Red Packet Server


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Ye Zichen was just a normal university student. Or so he thought.

Upon a ‘chanced’ invitation into a deities’ chat group filled with deities from the Heavenly Court, Ye Zichen found out that there was much more to the world than what meets the eye. The Heavenly Court, the Underworld, and immortal cultivators which only exists in Chinese mythology… They are all real.

As Ye Zichen becomes more and more involved in that world filled with unworldly beings, the wheels of destiny began to turn. What sort of destiny awaits him? Will he be able to prevent the tragedies that are to unfold? Will he be able to forge a new path; or will he succumb to wills of the greater beings that guide his life?

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Related Series
Cultivation Chat Group (21)
Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel (4)
Pivot of the Sky (4)
I’m Really a Superstar (2)
Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms (2)
The Lame Daoist Priest (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Male Protagonist
  2. check out the comments - reviewers say there is be...
  3. Everything I've Read (PART 1)
  4. Favorite 2
  5. Harem novels I read and my thoughts

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/28/18 volarenovels c583
03/27/18 volarenovels c582
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03/26/18 volarenovels c580
03/25/18 volarenovels c579
03/25/18 volarenovels c578
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03/22/18 volarenovels c576
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105 Reviews sorted by

HeavensW1ll rated it
July 5, 2018
Status: c312
Not that great to be honest due to the fact that the MC doesnt even gain any martial art techniques or any sort of cultivation related equipments or what not. Like I mean he doesnt even cultivate qi lmao, he does but only a small amount in comparison to xiaobei in Red Envelope of the three realms. This MC in this novel could be greatly improved if the author gives the MC aka Ye Zhichen a better outlook and etc. Also the MC mother should really reveal the family secret... more>> to the MC instead of running away everytime, this cliche situation is honestly just boring. I mean we can pratically tell the mc's family is most likely related to the hidden families aka the GU's and that the MC's father is mostly likely a cultivator as well and etc. Any how this novel needs more improvements and work before it can become a 5 star novel. <<less
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May 13, 2018
Status: c152
I liked this Novel, its fun, the story is well writen and its the first Novel with such a interesting Phone-Chat-Cultivation Idea - this mean (atleast for me) this Novel is very Original. And its not repetetive, with is always good. Its rare but in this novel the MC is actualy pretty weak, I mean he is strong for normal people he confront for the most time until ch152 but he is nothing compared to real Masters. This is something new as well, not a OP MC. However there are... more>> some issues :

- The story is very slow, a little bit to slow actualy,

-Somehow (atleast until ch152) most of the side characters are shallow

-The relation between the MC and the girls seems very forced and somehow "weak". (Maybe its intentionally because the MC noticed it himself)

-The romance is not give enough "screen time" its like - its there but somehow when I read it, it just feeld blank. Most events with girls would need a proper expansion but mostly suddenly it stops because the MC has something better to do. Simple there should be more focus on this.

There are some flaws but this is a very good novel. It might get better and I intend to read it futher.

Right now im giving this novel 8/10. If I really read more im going to give it a proper rating. <<less
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Skimmedmilk rated it
April 10, 2018
Status: c593
I was really drawn to the concept of the novel -- being in a chat group with a bunch of deities and robbing their treasures by sneakily snatching red packets. This is the first time I'm reading a cultivation novel and I have never been interested in such themes in the past. However, this novel has managed to capture my attention and left me wanting more.

The story started off with very normal modern college life. I enjoyed the interactions and happenings between the main character, Ye Zichen, and his mates... more>> as well as the deities in the chat group. We also see how Ye Zichen made use of the treasures from the deities to become extremely OP. There was a harem buildup which I'm personally not very passionate about. I don't get it, but then again, that could totally be due to personal preference. I don't read enough of those harem novels. What I do like, though, is that all these minute little characters that make occasional appearances are all part of the bigger story and they eventually come back with significance to the story. (But I must admit, sometimes, it's hard to remember who's who and their identity.)

The start of the novel was fascinating, but in the middle, it started being repetitive and slightly boring. Thankfully, the translator for this novel was really hardworking and kept churning chapters everyday so there was no reason for me to break this habit of reading daily. But as Ye Zichen start cultivating for real, the story picks up once again. The past 100 chapters (minus from c593) have been pretty exciting. I have been actively looking forward to daily releases! In fact, I'm even tempted to go read the chinese raws to find out what's happening. The pieces of the story are starting to form together and with every few chapters, we find out more about the past and the significance of characters whom we thought were just passer-bys.

