To Be A Virtuous Wife


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As a virtuous wife, does it include tolerating his cousin, enduring his concubines, bearing his mother?

If you will not let me live freely, why would I let you live in satisfaction?

Did fate let women time-travel so they could learn the three morals and four virtues?

Rather than act like a coward and live, it would be better to live in satisfaction and die.

Associated Names
One entry per line
He Wei Xian Qi
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355 Reviews sorted by

lin1339 rated it
June 22, 2018
Status: Completed
This is really beautiful.. Beautifully written, as if I was reading trough a time machine.. Not only depicting about the story that was happened in the past, but also describing the viewpoint of modern people. The story is well written, light and adorable love story and yet still touching the reality, the struggle of being a wangfei, the favor she has to get and the bullying of the women in the hougong is beautifully written.

Unlike the most reincarnation and imperial family novels around, not much bloodshed were there so this... more>> makes the novel light enough for fun reading. The epilogues also clear and precise, statisfying the heart of a reader, allowing no uncertainity, sweet, touching, with a pinch of tear jerking. Both the author and the translator team did awesome job for this novel. Unlike the most popular titles, the whole novel only took 120 chapters and 3 epilogues so it's not a stretch to read, and yet not abruptly ended. I'll give more stars if possible ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ <<less
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whatdoyoumeanihavehpv rated it
June 14, 2018
Status: --
While I like the novel and it's characters, I really dislike the translation style. The translators left too much untranslated Chinese in the translation for it to be a smooth reading experience. I know that they justified this by saying some meaning will be lost in translation if they fully translate. That is fine, I accept that but even words that can be translate with little to no lost in meaning are not translated. This is the only novel I have read in a long time that the MTL is... more>> about as understandable as the translation (in term of difficulty anyways).

Really though, a better example for this style of translation would be "Princess Wei Yang", it still have plenty of Chinese words that can't be translated due to their meaning leftover. However, it's still easy to read and you don't have to return to glossary every 2 minutes. <<less
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Bebopbeats rated it
June 11, 2018
Status: c1
I was put of reading this novel at first by the many, many untranslated titles that make things hard to follow if you don't make the effort to read the chapter supplemental. After that I could muddle my way through using the context. I think it was worth the effort though as this is a very well written and translated story. I was actually saddened when I realised I'd reached the end of it.

The MC is probably the coolest protagonist I've ever read. Nothing phases her, and her moral path... more>> and world view are as strong as stone. Some may find this boring but I prefer a protagonist who is sure of themselves and has plenty of inner strength to face the problems life brings. Maybe it's to make up for not being an assassin or mercenary in her previous life.

I didn't think the husband would end up being the ML of this story. He ignored and neglected his original wife which helped lead to her death, so MC starts of thinking of him as nothing more than a slightly useful bed warmer. It takes plenty of time and effort on his part for him to prove to MC that his feelings are sincere.


I wouldn't have read this story if I knew that ML would become the Emperor. Having to share your man with countless other women doesn't really give off a romantic feeling. But if the ML started out lower than the average man then by the end he is far, far above them. The fact that he abstains from the constant temptation he's surrounded by for an entire lifetime practically elevates him to godhood.


The villains are a little simple but that they're dealt with in a timely manner and I felt satisfied seeing them defeated. I liked that there were female characters who weren't enemies even if they weren't friends with the MC. All up a bit hard to get into but an easy, enjoyable read. <<less
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May 27, 2018
Status: --
The best romance and Josei novel by far. Having read it multiple times, I just love it. The character depth is like no other seen in any other novel.
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XiaoSha rated it
May 12, 2018
Status: c123
I really fall in love with the story. The storyline isnt cliche and wait till you reach the end of the story! Omg you will be needing MORE of their love story. Not really lovey dovey but one that come from understanding. Therefore to conclude, ill give this story ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ thankyou author and thankyou translator!
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FlufflyLittleRabbit rated it
March 23, 2018
Status: Completed
At first, when I saw this novel, the first thing that came to my mind was: 'meh, I don't like this story cuz the male lead has a concubine and is not really fond of women fighting for a man. Then later I was bored to death and once again saw this novel, so I made a decision to read this novel. Seriously, I never thought that this story was interesting that I could not help myself but keep reading it.

