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Ye Zichen was just a normal university student. Or so he thought.

Upon a ‘chanced’ invitation into a deities’ chat group filled with deities from the Heavenly Court, Ye Zichen found out that there was much more to the world than what meets the eye. The Heavenly Court, the Underworld, and immortal cultivators which only exists in Chinese mythology… They are all real.

As Ye Zichen becomes more and more involved in that world filled with unworldly beings, the wheels of destiny began to turn. What sort of destiny awaits him? Will he be able to prevent the tragedies that are to unfold? Will he be able to forge a new path; or will he succumb to wills of the greater beings that guide his life?

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Recommendation Lists
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105 Reviews sorted by

lilb305 rated it
May 18, 2018
Status: c593
First, before I say another about this story, I would like to state this is base on how I feel about the story. The idea behind the story is excellent, but the romance is keeping it from going further. I understand that many people like to see love in novels, I do not have any problems with that, but when it causes you to make s*upid choices, then that's when it becomes a problem. If you take any of his girls as a hostage, he will not fight back and... more>> would give up immediately! I am not saying this to exaggerate, but he would really give up instantly within the same chapter.


For example, I do not remember the exact chapter but at some point when Demons are attacking Earth, and the MC is fighting them with the help of some of his friends. One of his opponents will capture one of his girlfriends and gives him a choice of either her or Earth. The MC picked the girl without any hesitation. In the end, he did not get the girl and Earth was frozen in time (this happens right after he makes his choice and she supposedly dies). When you look at it as a whole, you will see that most of his later conflicts are because of the females that surround him.


To an extent, I like the way the main characters act, but when he's around his women, he becomes brain dead. It's causing so much drama that's not necessary. DO NOT READ THE FOLLOWING SPOILER IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SPOIL THE STORY!


Su Liu'er who is Su Yan older sister. I do not understand what guess happened, but from what I've just read the MC future self is most likely the system. Anyway, he appears in front of Su Liu'er to help her out with something, and she's all respectful, calling him senior, etc. After the help, he leaves, and the present MC appears. She treats him like shit, even when she somewhat knows who that "senior" was. The MC sit there and accept it. I've almost dropped this story because of that.

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jinyeow rated it
March 30, 2018
Status: c570
Interesting premise. It was good for the first 200 odd chapters. Unfortunately by chapter 300 it has devolved into random events. Gaping plot holes. Plot armour and MC "luck" everywhere, and s*upid decision making by most of the characters.

There is no discernable cultivation method, but the MC can become a high level expert in months - which honestly feels ridiculous.

Plot "twists" are predictable.

Overall, only read if bored and there's nothing left.
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kaloo rated it
December 30, 2017
Status: c462
I enjoy this story conceptually, but I don't think it's well written.

The story flits from mini-arc to mini-arc rather rapidly. We're going through a serious one chapter then he gets a text and we're doing love comedy, then financial drama then whatever. The transitions are super quick and there aren't like time skips between these. It sometimes feels disconnected, but it's all fairly fun so you can ignore that.

It's a modern day Xianxia and there aren't many of those available in English so it's good enough.
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Khaossaga rated it
December 5, 2017
Status: c110
No way women like this exists... ugh. This is basically wish fulfillment considering this is based in the modern era and these are highly educated, strong willed professionals (at least some of them are). The story itself without the weird harem parts is pretty good and hilarious though.
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SleepLover rated it
June 30, 2017
Status: c155
So far the story was good and the translation was great. But I just cant understand the various parts of the story like the deities of the Chinese so I don't know their background or their significance in the heavenly court. But overall I think this novel is great the pace of the story is somewhat slow I think.
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