To Be A Virtuous Wife


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As a virtuous wife, does it include tolerating his cousin, enduring his concubines, bearing his mother?

If you will not let me live freely, why would I let you live in satisfaction?

Did fate let women time-travel so they could learn the three morals and four virtues?

Rather than act like a coward and live, it would be better to live in satisfaction and die.

Associated Names
One entry per line
He Wei Xian Qi
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Pouch rated it
February 16, 2020
Status: Completed
·Great protagonist and ML

I've always loved characters that are level-headed and reasonable. The FL is a character that thinks before she acts and is also self-aware. She knows her strengths and limitations and is not a character that is driven by emotions. Qu Qing Ju is one of the few FL leads in romance novels that I actually love. As for the ML, honestly, the bar is so low for MLs for me that as long as they're not total a**holes towards their FLs, then that's good enough but He... more>> Heng is actually a well-written character. He's cunning and can be quite hyprocritical at times but he has always been respectful of QQJ and has never forced himself on her. He admires her intelligence and capabilities and is not a raging misogynist (the bar is six feet under lol).

·Well-written romance

I love that the romance wasn't instant and that there was never a grand declaration of love in this novel. The love the two main characters had for each was shown and not spoken so to speak, especially He Heng's. QQJ's belief that actions speak louder than words with regards to love is actually quite reasonable, especially considering the era that she transmigrated to. It's understandable why she took a long time to believe in HH. I also love that there wasn't any s*upid misunderstandings between them. A lot of the times, romance writers use that to create unnecessary drama and angst. It can be quite annoying.

·Writing style is good. Generic plot. Translator did a great job.

I love the way this novel was written. It has a very calm and slice of life kind of feel. The plot is kind of generic but the author was able make it up for it with a good supporting cast. There was suprisingly not a lot of s*upid one-dimensional characters in this novel. A good feat considering the genre. I was able to understand the " villains' " motivations and actions.

·The last few chapters dragged the story a bit but it's not a big deal, still a good 4.5 for me. <<less
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January 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Simply one of the best novels of this type.

Main chacacter time-travelled to ancient times to become wife to a prince. I found this novel very refreshing; main character tried her best in circumstances she was given, without going over the top - she didn't became OP doctor, CEO, didn't start her business, didn't get deux ex machina magical or martial arts skills. She is proactive, but fist and foremost thinks of herself as she knows what does it mean to live in times when a man can have multiple woman... more>> and feelings are fleeting. She isn't trembling willow, innocent and too kind.

I also apptriciate only 123 chapters, the plot doesn't stretch with boring fillers. Political side of the story is in balance to the romece. Side characters who are relevant to the plot have their depth enough for us to see their motivation.

Male Lead, behold!, has some characteristics other than calm and collected. I found their love story interesting, so if people prefer romance that doesn't resolves around much drama and anguish and love triangles and what not, but one that also involves MC on more than "she was a beauty therefore he loves her'' level, I think you'll find this novel up to your tastes.

10/10 recommended. <<less
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nevelvir rated it
September 25, 2019
Status: Completed
Honestly, I was reading with zero expectation. But, in the end, this is such a beautiful story.

The story is about the life of FL after her transmigration. It's more of slice of life kind of story; with little bit of palace politics. Just a tiny bit.

What I love about this story is, the FL is not an OP woman who schemed a grand revenge on her family or enemies. She is just an ordinary woman who knows her position and what she's good at. Managing people and how to grasp... more>> the heart of others. She knows where to step, what to talk, how to make others happy, but also never takes sh*t from others. She tried to live to the fullest. As long as the ML still favor her, she will do everything she could to live an enjoyable life; and never bother with others that didn't come to provoke her.

Anw, I can't say too much or it will spoil more. This is a treasure; glad to find this story in some reading list. Thank you for the translator's hardwork! It's not perfect, but still wonderful. <<less
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mielru rated it
August 20, 2019
Status: Completed
I am not really interested in story like this but a lot of readers gives great reviews. So I tried to read this up. Overall, the story is flowing nicely. Towards the end, the story is getting interesting. Conclusion: great story, but definitely not in my re-reading list.
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potating rated it
July 18, 2019
Status: --
This remains to this day one of my favourite novels to go back to while I’m waiting for the novels I’m following to get updated.

A modern woman who knows exactly what she wants and how to play her cards right gets thrown back in time to be the wife of an equally smart and capable prince of an older Chinese dynasty.