To sum it up, this story definitely has its flaws. But, it does provide a good amount of cheer (especially in the beginning) and enough excitement for you to be curious and concerned enough to find out what's happening next. Would recommend! <<less
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Apocu rated it
April 9, 2018
Status: c309
Some spoiler some unspoiler but im lazy so all spoilers.

... more>>

I have re-read this multiple times to relive the MC's shamelessness and personality. This is a breather against those Wuxia stuff and something new to lead the Modern Genre (VRMMO:Peerless White Emperor can never be defeated in shamelessness).

The MC is a witty person, who finally after narrowly escaping the life of a wizard (Gandalf: Hey, don't judge us wizards! We could've gotten a new friend and brethren) started to grow in intellect and scummy behaviour (Xia Keke: You could say that again.). So the MC is a normal person who one day, began to grow powers and gain the help of the almighty system was brought into a WeChat for Deities. Being the greedy Inhale BOI he is, he decides to use this to milk off and become a rich first-generation playboy. Not trying to spoil it too much, he is revealed in the late 100s wellll... not exactly revealed it shows us his "past". As the story unfolds it self like some broken origami, it kind of comes into repetitive scenes. MC: You look at girl of mine? I punch you with overpowered strength. MC: You try to hit on girl of mine? I punch you with overpowered strength. MC: You try to hit on me. You touch girl of mine? I punch you with overpowered strength. Really a bloody demon. There are real bad mistakes and flaws (Simon Cowell: Disqualified! *Pushes the red button*) as the MC is punishing arrogant fools while he himself is x2 of the arrogant fool *sed muscik plaeysing plz subscibe*. Overall, its a good novel to read due to its new plot and character even though Xia Keke is creepy..... SH*T She's coming I gotta go now. *Dragon roars in the distance* Zoink! Lets get outta here Scoob (Xia Keke: Get back here!)

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RyreGruel rated it
March 28, 2018
Status: c582
So it is important to note that I practically read every chapter prior to ch 500 back to back but even with that compared to every other Chinese cultivation novel I have read prior this one makes a lot more sense seems and is easier to comprehend for my poor brain.

It also has a really good story and at the very least I haven't read one quite like it but there are just enough in my selfish opinion it doesn't update often enough.

~RyreGruel the lonesome phoenix
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Mavsynchroid rated it
February 14, 2018
Status: c300
I really like the feel of this novel. Well, to be honest, I'm not really a fan of the whole harem thing, really. Every beautiful girl he comes across falls in love with him. Seriously.. There's like 8-10 girls where there's some sort of romantic situation going on. It's too much. What I mean by the feel is that it's a novel where not everyone is trying to kill everyone else. Don't get me wrong, there are (extremely generic) fights with arrogant young masters. However, because a lot of the... more>> novel is spent in the wechat group with the deities, a lot of that meaningless pissing contest stuff is cut short. I am a bit worried that the further on it goes into the story, the more and more it slowly becomes a generic cultivation novel. He seems to be getting into fight after fight recently. Still, I'll give it a higher rating due to the slice of life feeling it has for most of it.

I do however have one complaint. That is, unless a character is important to the specific situation going on at the moment, they simply don't exist. It seems this guy can go for days, if not weeks, without talking to a supposed girlfriend of his up until the point there's a story arc going on around her. For example...


There's a ghost girl that is by his side every day due to being stuck in an object he carries around with him (Original right!?!?!?) She almost always appeared in every chapter due to this. However, after like 50 chapters she pops out of the ring and makes me think.. "Holy crap! She hasn't been mentioned in like 50 chapters! I completely forgot about her existence due to the other 8 girls or so he's romantically involved in in one way or another. Of course the author just writes... Due to needing to revive her soon, Ye Zichen had asked her to stay within the Dragon Eye to nurture her soul..... Seriously? Please... You obviously absolutely forgot about this character.


Oh, one more thing that kind of bugs me. Happens all the time in shows and books that go on for too long...


