To Be A Virtuous Wife


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As a virtuous wife, does it include tolerating his cousin, enduring his concubines, bearing his mother?

If you will not let me live freely, why would I let you live in satisfaction?

Did fate let women time-travel so they could learn the three morals and four virtues?

Rather than act like a coward and live, it would be better to live in satisfaction and die.

Associated Names
One entry per line
He Wei Xian Qi
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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Ancient china love stories
  2. My Fav BGs
  3. The Girlies of Ancient Times (Historical)
  5. lifes better in saturn

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355 Reviews sorted by

Srsly - _-
Srsly - _- rated it
March 13, 2021
Status: Completed
The love story is very realistic. The FL is not s*upidly in love and the ML is not unrealistically doting. Both are smart people but they are not those type of characters that are the best at everything. All in all it was a very refreshing read.
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Bubbleducks rated it
March 1, 2021
Status: Completed
This was a refreshing story and I give it a 4.5 stars rating. The main character isn't some peerless beauty or a genious or a super savey bussiness woman who makes tonns of money. She is pretty, clever and realistic, and lives her life accordigly. There are no major misunderstandings or events that cause friction in the relationship between the main characters like there often is. It's not the most exciting read without the b*tchslaps and intricate scheming, but I found it a highly enjoyable read and would definitly recommend.
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Nanogami rated it
February 6, 2021
Status: Completed
I came back to this book just to re-read. Then I happen to saw the review section. I can't help but feel bad (?) Sorry (?) For those who we're not able to get past the early chapters bc of their 'difficulty' of grasping and remembering words.

I was like them too, at first. Didn't get past half of chapter 1 til I drop it, but it keeps on showing up on recommendations and lists. So I decided to give it another try. Glad I did. Despite the headache I got,... more>> my nonexistent-patience wearing thin, and my dwindling working brain cells; I managed to get the grasp of the terms. In fact, it was quite helpful. After reading this book, I NEVER encountered any mandarin (?) term that I did not understand while reading other c-novels.

It feels so satisfying (for me) to learn 'em.

I'm editing this when I have time, and when my brain has another brain cell to spare. <<less
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AnOddPerson rated it
February 1, 2021
Status: c85
I'm a big fan of this story. The Female Lead is interesting and appealing to me,

and for ONCE the Male Lead isn't a lecherous scoundrel.

The translation notes are very thorough too, which helps a lot.
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luxannefelix rated it
December 26, 2020
Status: Completed
there's no rule that only complex and explicit stories are worth five stars. In this case, this is a story about a humane girl that understands their own role in life. It's worth five stars because it brings enjoyment & satisfaction to the reader. After all isn't that what a novel is all about?

This novel doesn't treat ancient china as a backdrop like many other stories. What's different that this is akin to historical fiction. theres no overwhelming dog blood drama. In the first place it's pretty unrealistic how people are so s*upid and stubborn in other novels. Characters in this novel act like actual human beings; just because a person did bad thing doesn't mean they'll always do bad things in the future. That's not how humans work. I really appreciate how dimensional the author designed the characters.

I can't help but sigh for rui wang. A hopeless romantic till the end.

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seriouslybookish rated it
October 19, 2020
Status: Completed
This is my first book from this author and what a pleasant surprise it was.

FL is a wonderful breath of fresh air. I especially enjoyed the FL's approach to love. It was realistic and she stayed true to herself till the end.

ML is nothing to write home about. No book boyfriend here. He's a typical product of his time: cunning, ambitious, entitled, doesn't have regard for anyone, though at the end, its as though he lives to satisfy the FL.

The romance was solid with lots of fluff. It's a quick... more>> and solid read. <<less
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Yani rated it
September 24, 2020
Status: Completed
I really love this novel !!! I’ve re-read this at least five times already 😂😂

I like the interaction between MC and ML and there is no misunderstanding so whatever between them. They are smart couple. Loved it!!!
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waterplease rated it
September 19, 2020
Status: Completed
i really regret not reading this earlier. I've been a c-novel reader for years now and the thought of reading this never really came to me. I got misleaded by the description and I thought this was another novel with a scum ML ㅠㅠ

reading this really reminded me of eight treasures trousseau but I like this a bit better because there are more moments between MC and ml. I also love he yuan's character development... more>>

he yuan's wang fei's epilogue broke my heart. He really was inlove with MC even until his death, he kept the painting of her with him. Although he was a scum at first, reading his one sided love with the MC is heartbreaking

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snowkiara rated it
July 28, 2020
Status: 123
The translation of this story is excellent. I love how HH slowely fell in love with QQJ.

