To Be A Virtuous Wife


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As a virtuous wife, does it include tolerating his cousin, enduring his concubines, bearing his mother?

If you will not let me live freely, why would I let you live in satisfaction?

Did fate let women time-travel so they could learn the three morals and four virtues?

Rather than act like a coward and live, it would be better to live in satisfaction and die.

Associated Names
One entry per line
He Wei Xian Qi
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Recommendation Lists
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355 Reviews sorted by

June 4, 2016
Status: c120
Love story of Qu Qing Ju and He Heng is very touching. Female main character is new soul Possession allows to capture the male main character heart as the story continues. Satisfying ending for protagonists.
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Cien rated it
June 4, 2016
Status: c123
Although this novel is not my type of novel, there are some interesting aspects to it. In short, it is a romance novel that deals with the politics of nobles and royalty in ancient china (?) As a romance novel, I think it is done pretty meh. But this "meh" is not necessarily a bad thing. It depicts realistic love, instead of falling head over heels with them from the get go, there is always some tinge of doubt in the back of their minds, which I find amusing. Certain... more>> insecurities made it feel interesting, but the guy falls in love with the girl initially and was only explained thoroughly later on, which rubbed me the wrong way.

The interactions of each characters are interesting. Jealousy, hate, insecurities and other ugly emotion that humans have is a little exaggerated but I can buy it on how it is written. Translations, pretty good. I love this type of translation better. Learning a few chinese words like gege, didi, etc. Is always fun. Although the translations have some typos, it is passable. Overall rating, 8/10 or 7.5/10 <<less
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199sweetheart rated it
May 24, 2016
Status: c123
Just finish reading it after binge reading for 2 days even though I should be studying for my examination, can't say I regret any of it.. This is a very enjoyable read and I really love the ending it was very touching and heartwarming..I start reading this story after reading Chu Wang Fei because it have the same transmigration concept. The beginning is quite the same as expected but the flow of the story is different nevertheless it is still quite a good read. In my opinion, between Qu Qing... more>> Jun and Yun Qian Meng I prefer YQM as she seems to be more cunning but QQJ attitude in this story is very interesting and I have was good read because of it. <<less
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fireutsie rated it
May 21, 2016
Status: c123
It was a very satisfying read. I would recommend this to anyone who likes slow paced mature romance which develops over time.
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April 27, 2016
Status: --
One of the most enjoyable novels I've ever read.... and that is saying something!

The characterization of the female MC was pretty impeccable; I adored her outlook on how time would prove truth to the prince's words!! The actions and reactions of all the side characters (i.e. her paternal family) and their little dramas added spice to an otherwise slice of life fiction that was quite mellow in comparison to Mei Gongqing or Chu Wang Fei.

The ending of the novel was absolutely perfect (and I am including the 3 epilogues... more>> in this) and made me both elated and slightly depressed that my 2 days binge-reading novel was already over.... definitely wouldn't have minded a slightly longer story~!

In any case a highly recommended read for those who are aching for novels like Chu Wang Fei to update and are searching for novels to fill up the gaps~

Also I really love the use of pinyin; it adds to the sense of culture these novels exude like the flowery scents of spring~! <<less
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Shien rated it
April 14, 2016
Status: --
Very recommended, if you like a historical Chinese novel. It’s more like a slice of life novel, not heavy in plot compared to Chu Wang Fei.

The woman protagonist is a strong, realistic, witty woman. Although it counted as time-travel-to-the-past- reincarnation novel, very little about modern times told in this story. The woman protagonist very adaptable about culture in the past eventhough she was from modern time. She followed the rules and protocol that applied at that time so she can have an easy life. When someone slighted her, she reciprocates... more>> with subtle but cut-the-throat words and scheming so the antagonist didn’t retaliate again. She remembered all of the people who wronged her and give those people the best revenge.

