To Be A Virtuous Wife


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As a virtuous wife, does it include tolerating his cousin, enduring his concubines, bearing his mother?

If you will not let me live freely, why would I let you live in satisfaction?

Did fate let women time-travel so they could learn the three morals and four virtues?

Rather than act like a coward and live, it would be better to live in satisfaction and die.

Associated Names
One entry per line
He Wei Xian Qi
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355 Reviews sorted by

rinshi rated it
December 7, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel has been heavily recommended to me, but fearing that it could not live up to its fame, I put off reading it. Overall, I am not disappointed, but it is not as outstanding as I expected it to be. Don't get me wrong, it is a really good novel, but it's hard for me to give it full marks. I like it very much, but I do not love it.

First, let's start with the good points. I enjoy both MC and ML, and they do make a great... more>> pairing. Yet, I wish we could get to know more about their personalities and feelings, which are, in my opinion, not extensively described.


The MC transmigrated into this world, but we do not get to learn about the circumstances of her transmigration, nor much about her previous life. She is calm, clear-headed and confident, but, at the same time, she is also detached, which made it harder for me to completely relate to her. The same is kinda true for the ML. There aren't many chapters that are written in the pov of the ML, but at least his feelings (when talking about the MC) are made abundantly clear. I know that, as the MC often states: actions speak louder than words, but I agreed with the ML at the end. It wasn't clear to me how the MC truly felt about the ML (which is really a pity).

Having their personalities, their circumstances and their feeling described further and more extensively would have probably pushed me to rate this novel even better.


It is a slice-of-life fairy-tale, and the drama and intrigues aren't excessive and usually resolved very quickly. No angst whatsoever. It is a comfortable read. Yet, sometimes feels slightly bland.

Lastly, I also wanted to mention the translator, who did an amazing job. I really do not mind the pinyin as much as others. Of course, it took time to get into it, but once you did, it just added flair to the translation. So please do not hesitate reading it because of that! You'd be missing out.

Just as a side note: What I also wanted to mention is that I really like the character transformation of the third brother, and the first epilogue further depicting him (which was really one of the most touching aspects for me). <<less
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amelyn95 rated it
October 13, 2019
Status: c6
I just can't understand why the translator added so much extra task into her already mountain of work. Was it so important for readers to used wangfe/ wangye instead of princess/ prince etc? All the glossary that I need to refer each paragraph I read killed me. Skip from ch.5, direct to ch.72-78 and I still can't continue.

So for readers like me, that had hard enough time to remember foreign character names, this one is not for you too lol.

Translator is really consistent in her writing imo, so kudos for... more>> that <<less
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November 12, 2017
Status: Completed
First and foremost, don’t be fool by the title! When I first saw TBAVW I avoid it for a couple weeks until I ran out of novels to read, finally decided to give it a try and to my surprise best historical romance novel.

TBAVW is my favorite transmigration novel follows by ETT. I loves the MC’s personality so much. Moreover, the loves between MC and male lead bring tears to my eyes, especially the ending. Furthermore, male lead’s mother is such an awesome and noteworthy character. The things a mother... more>> will do for her child is unbelievable.

All in all, I highly recommend TBAVW. <<less
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Saiyademon22 rated it
July 26, 2016
Status: Completed
Okay all I could say so far will be very short for my type of reviews

-A bit two dimensional, not that you'll hate it or love it but good enough that you can follow their character and learn to know and like them as the story goes. Not much a fan of the male MC, because his to arrogant for my taste as the story starts bu latter on he becomes too stand offish later on. The female MC is not that heart-warming character but rather the cool type that most people would like in a female MC, not too fierce and not too gentle.
-a linear plot, imperial politics, but mostly the battle is at the female yuan (palaces) most of the story follows the general flow of the romance masses, with a mature characters to make it more realistic.
-can't write much cause I had read the translated version. But it has a nice flow and an average used of wording, not too deep or too simple.
-The setting is very amiable well portraited, but not much on the details.. (Better watch more chine historical dramas to be able to completely visualized the setting)
-one of the best story with female romance protagonist, so far aside from Empress with no Virtue, Chu Wang Fei these has one of the best historical drama/romance.
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Adelicya rated it
June 4, 2016
Status: c123
This is one of the stories I can say that I've truly enjoyed despite my love being action and adventure novels. A great slice of life with no love triangles or heavy politics involved story line which I see a lot of in historical drama.
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alaskame rated it
May 6, 2016
Status: --
The novel is a slow-paced one with not much excitement and one might really forgot that the MC is reincarnated. If you want something drastic, you may feel a little disappointed. However, the story is lovely with a ticklish feeling for some who prefer slice-of-life style.