Anyway, I truly fell in love with this novel. I... more>> really like how loyal the male lead is to our female protagonist. <<less
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roake rated it
March 11, 2018
Status: Completed
I won't mention what a lot of other readers already mentioned. This is probably one of my favorite novels. I feel immersed in this world. There's not a lot of plot twists, it's more Slice of Life but it is wonderful to experience the story. I have reread this several times when I want something to immerse myself in, especially when I'm stressed in my real world.

A great escape.
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andrometic rated it
March 3, 2018
Status: Completed
This story was... disappointing.

But you still gave it a 4 star, you may ask - well, I managed to stick with it til the last two chapters of the epilogue, so I think it deserves that much. And the writing was truly beautiful - the translators did an amazing job, and there are some really nice passages. They also put together a wonderful glossary, which was very helpful during the first several chapters, and periodically included a visual compilation of the jewelry, fabrics, and other such things, which I thought... more>> looked absolutely beautiful. Technically, this was a wonderful piece of writing - it was the soul that was lacking.

I don't mean the romance between the two main characters. That was another thing I enjoyed - it was delicate, well planned out, and honestly, the two were super cute together. You could really feel the love even coming out of the pages! (Well, the computer screen, lol.) The scenes where HH and QQJ are together and in love, they're really well done. The scenes like sharing a bath, playing a board game, they were so cute, and the... shall we say, steamier scenes were deftly handled and so good! Plus, the MC's approach to her life - don't dedicate your life to a man, treat yourself best first - was refreshing and tbh, actually some pretty good advice.

The sad thing is the plot, because this was basically the super powerful best at everything stallion novel hero dressed up in women's court dresses. The MC is just the best at everything, the prettiest, most virtuous, most perfect woman, whose charms are so great her husband would never stray, not once. Nothing bad happens to her and nothing bad reflects on her, or at least not once she finds out about it. Everything goes perfectly for her; the book reads more like a gloss than an actual story, there's next to no plot that doesn't either happen to her or happen around her. And for a modern woman, she certainly had no internal issues with completely destroying people's lives, just with the vague thought that 'oh, they brought it on themselves.' Whether that's true or not, you can't even find one shred of sympathy or guilt that comes from a human place? The MC had very few moments of being an actual character, not the hand of the plot gods - I loved the small moments where she does stuff like cheat at a board game and plays a naive idiot with her mother-in-law, and how she's like, 'but actually I really like all these pretty jewels and robes, ' but other than that she's just a dream archetype with faint personality.

Plus, it seemed like so many of the women were punished for 'not being the MC.' I mean, they even make a note of that in the story - that women are judged far more harshly than men - and yet, it feels like empty lip service when you see characters like Rui Wang/He Yuan beat and (possibly, I skimmed over the scene because it was kind of upsetting) r*pe their concubines and wives, act like spoiled brats, and generally have an evil personality, and yet what happens to him? He's demoted for five years and in the end gets to divorce Qin Bai Lu and marry a new, younger, more beautiful wife - approved by MC, naturally - and suddenly he is more faithful to her. Meanwhile, MC's half sister, one of his concubines, whose greatest crime is being kind of mean to the MC when they were children because they were step sisters and her mother clearly hated MC, ends up as his concubine because her parents are power hungry, and is beaten by him, if not r*ped then is violently treated by him in bed, and eventually, once she dares to ask him to spare her family because her parents have been coming to beg her about it, he casts her to the side for having the temerity to ask him for anything, then she gets sick and dies because Qin Bai Lu and He Yuan both refuse to call a physician and even mock her for it. Similar things happen to everyone who's even halfway interested in the ML, the MC doesn't even hesitate before skipping straight to crushing them, and it's only the women who are interested in ML or have wronged MC. So many families destroyed, not unjustly but each chapter it happens the characters and the narrative make a point of blaming the woman interested in the ML as the source of all her house's troubles. MC has no relationships with anyone not her husband or (barely) Jin An Princess (maybe her mother in law? but they disappear midway through the novel) that isn't one where she's in a superior position; her closest people seem to be her personal servants who exist mostly to give an in-universe account about how she's so great, she's wonderful, she's the best.