The growing relationship between Qing Ju and He Heng is satisfying to watch and the novel describes a beautiful romance that isn’t overly idealistic.
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July 15, 2019
Status: Completed
Ok, even I as a slice of life enthusiast got bored at one point. But damn, I'm too much of a romantic, Rui Wang's love story at the end just blew me over to put this at 5 stars.

Characters: 5/5

The character development in this story is great. Honestly speaking, a lot of key points were "overnight realization" but it was still very potent and had a thorough buildup. I love the languid yet insightful personality of the MC; she knows her place and makes the best of what she got.... more>> She's the perfect mix of strong and powerful just merciful and magnanimous!! Most Chinese stories have a weak female or too aggressive female, so this was a delight. Although she loves appearances and eating well, her happiness doesn't come from any of that. Being Empress is something that all the women looked up to, but for her, happiness would have been the same even if she were just a peasant if it meant she had the fidelity of her husband. My main criticism is that there's no real reason she had to be a time traveller; I like that there's not the typical "introduce new things and become glorified", but this way it feels unnecessary other than just being a golden finger.

The other characters are also all very established. They all have nuances in their personality, as expected of a story of Imperials. Tbh a lot of the conversations were tedious because you had to dig 2 meters into every sentence to find its meaning. I have no real thoughts about ML, he's decent I guess. I wonder if MC knew, even before her love was actually true, other people (Cheng Wang) modeled their ideal after hers haha.


And oh man, Rui Wang. I wish there was more of an insight into his affections earlier on as well, instead of just at the last few chapters. There was a little foreshadowing, but too slight. He's the perfect example of what ML was saying about "emperors just looking for their ONE"; in his own way, he was loyal to MC to the end. Except he couldn't get her herself, so he was loyal to the "replacement" her.

Of course, there's the question of whether he actually liked her or just the idea of her; the idea of that glorious person he almost could have had, had he not been too greedy. And he knows that greediness is what drove him to the end since he woke up too late. Perhaps she represents all he could have had, all he once felt entitled to. Although his "fell in love" moment was early, if he actually liked her then he would have favoured Qu Yue Su more. It feels more like he wrapped up all his discontentment into his idea of "her" after he lost the throne and matured, and idolized it until it became more obsession than love.

His ending is honestly perfect for him. Yes he grew up and matured, but he can't escape the mistakes of his past. His life and ending, peaceful yet bittersweet with the dull ache of nostalgia, is perfect for him. Really shows that he grew up since he kept all that in his heart until his death, except for that one quiet profession of love in the form of that winter snow and red plums painting.

Dang I felt so bad for him when archaeologists thought his painting wasn't actually for her, but thank goodness they realized it haha. I wish she had hung up the painting of white snow and plum blossoms though.. I went back to CH26 to read about that encounter and DAMN my heart hurt for him. He probably didn't even realize he fell in love. I'd love to read a side story about if he went back in time and had her or something along that line.


Plot: 5/5

It's okay. Heavy focus on the household and the women's affairs, which are the social customs required of the culture at the time. It's a very artful criticism of the time, fully exploring the circumstances before giving the author's stance. I personally got bored a bit, but the story is definitely true to itself so those that enjoy this genre would enjoy this novel.

Writing / Translation: 5/5

No complaints. <<less
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ShampooBear19 rated it
July 12, 2019
Status: Completed
This was the first book that I read from this author. There is no major conflict in this novel so if that's what you're looking for, you will be hugely disappointed.

I read this last year and I have re-read this book 4-5 times ever since. The novel is very slow paced but you will not be able to put it down once you start.

Female is very realistic and someone who can see the big picture clearly then act accordingly. This is something that I admire a lot, though there is... more>> not much face slapping, things works in a pretty satifying direction.

Male lead is someone who has wild ambition and smart enough with his plans to reach his goal. Even though he was not type I like at the beginning of novel. He becomes more likeable through the novel.

My favourite character is the male lead's mother. She's cute in her own way and one of the very understanding type of mother in law character.

I would highly recommend trying out this novel. There might be a lot of word definitions on the beginning for those who are reading the translations but things get better once you get the gist of those jargons. <<less
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Marsheya rated it
June 25, 2019
Status: Completed
I really like this type of historical story with amazing leads. The female lead is basically my idol. She is intelligent, beautiful, and knows what she wants. What I really love about her is her perspective on life and love. She wants to enjoy everyday as if it's her last day and everything that she can have, basically living with no regrets. She emphasises the importance on oneself: "the first thing to do is to put yourself first all the time. If you forget yourself, how could somebody else remember... more>> you".

