Red Packet Server


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Ye Zichen was just a normal university student. Or so he thought.

Upon a ‘chanced’ invitation into a deities’ chat group filled with deities from the Heavenly Court, Ye Zichen found out that there was much more to the world than what meets the eye. The Heavenly Court, the Underworld, and immortal cultivators which only exists in Chinese mythology… They are all real.

As Ye Zichen becomes more and more involved in that world filled with unworldly beings, the wheels of destiny began to turn. What sort of destiny awaits him? Will he be able to prevent the tragedies that are to unfold? Will he be able to forge a new path; or will he succumb to wills of the greater beings that guide his life?

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Related Series
Cultivation Chat Group (21)
Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel (4)
Pivot of the Sky (4)
I’m Really a Superstar (2)
Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms (2)
The Lame Daoist Priest (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Male Protagonist
  2. check out the comments - reviewers say there is be...
  3. Everything I've Read (PART 1)
  4. Favorite 2
  5. Harem novels I read and my thoughts

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/03/18 volarenovels c553
03/02/18 volarenovels c552
03/02/18 volarenovels c551
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105 Reviews sorted by

Honest reviews
Honest reviews rated it
December 30, 2017
Status: c460
Starts off uneventful, gets better.

Seems quite intresting when you have a mordern world MC who does not solve his crisis with luck or even power.

Since its a mordern world, can more easily imagine what you would have done if the same situation happened to you.

... more>> Unique in that rather than saving the day, you have moments where the MC tries his best but fails. He gets emotional, yes. But who would not in actual fact when terrible losses happens to one's life.

You prolly aint gonna read all this but. Hey, these are my 2 cents. Just the fact that im actually still following should get someone else out there who isnt caring about this to at least read it.

You might think its a tr*shy review or one of insignificance, but these are just what I have come up with after 400 plus chapters. Cheers ! Have a nice day ? <<less
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seanmk21 rated it
December 28, 2017
Status: c476
I started reading this on a whim but after about chapter 150 things change quickly and starts becoming a really good story and a lot of things start to make sense it becomes more than just a wish fulfillment and becomes a really good cultivation novel
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Stompai rated it
November 2, 2017
Status: c68
This novel... It feel like it's a serie of random events happening here and there.

(MC's planning for today : Visiting the parents of the ghost girl who live inside a dragon eye in my pocket, get your car robbed by a police officer, get in a gun fight and escape by luck, heal in hospital, go sing at school birthday to get fame and chicks).

And we still don't know (chapter 68) what he look like, neither do we have a clear idea of what his personnality is (mix of... more>> arrogant, prideful, aggressive and hypocrite ?), same for the other character beside some minor info like : "She's a Milf", "he wear glass without lenses", etc...

Most of the time I can manage to imagine the story, the actions, background scene etc but with this one all I can imagine is a blured picture in shades of grey jumping everywhere in "fast forward" mode.

Story had good potential at first but it feel like it was wasted by Author because of the way he choose to create/describe the characters and world. Author tell the story in fast pace, starting lot of actions left and right and either leaving it unfinished for later or either going fast forward skipping a big part of the actions.

Same for the relationship between the characters. even for the main girls, I only saw them talking a couple dozens lines between each others in 68 chapters and one of the girl is already a lover while 4 are in "love interest" mode. <<less
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Mibuokami rated it
October 19, 2017
Status: c182
Apologies, I am removing the previous review because I feel like I am being a bit too harsh.

This is an enjoyable read if you are into straight up wish fulfillment as it goes straight from zero to hero and has no break. The entire story is basically a string of awesome accomplishment for the MC. While this can be enjoyable it can also be pretty boring so pick your poison IMO.
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xtruthxliex rated it
October 12, 2017
Status: c119
I agree with the others. It begins good, but then...

1. The girls... THEY ARE SERIOUSLY ANNOYING AND PRETENTIOUS, except for the mother of the young girl with autism.

2. We know nothing about the girls, only their family or position in the rich people world.

... more>> 3. The rivals or the cannon fodder... Smh. Does he even have any? He's OP to a degree, but compared to everyone else, he's the almighty powerful god, since the real gods can't go to the mortal plane.