Every person around the MC eventually turns from a normal person into some super powered person that has been hiding some sort of secret all along. Why can't his mother just be a normal mother rather than a saintess and his girlfriend just be a normal girlfriend rather than some half dragon divine beast worshipper. Always gets messy when these normal people in these stories turn into some crazy supernatural being. Seems like a weak way to keep the story going.

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Leosinurat rated it
January 7, 2018
Status: c436
I almost agree to all the reviewers before me

It started well or rather the concept of the story is good

Where it started as a carefree MC with it's harem, money making and problem with the group chat

... more>> I enjoy it until chapter 200 or so

When it's 300++ the story become darker, it's okay but the way of the story became darker is too forced, the tribulation is abnormal, when it became darker he still enjoying life? Wtf, there is no way you can enjoy life when the problem is right in front of you, he is an absolute coward, run away from problem and force other to solve it

I don't like it

But I indeed enjoy its first half <<less
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easygoing rated it
August 3, 2017
Status: c400
I really wanted to like this, it started out light and fun but devolved into every imaginable xianxia trope instead of any kind of a decent plot, enemies coming out of nowhere mysterious higher powers, power jumps all over the place, women being taken away, adding on extra realms for kicks and none of it is done well at all
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seronis rated it
July 20, 2017
Status: c183
Its not the absolute best story in the world, nor is it the absolute best writing, but its GOOD on both those aspects. Quite good. There are a few reviews complaining the author tries to make the MC appear righteous. NO HE DOESNT. The MC is a bit arrogant, is a bit of a man sl*t, and the MC knows both those things about himself and doesnt feel shame for it. He is satisfied with who he is and wants to do his own (sometimes greedy) thing. I am probably... more>> current reading through roughly 3 dozen different foreign novels that receive regular updates. Most of them I catch up every few weeks with a reading marathon. This is one of the few that I check for new chapters daily. <<less
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tsuna25 rated it
May 30, 2017
Status: c55
The novel was very interesting at first, and it drew me in. I was hoping it would be better than IRAS. However as time went on it turned into another generic harem novel with a not so likable MC. It was beautiful, I had fun reading it, and then came all the bullsh*t with girls here and there. Totally ruined the story, nothing wrong with harems, but this feels so poorly done I'm losing brain cells reading it. The MC is so fickle it infuriates me, enough to stop reading... more>> it then and there. <<less
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Nistel rated it
November 1, 2021
Status: c206
Read 200 chapters out of 3000 and I feel like I read about 70% of the story, fearing the end is so near. I already pulled a few allnighters on this novel and its just amazing.

I can't yet say it wont turn repetitve. But to me it makes a great addition to my readlist that otherwise is filled with pure cultivation or romance novels. Really hitting a spot other novels kept lacking.

hehe i'll look forward to 15 times the fun I had so far.
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Liberty666 rated it
October 25, 2021
Status: c888
i dunno if it gets any better, but like mentioned before:

- wish fulfillment bullshit
- combat scenes lacking as hell
- characters are bland
- a lot to be desired in terms of world building, and descriptions overall

tbh I hung out this long thinking it'd get a biiiiit better, and it has, but still. Overall, I would like to see the author actually be more proactive with the things I mentioned above if they're going to keep writing things in the future. This had promise, to a point, but again, left a lot to be desired. I'll prob still read it until the end, cause I hate leaving series unfinished, le sigh.
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Stompound rated it
July 10, 2018
Status: c581
The reason I give this story 4 stars is due to the quality of the translation and the somewhat interesting plot.

The author though needs some writing practice I think. The plot points are all over the place and characters behave really strangely when they are not the immediate focus of the plot. It feels really clumsy frequently and things are not very well explained more often than not. Although I enjoy various events that occur, I find the story very confusing to follow more often than not.

The author keeps track... more>> of some things numerically quite rigidly for a short period then abandons tracking completely. Cultivation is poorly explained and progress is hard to follow.

I recommend having some background knowledge of Chinese mythological characters before reading this story. <<less
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GeeWillikersBatman rated it
April 10, 2018
Status: c730
If you like the MC to have an overpowered and unfair advantage, this is for you

If you like the MC to have multiple beauties to hook up with the MC, this is for you

If you like Chinese Mythological Characters to feature prominently, this is for you

... more>> If you like the enemies to make outrageous claims and act c*cky, only to slap their own face, this is for you.

