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Ye Zichen was just a normal university student. Or so he thought.

Upon a ‘chanced’ invitation into a deities’ chat group filled with deities from the Heavenly Court, Ye Zichen found out that there was much more to the world than what meets the eye. The Heavenly Court, the Underworld, and immortal cultivators which only exists in Chinese mythology… They are all real.

As Ye Zichen becomes more and more involved in that world filled with unworldly beings, the wheels of destiny began to turn. What sort of destiny awaits him? Will he be able to prevent the tragedies that are to unfold? Will he be able to forge a new path; or will he succumb to wills of the greater beings that guide his life?

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Related Series
Cultivation Chat Group (21)
Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel (4)
Pivot of the Sky (4)
I’m Really a Superstar (2)
Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms (2)
The Lame Daoist Priest (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Male Protagonist
  2. check out the comments - reviewers say there is be...
  3. Everything I've Read (PART 1)
  4. Favorite 2
  5. Harem novels I read and my thoughts

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105 Reviews sorted by

SayMrrp rated it
May 9, 2017
Status: c40
I'm getting a vibe like The Lame Daoist Priest has. The writing style and humor seem similar.

The premise is super interesting! I enjoy the brief flashes of brilliance, but I hope there are more interesting scenes. Granted, I'm only at Chapter 40 and this just came out, but it doesn't seem to be the most awesome book out there. It's certainly good though! The translations are awesome.
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Dollaaaa rated it
December 31, 2020
Status: c400

This novel fails in almost every aspect. The MC is arrogant and annoying. Side characters are one dimensional. Nobody gets their character developed. Romance sucks. The plot had a few interesting aspects before things started to get tangled up. The one things that made me read up to this point were the interactions between the MC and the people in the chat group. I would've given the novel 2 stars solely for that reason but lo and behold.. racism set in.
The novel got racist fast. The author is also pretty blatant about it.


Father of the MC is a villain from the demon realm.. ok interesting

But wait! The people from the demon realm have dark skin... weird thing to add

Then Mc's friend casually drops the N word in a fight with them.


So originally a 2 star, racism brought it down to 1.
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coobaloo rated it
February 24, 2019
Status: c735
I for one like this novel. The translation is much better than some of the other Chinese novels I've read. While yes it does get repetitive at times and the protagonist has plot armor, so do most protagonists in stories. It's just a little disappointing to see people harshly judge something they haven't even read 10% of the story. People need to remember that a good story doesn't need to read like a Shakespearian play, it's ok for a story to have quirks and flaws, it shows that character. People... more>> keep saying that the characterization sucks but they're only on the first 50 or so chapters. You can't base an entire novel off of the first 6% of the novel. Don't be cynical. <<less
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Alteration rated it
December 24, 2018
Status: c55
I had picked this novel up in the hopes to read something like Cultivation Chat Group and was sorely disappointed.

The beginning started off somewhat interesting, but then the MC's personality takes a sharp nosedive, he ends up conceited, judgmental and incredibly deceitful.
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Hundred Lilies
Hundred Lilies rated it
June 21, 2018
Status: c565
I sooo want to give this novel four stars, I really do, and here are the reasons why:

  1. Originally the novel has a great storyline and the MC and various important characters are shrouded in mystery, which gives it an edge.
  2. The author is true to it's genre as a xianxia and has all the right elements like demons, ghosts and immortals, etc., but in a modern world.
  3. You can find little gems of great humor and funny/loveable cuteness once in a while.
  4. The MC has a harem yes, but he is true to those he love (and vice versa) and isn't (disgustingly) shameless - it's more correct to say that he has a glib tongue and is a bit mischievous with his ladies.
I really enjoyed the novel up until ch. 380, but after... more>> that it gets rather annoying and like irl, why would I waste my time on something I don't like, so around ch. 565, I quit. And so I'm only willing to give the novel three stars. And here's why:

  1. The storyline is slow-paced and it's kind of hard to detect the mc's progress. It's like the setbacks are never-ending and I, as a reader, need more sunshine. It's like our MC is drowning in setbacks after ch. 380.
  2. Sometimes it gets a bit too much how the MC deals with his problems. He seem to have a pretty low IQ when it comes to confrontation and only lets his fist do the talking. He's all brawn and no brain and that makes it a bit boring in the long run.
  3. There's too much faceslapping and happens in almost every other chapter, if not every chapter.
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MyRAMEN rated it
June 11, 2018
Status: c347
To be honest this is a late review as I havent read this n a while but I recommend trying the novel. Its very comedic, interesting, and plot telling. Basically setting is of a normal college guy in the modern world only to discover his past and the world is not what je once thought. Red packets were very intriguing since almost no novels write things about stufflike lotterys and stuff, plus was betterwritten than the other red packet novel I read. I think it was modern cultivatuon... more>> chat group? <<less
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Tenku_kun rated it
April 19, 2018
Status: c478
The start of the novel is a usual comedy novel with nothing really much in it...