In my case, this novel made me sleep late at night, keep saying just a few more chaps... Now that I can finish the whole novel I should have a proper nap.
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dysry rated it
February 11, 2016
Status: --
Overall this was a really pleasant and enjoyable read, well written with an interesting plot and likeable characters. The story addresses the challenges of women in history, with the female lead ignoring the expected behaviour for women and identifying what is truly crucial to survive – the love and protection of her husband and the respect of society. Characters

The MC Qu Qing Ju a really sensible character, who doesn’t obnoxiously flaunt her knowledge and experience from her previous life and seems to blend with the context. Instead she uses her charisma, intellect and natural beauty to take control of her household and ingratiate herself with her husband, providing sufficient insulation to protect herself from the political trappings of the era and secure her own position.

Her husband, He Heng, is depicted as her equal in charm, charisma and looks, although this is more obvious when he’s not by her side due him fawning over her, but also because he plays a more significant role in the major developments of the story. Several other characters are also built up and given some perspective. This gives them more depth and can evoke sympathy or at least have their actions explained.
The plot is primarily driven by secondary characters and their ambitions, with the MC not blindly picking fights but reacting/witnessing to the plots and fates of others. Although the MC is an outsider/missing from a lot of scenes as she is just one character within the story, and several major developments are hinted at and occur in the background

including the fight for the throne where HH was fueling the tension between his brothers, and was ultimately won by by HH’s mother, as well as the fall of her family. A lot of the time, the MC is limited to sweet talks and petty fights which don’t impact the overall plot, though they do secure her position.

The romance between the MC and her husband is another major aspect of the novel. The main couple are both cautious and calculating people who rarely show their true intentions so their relationship has always been a mixture of mutual respect, physical attraction and acting.

The MC is accommodating and plays the part of a doting wife, while flaunting the benefits of her husband’s affections, however she remains doubtful over how genuine he is. This makes sense over the first half of the story. However this gap in affections was only mildly addressed near the end of the series (ironically the same way his mother showed her “love” for the emperor) rather than gradually resolved throughout the series.

While the main point of this story was to highlight that women’s fates were at the whims of their families and husbands, a personal issue I had with the series was how lightly the male antagonists were treated.

The crimes of He Heng’s brothers far outweighed the actions of any female antagonist, but was ultimately pardoned and lived well enough. While her father and brother remained better off than her sister and step mother.

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Akime yuko
Akime yuko rated it
May 29, 2024
Status: c1
I came here after reading eight treasures trousseau. What more can I say? Everyone was right. The two book is very similar the only difference is that the ML of this book has a harem in his yard which is why I've been avoiding this for a long time and I deeply regretted it.

Since everyone in the comments is already talking abt our two main characters im not gonna delve too much into them. I mean they're perfect for each other, watching their affection slowly go deeper is very satisfying... more>> and touching but strangely there is one side character that made me teared up.

Qin Bai Lu.. At some point I do hate her but her last sentence made me cry

He Yuan- I think his biggest punishment is falling for someone he could never have.

This novel is actually one of the few rare ancient novel where there is no death despite fighting for the throne. I love how the author executed the side characters ending. In fact I find myself rooting even for the "villain" to changed themselves and the author did a good job on that. Everyone got whatever they deserved

last but not least I sincerely hope everyone will give this novel a chance and won't focused on the negative reviews. This novel is uncensored and feels very original. It give you the real insight of what's it's like being a woman in ancient China <<less
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meatbunluver rated it
January 10, 2024
Status: Completed
There are some novels you should read if you're into this ancient Chinese romance dramas. This is one of them. A lot of the other reviews go into more detail, but for me the highlight was the strength the FL had. She was intelligent and she used it to the fullest to live the life she wanted.