And for all that this novel pays half a mind to what a modern woman might think living here - there's a couple of great sections where MC and Jin An Princess are watching a play or MC reads a novel and she comments on how obnoxious and wish fulfillment they are and how women are always the villain in them even when they are the ones being wronged, or MC thinks about how much she wants internet because she is so bored, or that they should think about the poor people who are starving as a result of embezzlement and raised taxes for nothing more than some new clothes for the wang ye - they never follow through on anything. I'm not saying she has to single handedly revolutionize industry, I'd just like something to come of it! How hard is it to introduce some tension or conflict between her own views and the world she is living in? The MC was a dancer and worked as a manager in the entertainment industry, ostensibly (we get no memories and no information on this) - you're telling me you can't work this into the novel as anything more than an explanation for why the MC is The Best at dancing and The Best at reading people? Somehow she instinctively knows all the proper manners and way of speaking of a world hundreds of years before her own and never makes a mistake? How boring.

Which brings me to a repeating theme in the story, especially at the beginning - the idea that life isn't a fairy tale. And it's not - unless you're the MC. I've seen some comments both in and out of the text that lean towards parts of this story being a deconstruction of fairy tales, specifically when touching on Yun Qing. But rather, it seems that this is a fairy tale, it's just the MC's fairy tale. Which is fine, but shouldn't be billed as a story where the MC works to make her future happen, and succeeds due to her skill and practicality. She's an incredibly passive agent throughout the whole story, and that just doesn't make for interesting reading, to me. I much preferred her mother-in-law, who was principled, loved her son, but still pretty scheming, and didn't drag down every woman her man came into contact with. <<less
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BetwixtedEve rated it
January 25, 2018
Status: Completed
Good, not great, but I do love it.

The characters are down to earth, their reactions healthy, and their relationship develops slowly with the story. It's probably already been said, but the majority of the story is actually not written. It's read between the lines, and I like that. It keeps the intrigue and fascination there despite the story not having any real action conflict.

I think it counts as a wish-fulfillment, primarily because who doesn't want a man like that? One that dotes and loves and is so loyal and devoted?... more>> I have to admit, it aggravates me that a lot of these female transmigration novels have a female lead that is so closed off and seemingly opposed/dense to love.

I am extremely happy that this lead wasn't dense towards her husband's obvious love, but I feel like her resistance to opening her heart to him would have been much sweeter to me, as the reader, if she gave in somewhere by the end.

Also, I got to see a baby, so all's good and well. I love to see babies, and when romance heavy novels (particularly ones where babies are to be expected like with the topics of heirs running around) don't show me the pregnancy/baby, I get antsy and very upset. So this one did good in that regard.

Over all, it's good, but slow, and maybe underwhelming to those used to heavy action. I do recommend it for binge, comfort reading. In a bad mood and need something to occupy the next three hours of your life? This is good for that. The conflicts are all non-dramatized and solved rather quickly if not resolutely.

(I think there weren't any spoilers, but please someone yell at me if I did. I don't want to offend anybody and I don't necessarily recognize what is and isn't spoiler material.) <<less
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Evergreen.rose rated it
January 4, 2018
Status: c123
This story was absolutely beautiful and it was very touching. Although I normally takes breaks every few dozen chapters when reading finished novels, I didn't do that at all for this story. It was really calming (?) to read and made me never want to put it down. I was very invested in the characters by the end and cried a lot haha
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Keisotsuna rated it
December 7, 2017
Status: c123
This is undoubtedly the best historical/romance/drama CN I've ever read.

I've always prided myself as a fast reader and in one day I can read more than a hundred chapters, so when I found out this only had 123 chapters at most, I was a bit disappointed.

