The Death Mage Who Doesn’t Want a Fourth Time


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Amamiya Hiroto is unlucky. His life consisted of misfortune after misfortune, culminating in an unlucky death during an incident on a school boat trip, trying to save a girl he barely knew. After death, he met a god of reincarnation who requested that the hundred or so dead passengers—one of them being the girl he tried in vain to save—be reincarnated into another world.

Yet a series of unfortunate events forced Hiroto to reincarnate with even less luck than before, starting with nothing but a tremendous amount of Mana. His second life, far worse than his first, came to a cruel end.

However, upon meeting the god a second time, he was informed that there would be yet another reincarnation—one that had already been set in motion and could not be stopped. Not wanting Hiroto to live long, the god cursed him before he was reborn in the hopes that he would either die quickly or commit su*cide.

Hiroto was reborn once more as a half-Vampire, half-Dark Elf. A Dhampir. Not wanting a fourth life, he is determined to live this third life with the only things remaining from his previous lives—death-attribute magic and his enormous Mana pool.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Death Attribute Mage Doesn't Want A Fourth Time
The Death Mage (LN)
Yondome wa Iyana Shi Zokusei Majutsushi
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Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. Drama Supermacy
  3. Novels with big harem
  4. ongoing
  5. Might read

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Nikko Anderson
Nikko Anderson rated it
October 6, 2019
Status: c425
Maybe not the best but still interesting for most part. Personally it delicious for me, and it has something that attract me to keep reading. But since even I don't see it as an epic (yet) I think not everyone will like it.

Some part that I like to note:

1. The author like to change pov a few times in one chapter, you must be carefull at this because you might become confused.

2. The MC might not be likeable for few people, although I personally like it very much. His way... more>> of thinking is a bit 'different' in weird way. Weirdly, I don't see much inconsistentcy from it.

3. Unlike some reviews that I saw, he did not actually become soft. He is soft from the beginning. Despite that he still merciless toward his 'enemies' and up to latest chaper he still want to exact revenge.

P.S.: Randolf way of thinking is really interesting too. <<less
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LoliconAkuma rated it
July 30, 2019
Status: c218
I edited my review because to be honest my first one was not all that good, it was full of passion for the book and was not that objective
So now to the important part, the world building I will stick with my first grading which is a 10/10. The biggest problem that I saw for the novel was the writing. I have not yet read the LN so I hope that will be better but for the WN it's a bit too unpolished for me.

and before I go any deeper I will have to give a warning to those wanting to pick this up, this is not a novel for those who have kinks for, r*pe, monster girls, MILF's and all those "gross" things that some would say. This is also not a novel for people who like MC's who are, if I want to term it a stereotypical MC, a glowing sun or great hero.

But it's not like this novel is for select people only, what I stated above was simply to stop those people who tr*sh a story for not being what they want it to be, from flooding reviews or comment sections of chapters.

Now what this novel excels in is showing varying states and causes for conflict. I don't want to place any spoilers so let's keep it at that. The story telling of the novel is pretty bland which to be honest may not most people but instead of a best seller this would be more of a pass time read.

What is good here though is that readers will be able to see the whole world as it is, as such some would get mad at slightly different ways people react to certain scenario's. Ultimately the good thing about this novel is that it makes you kind of take a side.

But when looking at it we all know that most of the time we would take the side of the MC with his story and all but there are people I know who believe that the MC was wrong and things like that.

If I have to say this is one of the novels that is good to train yourself in looking at the world from varying perspectives and the author does just that by using a limited third person perspective by telling the story, and to no interrupt he would slide in some side chapters which further show you the diversity of thoughts that are in the story.

Overall the story is good for passing time and since the world facing COVID-19 this may be a good chance to broaden ones perspectives
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JoyArenas rated it
July 7, 2019
Status: c196
I love OP villain-ish, merciless proganists. The type that would do anything, wouldn't hesitate to kill to achieve his goal and seek revenge for those who did him and his loved ones wrong. And the MC isn't dense and not an idiot like most isekai MCs. I love dark themed stories like this so this is a 5 star for me.
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Arha rated it
May 4, 2019
Status: c192
It's okay. If the story could drop the harem angle or at least keep it to a manageable level I'd feel quite happy with giving it four stars despite the protagonist's boring personality, but every damn arc seems determined to throw in more cute monster girls and then not develop them at all or give them any meaningful personality. At this point I'm expecting his mom and Vida to start swooning over his complete lack of charisma. Which is weird, because he's ACKNOWLEDGED to have no charisma, yet still has... more>> like fifty women wanting to jump his underaged, waxy corpselike bod. I guess it's the mind control he constantly uses on his followers. Oh yeah, he uses mind control on his followers, did I forget to mention that part?

