The Noble Woman’s Guide On How to Tease One’s Husband


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The first time they met, all the other noble women scurried away in an attempt to distance themselves from him as much as possible. Only Ye Huaiyang remained rooted to the spot, unable to tear her gaze away from Chu Jinglan.

The third time they met, he threatened to take her life away; and yet, she fearlessly shifted herself closer to him; easily succeeding in planting a kiss fully on his lips before sighing in satisfaction – she is now happy; and can die without regrets.

The fifth time they met, the two of them were forced to hide in the bookshelf. Grabbing the opportunity to cop a feel, she managed to tease him till he felt as though his entire body was ablazed.

Subsequently, the two of them were finally wed to each other. He wanted to overthrow the Emperor and claim his rightful place, so she accompanied him on his treacherous journey without complaint, diligently removing every obstacle in his way. And when the critical moment finally arrived, Ye Huaiyang set in place the biggest trap she had ever set in her entire life; and bravely marched to her solitary death.

Chu Jinglan, who had always been calm and restrained, angrily grabbed hold of her – “What did you take me for? Did you think you could just decide to stop teasing me so abruptly after all you’ve done?”

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72 Reviews sorted by

sansukini0923 rated it
October 31, 2021
Status: Completed
I highly recommend this. It's really good. The MC chases after the ML first and she was quite shameless wen it's just the two of them, but doesn't show she likes him when they're outside to not raise suspicion from the monarch. It's a story of revenge but the MC is not cruel. She focuses on how to protect him, and her family is not toxic, they let her do what she wants even if it will create trouble for the whole clan (everyone except her oldest brother). The MC... more>> is not helpless, she helps him achieve his goal and tries to scheme everyone so that the ML can become the emperor.

The ML is the cold-type. He doesn't like the MC at first, but he doesn't abhor her. He is a little untrusting but he is very dependable. The plot was done nicely. Some of the characters are flawed but written well. The political drama is not boring. And there's a lot of snusnu. Good job to the translator too. She did a very good job. The chapters were not too short, I don't think she divided them, but just presented it like the original length. <<less
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Smtha rated it
October 16, 2021
Status: Completed
Love this novel! Finally a good BG novel, with all the intrigue, drama, some dog blood, romance, some hot scenes and fluff! Even with alot of political, drama twist and turn, the whole novel have a good balance of everything. (Which very rare these days and with a good bits of R15 too) The flow is quite good, but some chapters do jump a bit here snd there. The translation is good!

Love FL character, she very bold snd shameless, (which very un-ancient type lady) She’s bit op scheming,... more>> very shamelessly chase, take advantages and ‘sweet trapped’ the ML. (Which the role usually reserved for ceo male leads black belly characters, lol think of role switching) She obsessively protect, help and willingly sacrifice herself for ML which abit dramatic, but also make her a fun character especially when she blatantly seduce ML. I love her brothers too, they love and spoil her endlessly.

ML was hurt and betrayed in the past, so he doesn’t trust anyone, hence he very resistant towards FL at first, but later he also loved her obsessively. He also quite op. So they are a good match. (Think” I want the Wangs goes bankrupt tomorrow “ kinda scene. Lol)

The other supporting characters, family, friends, rivals, villains background characters all narrated and built quite well for the story. For me is quite entertaining read, and love the drama, romance and fluff. Not draggy and not a long read. Thank you <<less
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bluesonnet rated it
October 16, 2021
Status: Completed
Deserves the high ratings it has on NU. This was very enjoyable from start to finish. Plot-wise, I was happy that the whole thing wasn't haphazardly done. The wars and fighting were properly described and not just glossed over like some books. What I most liked about this novel was that the romance had good, believable, and logical progression. There's also a good balance of the fluffy and steamy scenes. Both FL and ML were great characters with faults and strengths, and the side characters also make readers want to... more>> root for them and be invested in their stories. Overall, a very deserving 5. <<less
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Qutie rated it
July 1, 2023
Status: Completed
Don’t remember much about this novel but I guess I’ll review what I did.

Main character:

outspoken, smart, doesn’t gaf

... more>> Male lead:

I have no recollection of him. I remember he was way older but other than that I’m drawing blanks.


Revenge or something? It got boring in later chapters so I dropped it for a while but other than that I think it was ok.


