way! She could pass her days perfectly well somehow, even if she had to do it alone!

Chu Lian put her household in order, charmed the rest of her new family, and did a little business on the side. She even opened up some new trade routes! Her days passed peacefully and leisurely… Until her dear husband got into trouble at the frontline of the war.

Hmph, isn’t he crawling back to me for help in the end? Forget it, I’ll go save him myself!

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266 Reviews sorted by

April 5, 2019
Status: Completed
Was reading a different novel (which was so long) that I really needed a change of pace. Coincidentally, I noticed that TMR had just been completely translated. I went straight into it and finished it in just ~2-3 days. Just based on the time I spent to finish this novel, you can already guess how much of an enjoyable read it was to me. I won't go into details as what reviews are usually supposed to do, I am just here on a small mission to get rid of those... more>> last vestiges of thoughts clouding your mind from reading this novel, so that even you can share in my joy. <<less
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March 31, 2019
Status: c709
This had an entertaining start. Later on, when Tsundi started to accept his love for Chulian, it went downhill with the dubcon (to my tastes). The ending was rushed and there was a lot of cannon fodders with the same character template.

I love the food scenes

and wished that the latter half of the novel continued down that path instead of coming back to Xiao Bojian's revenge for his father

. Chulian is a great character and so are her female entourage (Xiyan, Sima Hui, Princess Duanjia, etc).
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Zeeref rated it
March 31, 2019
Status: Completed
Well, this is a really good novel but here are some things I didn't like:

... more>>

MC changed so much in the novel, at first she had a consistent personality, then she became a Mary Sue, then she became a white rabbit "abused" by her husband until the end which was a really bad choice the author made in my opinion. The worst of everything was that the ending was so rushed that most canon fodder had a better conclusion than the actual villain. It doesn't even have an epilogue so it's a really anticlimactic ending to such a wonderful novel.


(Don't mind grammatical errors) <<less
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sean aidha
sean aidha
March 31, 2019
Status: c709
So good...

Finally happy ending....!!!

i like the chu lian in here where she always used calm n cool mind for every crisis situation.. n how she trust her husband in the end of the crisis...

Very like...
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March 25, 2019
Status: c671
It was interesting at first then got worse with the romance part came.


“He Changdi, let go of me!” She panted coquettishly in protest.


This is what you should expect from this novel its like she is being with a rapist controlling relationship but all the servants think its romantic we don't get what she wants.
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mitsie rated it
March 12, 2019
Status: c667
Finished binge reading this in 3 to 4 days (spent my nights reading this - up to 5 am on one day). I liked it. I can’t say I trust the star rating. But what I can trust is what people say about the novel. I kind of wanted prince Jin to be interested in Chu Lian. Anyway, I’m not done with the novel yet, and I’m excited for the end,
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Idling01 rated it
March 1, 2019
Status: Completed
The author did a good job on this. I like how the female lead have no special cheat other than knowing what will happen. The trials they go through, the people around them that doesn't have good intentions, like that little princess so young but so vicious. Already have a mind like that. And yes the ex wife slash reincarnator have a bad ending but for me it is not enough. But happy ending that is for sure.
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dytabytes rated it
February 23, 2019
Status: c120
The plot has some interesting twists, given that the MC and the ML are a transmigrator and a reincarnator respectively, but the thing I love most about this story is the food p*rn. My god, everything is described in a way that makes me salivate every time I read.
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NVismyname rated it
February 21, 2019
Status: c645
Usually, I'd read a couple comments and look over the ratio of good to bad reviews on a novel to determine whether or not I'd be interested in reading. This time, I'm glad I didn't read the reviews before jumping into the story.

Despite agreeing with some of the lower rating reviews, I wholeheartedly enjoyed reading TMR. Sure, it had its flaws - but which novel ever doesnt?

Some characters could have been handeled better so that they don't seem entirely one-dimensional. And this mostly applies to the villains, since I've noticed... more>> that they generally share very common traits, resulting in them turning out rather boring at times. But aside from that, I don't really have much complaints.

Some reviews stated that the FL was very Mary Sue, and after thinking about it, they're not wrong. But my defense is that it really couldn't be avoided. I mean, if you were armed with all this future knowledge (not just on the storyline) in a place where what once was considered normal has become ingenious in other people's eyes, it'd be hard to NOT be a Mary/Gary Sue. Now, if the FL didn't transmigrate or reborn, had no flaws, acquired skills in an unreasonable way (like suddenly becoming the greatest doctor alive after a small interest in medicine in a short time period), or the usual clichéd things, then that's a character to be concerned about. But with Chu Lian, although she seems Mary Sue, I believe it's rather justifiable.