Everything about her is my goal in life. Totally recommended book! <<less
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aienmoon rated it
June 10, 2019
Status: Completed
I never liked reading slow romance, slice of life and with politics. I find it boring. For some reason I tried reading this to pass time. And just on the first chapter I got hooked! This is one of the well written and translated novels I found here in NU.

MC is not too arrogant not OP but not weak. She just wants to enjoy life but will not scheme just for the fun of it. I also love that her revenge schemes are well thought out and not petty and... more>> her word play are always smart.

ML dotes on her a lot and their interactions are always fluffy.

I feel bad for the other brother though. He kept his unrequited love till he died. It really made my heart ache for him. I was really hoping that he will fall in love with his wife.. Its sad that not really all stories have HE. <<less
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makana rated it
June 5, 2019
Status: Completed
Before I review the story, I felt that it is necessary to address the translation. For myself, who can read Chinese just fine, I have no issues with the translation at all, and I found it really well translated. However, I can see why readers may have gripe with the many terms left in pinyin, as it is rather tiring to have to keep going back and forth trying to understand and remember the meaning. After all, Chinese isn't exactly the easiest language to pick-up. I do agree that some... more>> terms could be translated and not remained as pinyin, i.e., taiyi can be translated to imperial physician, without the essence of it being lost. At the same time, I can see where the translator is coming from when these terms were retained and I respect that. For readers, who may find the translation an issue, I implore them to not give a poor rating, as it is does not do the story any justice.

For the story itself, it is sightly different from your regular transmigrate and revenge plot. It is rather interesting how the MC manages the situation in the household, and taking back her rightful position within the household. The ML is the typical ML you find in most novels of similar genre. There isn't really anything too interesting about him per se. The romance portion is more of them respecting each other as husband and wife. I do enjoy this story because of how it was executed and is an easy read. <<less
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May 25, 2019
Status: c1
maybe I'll make it past the first chapter one day, maybe *look to the far horizon*

For now, my best has been 3 paragraphs... 8 words I didn't understand, it was a chore to try to read it on phone, then on a computer... not much better. Then trying to look at a few chapters at random => more unknown words, too many characters' names to remember, then they call each other with different names, and there's more words I didn't understand added on those I didn't before... I'll try again... more>> someday, or maybe if I got the motivation to make another version by replacing on a word doc -_-" <<less
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sharl rated it
December 29, 2018
Status: c123
This was one of the best court intrigue novel on the site. World build up, characters, their motivations - everything was well thought out. The only thing people might not like is the pace - it's pretty slow paced, going along day-to-day building up quiet tension.

I read this because it's the same author as Eight Treasures Trousseau, and the author didn't disappoint.
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yamibae rated it
December 27, 2018
Status: Completed
Decent novel, the MC is a strong woman which is good. The male lead is not too bad if a bit dull and without any real personality. Plots are pretty basic given her status which is also good as those are usually done terribly.

Translation is done well but I take issue with how unnecessary a lot of the terms are, it just gets confusing even with the glossary.
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ScholarlyAF rated it
November 20, 2018
Status: c123
I've finished read this novel early last year and still remember the feeling it gave me. I've read probably thousands of novels in NU since I first found out in 2014. This novel is among my top gem read.

If you want a novel with no cultivation and just daily life of historical people then this is for you. If you want a novel that give you fluff and in the same time make you a stan for the rest of your memory, this is your novel.
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Edenplushie rated it
November 3, 2018
Status: Completed
When I first saw this novel, and description I've already didn't wish for it to be like all the other. FL falls for the mysterious guy, but at first they play mouse-cat but I was wrong.