The greater conflict going on in the background is legitimately interesting, but it takes a really long time to get to it at all because of the slow pacing. The more important gods are interesting characters who don't completely revolve around the protagonist yet, so it's neat to see the details of their age old conflict. If more could be done with the Bravers I'd still be happy. However, their subplot seems to be getting dragged out as well. By the time they get there and do stuff the protagonist is going to be even more ludicrously broken. Nothing is a challenge for him anymore and hasn't been since like chapter thirty.

Still, I'll keep going. The world building is interesting, the monster girls are fun when they have personalities and I like a lot of the small stuff like the legitimately different values on things like relationships. It just gets drowned in so much mediocrity and pandering that it's clear that I won't last with this series until the end. <<less
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May 4, 2019
Status: c192
The main character can be kinda boring, like the other reviews say.

I'm still giving this 5 stars for three reasons:

  1. Actions scenes are good and interesting.
  2. Secondary characters aren't boring, and have their own motivations
  3. The overall plot is good: many of the secondary characters are acting and interacting against one another in hard to predict ways; it gets the imagination flowing.
Also it has that unnameable quality that has me checking for updates on their site every day.
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Bachingchung rated it
April 26, 2019
Status: c46
I can see most 5 stars were defending the author for creating such a tr*shy MC. They are also praising the non-existent adventure and journey.

For starters, the MC suffered twice a lifetime and on the his 3rd life, he was given hope and a loving mother, just to be taken away from him. I just don't see where the hell did they find the justification for the MC to be kind and magnanimous. Plus the max level Mental Corruption skill is basically useless, it's technically a status for someone to... more>> be insane and lack control of his emotions. But the author still f*cked everything up and made the MC so composed and calm. The past 40 years of his life could also be scratched out, since he never matured in the first place. He was never given the chance to interact or learn the know how on his first life and during his life in Origin is basically a lab rat that should've ruin his mind and make everything worse.

Lastly, the adventure. The crappy boring supposed to be adventure. He's either in a cave, a devil nest or an abandoned ruin. He couldn't get out coz' basically everyone is on the hunt for him (but he still doesn't want to kill everyone? Right? So ridiculous). Everyone seems look at him like a block of wood MC in a harem genre, which the author seems to forgot that the MC is still 3 years old! He's the f*cking king and all the labor and food processing is done by him. All of the side characters had the gall to scold him when they technically doing nothing. Can't the author just f*cking have a training montage? Nobody gives a f*ck to a baby MC. <<less
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Daoist LastWish
Daoist LastWish rated it
March 8, 2019
Status: c58
Very similar to Release That Witch, this is a wish fulfilment story. Unfortunately, this kind of story tends to get boring fast.

Vandeleiu is unlucky. Very, very unlucky. So unlucky that he is super lucky and gets a huge amount of mana and can cast super powerful spells. Oh wait. Didn't I just say that Vandeleiu was unlucky? Well, you see, that's just the kind of story this is.

The main character is omnipotent, knows everything and can do everything. His subordinates are also supermen/supermonsters, they know everything and can do everything.... more>> No plot, flat two dimensional characters, no suspense, no tension, just boring.

I have to drop this, just like I dropped Release That Witch.

Recommendation: If you liked Release That Witch, you will like this. Probably. Otherwise, don't bother. Read Death Sutra instead, or perhaps, Ze Tian Ji, or Nightfall. <<less
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Riptide01 rated it
November 15, 2018
Status: c160
Hmm, mixed feelings about this one. What I expected: An anti-hero character and go into some plot heavy story about death and revenge. What I got: A ridiculously OP anti-hero thrown into a plot full of Harem cliches. I liked the plots in the beginning and the climb from weak to strong but it gets really repetitive later on, around chapter 120 or so with the same things. It's ok for a binge read but definitely not worth the time if looking for something more unique.
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MadMann135 rated it
August 19, 2018
Status: ss 17
The story is not bad but it is better than many. Like many web novels this one starts off good but after a while it becomes above average.