But I never regretted reading this story. It is different from the usual novels I've read, and I'm actually surprised it took me a long time to finish reading just one chapter. When I'm reading A Virtuous Wife, I feel like I have to slowly,... more>> oh so slowly absorb every words so I won't lose out to anything.

This is a beautiful story, and portrays a realistic view in love through Qu Qing Ju's point of view. Rather than the usual lovesick girl or a cold girl turning 180° for a man, QQJ showed that she is an independent woman. She will love, but she will not lose herself. She is confident and intelligent, and a very mature person -- the perfect role model.

Meanwhile, my first impression of He Heng is of a cunning man who knows whats he wants and does things properly. But he is very adorable when the couple began having mutual respect and like for each other. I really like how he cares for QQJ and proves his love through his actions.

The romance in the story is neither fast nor slow, but a gradual, realistic pace. Reading their interactions are very amusing.

The antagonists in the story are usually s*upid and arrogant people who don't learn from their own mistakes and dig their own graves. QQJ doesn't even have to di anything personally but lure them in to end their fate. However, not all the antagonistic characters remain dumb and annoying. Some matured and became better people, and it's nice to know how their perspectives change from bad to good.

The author and translators are very good at conveying the story. It doesn't have heavy political scheming (which I'm thankful of, I can't handle those >.<) and a very great read.

I really love the three epilogues in the end. I am happy for Rui Wang having a peaceful yet sad ending. I think the way things end on his side is great, as it shows how he changed. Instead of pursuing over his love to the Empress, he lived his days peacefully with his wang fei, and although he didn't love her, he treated her as she deserves. It is a well thought-out ending, neither too sad nor too happy.

Overall, this is a definite five stars! (Because it can't be any higher than that.. Bah, too bad.) I recommend it to those who love historical romance novels. You'll love this. ? <<less
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Rhianrey rated it
November 9, 2017
Status: c123
2nd male lead that I loved among the Chinese novels, a pure love story that I thought I would not even see. An amazing story about Imperial family without the need of magic or an OP character. A story from the beginning to the end, from youth to death. A story that I would love to reread all over again.
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November 5, 2017
Status: c123
First of all, thank you for creating a beautiful story. It was very satisfying (in some ways) and I really love it. But, it really can’t avoid the flaws, well nothing is perfect afterall.

... more>>

I like how the MC feels about her relationship with her husband– treat him well since he treats her well. It’s very much like her manager like personality, it’s all about benefits. At the end, she can’t stop the feelings of a person and I think she loves the male lead which she only shows through actons just like how she said before. She is a very fullfilled woman, mother and wife, if I must say.

About the male lead, he was.... okay. Well, he’s good but I can’t say he’s great. I agree with those who commented about how he didn’t broke down before the MC. I think the only time something broke down, or rather ‘snapped’, was when MC got angry at him and he was just smiling because he enjoyed her concern for him. I was waitng when would be the time for some explanation about his ‘ruthlessness’. I really don’t doubt that it was him who created all the fuss about the crowning of a new emperor– also, the link of him about Qu ce fei’s death, the attempted assassinations, many other things that was very questionable as to why it happened. And the worst of all! How he was connected to all of it? Sorry, but I really want to see his bad side since he is always in the good side in front of Qu Qing Ju. I really doubt it wasn’t him....

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Myross17 rated it
July 28, 2017
Status: Completed
Wow! This is a wonderful love story that makes me cry for a bittersweet love and at the same time, heartwarming true love <3

When I first read the first chapters, I thought it was boring since the ML is actually a womanizer and have many female in his harem, and MC transmigrated in the owner's body she possessed after the wedding night (hate me and such, but I like reading a story where the FL is virg*n) but as I continue reading this story, I realize this is a great... more>> love story, a true love where they might not tell "I love you" to each other but their action speaks louder than their voice.

I like how cute ML when he blush and tried to hide his reaction from MC, and how tsundere character MC is.