The MC is very strong minded. She knows what she wants and how to make it happen, bt its also the advantage of being the agent in the previous life. She doesn't believe in ml's words and promises to till nearly the end.

I love how ML is portrayed. He is an imperial wang ye, however gentle he comes off as to others, he still has that imperial arrogance deep in his bones. He is... more>> the perfect person to be an emperor. Considerate yet ruthless, also very deep minded with a smart mouth. He kills without any blood. MC is very clear about his personality from the start and acts along with him. Its very moving to see him protect the MC from every scheme trying to hurt her. Also love how they both flirt with each other. Their interaction is very interesting. ML is very caring and considerate towards her after he falls for her. He has a kink for the buyao in her hair accessories... its so cute... he always caressing her hairpins.

Jing fei is also my favourite character. She is a very loving mother and considerate MIL. She never humiliated her erxi to satisfy her ego and she knew how to treat her erxi right. She also didn't let anyone meddle in affairs between her son and erxi.

I think He yuan was always attracted to MC but didn't realise it. Also somewhere I felt that the late emperor was disappointed in rui wang as he didn't show any mature growth, thats why he appointed HH. But its shown that rui wang also grew up after realising the his love for QQJ. He matured and took a turn for good. I love how he loved qqj for lifetime and even took her paiting and memories along with him in death. It was amusing when HH realised rui wang's feelings for QQJ, it was very satisfying to read his reactions. He never left them together alone and his expression never seemed eight whenever rui wang was mentioned in front of QQJ.

I loved this story about the ml, MC, their interaction, later their children are also cute. Now that I have seen QQJ with HH, I want to see her with HE YUAN. Like in chongfei manual, Li song died and wentvback in time... there he got together with Wei Luo.

I want to see what happens if the late emperor decreed QQJ to He Yuan. If QQJ can handle HH who is cunning, deep thinker and ruthless and kept him in her palm for their whole life, made him totally devoted to her. Then handling He Yuan would be a piece of cake for her. I really wish to read them getting decreed and married to each other. <<less
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Brasdf rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: c123
There are quite a lot of untranslated terms, which requires more work from the reader, but I think it is worth it, as it adds nuance to the interactions that otherwise would be missed. Otherwise, the translation quality is mostly good, but not great. In every chapter a few sentences wouldn't make sense or be a grammatical mess, or just be missing a negation.

The story starts well, but really slows down about a half in, the result is okay, but not remarkable. Finishing it was a bit tedious.
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XiaoFanTuan rated it
June 23, 2020
Status: Completed




Did the FL love the ML wholeheartedly?


Is the FL’s affection for the ML based on convenience? Does it have a hint of pity since she’s “oh so realistic so I can’t truly love the guy”??


Did I feel bad for the Male Lead?

D a mn right I did

Don’t give me that s h I t ending where ... more>>

some archeologist found their bodies inside a coffin which then meant that their love was oh so true and admirable


At least in 8TT I can feel how the FL was willing to try it with the ML but I guess being a strong independent woman is the theme for the author’s novels.

Seriously, if you want to read something fluffy then stay away from this novel. Doesn’t help that the beginning was kinda like reading a novel with chinese lessons on the side. But I guess I’m in the minority though coz I honestly appreciate that the TL left the pinyin on some words coz it kinda sets the mood esp since this is set in ancient china.

Yeah, one of the few novels where I felt bad and sad for the ML. He doesn’t deserve that cynical and pessimistic FL. Her being from the modern times doesn’t give her the right to be that way. If she can’t reciprocate or trust him then she could’ve just left and let the ML find someone who’ll love him better than be stuck with her and let him doubt himself. Gahd I hate her <<less
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miraculously-@nonymous rated it
June 13, 2020
Status: Completed
this book hit so hard I cried.

hi!! This novel is one of my new favs and I've never been so happy to read a book. This novel, I-I just have so many words that I don't know how to phase, but here's a quote derived from the first part of the epilogue-

"A person's life in this world is like a white steed racing past, suddenly gone." Qu Qing Ju, How To Be A Virtuous Wife.