But the story starts changing/shifting into a serious narrative where he experiences some serious sh*t and he gets dicked on by most of the enemies he starts meeting later. Atleast till the point where I've read.

It's story is like I said above pretty generic at the beginning with some serious twists happening after. It does enough to keep me interested in the story, but nothing exceptional. I read this most of the time for its... more>> face-smacking, not story/plot

The villains are mostly all generic except a key few


and one of them who is especially smart just becomes a ret*rded later on like the rest of them unfortunately


The harem is okay, the girls mostly just fall for him for no reason. The author explains it as:

"Karmic relations from his past life"

which doesn't sound ridiculous in novels like these for me anymore.

MC is straight out irresponsible for his harem. To the point where he doesn't even go trying to understand what's happened to one of his girlfriends after she seems stressed out by something.

I actually liked this novel because of its face-smacking elements and how casual the story was, and it is gonna take me some time to adjust to that change until then it's still gonna be a 3.5/5 for me. I might change this after reading more... <<less
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April 11, 2018
Status: --
I feel like I've wasted like 3 days of my life reading this novel.. usually after more than 400 chapters you'd expect him to start becoming dominating and strong at the very least right? How was any of this worthwhile? I feel like mid-way through the entire series, the author scrapped any planning and started from the beginning by making the MC a complete pathetic weakling. He has no strength. Every single person is toying with him, he's losing everything, so, all of the things he did in those 300... more>> chapters has been worth squat? This novel was so good at first. You could actually tell his strength and influence was growing. But as soon as he revives the ghost girl, she's taken from him by some random dude who wasn't even remotely hinted about the entire series and now his so called best friend suddenly seems more like the main character, becoming atrociously strong and acting like he's a boss whilst getting the women? What? This isn't a tragic story, so what the hell is this direction? Did you try to make it unique? Honestly, it's getting repetitive. You bought back the same guy 3 goddamn times, one time back from the dead and it hasn't even been explained how the hell that happened.. what the... what happened to this series? It seems the MC is now just the bu*t of everything betrayal and beatings and bullying.. it's pathetic. It stretched on so long I can't bare to read this novel anymore. It's been going on for like the past 100 chapters and there is no resolution in sight. It's been 300 chapters and he's basically as pathetic as when he started at chapter 1 all of a sudden.. sigh.. <<less
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Emily rated it
January 10, 2018
Status: c436
Well, what can I say? The story starts as a slice of life and, although the MC has his as*hole moments as flickle in love, there is a harem tag, so if you don't like it don't read.

... more>>

Even so, it annoys me when he first starts to date with Xiao Yumei and says that he believes in monogamy so he won't go around flirting, but starts flirting with Su Yan as soon as he sees her


The story keeps going in this romantic comedy slice of life till around the chapter 300, when it starts to take a turn to a dark xuanhuan novel.


Around the time he goes to the capital things start going downhill. It's almost he is playing a game in mode Expert, where every enemy he meets is in boss level while he is at lvl 10 at most.


Then, by the time it reaches chapter 400 thing are at a point where he is swimming a pool of sh*t and some f*cker took of the stairs.


f*ck, he finnaly revive Liu Qing just to for her to get kidnapped for some random sh*t who came from god knows where. Then he has to kill almost all his friends with his on hands and finnaly get betrayed by Su Yiyun.


So, yeah, until translation is finished, I'm dropping, 'cause I seriously don't think I will be able to keep reading when I reach the last chapter released and without knowing he will kill all those f*ckers in the end...