I like the story not because of the story but because of what the MC does. He can be very ruthless to his enemies, but he is very kind to his allies, and that is entertaining.
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heiro001 rated it
August 17, 2018
Status: Completed
Enjoyable take on the reincarnation genre. While a lot of the power fantasy, wish fulfillment elements standard to the genre exist, there's also lots of great thematics you don't find in many other works too. Horror and Lovecraftian elements, politics, economics, racism, reconciliation after wartime, the subjectiveness of morality, a bit of philosophy, references to philosophical and religious texts, some outright quotes here and there, and so on.

I also rather like this novel for the amount of time the author gives to the antagonists. While there are some ridiculous canon-fodder... more>> types among the monsters and whatnot, antagonists like Alda, Heinz, the Amid Emperor and so forth get a ton of text focused on their thought processes, motivations, and lives, making them more than just one-dimensional threats and instead providing foils and context to the main character's own place in this world. I would've liked a little more attention on at least Heinz in the finale, but maybe Densuke will circle back in a post-finale side story.

As a note, since this seems to show up in a lot of negative reviews of this: the prologue chapter is just a sort of proof of concept, so don't expect much of a revenge tale against the other reincarnators / the Bravers. There is a revenge subplot, and the Bravers remain secondary characters in the story, but the targets of revenge are actually people in the main character's third life, not his previous ones.

Anyway, if you're interested in a reincarnation story with some additional flavor, give Death Mage a try. <<less
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psicaw rated it
August 7, 2018
Status: c169
This is intended for those who are hesitating to read this amazing story because of what they read from the negative reviews people put about this story.

Most of the 4- and 5-star reviews pretty much already says what I want to say about how good this web novel is. I actually made an account just so I can retort on what most of the negative reviews I've been seeing are talking about. Most of the negative reviews tend to say "it's good, but MC turned from vengeful into a caring... more>> person". These types of negative comments are actually the worst, it's okay if you just didn't like the story, but to read the story and say something like that begs me to ask whether you have enough reading comprehension to actually read novels. If you've actually read the story properly and understood it, you would know that the MC's vengeful nature is still there, in fact it has gone on to the realm of beyond killing people that cross him. Now, just because an MC is vengeful doesn't mean he/she can't be nice to other people not related to his/her revenge. Take Kurapika from HxH for example, he's friends with Gon, Killua, and Leorio, but when it comes to people from the Gen'ei Ryodan he's all revenge mode on them. The MC is far from the "kind Isekai MC" comments you will see in the negative reviews when it comes to the objects of his revenge or his enemies.


I also read one review calling the MC kind because didn't massacre the whole town that threw stones at his mother and rejoiced in her death. If you actually think about it, the kind thing would have been to just kill the townspeople. Instead what he did was destroy all their homes and their wall, that's already like sentencing them to life lived in hell where they have no homes and no wall to protect them from monsters. They will die slowly and painfully, unlike if he just killed them.


Now, with that said, if you like an OP MC, kingdom building, and satisfying revenge stories, then you should definitely read this. <<less
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Shy Giggling
Shy Giggling
August 6, 2018
Status: v8c169
An Isekai actually Isekai that works and actually progresses VERY very well, a cute Dham--MC that turns ugly the moment he's "tiny bit" irritated, but still one of the best MC that is actually insane as well as rational at the same time.

Not only is this filling my hunger for reading isekais by itself, the MC is also an EXTREMELY enjoyable harem MC, he's just your wished character.

... more>>

For a soon-to-be teen 10 yo, he's more proactive than a high school harem MC with the best setup in his school possible, and is already preparing to marry a dozen or so girls xDD


And onto the best point : The Author Almighty Densuke-sama isn't like any other isekais author where at somewhere like volume 5/6, you'd think now the author is going full improvised on the story, no no, he has an idea, starts a story, creates more stories that connects perfectly with the previous story, keeps them, develops them, and makes them satisfying while still following the main idea, it's great. And I love the side stories too, and really, I think you can't really count them as side stories but it's what it is and they are as great as the main story. And it's one of the rare novels where I actually enjoy just reading, not reading and understanding the story, but just reading. It feels smooth and goes cleanly, smoother than Vandalieu's skin when he was a baby.. Really is.

Well, if there's one thing I do dislike is how on the translations, it went from 「」『』for the dialogues to "", I actually liked how it was before, but it's just me desperately trying to find something to negative.