The author, Butterfly's Shadow Beneath the Moon, is well known for a good reason and you can't go wrong with this.
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l8rose rated it
November 6, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel is pretty good with very little in the way of hiccups for the main couple. While there are events that happen (such as mu*der in the ML's harem), none of them shakes the relationship between the pair.

The FL is a transmigrator but this has very little consequence to the story. Like a few other Ancient Chinese stories, it is only done to explain her different mentality and how she handles the women in the harem around her. However, this difference is what interests the ML because she is... more>> both open (to him) and has the mentality of a Manager (she literally treats the harem like it's a business and that the concubines are the workers). While she does have a few moments of jealousy, she is very accepting of the reality she's in and becomes rather satisfied in her life when the ML chooses to focus solely on her.

The ML is one of four princes. He is not the favoured or the oldest but the most crafty. All his life, he has arranged things so that he doesn't showcase how capable he is. To the point that the two main contenders for the throne compete with each other and ignore him. He is willing to do what he needs to succeed because he understands that it would not be good for the Dynasty if the favoured prince took the throne. From the beginning, he has stated that he will not favour a concubine over his wife. Because of this, he acts like he is in love with her but then falls for her and has no other woman in his eyes from beginning to end.


There are several women who scheme to climb into his bed but it always fails. He simply has zero interest in the rest of the women in the harem or in adding women to it. This even leads to one concubine mu*dering another and trying to frame the MC as well as a princess from another country to volunteer herself to be one of his concubines.


The scheming against the couple doesn't really start until the ML becomes the Emperor. Previous to that, it's just the MC dealing with the other women in the harem, the crap family the original host had and the jealousy from the wife of another prince.


The wife of the other prince was torn between blaming her prince husband and the MC for the fact that her life was terrible. She had very little capability for handling her husband's harem or to draw her husband's attention. It doesn't help that her husband was very arrogant and pretty much a terrible person. The prince also takes in the MC's half-sister as one of his concubines for the sole purpose of using her in place of the MC (yuuuuup). The prince's wife is a minor antagonist who hangs around until the end of the novel with spectacular results.


While the story is fairly good, it just seems like most of the main events happened in the background or were solved by someone other than the MC. At times it almost felt like she was an observer of the events and not really a participant or that the MC was forgotten until everything else had been dealt with.

The translator also left a lot of untranslated words in. While this does add a lot of flavour, it does get to be a bit confusing when a lot of words are used at once or later when people's titles change. <<less
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DaeJangGeum rated it
September 22, 2023
Status: Completed
Extremely entertaining! I loved it. Ultimate imperial family conflict drama in a nutshell.

This one focuses a lot on the events that happen in the struggle between the family, and pretty easy to understand as well. Both the FL and ML are extremely interesting, and it is a pretty realistic relationship up to the point where he decides he will not care about the other women in his harem. There are a lot interesting side characters as well.

FL is a smart person with top people skills, but it is funny how... more>> she decides to play the fool till the end. No matter what happens, it is the Wangye's decision not hers, so she cannot be blamed. This is basically the principle she holds while manoeuvring through the conflict filled imperial family. In a way she is a 'virtuous wife' but also has 'unrestrained spirit'. She uses her people skills to gain the favour of those around her, serve husband and all but leaves the rest all up to fate. She never actually feels sorry for herself at any time, and is willing to do things to please people in order to gain freedom to do whatever she wants to. I don't see that resentment of being restricted by rules at any point or resentment towards to ancient characters, she just understands and accepts them as screwed as they are. I got vibes of 70 year old wise woman sometimes. Basically what I call, 'never let yourself be wronged regardless of how many rules are enforced on you'. I find her lack of trust in ML quite realistic, and even I doubted He Hong to near the end after reading 'The Job of an Imperial Concubine' and similar works.

ML is no stiff faced, emotionless child either. He is the smartest out of 4 brothers, slyest and best in playing people with their own tricks. What I found the most surprising was the commitment he had towards QQJ, which is quite different from what you would expect of someone his status and given that he prioritises the country as compared to his father and brothers. Quite not realistic for a man of his position in his time to have such an attitude, to the point of monogamy at least. He is surprisingly adorable in some ways as well.