The story more of was, they've got married and things just progressed. The thing mistake it is that the FL is going to go and purge everyone who wronged her in the past, but she actually doesn't care. Author half of the story keeps describing her as lazy. Only when she's confronted and has no... more>> way put but to fight, she doesn't back down. She doesn't scheme much, it's more of her shaming people through her vicious words, and most opponents are rivals who are jealous so ML, usually meddles and helps her in Shadows. There is no cuteness on the side of FL to ML, mostly because FL is cold and doesn't show love, but there is plenty on the side of ML towards FL, as he cares for her like shes the sun. But that doesn't start at the beginning, so yall have to read to come to it ;)

The most I loved about this novel was

  1. The FL or QQJ, is a logical person, being time-traveled from modern era, she uses her head over her heart.
  2. They do love each other but, as many readers who haven't still finished, noticed, she doesn't completely love him for she knows he won't keep his promise of forever being with her. So what attracts me is how the ML is hopelessly trying to prove to her that he won't be unfaithful, and she somewhere in the middle starts getting jealous.
  3. Hu Yuan, my favorite character. For the ones that read only little and are shocked as to why he is my fav character, finish it and you'll get it. Spoiler

    From the way he was favored by emperor to him coming to reality that he's too arrogant and actually becoming mature, to loving our FL to some level yet not going for her just silent watching to the end where he had a good wife who he may not have loved but was nice to unlike..... And at the end when he got buried with a pic of FL he painted :-: I actually cried

I don't know whatever spolier thing worked for this is my 1st review ever..

And I could go on many things, but the story was amazing with few fluff and lots of playing between FL and ML at night. How she took care of dumb women who didn't know their places....

And at the end, our ML kept all the promises he made to her, as he lied in the tomb together with her :-: <<less
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Maria Jasmine
Maria Jasmine rated it
October 31, 2018
Status: c123
This is a really good novel. As someone who like romance historical, I would recommend this. Although it have a few of concubine, but at last the emperor is with the FL. It so sweet. There's no saying 'I Love You' between the FL and ML but it more to their action as the ML loyal to FL as he doesn't take another concubine (beside the one before he married the FL). But he also doesn't touch others concubine when he married the FL. The story is not full of... more>> emotion as half part of it is focusing to politic. <<less
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draw2much rated it
August 29, 2018
Status: c123
Ah, it took me three days to read this story and it was worth it! This isn't what I'd call a passionate love story, but it's a moving one. Both the FL and the ML never say outright that they love each other, but they really don't need to. AS the FL mentions through out, words don't matter, actions do. In a world where men get bored with their loyal women and chase after the next young thing, it's more important for a man to stay true than to whisper... more>> sweet nothings. And, most importantly, the ending was great! There's nothing more beautiful than an ending that gets you misty eyed (positive) ! <<less
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August 8, 2018
Status: c123
This story is serious. No funny moments. I like the character of the MC. She's not evil yet not also kind. She punish who deserves it, she rewards who deserves to. She's not like some MC who takes revenge or laugh when her enemy falls. She understands what others were feeling and she's considerate.

Although her husband have concubines, she wasn't jealous and made their lives miserable instead she gave them a comfortable life coz that's how considerate she is. I love how her husband was monogamous until their death. I wanna cry when the archaeologists found their bones together in a coffin with her gift from the emperor. I pity San Di for his infatuation/affection towards the Empress and how he change from arrogant and tyrannical man to what he became now. It's just so sad that this novel's finished. I first hate it when the MC doesn't love the emperor coz she's thinking that a decade later the emperor's feelings will change with time but then when the emperor saw the empress cried without make up on her face, clothes disheveled and messy hair waiting on his side while his sick, I wanna cry coz even though she doesn't say it, she shows it how much she loves the emperor. And also I read a review about her that has nothing to do of helping her husband taking the throne, yes she did not help her husband but she is the only worthy to become an empress. It was all thanks to her popo; He Heng's mohou. If it weren't for her acting skills, the emperor might not change his mind to crown He Heng. He Heng and He Ming also joined hands together to eliminate He Yuan out of the competition. I like also the character of the ML, even though his brothers are still alive and has the chance/maybe to take the throne, he spared their lives and gave their titles and properties. Indeed he is a wise ruler. I'm glad that the author didn't make the characters cruel, lust for power and any bad deeds exaggerated. It has a satisfying ending.

Although the story was a bit slow but at least it shows how their feelings gradually developed and how the characters changed their ways and accept defeat.
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Crimadiro rated it
June 29, 2018
Status: Completed
Romantic, fluffy, realistic, and bittersweet. A good read and a truly touching story. Other reviews describe it better than this one will.
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usag1 rated it
June 23, 2018
Status: Completed
Another transmigration MC but definitely has to read... the translator did very good job and so many line that can give us inspiration and motivation... have read more than 3 times and never feel bored.. ML has many concubines and after he slept with her... He never been with another woman... as MC's his lucky star and he love her so much... Read it and you will understand why I love this novel.
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