I recommend it greatly if you want to have an actual isekai, or an actual harem :D

And unlike the others who say he is a kind of caring MC, read a little more.


He is kind and caring, but to 0.000001% or so of the population of Lambda ONLY

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Jobvanfan rated it
May 27, 2018
Status: c148
Van is a interesting character and has aboth serious and comedic side too himallowing for a good read. It has a strong plot in my mind and with the main characters out of the box thinking it keeps you guessing about what will happen next I highly recommend it to anyone.
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Biroulik rated it
April 10, 2018
Status: c133
Don't listen to those reviews that say that MC is too kind compared to his brutal past lives. The MC here is interesting mainly because he is ruled by emotions, refusing to cause psysical harm to those who simply annoy him while completely wiping out those who oppose, and sometimes in very brutal ways.

The past lives of the MC play an important role, from the 100 other reincarnators that are more or less forced to oppose him and the fact that he becomes insane so rapidly.

... more>>

Him being unable to understand just how outrageous his status is for a long time, his hypocrisy, or the fact that he doesn't think it is strange to be called a monster when insects and trees sprout out of him is a serious sign of insanity.


All in all it is easy to think of MC's actions as both evil and good, but it is a enjoyable read once you reach chapter 60 <<less
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smite2001 rated it
February 4, 2018
Status: c118
I really like the novel. One of its stronger points is certainly the world building, the society, underlying game-system and side-characters are well described and still plausible. I also like the rather dark undertones, with mu*der and other crimes one would expect happening all the time.

Apart from the prologue and early chapters nothing bad happens to the MC and his allies though.


The reason I deduct one star is simple and perhaps a little subjective: the protagonist's name. He is called Vandalieu, and I guess it is pronounced Wonder-Loo, which sounds like magical toilet imho. As this name comes up nearly every paragraph, I cannot overstate how annoying it is.

There are some minor things I will point out in the spoiler. They arent necessarily bad, but I noticed and it is probably nice to know in advance.


The protagonist's age. He is an infant when the novel starts, and he is still a small child at the end of V5. My guess is the author uses his age to avoid s*xual content, because other characters start s*xual relationships all the time, but the protagonist avoids them with his age as a reason. He has a huge harem already waiting for him to grow up though.

Food/Cooking. It is really unimportant in the first few volumes, with food and the quality of it being mentioned only sporadically. In the later parts it becomes rather central though, and is mentioned more often and in more detail.

The protagonists name. I said it before, and I repeat it here because it is really annoying. The author should have named him Paul or something like that.

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StazDespond rated it
December 23, 2017
Status: c118
Amazing this goes against most other cliches sets the Harem part out of the way for an amazing story all the characters are lovable and also have a more ruthless vile side to them at the time if your looking for a action / fantasy novel then this is for you




some people say that his personality is lost at the beginning chapters but it's still there's actually he becomes more vilest and corrupted as the story goes on so if you say that it's lost then respectfully f*ck you

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bodesagaz rated it
December 20, 2017
Status: c42
I had high expetations, as there was several things that makes sense and isn't found in other books, kinda the power of low-level undead. If they are ordinary, with no special caracteristics or a lot of mana, then is only natural that they are weaker than humans. They are just a bit bones without lots of mana or skills.

Since the MC has a lot of mana (tens of thousands the amount of a top class mage), he could just make undead of every damn bone he founds on the ground,... more>> buff them, create some golems that he makes easily to block for them and use the wave tatic like a REAL necromancer to levelup some of his undead, get rid of the weakests and gather more corpses. Or since he got the title of some race king, use the bones of their prey to make undead. But no, he got on his hands 4 very high level corpses (the undead gets stronger if with powerful corpses) and used them to NOTHING, he obey the orders of the race he "rules" like a good child (or good s*ave) and makes sauce with his free time.

Moreover, when after soooooo much trouble he finally gets magic-oriented job, which greatly improves his progress with magic skills, he starts to practice corporal combat. And he even says that he is worried because he is weak and some strong guys might want to kill them. WELL, WHY THE HELL HE IS WEAK? NO IDEA.

The MC isn't a necromancer, he is a kid playing with bones.

He is not a race's king, he helps them with no return and listen wharever they say. They even order him how to take bath, for god's sake.

And finally, his real curse aren't those that some god gave him. It's his s*upidity.