If you like comedic situations and the MC wanting to slap idiots and strangle friends, this is for you

Overall a good read and time killer. While it does have mystery's as part of the plot, if you're looking for a deep and complex story then you'll look elsewhere as the storytelling is action-packed and satisfying to read, but simple and easy to digest.


As the story has progressed...


it has become less about face-slapping with more about the conflict between the realms, especially against the Demons. The MC is less annoying and the shipping has slowed down.


The feel of the story is changing and the end could (possibly) be in sight, although it depends on how much more fighting and/or powering up the MC needs to do to resolve the conflicts. <<less
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Morok rated it
April 9, 2018
Status: c594
While the story may seem similar to others, the plot is quite solid. At first, you think about MC as a very lucky guy, who gets all he wants, but later we discover, that things are not so simple and that his progression - and his friends too - isn't something from "plot armor, because author wants to make MC cool as Mt. Tai". It's part of the story, that later escalates into other realms and adds more intrigue and schemes (really, I can imagine it more like politics -... more>> everyone has their own plans and secondary plan, and sometimes one more plan...)

The beginning of the story is pretty solid - it's well written and the translation is very good. Later the story evolves into more complex and the focus shifts into other things. After that story becomes less attractive (for me), because of very fast pace and constant changes that not always may look logical (also, what's with that System? The hints were from the very beginning, but somehow I can't understand, how it works and why the power behind this thing need to do such things?). There are a few good points from time to time, so the story is worth reading for me (at least, until I figure out all about this System :D) <<less
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grandsin rated it
April 7, 2018
Status: c593
The plot was interesting but gets kinda messy later on, and the MC's personality was somewhat likable. But after a couple dozen chapters in when the MC gets stronger his attitude shifts to an arrogant guy who literally and metaphorically slaps peoples faces into the ground, but as the story progresses he does mellow down.

Overall the story is actually an enjoyable read with a bit of comedy here and there.
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Aztecdevil2000 rated it
April 2, 2018
Status: c588
The story was good around the first 200ish chapters, it was good for laughs and wasn't too cliche with overpowered MC bullsh*t like other CNs. Eventually as it progressed, it kinda turned into a glorious clusterf*ck but still it was pretty decent. Not saying that it's a bad story, in fact the story is pretty good, but the sheer amount of cliches makes it hard to read continuously.

I recommend this as a read if you really have nothing better to do or want to get a quick laugh, otherwise the... more>> story is kinda stale and 2 dimensional. <<less
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WafflesWarrior87 rated it
March 30, 2018
Status: c585
I wanted to give it a lower rating, mostly because of unanswered questions, that by the way bug the crap out of me.

So it starts out with an average-ish guy getting dumped (by a human woman, not good old Truck-chan) and then being added to a chat group (title is a hint.) This group just so happens to be for the heavenly court (of Chinese mythology) which very quickly changes his life early on. I really want to give a thorough review on here but almost everything I can say... more>> would be huge spoilers, like "I can see dead people" type of spoilers. So far from what I have read, I'm always coming back from more. The main character "Ye Zichen" might be a total duechebag sometimes but that makes him feel a but more alive, shitty character flaws and all.

It is a harem and reincarnation story kind of in the background but appears in the foreground alot. If you complain about how easily the woman fall for him it's just because you haven't read far enough. The more I read the more it makes sense, and in some cases it seems like it should be easier for him to form a relationship with said women. If I look deeper into the core of the story and the existence of this red packet server, it seems as if everything he does and his goals related to the server are revolved around the ones he loves and trying to make them happy.

I am sorry I can't say more I just love this story so much I don't want to ruin it for anyone else. The low ratings given are not warranted and make me a bit sad.

The translations are awesome by the way, one of the faster sites I read from. I was there from the first chapter and great anime God's permiting I will be there till the end. <<less
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Valera rated it
February 11, 2018
Status: c150
I'll give it two stars for the first couple of decent and satisfying chapters. The rest are irritating and s*upid. Come on, who really likes to be a mistress? Is it really okay to see your boyfriend cheating on you? These girls make no sense. The MC is also shit
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cutterline rated it
January 29, 2018
Status: c290
What can I say, if you like scum/bastard/arse hole MC, look no further. This is the exact novel you're looking for. MC is a legendary historical to a fiction figure, oh the inconsistency.

Just read Cultivation Chat Group rather than reading this.
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