I like the story, and I do think the characters have a good development (and I want to believe they have a reason to do what they do). Although it can be a bit confusing to some, after some chapters it starts to show that it's a xianxia world, and not a modern slice of life with xianxia elements. So yeah, it's a good read, but my heart can't take it anymore without wanting to kill everyone in the novel. So, if you like novels with a dark plot where the MC is trown in sh*t and can't get out, this novel is for you. <<less
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Kenedy5 rated it
January 4, 2018
Status: c420
It started as a pretty good novel in my opinion, with a decent plot that is slowly explained as the MC gets stronger. It might seem random at first, but I think the author had everything planned from the beginning, and ended up trying to add too many details in the story. Some chapters are completely unnecessary, while others are just... confusing, ... more>>

especially the events that happen around ch 350 until 420 (I read until half of chapter 421).

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ArgosYesu rated it
July 25, 2017
Status: c186
I read this up to the most recent chapter at the time and thought it was... below average but readable once every few weeks or so.

Picked it back up again and found it's even dumber than I thought.

Characters are boring and extremely flat. MC keeps going on and on about how everyone is so arrogant when he's the very definition of arrogant. People say he's confident, but bs. Confidence without anything backing it is arrogance and MC just bullshits his way through everything using his minuscule IQ and every cheat... more>> the author can bring up with his own minuscule IQ.

Even the deities are extremely boring. Usually gods and goddesses have some quirk or personality that makes them interesting to read once that personality crosses with their 'lore' and powers. Not RPS.

This is not a criticism of the TL, but of the story (yea, I read that NUF post >_>). <<less
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AGremory rated it
July 19, 2017
Status: --
It is hard to write a review for this novel, as it has little no bad points for what it is. We have a slowly growing OP MC with a strange connection to another world, basic romance with potential harem, and a fun world to explore.
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OfficePony rated it
July 12, 2017
Status: c175
Grammar: 3/5 (Previously 2.5/5 around chapter 84)

Writing: 2/5 (Remains the same)

Story: 2/5 (Previously 1.2/5 around chapter 84)

(Update as of Chapter 175: Thankfully the story starts to pull slightly away from false romanticism and shakes a tail at some more Celestial fun. A slight improvement in the grammar is noted as the chapters progress. The writing is about the same, with some fun moments, but mostly too drawn out with proverbs and needless details. The story has a slight improvement as mentioned above along with a noticed... more>> compressing of pertinent strands of story elements. Still, there are sudden plot devices and unexplained knowledge of the MC in regards to events present and future.)

Started strong, started a gentle descent after a few chapters before taking a plunge into wish fulfillment territory.

While it has it's entertaining moments, 95% of the story seems to be about the MC trying to get into the pants of multiple girls after it had been initially stated in the early chapters that he would keep a monogamous relationship. Too many instant plot devices put into use within too short a time period combined with shallow character development created something that was frustrating to read. While the grammar isn't god-awful, it's still rough, though it feels like a lot of work went into the translation. The writing style of the author is entertaining at times, usually in the chat group sections, but seems to put too much emphasis on small meaningless descriptions and hyperbole. Sadly, the story had potential at the start, but the author squandered it all too quickly, giving the MC everything without much thought. Problems coming up? MC instantly has what he needs. MC about to get into trouble? MC instantly has what he needs. MC f*cked up? MC is instantly saved by Plot Armor so f*cking thick he could get nuked and not even get a shade of radiation on his f**king eyelashes. MC supposedly some average guy before all this sh*t starts happening, but acts like he's been a badass from the start, not subtle transition from weak to overpowered, just sudden badassery and acting as though he was always that way. No person without some serious mental issues would be able to make a transition like that psychologically. Going from poor and fragile to wealthy and powerful would show in a few ways (speech patterns, habits, interactions, etc...) but the MC just doesn't seem to have any "flaws" according to this story. Just MC badassery, no flaws aside from a "Bad History" with his ex-girlfriends (which at the rate he's trying to slip into every some of the female characters' panties should be adding up soon, but probably won't because of plot and wish fulfillment).

Overall, cannot recommend unless you're looking for instant gratification wish fulfillment. Definitely not my cuppa tea. <<less
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BigJMK rated it
June 2, 2017
Status: --
I'm enjoying this novel so far. It's not exactly deep, but still nice for some casual reading. The reason I'm not giving it 5/5 is twofold:

  1. The MC can't stick to one woman and I'm not a fan of harem stories (though sadly nearly every xianxia type story seems to require the MC to get a harem). At c74 he already had reached 'lover' status with one woman, but he still insists on trying to get to that level with other girls.
  2. Some things just require too much suspension of disbelief. For example: in one chapter the MC saves someone who the doctors had already given up on with a medical pill he got from a red packet in the chat group, but nobody bothers to ask how the hell he managed to bring someone back from the brink of death that easily, as if that was a regular occurance.
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killerjr1000 rated it
May 13, 2017
Status: c53
Good novel so far but if you came here for something like Very Pure and Ambiguous then where MC is super strong in modern time so far the MC is moderately strong that only happens at around like chap 30 something well anyway. Good comedy and slice of life also it's an ok harem so far.
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migu rated it
May 11, 2017
Status: c50
A face-smacking comedic feel-good novel with modern setting and non-serious cultivation and story, starring a self-made 'young master' MC.