I was in real high expetations for a decent necromancer's story at the beginning. Dammit. <<less
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Nocta rated it
November 29, 2017
Status: c103
There are people who like it, people who don't. I think it's a good serie and people should try it to see if it suits them or not, rather than not even reading it based on negative reviews.

It starts a bit dark but after it becomes more like a slow pace country/power building serie.

I enjoy the character and I want to see where the story will go. But I can understand that some people would be disappointed with the lack of tension, or rather the absence of "risk" for the... more>> characters. That's the kind of feel-good story where main characters won't die. Or maybe just one if the author wants to be dramatic. It's a bit of a shame, since it reduces the tension but I got attached to all the characters evolving around the hero, so I am fine with it. <<less
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arashi-chan12 rated it
November 20, 2017
Status: c100
I, for one, am enjoying this very much. One of the better isekai stories in my opinion. The writing and translation are good and the story itself is pretty interesting. I'm glad I gave it a try instead of brushing it off because I thought it wouldn't suit my tastes.

If I had to say my problems with it, then maybe that there are too many women characters falling for our shota and it's hard to keep track of them all. Can't decide whether I want the pacing to stay the... more>> same or go faster either, but all in all it's a good novel.

And to people who are complaining about his punishment for the first village and dropped it because of that:



Do you want the MC to die??? He's a freaking infant who is greatly hindered by that as*hole god Rodcorte from growing more powerful and basically cursed him with a shitty life of bad luck and misfortune, so much so he'd rather kill himself than live.

Sure, he can slaughter the village. He wanted to too.

But what about after?? What about Priest Gordon and Heinz who are WAY stronger than him right now?? Who are a HUGE threat to his life???

Make a mysterious event happen => have some people investigate but have no clue about what happened = Life is safe for now, revenge carried out

Make mysterious event happen that kills people => have people-- STRONG people, people out of his power league right now-- hunt him down ruthlessly BECAUSE he killed a WHOLE town of people => revenge carried out, but large chance that he'll die and just end up face to face with Rodcorte again.

He had to hide from Gordon for two months living on earthworms and shit, what makes you even remotely think that he can just arrogantly kill as he pleases and get away with it scot free???

Not to mention, the more attention he garners, the higher up the people noticing him will be ranked. He did get noticed by gods further on, but that was when he had already built a base for himself and had made allies. He'd have to face against evil vampires following evil gods who can sic 6000 elite soldiers on them + vampire subordinates with super strength and speed and thousands of years of life and fighting experience while he's not even 1 year old yet, you know?? If you think you could survive that as a baby who just started out in the world less than a year ago, then I'd like to see you try. =_=

No point in carrying out revenge if they'll end up taking you down with them. That's not revenge, that's just s*upid.


Spineless MCs are a thing, but it's better than idiot MCs who don't think of consequences and do something outrageous to draw dangerous amounts of attention to them when they're severely underpowered and can't contend on the global scale yet. <<less
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SeventhTale rated it
November 17, 2017
Status: ss16
Death Mage is a story with a dark setting. Van (MC) experienced many tragic events in his lives. This would make the story centered on "REVENGE, but even though Van lived a very harsh life and pursue revenge, he still have the value of being a human. Van pursues revenge not only for his mother but also for his own happiness.

This story is how Van do many things that can be either be judge as evil or good for the sake of the happiness of those around him which for... more>> his own happiness. This makes the novel different from those stories and MC that chose the path of revenge, as those stories only have a worth because on how the enemies met their demise. This one is a story on how Van and others live peacefully in a world where they are different and persecuted, and how they will fight for that goal.

Personally I loved this story, as revenge stories with cruel protagonist are becoming more common. Though it sounds like naive, I like how the characters struggles in walking on their own path in a world that full of despair.

Edit: People who feel dissapointed about how the MC didn't become a madmen and f**king kill all the people related to his target, then THIS NOVEL WILL NOT QUENCH YOUR THIRST FOR REVENGE. In Van's second life, when he became a monster, he didn't attacked unrelated people (experiment subjects). It means that he doesn't have an aggressive nature, which I think he got from his first life from abuse. HE PRIORITIZE HIS HAPPINESS OVER HIS VENGEANCE. He's not like the people who think "people who abuse me should be punish by me". When her mother was burned, he's not as s*upid as f**k to kill all the people there just because they discriminate her mother, he's not a kind of MC that thinks "I'm OP and have a cool death powers, let's provoke the adventurers in the town for killing my mama" <<less
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