My favourite character is Jing Guifei. She has such a pivotal role in this story, where without her He Heng had basically no chance of becoming emperor. She is attributed the right kind of respect she deserves as well as awe for her powerful moves. I love how adorable the relationship between her and her erxifu is. I want a mother-in-law like that. In this aspect you also need to applaud An Guipin who barely had any resistance towards her erxifu, and treated her really well. Jing An Grand Princess is also an adorable person, but I felt she maintained a very mutual benefit relationship as compared to Jing Guifei. I particularly love the part where FL and Princess have a role-play banter during a party.

Overall, I like the rich engaging plot and equally engaging characters. I like how the focus is not on the characters but the events in the story, so even though I don't have much takeaway on the characters and their development, I loved it. I do believe though, transmigration was completely unnecessary, it could have been rebirth or simply change in character due to near death experience and it would work just fine. I really hope writers don't use that trope if it is not doing anything for the plot. Also, it wasn't the most complicated mind-boggling schemes ever, it was fairly simple and the antagonists were not that smart, and it was an easy win for the main characters, so I did feel that it didn't give me enough of an mental exercise. It was a full circle for all the characters, and everyone got their endings which was satisfying. It was wholesome that no one was exploiting or using anyone in this story. <<less
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sweet_nothing rated it
July 21, 2023
Status: Completed
Props for a ML who’s not a cold block of ice, is fun and who has character growth.
FL is a bit of mixed bag but not one I would say is completely cold or bland as some have stated. I think sometimes readers forget the era and culture these novels belong to and read with modern expectations that would have the FL beheaded or have her completely out of favour.

Although the author does fall into the trap once again, of trying to show that a FL is strong when she keeps on denying what she feels and receives from the ML. It doesn’t make you strong to be closed off and fake to the person you clearly love and who clearly loves you. And if the author wants us to believe that the FL is okay with living in the moment and not afraid of death, then show them to actually accept their own feelings.

Personally I’m also always left a little discontent when thinking about the OG souls, of these bodies that have been taken over and no one knowing they’ve died or having any respect paid to them by the ones inhabiting them. Theres also the issues of the author evoking sympathy for certain characters the way they did in the epilogue, that is frustrating to read because A, the love makes no sense and B, now I want more but all I have is this one emotionally tragic epilogue.

Anyway, good translation, fun banter between the leads and FL that’s thankfully not intimacy shy. Read this one and skip eight treasures.
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Vp4444 rated it
March 21, 2023
Status: Completed
I will admit that this was a difficult story to start, but if you push past the first three chapters you will not regret it. The first three chapters are full of definitions, explanations, and untranslated words you'll have to understand based on the contest clues provided. There are a huge chunk of characters you will be introduced to within those first three chapters but if you use the character chart provided by the translator you'll be golden.

Now after those chapters, you will be introduced to a Female Lead who... more>> has just awoken in the body of a woman who tragically died, and that's why she's inside her body. She quickly understands the situation that she has been placed in and instead of being sad or weepy, she does what she needs to do in order to survive.

One thing I dislike about historical dramas is that they make the Female Lead ALWAYS rely on the Male Lead to the point where she does nothing for herself even though she's supposed to be super smart and strong. This FL knows what her strengths are and she leans into them. It was great seeing her navigate this new world she's living in.

The ML was surprisingly likable, in most historical dramas the author leans into making the ML historically accurate to the detriment of the ML making him unlikable by making him a creep, a stalker, obnoxious, or misogynist. The ML is a smart and kind character that tries his best. He has his own story going on that doesn't revolve around the FL all the time which was refreshing and it was entertaining finding out more about his character and backstory.

The side characters are interesting and don't just disappear into the sidelines. They have emotions and their decisions make sense when you know why they are the way that they are. There was never a time when I was annoyed that we were focusing on a side character instead of the FL and ML because the side characters were just as interesting.

The ending was perfect in my opinion, the author didn't draw it out and I feel like while I would have enjoyed more chapters, and didn't feel like I needed more. Amazing job the translators who really cared about this story. You could tell they were reading the comments and cared about making the story enjoyable for everyone. This was a fantastic read.