4. Becomes boring. I love the beginning since it was nice and something new, but.... The harem really degraded it a lot. <<less
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Tashady rated it
October 8, 2017
Status: c87
As others have mentioned, it starts off good and then goes downhill. I still like the novel, but it was getting very repetitious and outlandish at times. Girls just fell into his lap and I never could understand why.

Oh, but then QI started up some voting on new stories, and an older novel with the same premise popped up. Couldn't help but think that this novel is how the author wished that the other novel had gone. Still, I have hope that it will improve.
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August 12, 2017
Status: c193
Nice fresh work, instead of seeing MC transmigrate from modern world to ancient China-like with cultivation we've got pretty normal student dealing with dieties selling them cigarettes, instant food and introducing mahjong or poker as way to earn money. There is a lot of jokes and comedy. As for romance I'm not a big fan of harem but here it works quite well and is not annoying. Overall if you like to laugh a lot and relax I can sincerely recommended this novel.
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August 12, 2017
Status: c205
Good read when you get bored. The story is similar in style to My wife is a beautiful CEO in that the MC is a similar humor and also the story use of incorrect references (they get the info from pop culture outside of China wrong). The difference is the gory mu*der (there is none). The MC is similar to a JP novel MC who is collecting a harem but hasn't done the nasty yet.

... more>>

The story is mostly about the incarnation of a powerful immortal who decided to go into reincarnation to achieve ultimate cultivation peak of immortal king which only the heavens and underworld have but not the rouge immortals (hence the three realms). He is living the life of a mortal now with no idea he is the yellow emperor and he is slowly reuniting with his friends and multiple lovers from previous lives (this is why he gets random women to fall for him without him trying).


Pros: Comedy, slice of life vibe.

Cons: Not a ruthless MC, incorrect pop culture from outside of China. <<less
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August 12, 2017
Status: c209
Honestly so far so good, this novel isn't like CCG like people claim it to be.

Maybe at the start, it is but it quickly distinguish itself from it, no quick advance in cultivation but not slow either and the characters around it for legit reasons, unlike CCG they have a role in the future that slowly get unraveled the more you read the plot advance at a speed that's acceptable as you can digest the content without randomly throwing in new people every 10 or so chapters.

I believe that this... more>> novel is 5 stars and I will support until the end. <<less
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Kylarin rated it
August 12, 2017
Status: c568
This novel is about ancient gods and mythical creatures/people of chinese mythology coupled with immortals.

This novel is unlike CCG and shouldn't really be compared to it, but be judged on its own merits.

It's not a perfect novel by any stretch, but there is a definite story that's being told and unraveled bit by bit. A lot of the earlier, rather hard to belief things happening, make a lot of sense later, but the pacing and storytelling could have been handled a lot better by the author, especially when it comes... more>> to the harem. The reason why it exists makes more sense then most harems that "just happen", but it still suffers from the usual problems a harem type novel suffers from.

The main character isn't the smartest and has it pretty easy in the beginning, but it's still fun to read his (mis) adventures and interactions with the deities and ghosts. He does change in time, but later down the line along with the changes it deviates more and more from the "mortals interacting with gods" bit, so if you're only looking for that, you're gonna be disappointed.

The comedy and the weird world of the gods is probably the thing that saves this novel for me.

Honestly it's more of a 3.5 star novel, but since you can't give half scores and this novel did receive a lot of 1 star reviews from people coming in, expecting another CCG and being disappointed I decided to round up, rather than down. <<less
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Macrendil Ysmir
Macrendil Ysmir rated it
August 11, 2017
Status: c460
Review from c460

My oh my, boy oh boy. The pace picked up, the plot became deep and what do I see on the ratings and reviews? Sadly quite a few people who read 2 chapters and decided it's crap. Well, dear sirs and madams, to each their own, but ANYONE who enjoys a good action packed novel, decent harem and one hell of a plot twist to start the "proper" plot of with, you need to read this. Simple as that.