There were some problems mentioned by some reviewers with the intimacy between the main characters as well. I agree it was a slow start, and I agree the romance can cause toothaches with how sweet they can be. But I disagree that there were no character development, and about the amount of s*xual activities. The s*xual activities and such, there were some use of the usual clichés, but I thought it was executed nicely - and it suits my tastes. But I'm a rather dirty minded person anyways. Each to his own.

Anyways, what I'm trying to get at here is that TMR is a great read. Although it uses the usual "useless to outstanding" FL cliché, it's done in a way that you don't feel uncomfortable with the FL because she's justifiable as a character and in the setting of the story. Not only the FL, the ML is rather likeable as well - at least to me. I enjoy their journey in the romance department, and the unexpected twist that I found unique to this story (or at least I've never seen it used in other novels yet).

I understand everyone has their own preferences, but I'd highly recommend this novel. <<less
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Dudette.p rated it
January 26, 2019
Status: c613
It perfect for my taste. Though it takes long for the romance to develop, it does come. There aren't much women tongue fights in the first 200 chapters. Around the 300 chapter, the FL and ML start developing a deeper relationship, as well as character development is immense.

Plot twists are quite exciting in this novel.

The lively comment section that is always fun.

The daily updates are reassuring.

I really recommend this novel!
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Nightwing rated it
January 17, 2019
Status: c609
Well written, enjoyable story, and, sometimes most importantly, the translator/editor team really cares about the quality of the work they put out. Highly recommended if you like realistic and sensible characters, low and high level intrigue, romance stories.
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DEX94 rated it
January 14, 2019
Status: c251
I had to stop reading to write here

Absolutely do not attempt to read this novel if you are hungry, so far I have not seen much romance, the comedy is nice, but the food... The MC loves food and goes on and on in describing what she is making and the lovely translator even adds pictures of said food so I was killed over and over since I am on a diet...

Everyone is a foodie in that universe.

The novel name throw me off a bit, I thought it was... more>> purely comedy but it’s not, a bit political but not too complicated or serious.

I adore the ML but I also want to slap him once or twice for various reasons...

The novel is most likely going to be among my top transmigration novels. <<less
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Drenlith rated it
January 12, 2019
Status: Completed
I gobbled this series up as much as I'd have liked to gobble up the food mentioned in it. Although a transmigration type of novel set in ancient china isn't exactly fresh material, the twist with the reincarnation husband is quite cute. The first couple hundred (200 translated/100 for original) chapters was mainly about the female lead settling in the new world with her culinary and business skills, romance will appear in the later chapters and the progress of the relationship is just right (IMO).

This definitely needs a foodie tag... more>> though; just make sure you don't read this on an empty stomach unless you can bear with it. The translation is superb, thumbs up 5/5.

As to the cons of this novel, the minor characters are often brought in and mentioned but feels substantially lacking in more depth, since they're the essential "tools" to bring out MCs and make them shine. (The contrast between good innocent cute female lead vs "ugly" jealous scheming side character is obvious but very generic if you know what I mean.) In general would also have loved more verbal interactions between male and female lead whereas physical interactions between them was definitely not *cough* lacking *cough*.

The ending was rather anti-climactic, one could almost call it boring. Things came to pass as expected, it was just... too stereotypical happily ever after. <<less
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Yumi1234 rated it
January 5, 2019
Status: c591

It is the first time I am writing a review but it is worth it.

I must say at first there were no romance only the MC being totally badass when dealing with unlikable characters, which is extremely satisfying.

The romance start only when the MC will try to rescue the dear ML who will turn out to be the one who will save the MC. Then the romance start as the ML will realise that the MC is not like the wicked witch who has betrayed him. The relationship between the ML and the MC will be boom. These two will be the perfect couple who trust each others and the lovelydovely relationship start!

Read at your own risk for the fluff and cutness which will happen and a possessive ML being crazy in love with our MC with a mixture of dirty talk from our ml's part.

One of my favourite I also hope that it becomes everyone's favourite.

PS:I am so sorry!!! I had wanted to put the spolier alerte but I don't know how to do it!