-ya'know, I remember complaining on one of my reviews how I read these types of novels... more>> for the heart-stirring, the gushy-mushy romance of it, but I realized that this book doesn't have any of that. No dubious-consent between FL and ML, no bribing/blackmailing/threatening, no "I-love-you-so-you-have-to-love-me" crap that is painful to read. No gush, or mush to soften the heart (just a little fluff don't worry), no crazy, out-of-this-world gestures. But moments.

moments that show that the author knew love. Or knew how to write it. "An outreached hand will sometimes mean more than gold." that is a good phrase to describe it. The FL and ML's love suits then. They understand each other and can communicate their thoughts. o, moje serce boli.

xoxo, MiRA <<less
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BlueAmethyst rated it
April 28, 2020
Status: Completed
This story... is... (sigh) just WOW. That title, 'To Be a Virtuous Wife', is so concise, straightforward yet ironic that it fits the story's theme so well. Overall rating: 4.3.


Set in an Ancient China-like dynasty (basically a period drama), the social structure and power struggle were inferred from the connections made by the characters. In particular, many scenarios delve into the dynamics of the relations between women, and how it affects (cause and effect) the world of men.

I like how the story explored different kinds of paths women at that... more>> time walk on and how their decisions and actions define how they were treated by those surrounding them. But do note that in this setting, no matter how accomplished and intelligent women were, their standing and perception in life still heavily depend on the men around them. If, on one chance, women took the tasks that were meant for men (e.g. leading a clan, etc.) or even slight a man's dignity or honor, society would demean them and their families into 'ruin' - a harsh reality at that time. An excerpt from the story expounded the views apparent for this society: The apathy of men, the resulting pain would be multiplied on the women. The weakness of women, the resulting pain would be multiplied on the children.


Our MC was a some sort of time traveler, who possessed the body of the second prince's wang fei after the original's soul died from illness. There was no explicit mention of the MC's previous life so I have doubts on how fast she was able to adapt to her current circumstances, especially at acting inside the imperial palace. Fortunately, she was steadfast in managing the wang fu and decisive in her choices and conduct. There was character progress, especially on how she dealt on her emotions and principles towards the ML, but for me, her character was a bit surreal, mainly because she was flawless, someone who upheld proper morals and conduct at that time - the epitome of a virtuous wife. What I do like about her was she was clear (1) that her happiness does not depend on others but only on herself, especially as a princess during those times, so she learned to love and prioritize herself first in all circumstances (but later on she learned to give a part, NOT WHOLE (needs emphasis here), of her heart to the ML so they live happily ever after), and (2) the fact that the circumstances around women at that time forced them to act how they acted, and thus was not harsh and cares for them whenever possible, but that's to be expected since she has come from the future. My favorite quote from the story was coined from her:

As a woman, if one could choose, it would be to receive one person’s heart, and to not separate until death.



He Heng is our ML, and for the fight to the throne, he was depicted as the oriole in the saying "the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind". He was indifferent to love, and so he initially intended to give a minimum amount of respect to our MC as his wang fei in managing his wang fu. But of course, as the story progressed, they became closer to each other and became 'fated pair of the heavens'. I won't say much about his character, just that 'once the horse is taken, the Troy has fallen' - up to you how you understood that.


The story was easy to understand, there weren't much hidden machinations on the plot - in fact it's not hard to think about what would happen next if one just pieced the information given from previous chapters. The translators gave a good job on the translations (there were even pictures regarding ancient food and clothing so +++).

To be honest, I can write a 10-page book review on this which discusses about the plot, the title, the characters, the setting, the motivation, the intonation, and other stuff because the topics, especially what makes someone 'virtuous', was so interesting for me but I will stop here. Good read, and if you don't dislike this genre, I suggest you pick the book up and try it. <<less
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Vakkerbela rated it
December 31, 2019
Status: epilogue
This was the second Chinese - English translated book I read. The first was Princess Wei Yang.

I've read this book five times over and I love it more each time. MC is not merciless or a doormat. She doesn't spend half the book in denial or starts doing outrageous things. She just wants to enjoy the new life that she's been given. The terms in the book were a bit confusing sometimes, but I liked them. In my opinion they added character to the book. It's Chinese, so why shouldn't... more>> it have Chinese terms? And that's also more knowledge. I highly recommend this book. <<less
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Junjaykimchi rated it
October 27, 2019
Status: Completed
It was a good novel, but not my cup of tea. It's quite slow-paced. And it's nothing like the summary. I was expecting a novel with a smart female lead who partakes in a lot of scheming and plays a major role in the ascension of the emperor but it's a fairly... realistic novel where the FL just sits around, gets along with the ML and occasionally goes to events to diss her sisters-in-law and deals with other women. She's involved in a lot of conversations with underlying tones instead... more>> of actual plots. I thought she'd be a lot more proactive, but she's very laid-back and though she's intelligent, she doesn't really do much throughout the novel. I do appreciate the romance and found it really interesting how the FL isn't willing to fully trust the ML, especially given the time period this takes place in. The teasing between the two is nice. The epilogues were very touching and brought a beautiful end to the entire love story. The side characters and the schemes in the ascension plot are all quite interesting, but the FL isn't really involved in any of that.