I finally created an account because I had to let other people know how great this was to read. Just get through those first three chapters and you will find a story worth staying up all hours of the night to read. Great job translators, thank you for translating this story so that the rest of us would have the opportunity to read this. Thank you :) And thank you to the author who put pen to paper and allowed us to read this fantastic story. <<less
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hycave rated it
January 6, 2023
Status: Completed
The summary doesn't attract me to read this novel (personally I feel like the summary doesn't do this novel any justice) but I decided to give it a chance because I wanted to read more historical novel and I'm glad I did. I love reading this novel. It reminds me of the historical Chinese drama that I used to watch when I was a kid. The story is not that dramatic since it's a slice of life. It's calm but at the same time is not that bland for me.... more>> It's just nice. I love the MC's personality so much. She is so realistic and doesn't easily fall in love and I feel like the love between MC and ML is genuine. It happened gradually and it just felt right. If this novel is made into a drama I would definitely watch it :)

Update - I tried to find another novel that gives me the same feeling as this novel and went to read one novel where the review said that novel is better than this novel. Can't finish that novel (it's boring) and instead I came back and re-read this novel. Hoping to find another novel that can give me the same feeling as this novel gave me. I love this novel so much! 28072023

MC was isekai'd and woke up as Qu Qing Ju (the wife of Duan wang ye) when the original body owner was dying. The original body owner's life was pitiful. She was treated badly by her own family after her mother's death and even after she married into Duan wang ye's fu (wang ye is the second son of the emperor but he's not the most favored prince) she was treated badly by the people there which costs her, her life. Wang ye treated the original body owner respectfully but without any love. After waking up as the wang fei, MC had to face the scorn of the women in wang ye's fu as well as other people's jealousy and hatred towards her but slowly she gain respect and love from wang ye and get revenge for the original body owner. <<less
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Arimathea rated it
November 15, 2022
Status: Completed
I don't know why people rate this so low, maybe it's the same reason why I've stopped reading this in the past.

This novel is so good! If you compare it to other historical novels out there, this one is much more realistic and the revenge is very smooth without dog blood drama and life worse than death, it is satisfying yet humane.

About the characters, they are human. What is a human in my opinion? Kind but not a pushover, greedy but with self-realization, smart but knows their limitations.

So how am... more>> I supposed to view the other OP MC out there that I haven't read yet when I already know this kind of novel?



She's a transmigrated woman, she was a dance instructor in the modern era and transmigrated into the bullied eldest di daughter of a Marquis house but in the timeline, she's already the wangfei of a qin wang. What I like about her is that she's not aggressive nor impulsive, she acts on what she sees and feels for herself before making a move. She doesn't depend on the memories of the original QQJ to judge the Qu family but when she experienced for herself their real attitude towards the original QQJ, she immediately blocked the line between them. She's not a romantic person who falls in love at first sight or immediately falls for someone good to her. She knows that ancient people are only saying things in the spur of the moment. She knows the boundaries that all modern characters transmigrated into the ancient era should have. She's not one of the other characters that carry the world or meddling with political affairs because she knows that she doesn't need to do that in this ancient era. Do you know that when you're in somebody else house, you should follow their rules? That's the same for this, you're in the ancient era so act like one. I love how she didn't expose that she's a transmigrated person because it's all peaceful, what's the need to do so? You're just bringing trouble to yourself. Anyway, I love her character, especially her soft-heartedness towards women, she knows that women didn't have it easy in this ancient era that's why every female that she comes across, as much as she can, she'll make them live a good life.



The ML is great, not overly romantic and rational. He doesn't mix up his back courtyard into political affairs. He doesn't need a woman's background to rise to the throne because he's able. I remember that the reason I didn't finish this in the past is because the ML had concubines before the MC came, now I just find it normal and more realistic and surprisingly, I like it.


I really like how he knew that QQJ didn't really believe all his sweet promises and even I the reader didn't believe him either. Every time a new female came, I always grit my teeth and try to overcome my monogamous nature but would surprise myself that HH already took care of it for QQJ. That's a real man there, you attracted the trouble, you should clean that trouble yourself.