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Tattaro rated it
December 7, 2018
Status: c539
First 2 translated arcs were great and enjoyable. Translation team is fun and the reading community for this story is so engaged (me included) ! ✌ Story is warm and MC is relatable. However, all the sunny and quirky food adventures went down the drain once MC and her husband got together. The story took a somber tone in the guise of romance and scheming for the better half of the story. Watch out for the universal trope to unfold towards the end! ?
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LadyBalkis rated it
December 1, 2018
Status: c550
I liked the story. I like how feisty and intelligent the MC is. I like how unfazed, she is despite of all the challenges most especially towards her husband's rejection.

Towards the ML, I admit he's a s*upid but I cannot judge him. He's got a tough past and I admit it's not easy for him to move forward.

As for MC and ML as a couple, I love their interaction with each other. They are imperfect individuals, but they are still growing up with each other most especially their trust with... more>> each other.

I like also the story. I like how unpredictable, it is, most especially with the characters. I like also the unpredictability of the plot.

The only thing that I am hung up with is the MC. There's small information about her. So I think I have to keep this reading further. <<less
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WildMagnolia rated it
November 29, 2018
Status: c525
I really do understand the opinions of some people who only made it as far as around chapter 200. This novels slow pace doesn't match everyone's tastes and there are lots of things in the beginning that stays unsolved for a long time.

Personally I really like the pace, as it means I can come back to this novel whenever it suits me without having to read a few chapters back... just to catch up. It calms me and doesn't stress me out?

This novel has very long chapters and there is... more>> also that special food element that keeps coming back. Making you want more of that deliciousness. It's making my mouth water. Every. Single. Time. Such food p**n... admirable.

The MC and ML are isolated from the beginning of the story. as the ML (who has reincarnated) thinks the MC (who has transmigrated) is the same person as she was before... that is, a scheming and cheating vile woman.

But he doesn't realize that Chu Lian now is someone else. Which is why he still hates her and doesn't want to spend a second in her company. He's simply disgusted by her. And as I see it, he can't be blamed.

But when the iceberg actually melts (fall) for her he is a super tsundere. So much that you start thinking he's a bit pathetic? he can get a bit frustrating at times, but I love him anyways. He's often good towards our MC, so I forgive him.

Some characters are shallow and some are not. There are many scheming characters but they aren't that smart sadly. It is mostly close family that treats our MC badly. But as I haven't gotten that far yet into the story... I really look forward to how our MC will handle it. Hopefully she'll make them fall. Muahaha!

Chu Lian (MC) isn't really a weak person. She's quite lazy however. But when something needs to be done she does it very well. She doesn't need the ML to support her either and she can handle herself. Even so, she's of small build, has a lovable face and a good personality to match.

I recommend this novel for anyone with a lot of time on their hands, people who love chinese food (and love to get new & exiting recipies) and also those who like a good plot with many unexpected twists? <<less
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Dango rated it
September 11, 2018
Status: c414
I cannot even start on how much I love this novel, from its interesting twists and turns. Along with the cute tsundere ML with the straightforward FL

ML gets so conflicted over his emotions over FL, he's hot then cold, having cute little fits when he's feeling unhappy. He's like a child? It is actually very understandable why he's so against FL having been reborn and knowing how the original FL placed a greenhat on him. Seeing the character development of him being warmer really tickles my heart.

FL on the other... more>> hand just wants to eat well and live well, not dipping herself into the roundabout, backhanded nature of the nobels around her. She is stable and her thoughts are very coherant, definitely not the type of character you go, "WTF!!" over. She's not over powered to the extent of making this seem like a Mary Sue story, but she definitely doesn't hesitate to give a well derseved face slapping. She also uses her modern smarts sometimes to cook delicacies which steals the stomachs of everyone around her, really funny to read.


screw XBJ really annoying to see him get in between the leads, like can you let me enjoy the fluffiness without weird misunderstandings?

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Maria Jasmine
Maria Jasmine rated it
September 7, 2018
Status: c428
I love the FL and ML interaction. At first chapter, they're not like any other couple in love, but rather like enemy. But around chapter 3**, their interaction began to change and its sooooo cute when the ML began to fall in love with FL and how he began to show his affection to FL. But its not going to his way as I would like to say, the FL a bit dense.

For a foodie, this novel is a must because the FL is a foodie person and you'll droll... more>> as you read this novel. The description and picture of the food by the translator really make me went to eat them? <<less
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HoloAugust rated it
August 21, 2018
Status: c121
I totally love this MC. She is easy going, and not very black bellied, and like her performance in cooking. To my current reading chapters, ML's away and not very romantic in the start (due to his memory of past life), but I can expect more interesting events in the future. To say as final, this is nice novel to read and I can read from the start again since this is not boring at all...
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