The Noble Woman’s Guide On How to Tease One’s Husband


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The first time they met, all the other noble women scurried away in an attempt to distance themselves from him as much as possible. Only Ye Huaiyang remained rooted to the spot, unable to tear her gaze away from Chu Jinglan.

The third time they met, he threatened to take her life away; and yet, she fearlessly shifted herself closer to him; easily succeeding in planting a kiss fully on his lips before sighing in satisfaction – she is now happy; and can die without regrets.

The fifth time they met, the two of them were forced to hide in the bookshelf. Grabbing the opportunity to cop a feel, she managed to tease him till he felt as though his entire body was ablazed.

Subsequently, the two of them were finally wed to each other. He wanted to overthrow the Emperor and claim his rightful place, so she accompanied him on his treacherous journey without complaint, diligently removing every obstacle in his way. And when the critical moment finally arrived, Ye Huaiyang set in place the biggest trap she had ever set in her entire life; and bravely marched to her solitary death.

Chu Jinglan, who had always been calm and restrained, angrily grabbed hold of her – “What did you take me for? Did you think you could just decide to stop teasing me so abruptly after all you’ve done?”

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72 Reviews sorted by

just_a_hobby rated it
January 13, 2022
Status: c35
It was a good start, having a refreshing FL who chases ml.

But then, it got too much.

I guess im not in the mood for too much FL chasing ml.

This novel honetly frustrated me way too much and it was only 35 chapters. I dont want and dont have the patience for this kind of 'bittersweet' romance anymore.
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kiara0821 rated it
December 13, 2021
Status: Completed
I liked this novel a lot. I would say this is a novel where you have invest your time to know the plot properly. It's not something you can try binge read. It's really worth the read.

Other people have already pointed out a lot of good about the story so I won't go into that. But, in my opinion I do believe that the characters were realistic. Be it Chu Jinglan's trust issues, Ye Huaiyang's love, Lu Heng's attitude and indifference, Xie Yun's pain, experience and love; I found everything... more>> realistic.


I felt real sad when her elder brother was against her marriage and slapped her and when ML was indifferent to the marriage idea. And when before the marriage the wedding dress got teared up by mistake by her elder brother and also when that white lotus b*tch broke the jade pendant she had given to the ML, which was kept aside by her parents. My heart hurt reading those scenes. T-T


Apart from that I would like to say that this was the first time when I was actually afraid of the villain. Lol.

Honestly, never have I been afraid of a villain so much ever before. Kudos to the author for that. The author was really able to do justice to the title "villain". I still get goosebumps when I think of the scenes with the emperor.

Overall, it was a good read. The author successfully managed to keep the story between fantasy and reality. <<less
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Mrs. B
Mrs. B rated it
December 1, 2021
Status: Completed
Satisfying!!!!!!!!!! From the beginning to end is satisfying!

For once a FL who grew up in a very happy family. Even the uncle and aunt are all good people. The FL n ML are both likeable. The FL is intelligent, a great strategist, cheeky, bold, quick witted, confident but not OP., and shameless lol. She's the 1 who chased the man by supporting him and try to earn bis trust (n by being shameless lol). The ML seemed too cold in the beginning but it's really understandable because of his past... more>> being betrayed till he lost everything, so he is very guarded. But once he realised he fell in love with her, you can guess, he's in the same troop of those super dotting, super pampering and gentle husbands. The snusnu is also good. The author used poetic words to described their intimacy so while it is saucy, it doesn't seem vulgar. They worked together side by side in defeating their enemy. The supported each other perfectly. No unnecessary misunderstanding nor long separation. What I love the most is their conversations. They converse a lot and flirts a lot..

review by SMTHA explained better. I just want to give this a rating coz the story is good and the translation is good. <<less
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October 24, 2021
Status: Completed
It was fine.

I say a 3.5, but I'll be generous and rate it 4.

There's legitimate character growth for both leads, and so are the other minor characters. But there are plot holes that are hard to ignore.

It's not perfect if you shut your mind to those plot holes, like, where were her parents? Even after a change in dynasty, they still travelling? Did they go to America or something and not heard about the rebellion? Or heard it and were just, "nah, who cares about our kids back at home,... more>> and one being a military general at that, pretty sure they're all fine and safe" lol.

I won't spoil the other plot holes, you can read the novel and give it a try, maybe you'll like it. <<less
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Rosnocht rated it
October 22, 2021
Status: Completed
You see, I read this for the FL. She's the perfect FL for me and I honestly don't care about anything else.