He really is devoted to her and earn her trust and love slowly but surely. He might thought that she really not love him but when he realize her true feelings, he really is happy and contented.


I am touch in the epilogue, when Rui Wang Highness fell in love. It might be one-sided but it touches the heart of the readers. They might not be belong for each other but you will know how deep his love for her, and in this part I really cried for him. Poor HY



the last epilogue is a great ending and satisfactory. Their love pasts even they got old or everyone was waiting for the emperor to get tired at loving her. We knew that those ancient people are not loyal to their wife, that they believe for four wives and three concubines but ML prove them that he can be different to what they expected to him, and that really earned MC's love and trust.

I also like their sons. How matured they are and how caring they are for their mother. How cute and adorable


5 star for the author for making this story.

4 star for the translator 'cos you translated this wonderful for us to read :) <<less
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afaerytale rated it
July 14, 2017
Status: c123
Very good. I don't usually go for the shoujo-transmigrated-historical-romance stuff but I saw the novel had super high ratings and decided to give it a go. I was not disappointed. I really enjoyed it.

One of my favourite parts (and I'm sure other readers found this refreshing as well) was the fact that even though the MC fell in love with the ML and really cared for him, it was never to the extent that she lost her head over him.

When she wakes up in the body of the newly-married wife... more>> of the second prince, she accepts the situation very calmly. She approaches her circumstances in a very natural, straightforward, and realistic manner. As she possesses the memories of the body's former owner, she isn't totally lost in regards to matters involving etiquette, propriety, social mannerisms, etc.

Unsurprisingly, due to being transmigrated, she is very mature and possesses a realistic outlook. She knows that she is unfavoured by her husband, but does not despair. She resolves to live her life according to her own wishes and happiness, without catering to every whim and while of her husband, or any man for that matter. As long as she is happy and content, she doesn't really care about anything else. Ironically, this is what first draws the ML to her. She is one of the few women who does not fall over herself to please him (which, considering the social status of women during this time-period, takes some serious guts). She treats him like a man instead of a prince, and doesn't clamour, beg and whine for his attentions every hour of every day (and believe me, some of the women actually do this).

The MC is not OP. She is smart, but not genius level. She is beautiful, but (as repeatedly stated throughout the novel) not the MOST beautiful. Despite this, she still manages to rise to the top and climb to her current position.

The novel shows the harsh side of history and how unfairly women were treated (by our standards, at least - by their standards, it was perfectly fine). I wanted to cry for some of the women, I really did. The novel really shows how unfair life can be.

Surprisingly, the character who broke my heart the most was the third prince. I actually cried when I read his epilogue. I guess it's true that the saddest words in the English language are 'it could have been'.


Despite the ugliness, there were moments of beauty and kindness as well. There were many moments when I smiled or laughed, particularly the fluffy moments between the MC and ML. A definite must-read for fans of historical romance (and even if you aren't, give it a try, you might be surprised). <<less
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May 28, 2017
Status: c123
Really good. Really sweet. I have nothing but good words for the story itself. The translation is mostly good, but the use of pinyin really puts me off, it was a real chore getting through the first dozen or so chapters.
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SkyVinn rated it
April 22, 2017
Status: c123
5 stars since its all relative and 4 stars doesn't do justice to the strong points of the story.

There are many fun transmigration stories with a strong female protagonist out there. But this particular story caught my eye not because of its unique story line or main character that exacts revenge with powerful 'b*tch-slaps' that brings out cheers from the audience; rather its quite a standard story with no plot-twist or dramatic climax. Rather its a placid story that flows gently by as you watch the events unfold. Hence, what... more>> captivates is the manner in which the story is written. The author creates a plausible story (given its genre) with sufficient humour, political intrigues and 'hot-bloodedness' to keep a standard reader of such genre entertained but it is in the beauty of the description and the deep-love that builds overtime that binds it strongly. There are of course times when the story seems rather ridiculous or the side-characters attitudes too far-fetched or one-dimensional but on the whole it works well. The author clearly understood the constraints of what can be accomplished in a story of 100+ chapters and manipulates the point of view in which the story is told to effectively delve into various characters and build up the tension/mystery etc. I particularly enjoyed the use of the epilogues. This of course feeds the fans with the 'continuation' after 'happily ever after. More importantly, with the image of a crisp winter day after the snow has fallen, painting the world a pure white; pulls the story to a close with its main theme at the forefront - Astory of deep-abiding love [Do forgive me for the rather long and convoluted sentence]. This comment is not meant to detract from the main story which ends well and fitting given the female protagonist disposition - in fact the last chapter I felt truly brings to wrap the idea of a deep love using the imagery of the "Feng finding its Huang".