... more>> Review from c260

First ever review so for now I'll keep it short. Red Packet Server is a fun and worthwhile read with a very good and dedicated translator. If you want an MC that kicks everyones but from the get go for every vocal slight, well, our MC does do that but different from your usual MC where blood and limbs start flying on a whim. Overall I just think this novel needs some love from the readers since its simply an awesome read. <<less
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Crazy1324 rated it
August 11, 2017
Status: c207
This novel is about a boy who gets added to a chat group of immortals. A lot of people like to make a comparison to Cultivation Chat Group, but other then the fact that they both have chat groups of cultivators, they are completely different. This novel has a little bit of everything, revenge, harem, weak to strong, and a great story that I can see is just starting. If you're looking for a completely intact story where everyone and everything is connected to everything else, then good luck cause... more>> I have not found any novel with that yet. And I pretty much have almost read every novel on here that is over 200 chapters. This is a great novel that doesn't deserve all of the haters that review it and it deserves a chance to be read. Just give it a chance and I'm pretty sure you'll like it too. <<less
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anjan001 rated it
August 11, 2017
Status: c207
This is one awesome novel, which I actively keep track of. The comedic elements and harem feature is the best for me!

Also, an ongoing novel spanning 1000+ chapters can't just keep on one aspect. So from the starting chapters which focus on much comedy, the later chapters starts on unveiling a story plot, where u get to know the MC is a reincarnation of a pretty bad ass cultivator of on the 3 realms. Its pretty good, and while it is telling the story it still does not lack any... more>> fun!

Regarding harem part, till chapter 207, there are many girls related to MC but none with too much intimacy. So this should not make u too disappointed even if u dislike harem.

Lastly if u want to read a novel which can make u laugh on almost every chapter, come pick this up! The translation quality is great so u will love it :) <<less
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123Random321 rated it
August 10, 2017
Status: c58
Red packet server is one of the rare "Chatgroup" novels on NU. As far as I know there are only CCG and RPS. I honestly liked RPS better. The MC has a background story (actually more than one since he is a Reincarnator and has a special family) and we will realise that there is a "bigger" being prepared through his whole journey. It is a bit bothersome because we have to wait for that plot to start but the translation is very fast so it doesn't really matter... more>> since we get there soon.I like that more than the plot from was added by mistake and thrown into the plot like in CCG.

To be honest I also prefer the setting since I think the deities have a bit more background story since it is based on things we know which also allows you to build something with it. It makes the story a bit more understandable if you ask me.

Additioally he isn't just a little guy that gets pity from the Immortals rather gets his stuff through his wits and " Position" in the Heavenly Court. Althought rather short I enjoy the moments when he sells modern stuff since they are really funny. He gets close to them and even advises them on how to court women (btw he starts a relationsip with a goddess), making money through gambling, etc. So it's not always these awesome superstrong MCs but also the funny moments where you can't help but laugh.

Of course even if the above stated are different from your usual xianxia the author didn't leave the "usual" stuff out. A wise grandpa (who comes a bit late), OP-items, Harem etc.

The MC has a harem where he puts effort into courting women with the help of a red string (imagine it like a gaming system helping him), so he isn't the "BOOM I BEAT THE sh*t OUT OF EVERYONE NOW YOU ARE MINE".



this was the reason why most people stopped reading so I hope you stop by to read this:

People called MC a douchebag and started going on and on about how he picked his Harem up saying like all the other crappy MCs but thats not entirely correct. There were some girls that were picked up in this way but there are also those that had a connection to the guy who reincarnated into MC. SO the girls in his harem actually looked for and picked him which is (at least as far as I know) completly unique and didn't happen anywhere else. The MC doesn't remember anything about his previous life so he doesn't know about it. As a result of that the MC was actually picked up by the GIRLS!!!

From my personal view I also liked that he gets into the chatgroup of other worlds and even gets along with them, which is a bit different from the normal submit or die. Of course that also exists in this nove.

Though I have to say the current arc where he is outside the modern realm is a bit boring but I think the arc where he becomes the new jade emporer will be quite amazing. At least I hope so since I am ecpecting a lot from it. There is also the fact that we will later learn that our MC is not "human" but from another race which adds more plot to expect. So as you can see we basically still have something to look out after ~600 chapter


The story is good and worth my time, it's honestly a pity for the many bad ratings which are actually caused by the CCG-Fanclub which think that every other chatgroup novels are bad and copies without actually reading them. The translator is one of the fastest I have seen so far, so with the fast speed and good story I have decided on 5 stars.