She is not too kind, and not weak. She gave punishment toward people that is guilty, reward those that treat her well. The woman protagonist in this novel is realistic. She didn’t throw herself to love the male protagonist like the usual romance novel. She knew that the feelings like love is fickle. So she didn’t give her heart completely. <<less
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Marca rated it
March 28, 2016
Status: --
The MC is level headed and isn't easily provoqued. She calmly navigates through, first her fu and later the imperial harem. Fortunetly there is no excessive revenge theme, it is more like she just lets things take natural turns (maybe sometimes with a little help here and there). Also the MC doesn't let the wang ye have all control over their marriage like it often happens in chinese romances. She's neither spoiled nor s*upid and thanks to that it is really easy to like her. The translation doesn't leave anything... more>> to be desired, it has great grammar, there are almost no mistakes and all the terms are explained. It is a really great read. <<less
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Poor_Hero rated it
March 25, 2016
Status: --
the mc's soul was transported from modern era to the era similar to the ancient china to the body of the main wife who didn't receive love from his husband, the prince. There are hints related to the mc's past related to the modern era. The MC is quite good at handling the matters of household and getting her revenges as well. I love how she manipulates people so she can survive in the harsh reality of being a princess consort. Her personality and how the story is written are... more>> the things I love most. Good thing, the story is not that long and the epilogue is well-written. The changes of the story and the personality of the people involved to her are good. Recommended if you are looking for romance story. <<less
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Leslie1000 rated it
February 21, 2016
Status: --
Omg I actually read this from beginning to end. It did not bore me at all. I like the start to end of the story. Not too trajic... really I just can't continue reading novels that is too trajic... my heart couldn't take it. This one the BEST I had read (:3). Now that I've finished reading, I keep looking for something similar. I've been craving for it... sigh...
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Talyn rated it
January 3, 2016
Status: --
The author conveyed the changing feelings of the characters quite well.

I like how the MC and her husband can (eventually) understand each other’s intentions without outright discussion... The MC actually had to put in a lot of effort from the start to gradually gain his respect so it’s gratifying that he’s smart enough to notice

They’re both very cunning but don’t try to interfere within the other’s domain (territory? XD). I feel that together they have no real competition, a true power couple!
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Miss Ruby
Miss Ruby rated it
December 6, 2015
Status: --
I love this story so much. Totally worth 5/5! QQJ is my current favorite character that has gone to the past. I love her thinking and the way she views stuff. The male lead is also to my taste
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cyndor rated it
November 28, 2015
Status: --
This was a nice-light read. My only complaint is that the last 20 or so chapters felt like they were made just to drag on the story. This novel had a strong start but a kind of weak latter half/ending. Giving it a 5 to bump up the rating since I believe this should be 4.6/4.7
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makenai89 rated it
November 13, 2015
Status: --
A charming story sets in a country with similar characteristics to ancient China. A dancer was transported from the modern era to the body of a neglected prince’s wife. She subsequently disciplined her husband’s concubines and servants, also charmed her husband, in-laws, and lots other that interact with her. No overpowered character here, but every role fleshed out beautifully in an extremely enticing plot.

The main couple are passionate lovers, but they are smart, rational, and manipulative; give birth to many behind-the-scene plots that we as the reader may get the... more>> gist of it but not all the facts. That was one of the most attractive point of this novel, aside of many others that no review can do justice to it. <<less
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Xiare rated it
October 17, 2015
Status: --
The play of words in the interactions between characters in this novel is amazing that it gives justice to 'looking underneath the underneath'. The growing romance between the MC and her husband provides the 'feels' and the underlying political machinations that's happening around them gives the suspense. Encountering the pinyin might give a little bit trouble to some readers at first but it also provides better insight to the historical and cultural aspects of this novel. Overall, this is an amazing read and is recommended to those who wants a... more>> more realistic female-reincarnation-transported-another-world-talented-skilled-smart MC. <<less
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Lachiel rated it
October 16, 2015
Status: --
No supernatural powers, No fantasy like setting. Just good ole ancient china. The characters are developed extremely well. The translated decided to keep a few things in pinyin but that shouldn't deter you from checking this story out, as it actually gives it more character. It's a nice story that will still you have you at the edge of the seat at times thinking to yourself "Whats going to happen next?".

I Highly recommend this novel if your looking for a nice romance and political schemes novel.
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