"There was nothing being alone at the top, so each dynasty, each generation of emperor would have women that they favored. It was only because they couldn't find what they wanted with the bodies of the woman they favored, so they continue to look for the next one." - HH

Thank you HH for this, I now realize why people have different girlfriends and boyfriends. There are billions of people in the world and there's a dust chance of you finding your fated one at the right time. I don't look down on them anymore, I just find them pitiful now. Anyway, that's their choice and decision in life, that's their life to rule.


The third prince (He Yuan) :

Maybe someone will reprimand me for this or curse me for this but I like He Yuan's character, him after He Heng

ascend the throne. QQJ didn't hate HY because she knew that he was not the one entirely at fault. Who made the xiandi emperor dote on him wholeheartedly and spoil him since he was born? That's the xiandi emperor and shu guifei fault but it's too late when he already realized.


He has the biggest character development in the story and I like the retribution that dawns upon him. I'm not justifying his past actions that's why I'm very conflicted about him.

Major spoiler that would make you lose interest or may be interested in this novel more:


He loved only one woman his entire life and even the painting he drew himself accompanied him in his coffin. I like how he loves her but doesn't do anything to take her for he knows that he can't make her happy that way. Love can really make us the person we never think of. I love how I knew it would happen but was surprised still by its execution. I love how he informed us about the legendary Yu Ming Empower and his Empress' true ending. That's true love y'all. He cleared the misunderstanding between the couple and ours too. Don't tell me you didn't get disappointed when your spirits rose for that chapter title but fell hard to the ground when he said he wouldn't be like the Yu Ming emperor but got mixed up emotions when He Yuan got a talk with her. This damned novel. I will forever treasure that little moment of theirs.


"After seeing the ocean, no other water can compare..." - HY (I kind of relate to him here because that's so true.)

Qu Yue Su:

She would have been a great character if she was not greedy and a jealous person but who's not, right? If you have a home wrecker of a mother, what would you expect her child to learn? Contentment would be at the bottom of their list.


She's more talented than the MC and also a di daughter of the second wife so she can be a furen of a high nobilities house but because of her greediness, she chose to be a low qie for a Wangye just to have an equal standing with her step-sister. It's a pity that she didn't treasure her lifelong decision. Until her death, she didn't realize that the problem was herself, not other people.


Jing Guifei (ML's mother) :

I love her. It's really something new when the mother-in-law is not making it difficult for her daughter-in-law. She's rational and knows her boundaries. She's a loving mother who can endure and do what she can for her child. She's not interfering with her son's back courtyard just because her daughter-in-law is 'naive'. You know what I'm saying once you read the novel.

Lu Yu Rong:

I pity her but I'm also impressed with her luck. This is yet another person that proves to me that ignorance is bliss.


She's the second wangfei of He Yuan. If you read my spoiler about HY then you would understand why I pity her. She's living all her married life with HY thinking that HY has her in his heart which is somehow kind of true. The reason why HY is different from her is because she resembles his first love and she didn't know that until HY's death, that's why I'm impressed with her luck. She only knew that when her time was nearing its end also.


This is 10/5, I like it very much just as I like The Job of an Imperial Concubine. People who are criticizing this may be those self-proclaimed alpha females who don't really know the meaning of it. It's okay not to like this because we have different preferences but hating this and its characters? That would be your problem, not the author, not the novel, or the characters. This is well executed, period. <<less
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Wife of Sovereign
Wife of Sovereign rated it
March 29, 2022
Status: Completed
I actually love this novel. Now, it's not for everyone, I got that. I'm the type to quickly get bored myself, but this managed to capture me and made me spent days binge-ing it back in the days. I only wrote a review now because I see a lot of written one-star review who complained about the translation, blah blah, and the Chinese title rank that's left untranslated. I personally liked it translated or not and maybe because I binged it but I can remember the ranks easily. I agree... more>> however the should just use English title for the easy title such as "Ce Fei" being "Side consort". But come on, who has the time to write "Noble Consort" as opposed to "Guifei"??

It lacked comedy (I usually need some to entertain myself) but it's written nicely enough to make me pay attention.