P.s sorry for the spoilers but I found it difficult to leave a review without them. P.P.s I know the review is a bit one-sided but I honestly think it's a good novel and I wanted to make a contrast to the other one-sided bad coments. <<less
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Clorox Is Cream
Clorox Is Cream rated it
August 2, 2017
Status: c57
The protag is similar to most other CN novels... He's contradictory, pe*verted, arrogant, etc... The premise was interesting, but the execution was very poor, and when paired with the protagonist, the story is pretty bad. I guess you might like this if you're a harem fan, but as a harem fan myself, I thought this novel portrayed relationships in a very unrealistic way (yet another virg*n author). I would recommend cultivation chat group though, it is like a version of this that's actually good (with a decent amount of... more>> comedy).

I would rate a 1/5 but it has high-quality translations (with only a few minor errors), as expected of Volare. Just wished they focused more on their best books, like My Wife is a Beautiful CEO and Release that Witch, can't get enough of those. <<less
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igotsolo rated it
August 6, 2021
Status: c768
I’ve gotten far-ish into this novel and initially I enjoyed the story and pacing somewhat. Translation quality is decent with the occasional name mix-up.

My main issue is definitely with the MC. Dude is well aware of the potential consequences of his and others’ actions, but doesn’t learn his lesson until he eats every possible kind of sh*t his enemies feed him at least twice. Or when it comes to relationships he has to screw himself over due to his indecisiveness or forgetfulness.

1400+ chapters translated and no wonder the wiki still... more>> doesn’t have much. <<less
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Pashu rated it
July 16, 2020
Status: c500
Tbh, I don't get why people write reviews when they have not even read 100+ chapters I see some that only read 20, 50, 80, the real story has not started with just there. Now here is my review, yes I also got irritated at the start, the MC always gets every single thing he wants, and he's become to OP because of it, tbh I also got irritated because of it. Anyways

I don't freaking know how the spoiler thing works since I just made this account to write... more>> this review, SO BEWARE SPOILER BELOW. (Nevermind I just found out by experimenting a little)


His 'power' which is the red packet server got restricted at some point (i forgot when haven't read it in a long time) because of some kind of leader in there- this part is where the real interesting part starts.


And just to wrap things up this novel is not CCG or any other chat group thing novels out there, read it as what it is, review it as it is, Again it is not CCG its Red Packet Server don't be s*upid, because of some reviews it can ruin a translator or an authors hard work. <<less
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WhiteCollar rated it
December 13, 2018
Status: c133
Started with fun ideas and story lines. I personally think the beginning plot and story telling style is quite good when compared to REGOTR. By beginning, I mean the few beginning chapters. However, as it went by, you just couldn't take it anymore. It's ridiculous.

... more>>

MC portrayed as too arrogant with no idea of his place as a mortal, kept acting tough with those immortals as if he was a sovereign (well he called himself 'sovereign' and said he was a 'mortal' in the mean time; s*upid) that could kill or trouble an immortal or yama. The immortals' characters are portrayed as quite s*upid as well (defying Jade King order with no guilt for example). Not to talk about how easy it is for a harem member to be recruited. Maybe the Marriage String played a big reason here, but at least you can give a good story before 'blush' the girl right?


Well, as far as I read, I can already see how this will go, how repetitive the plot will be, how s*upid and arrogant the MC and villains will go for.

If you want to read just for fun, like just want to have something to read, then you can casually read this. <<less
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November 15, 2018
Status: c45
I have read it till chapter 45 and it sucks. I don't know about next chapters as I haven't read it further yet.

I gave it 2.0 stars to author for trying to write the story (effort; which failed to write a proper story), mess it all over the place with crappy style to waste the time of readers And still hasn't been dropped. To me it looks like a story written by children or by people with childish thoughts. MC, he contradicts himself. Doesn't have any brains. He wastes resources... more>> and strife for them but when he is unable to get them, he says he doesn't need them. Scenarios keep on shifting suddenly without proper natural order. <<less
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Netherlicht rated it
November 5, 2018
Status: --
I can't exactly remember where I dropped it, but it was at least 400+ chapters in.

So the reason I dropped it was because of the comedy, which was fine from the beginning, hilarious and made me laugh several times and that tied in with seriousness and story really gave it a nice feel, but it reaches a point for me personally when comedy takes over the whole show and the rest be damned, I mean over the top where the author has no issue making the MC run around in... more>> a pink tutu drooling (did't actually happen but it wouldn't surprise me honestly kek)

If you love comedy over anything else then this is for you I just personally can't handle when it's over the top and overshadows everything. <<less
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