While this is FL chasing ML, it honestly hit different for me, such a great way to write a strong female lead. I just roots for the FL and God knows how much this is so pleasant to read (the writing style *chef kiss*). I spends a good amount of tissue boxes reading this, it's so bittersweet I just love this feeling ah.

... more>>

Not only the main couple. One particular side couple made me shed a lot of tears too omg. Watching their fate unfolded just aaah unconsciously I invested a lot of my emotions into their relationship. I love this so much!

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Imgarliv rated it
October 13, 2021
Status: Completed
This is sooo amazing novel. I just love everything about it. I really need to find more novel like this. The female lead here is my fav!!!!
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itsyaho rated it
May 24, 2024
Status: Completed
MC has long been in love with ML unbeknownst to him. ML is the emperors brother who through schemes and plots lost what should have rightfully been his throne. He has been biding his time in the north to make a comeback. MC has been in the capital silently growing her power in order to support him when he does return. Upon meeting, she straightforwardly pursues him, while he is cold and kinda mean to her. This was in my opinion the best section of the book where she is... more>> pursuing him, and there is an underlying current of feelings and tension there. The villains are for the most part interesting, except for meng Chen. The sections with the emperor were actually tense and he actually felt formidable and scary.

really good, have reread through a few times already. <<less
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Savannah7 rated it
April 23, 2024
Status: Completed
I am absolutely unfulfilled and disappointed in the end.

One because Meng Chen was able to get away with wayyy too damn much, when others got killed for less.

It is kinda dumb, and doesn't make sense at all to what the rest of the story is like. Very unfitting.

Also, I was all about the ML, until

his son was born. Who hits an infant?? And his treatment of his own child makes absolutely no sense in any way at all. Usually someone who is that in love with their significant other, will love their children just as fiercely.

This was an absolute turn off for the writer to have made the ML like this in the end. Absolutely unlikable. It literally made his character build up through the entire book go down as tr*sh. Absolutely could have done better, and it's a shame the author did this to wreck the once perfect ML.

Also, too much fluff, and long winded writing for no reason

So, There are 2 parts of the book that really made me lose respect for the storyline.

1 the whole cousin thing was just unnecessary in every way I find. The way she was handled seemed also ridiculous as well. This is the part of the book I felt disappointed me


Even if it was ancient times. The amount of ill behavior and abuse towards his son. Making him out to be a monster just for being born. Was where I lost all respect for the ML. It made him seem so ugly in the end. It is a shame because he had great potential otherwise, and I loved to see his grown from grief up until that point.


The overall cunning tactics was pretty nice, but there were weird loopholes that seemed much drama could have been avoided with the 2 people that were supposed to be very smart. I guess love really did make them blind at some point.
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Sunshine515_ rated it
December 27, 2023
Status: --
Hi guysss !!

I gave this novel full star!

I really liked the story lineee.. The romance, the plot and everything 😍

The FL was very smart even tho she’s chasing the ML but the method was really satisfying and not embarrassing at all so I really love it. Usually I dislike when FL pursuing ML but this novel I like it very much!!

Thanks to the hardworking translator for giving me the chance to experience this lovable romance🤗❤️
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silentkira rated it
February 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Definitely one of the best historical romance stories. The political intrigue and romance was very nicely interlaced and didn't overpower each other. Another one of the stories that ML changed for the MC. Or should I say became a better person for her. I love that they both didn't think that they were the better lover or that they lost out in the end. They both expressed their love and knew both each other's personality and how the other expressed their love. If there was something to say, the ending... more>> was weirdly cut though. <<less
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December 14, 2022
Status: c65
Power struggle and a bit of harem intrigue and a dash of complicated romance.

Not so sure about this one. FL is a s*x offender, consider the double standards: if it was a guy sexually harassing and manipulating someone into marriage for their own happiness, is it acceptable??

MC's modus operandi was questionable.

... more>>

She always ends up in harm's way for the end goal, her lack of self-care and selfishness to gain trust and affection from ML was rather appalling. Even if it wasn't intentional for her to get hurt the first time, she was fine with adding injury onto injury or avoiding necessary medical attention/care, or exercising caution. A weird set of priorities from someone that was burning with eagerness to help but hindered herself on the way to doing so. Rather pointless if she accidentally ends up unaliving herself in the process, no?
It's not like she grew up without knowing love either. So the lack of self-care is simply reckless.
She knows he has a soft spot so it feels like she's almost intentionally standing in harm's way to evoke sympathy.