It feels like a drama, without the melodrama, get it? This certainly improved my ability to write harem intrigue. The romance between the main couple was endearing despite you know very well that the MC guarded her feeling from the ML secretly. She actually does feel like a mature adult instead of an edgy teen that most female MCs seem to be in transmigration story, she certainly influenced me to be calmer and mature while reading from her pov, I love it. <<less
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WeirdPersonOnTheInternet rated it
September 27, 2021
Status: c38
I have not gotten too far into this novel but this is how I think of it right now. It's good but I felt kinda unimpressed. Based on the amazing reviews, I thought I would love this but right now it's only... Good. I like FL and the ML, it's just that the ML kinda develops feelings too quickly for me. In other imperial harem novels I enjoyed, it took a while before the main couple realized their feelings. This late romance is what I think is best fitting for... more>> the imperial harem novels. If the ML already loves FL from early on, the FL is put above all the other concubines and thus she barely has any conflicts. I just find it to be a bit boring, though it can be exciting at times. This novel so far is only lacking in imperial harem conflict that I loved the genre for. <<less
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June 4, 2021
Status: Completed
This was such a ride... Its my first historical novel so I was taken aback by the terms used and the long footnotes but as the chapter progresses it eases a bit and made me more immersed in the story, there are times where I would stop to search the term or try to remember a certain name but overall the translator really did such a good job.

The story was phenomenal in my humble opinion. It made me understand why this novel was so recommended. My experience on reading this... more>> is like a smooth sailing boat, it was such a nice read. The characters having personalities that I can relate to is such a pleasing thing for me. They didnt fall in love just bcos they're the main protagonist they showed us the reason and shared their experienced... (I'm so bad at this damn)

After I finished it, my heart was in pain and I was really reluctant to part with the story. I stared at my ceiling for a good 10 minutes before coming back to my senses, to think that a chinese novel like this can make my heart and mind feel this way it was a first for me. Its my. first time putting a review because I want to part with this Novel with a good memory and I want to reminisce how infatuated I was to this novel in the future. <<less
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riajhart rated it
May 16, 2021
Status: Completed
The fun I've had reading this, in fact, I've reread it quite recently and it was just as fun. I wish I could have a physical copy of this in english for my library to be honest.

If the whole harem thing is stopping you, I hope it doesn't. I HATE harem novels, I'm totally with you on this, believe me, I dislike fickle MLs so much that I WILL drop the novel because of them (unless I REALLY love the FL and her other relationships with other characters, which that's... more>> another feat on its own), and while yeah, I looked down on the ML for most of the novel (because, again, men that see women as only good laids don't deserve my precious time, not even fictitiously, I don't care if you see this one woman as an exception and you're suddenly monogamous), the FL looked down on him alongside with me, and even FURTHER, so it was hilarious.

I realized with this that what most annoys me of harem novels most of the time is that pedantic sexist tr*sh gets idolized and romanticized, well, rest easy, this FL is so realistic, there's no blindness here. <<less
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kaio98 rated it
March 16, 2021
Status: Completed
I would say 4, 4.5 stars.

This was a nice story with a good ending even if there's not a lot of action or drama. (After reading Malicious Empress, this is like super chill in comparison.)

I was actually sad when it ended. I guess this is the feeling of "good things must come to an end", and thus I'm sad when I finished reading this story.

It wasn't even all that exciting, not super dramatic or a lot of face slapping like some novels. Like what other reviews stated, it really... more>> just shows the life of a transmigrated lady from modern era adapting to ancient China and being married to a wang ye / prince. Of course there's a plot, although you'll be forgiven for wondering what it is. In fact some people might find it a little boring but I thought it was alright.

On a possibly irrelevant note, the translation is probably difficult for people who have zero knowledge of the chinese language. The translator uses pinyin for a lot of words instead of just directly translating them into English. For example er ge, san di, di mei, jiujiu, jiu mu, gui fei, mu hou, fu huang, tai jian, etc etc etc. Instead of directly translating into 2nd brother, uncle, auntie, mother empress, father emperor, eunuch, etc. Of course, sometimes because you want to show which uncle/auntie it is (from father's side or mother's side etc) then using pin yin is better. But this is probably hard to read for people who only speak English. <<less
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