Overall, it wasn't really what I expected or what I'm used to (which is why I'm rating it 4 stars), but it was an enjoyable read. It's very calm. <<less
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King7 rated it
October 8, 2019
Status: Completed
I don't know why many people gave it a high rating but this novel is obviously boring! Bland! I honestly finished it by sheer willpower.

I have read plenty of historical novels or books but this novel is not my cup of tea. For me, it's really boring. Several books I've read is somewhat the same with this genre; transmigrate, decided to live a peaceful life, not much angst and tragedies. But those books were more interesting than this.

What did the MC do? As the title says, she just acts virtuous,... more>> that's all. And let the story flow. She did almost nothing. How boring is that? Specially that it's her point of view. There many times in the book that I expected a good times but turned out to be a dissapointment. This book caused me really many dissapointments. It broke many of my expectations. Did you experience being cliff-hanged in the end of the chapter then you anticipate for what will happen next and when the moment comes, nothing really happens and move to another setting? Yes! This what mostly happened in this book! Better not to have expectation. Simply put, boring!

And the romance! I get that in a palace, there involves a harem, so the FL tried not to get attached to the ML for a thinking that ML will jump from one woman to another, but!


The novel almost finish but there's no development in the FL. Honestly, the book finished that I felt nothing. I didn't feel that the FL genuinely love the ML. I love slow development and slow romance but what is this? Too slow! Very very slow! And it ends unsatisfyingly


The only time I really like is on chapter 100+ something


when they already have their cute little buns.


I thank the translator for his/her hardwork! But if I rated it, it's 3.5/5. The remaining pinyin gives me a terrible headache. Too many untranslated words. I get that it left its original word since most were named by its rank. But you can just put the translated word in the novel and footnote its original text. It's more easier to read. And less troublesome.

So, I'm kind of fooled by great reviews. THIS BOOK IS BLAND AND BORING. <<less
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Honey B
Honey B rated it
September 8, 2019
Status: Completed

I liked this sooooo much better than Eight Treasures Trousseau which is by the same author.

It was slightly smutty which gave an extra something ?

... more>> The MC was interesting with out being over the top. Though open-minded, she was a bit lazy and often got bored with stuff easily, she just felt real.

The ML was ambitious, cold, scheming but true to his word. Don't have too many complaints about him.

The story had a touch of drama, a touch of face slapping, and a heavy dose of ancient Chinese fashion. In fact that's why it didn't get 5 stars. Too much about the clothes, the hairpins, the flowers, the d*mn servants EVERYWHERE! ?

Excuse me... where was I? ?

Oh right, this story was pretty d*mn good. ? <<less
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Beccablue rated it
June 24, 2019
Status: Completed
This is very well translated and flows nicely.

If you are looking for hot romance and face slapping, this is not for you.

If you want a slow burn novel with intelligent characters and a well developed story and background, then this is worth a read.

... more>> It's a great way to immerse yourself in a historic setting with clever characters and an intriguing plot.

It's not very energetic and busy. But it doesn't feel slow. It has a nice pace and doesn't really have any stagnating parts.

I very much enjoyed this and will read it again and would buy it if it was published in English. <<less
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Dhaturas rated it
April 9, 2019
Status: c123
When compared to other Chinese reincarnation novels, this story isn't as dramatic. There isn't as grand a power struggle or as sinister a revenge plot in this story compared to other novels. The MC is reincarnated as the wife of a decently favored prince and she is the still the di daughter of a high ranking official. But this novel stands out because of the deep and interesting love between the two main protagonists. The MC is strong-willed but isn't so headstrong as to forego any trace of deception. She... more>> also doesn't blindly devote everything into her husband immediately.

5/5 : Great romance novel <<less
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Meera the Hunter
Meera the Hunter
March 20, 2019
Status: --
It could be a really good story. I tried reading it a few times and I always liked the setting.

Sadly I didnt like the translation style. Especially names/titles were not translated and while I remember one or two I defiantly dont remember the word for mothers uncles second cousin. Those are explained in footnotes which makes reading the story annoying.
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