The funny thing is that I’m pretty sure I liked this novel. Something must’ve triggered me causing me not to like it but I really can’t remember what. <<less
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Naimena rated it
September 28, 2022
Status: Completed
A nice historical novel. Some early reviews compared the MC to pre-rebirth Shen Miao from The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage. I can see some common points but that's probably the comparison the author intented. Shen Miao was originally a foolish, reckless, love obsessed, naive little girl deceived by a man who used her and got rid of her and her children ruthlessly. Our MC is reckless and love obsessed but she's aware of the risks. The ML is cold and very veeeery difficult to love but... more>> he's a decent man who treats her with basic manners and respect even when he doesn't like her or trust her (he resists for an impressive length of the novel and then the doting husband switch flips).

Ironically, the villain girl mirrors the MC in some ways, the difference is that MC's love for the ML puts him first to the point she's willing to sacrifice her goals or happiness so he can get his goal. The love rival is equally infatuated but her love is selfish, she'd rather hurt him than failing to achieve her goals.

I did notice plenty plot holes. The plot armour is strong here. The 'matriarch' title of the MC seems unrealistic for a 18yo girl, she shows some skill with the handling of information and scheming but she doesn't really act as a strong leader most of the time.

Most nonsensical event was Meng girl magically running off to the palace in a rage, entering the Emperor's palace unhindered and unnoticed and getting close enough to stab the empress...

Also, I found the role reversal 'girl teasing boy and being shameless about her desires' refreshing but beware she does force her love on him, she mol*sts him and kisses him and even plots to get married to him against his will. If that doesn't bother you then go ahead and hold on until 50 chapter then it'll really turn into a sweet, doting love. <<less
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July 16, 2022
Status: c1
Absolutely love this story. I love it when an FL is intelligent, strong, independent and decisive. Not much smut but I swear the story is so captivating that I just couldn't stop reading.
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July 9, 2022
Status: Completed
This one is actually very enjoyable and fluffy with right amount of action.
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January 21, 2022
Status: Completed
4.5/5 love the FL, she is such a strong woman. The ML in the beginning is cold because of major betrayal but after he falls for the FL, he is so devoted
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chande rated it
January 10, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm really glad that I've found this gem. MC's character is so refreshing that make it hard for me not to like her. The way she pursued ML was hilarious. She was also really smart, mischievous, and savvy. Her devotion and perseverance to love and help ML without his knowing was also admirable. She wasn't perfect though.

... more>>

I still didn't like how she dragged her entire family into a danger just to fulfill her own selfish desire to support and marry ML. And sometimes she was also too weak and often injured every other time (even a slight bump made her bedridden for months). I wonder why she didn't practice martial arts since she was determined to follow ML since she was still a child.


As for ML, he was slightly boring compared to MC. He's typical cold, aloof, and overbearing ML who was often seen in other palace story novel. He didn't treat MC that well in the beginning when she started to pursue him but it's understandable since he was betrayed way too many times in the past and it's hard for him to trust anyone again. But ML wasn't completely heartless since he was also devoted to MC till the end.

The ending was also very satisfying. It's a pity though that Chu Xiang's side story was left hanging (presumably was prepared for the sequel?). And also, where was MC's parent? They never appeared till the end. <<less
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maiha-sama rated it
November 16, 2021
Status: c127
I liked it!! The plot is established well and though it gets a bit wordy towards the middle, it becomes quite gripping after that. The author manages to show the leading couple's capabilities quite well and the romance is cute.. Even too sweet on occasion.

I love the MCs family and the sibling dynamic! Really warmed my heart.

The only two things that don't sit right with me are:

... more>>

1) the glaring absence of the MCs parents even after all that.. Drama.

2) for all their intelligence, how the MC and ML completely overlooked the danger that was Meng Chen. I just- how can you ignore her after deliberately putting on a show to make her jealous? Were you not suspicious of her during the lantern festival incident? At least do the bare minimum?! I really expected more.


3.5 rounded up. <<less
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Queen_of_Chaos000 rated it
November 15, 2021
Status: Completed
Extremely, Extremely Good~~

I absolutely adore this novel, the main characters dso strong and loving it was simply perfect for me. The MC is a strong woman who knows what she wants and her strength which stems from her intense emotions is simply a force to be reckoned with, while the ML is a fierce creature of his own.

I especially appreciate the understanding between them though the ML took time to reach there. But it was perfectly justifiable considering his past and it just added more depth to his emotions and... more>> made his character more authentic.

The MC though was steadfast with her beliefs from the start to the end, and her love was so fierce it was beautiful to watch for it was in no way toxic. She was smart, understanding and eventually, she got what she deserved. The same unconditional love and respect she offered to her beloved.

All in all, the story is highly recommended!! <<less
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Potatoe11 rated it
November 15, 2021
Status: Completed
really adorable. The ML was quite a bastard at first but he got really better after he realised he loved our fl.
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