She also likes to withhold information, knowing that ML is very insecure and cautious about potential betrayals, leading up to my previous point, her in harm's way, guilt-tripping ML instead into thinking it's because he's too paranoid and not because she's too manipulative.

The most crucial turning point was the ML's change of mind to let her into his life and it was terribly narrated. We lacked his PoV so who knows what made him change his mind.


All there is to know is how guilty he felt even though she's the one not being transparent about her motives.

There was another person who was devoted to the ML, so do we know why was it MC that managed to win his heart instead of her? Who tf knows?

that person was also quite manipulative but at least she never pushed ML to feel bad for her or some other BS, before MC came into the picture. She nursed him and accompanied him during his weakest moment and that somehow gives her a stronger MC halo than the actual one.


I love me an assertive and aggressive FL but the way the author paints her seems so insincere, and ironically, being the unconditionally loving FL that she's supposed to be. I guess plot convenience for progression was the major and main turn-off.
Don't understand ML's goals very much either.

Revenge? Yes, totally can see why.
Fighting for the throne? Ehhhh. Half of the plot was about the power struggle, without knowing where his ambition is coming from, lol. <<less
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Hirose88 rated it
October 10, 2022
Status: Completed
If you're considering whether to read or not. Please give it a try.

Simply one of the best. I have unexpectedly skipped this for so many times and almost regret for not picking this up. Definitely love my experience on 'protagonist doting their significant others'. Storywise, love how the revenge is plotted and all the sacrifices that FL gone through for the ML and the revelation of it is truly heartwrenching while simultaneously neing the most satisfying scene for me.

I love that the author truly walked us on the journey of... more>> our Male Lead healing from his trauma and learned how to trust FL. It ain't an instant love between both of them and that really solidify how great their love was on the later part of story.

If you like something about angsty romance. This might be your cuppa tea <<less
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April 29, 2022
Status: Completed
This was a very satisfying read.

The characters' behaviour is backed up by clearly explained motives and background info. (This goes for both the main characters and the villains.) Even when the villains inevitably lose, the story doesn't feel a parody, more like a optimistic, slightly romanticised historical event.

It was really enjoyable. I'll probably read it again at some point.
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Evie Ren A
Evie Ren A rated it
April 24, 2022
Status: c129
Absolutely loved it.

Characters have CONSISTENCY, especially the main couple. The author presents the trauma the ML has and when the FML starts pursuing him he doesn't change out of the blue, he GRADUALLY begins to trust her, she EARNS it, and then it shows how the FML does not change her views about their relationship, she always gave 100% of herself even if she was willful, selfish and forceful about it, she doesn't mellowed down nor she becomes muddle-headed or s*upid after she finally gains his love and devotion, she... more>> consistently puts him first and foremost and every single one of her decisions. Their interactions later on the story become so fluffy, adorable and funny, the fML was a smart ass and the banter between them was incredibly funny.

The rest of the characters grow, but it's still in line with their personalities, the over-protecting elder brother, the idle twin, the maid, the guards, the ML's best friend, they all grow and become better for the sake of their beliefs. Loved the side couples, they added a lot of fun to the story.

The family of this fML is absolutely sweet and loving, unlike many other stories where the problems for the fML begin in her own house, she has the support and protection of her brothers, the obedience and back up of her elders and the full control of her servants, which she painstakingly raise to help her help the ML.

The villain of this story is TERRIFYING. Never before had I read an antagonist who truly was worthy of being the Big Bad Guy, all the interactions of his character was bone chilling and filled me with anxiety, I was even scared of reading the climax and confrontation because I was truly worried what kind of sh*t he would pull. An incredibly well written villain.

The whole power struggles were intense, the retribution was very well delivered and the ending was left open with an interesting presentation of the last character for the sequel. <<less
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April 5, 2022
Status: c24
Had to drop it at chapter 24, which is why I do not want to rate it. It has good reviews so far and I don’t want to bring down that score because I didn’t finish reading the novel.

Story seemed really interesting, the translation was spot on but the execution and overall writing of the author made me lose any interest.

There are long, wordy paragraphs that describe everything and anything in this novel. I simply do not have the patience to be reading about the decor for 3 quarters of... more>> a chapter. Would love to read how this story continues (and ends) but there is too little action/dialogue and as a reader you cannot even skim through the chapter because bit of important information is scattered throughout the writing.

Maybe I will return to read the rest of the story one day.

All things being said, the translation is the only thing that kept me from dropping this earlier. And Lan-lan of course.