I do ramble on this idea of deep love and while it is not what most modern people of our day and age would find accepting in real-life, I enjoyed the author's treatment of it. The author does not attempt to re-create the ancient world to fit our values but rather explores the hope and the possibility that an arranged marriage of such times could result in something deep and true especially when idea of "3 wives and 4 concubines" was the norm. The relationship moves from mere curiousity and generic respect to a deep respect and s*xual attraction and finally to the mildly possessive and 'true love' [at least the male's POV]. The female protagonist, as many other reviews state is a wonderful woman that I'm sure we admire even in modern times and her treatment of love slightly differs from the male protagonist. A result of her past experiences as well as her understanding of the 'ancient world' she lives in, but eventually she too finds that there can be such love which is sweet and perhaps a wish of most people - that we find such love ourselves. A few random points to make: The translation is one of the better ones I have seen and it manages to maintain that imagery and tone that I suspect the author intended. Another story of note to have done so is the 'The Wolf Lord's Lady". Naturally will appreciate anyone who can suggest other stories that captured this.


I ended my reading wondering, will she reincarnate a second time round? What of He Heng? After all the story ends far in the future - would there be a modern Qing Ju who remembers her lifetime in Da Long dynasty and the world before that?

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lf rated it
March 27, 2017
Status: Completed
Sweet and heartwarming. I really appreciate the main character's attitude, "I am also a woman, so I don't want to make things hard for other women". The novel is a good length, I didn't feel like the author was running out of ideas and trying to pad character count.

Things I really like about this: the male lead is not devilishly handsome or forceful, the female lead is not automatically skilled at everything. We don't have to see her in a situation where "luckily she picked up this random ancient hobby... more>> in her past life so she can perform better than anyone who has spent their whole life on it". I love that even women who start out as enemies can stop being enemies without dying. I love that the female lead can forgive and help someone who insulted her.

I feel that the female lead is actually OP, but only in certain areas. It's acceptable because it makes sense that she should be at least pretty good at these areas, and she is also pretty bad in areas that she should have no advantage in.

One point that's been brought up by the translator is that she's an adult competing with teenagers. With this in mind, even if the schemes against the female lead are clumsy, well, they're just kids.

I won't comment on the translation since these reviews are supposed to be strictly about the novel and not the translation. <<less
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letswait rated it
March 22, 2017
Status: c123
I simply loved it. The setting/"world" is somewhat similar to Chu Wang Fei but they're far from the same.

Someone said "Additionally the translation was extremely poor, with many words deliberately left untranslated, leaving us trying to remember or guess what ce fei, fu, wangfei, and so many more words mean.".

Many words don't seem to have an equal in the english language, so the translator left an explanation in the notes instead of explaining the same thing hundreds/thousands of times in-line. I would prefer it like it currently is, instead of... more>> doing the latter.

This novel have rather long chapters. <<less
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Pras rated it
February 27, 2017
Status: c123
This story makes it to my top 3 list. Finished reading the novel for the second time.

The first time I read the book I really enjoyed our beautiful and carefree Qu Qing Ju (Female lead). But when I read this book again, I felt really touched by some things the author has captured in the love between the main characters. I really love this book and didn't want this it to end, with a heavy heart I put this book down. See you some time soon my lovely Qu Qing... more>> Ju and He Heng. ❤❤❤ <<less
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