A cute panda that the MC is raising.

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Eeria rated it
February 25, 2022
Status: Completed
I love how the heroine devoted to the ML but at the same time, I feel he doesn’t deserve it. Now the ML is great, loyal, smart, devoted as well, it just doesn’t feel on the same level as the female lead. She has been devoted to him for so long and eventually get her love returned after a lot of effort and sacrifices. I just wished the effort from both sides toward love would have been more balanced. In any case, it’s well worth reading it. The story is... more>> great, the romance is going strong, the political plot is just ok. The family love between the siblings is awesome! <<less
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Bookworm_Sueweetie rated it
January 27, 2022
Status: Completed
I really like this novel. There were many cannon fodders considering the ruthlessness in schemes of ancient era... however, the supporting characters were really interesting and side pairings were also fun to read.

FL (Ye Huiayang) was so smart and decisive, she loved the ML that she patiently chased him. I don't usually like this kind of plot but FL's way of chasing is really shameless and really defined that "tease" in the title LMAO... At first, ML (Chu Jinglan) was doubting her intention and I understood bc he suffered alot... more>> in past. But certain realizations, he really fell deeply in love that many ate too much dog foods due to them and doted FL so well. Even when FL chased first, she's confident with their relationship and trusted ML's feelings and plans even tho there were flies everywhere.

I'm also amazed with the setup of ancient era society within this novel. I want to know what dynasty this was inspired... In this novel, married girls can still work for their clan as Matriarch, compare to other patriachal setup wherein married girls should be virtuous wife and prioritized the husband's clan. FL's clansmen were supportive of her and sibling relationships with her brothers were good. <<less
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hpae rated it
January 14, 2022
Status: c127
Great story! Slow burn at the beginning but sweet and somewhat steamy later. Both leads are devoted to each other. Funny and not annoying side characters with their small but well integrated stories. Love the inclusion of Lan- Lan the panda. Hope someone will translate the son’s story too.
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bookmunchies rated it
January 5, 2022
Status: c127
It's really well written but not 4*. There were just too many things that irked me and was just not that into it.

The fact she's the one chasing ML is fun in the beginning, the FL being the one to lead and set the pace of the relationship is pretty fresh, but that was turned on it's head later on.

... more>>

Definitely think Meng Chen pulling her stunt was the most 'will of the author' thing in the novel. Considering no one caught her little maid sneaking around everywhere, and that in the most crucial point everyone just became idiots who don't check the perimeter when exchanging smth of vital importance.


The use of r*pe as punishment for the antagonist is smth I dislike as well, especially when other characters act as if 'accepting the hand that was dealt would give them a better life' in regards to them accepting the abusers actions and in doing so making the abuser 'no longer need to abuse' them. The villifining of abortion and saintifying the act of carrying to term and giving birth despite danger to both health and life of the pregnant person.

MC's maid being dumb is not out of the ordinary, but must it happen every time?

ML being frankly awful to other girls and women, keep the harem empty, like, good for you, but must you ruin the ones who came to the selection by insulting them so much? No thought for how they'll live once they go back, after being disdained as 'low lvl' women by the emperor? Who'd dare marry a woman deemed low lvl by the monarch?

And the 'scheming women' being obviously disdained and their desire for a stable living situation post marriage looked at as the worst thing since the concept of mu*der is my pet peeve ngl. The entirety of their life hinges on the person they marry, so ofc it's better to get a person with more money than less, more honor then less, more power than less. And when the thing they do is like, cry smwhr so the dude can see and feel pity, like, laughable? The dude is the one who will make a move or not make a move, and they only cried a little or tripped, if that's enough for a man to make a move and get her past the door than good on her? If it isn't than that's that? The mindset of 'dare meddle in the harem' is hilarious considering that's exactly why the harem was made? So that daughters of various officials could go there. Legit one of the only ways for ambition to actually give u power if u a woman was the harem.

The deposed emperor, like, after he pulled the thing with the empress, yeah... not a chance that is a survivable stunt for him, the biggest thing that can happen to the imperial family is something befalling the empress.

Animal behaviour - awful and unrealistic

There's more things but ya know, feels like that's quite enough rn. <<less
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mayosamurai rated it
January 3, 2022
Status: Completed
Top tier. I really loves the characters a lot. It was really special watching the trust and love grow in the relationship. It’s your standard period novel with many of the same story elements but I do believe the characters and their relationships make the story all the more worth it. Also the translation is on point.
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