If you are expecting to read something along the lines of 'Cultivation chat-group' you are most likely going to be disappointed. This is similar to 'Cultivation Chat Group' in that, the MC stumbles into cultivation world through a chat group full of OP deities. But this lacks serious cultivation aspects and fights. I doubt it will change to become a serious modern cultivation novel. The general feel of the story is like... more>> 'Very Pure and Ambiguous'. If you liked it, you will probably like this.

Expect the MC to get girls left and right while strolling through every problem that crops up by instant power-ups/cheat-items or connections, 'Young Master' style. <<less
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October 1, 2021
Status: c148
This reads like it's the author's first story. Basically there's no details about anything, random scene jumps, things aren't explained, nothing is coherent.

It starts out a little bit fun (if you fill in all the gaps yourself cause the author won't do it).

148 chapters in and we haven't seen any world building yet.

The MC slowly becomes a worse and worse person.
I'm pretty sure the MC is basically a rapist/r*pe apologist (and/or author is the same) with the tired and disgusting trope of "medicine that can only be cured by...". The only reason I'm not certain is that 99% of everything is left out because the author just doesn't provide details.

It seemed a little interesting and had elements that are similar to Cultivation Chat Group... but the MC doesn't appear to have any redeeming qualities.
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zeshan105 rated it
August 13, 2021
Status: c183
I created an account on NovelUpdates just to leave a review for this Novel. English is not my first language so bare with me please.

First I will share my overall view on Chinese Novels. I have read a lot of Chinese cultivation and non cultivation novels. By reading various novels written by various writers from the same nation you can, kind of understand the mentality of most of the people from that nation. From what I have learned by reading Chinese novels is that the over all mentality of Chinese... more>> is extremely arrogant (For no reason), dishonest, selfish, attention seeking show offs, greedy, and thirsty for women. Anything can be sacrificed for money and face.

If you decided to read this because of Xuanhuan and cultivation tags you will be disappointed. This novel is about a guy with heaven defying luck picking up girls left and right. I have read almost 200 chapters and I don't see any seriousness towards cultivation. Writer is trying to give the novel a mystery theme but utterly fails at it. The only thing he succeeded in is annoying the hell out of the reader.

Unless you are into slice of life novel that is focused on picking up girls you wont enjoy this novel. Read 10 or 20 chapters to decide for your self. The story does not move forward at all. What you will read in first 20 or so chapters will keep repeating at least until chapter 200 (This is where I am right now). I am not willing to try any further. I am dropping it here. <<less
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Fujoshi Next Door
Fujoshi Next Door rated it
October 20, 2020
Status: --
I've learned over the years to never judge a book by its cover, however, this book really toppled my views. The cover literally expresses all that this book is, it simply cannot be any more accurate. I really want to ask the author if they are taking their meds, although psychosis is incurable, please take appropriate measures to prevent worsening and spreading of illness.

The plot and idea of this book is mass produced. There are plenty of good novels that have same or similar premises, but they all have some... more>> sort of originality, nice writing/descriptions, character development or any point that shines. Sure, it has one or two twists, but it's just too predictable. Reading this felt like the protagonist walked into a convenience store with extra special effects. Or went around flaunting his dollarama gift card. The character design is just.... arrogance to the point of insensitivity. The only thing keeping this protagonist alive is his author of a father. And the holes, oh sooo any holes. Apparently, laws and rules that is typically there to keep balance does not apply to the protagonist just to highlight how great he is.
The only redeeming point is that the translation was very nice.

I dunno, maybe it's because I couldn't preserver or maybe it's just from someone who can actually read some Chinese and seen too many of these. <<less
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Traveler rated it
September 27, 2020
Status: c1
Wow, this must be one of the worst novel i've read. The story is s*upid and full of nonsense and plotholes. The characters are very ret*rded (this is not an exaggeration) and sometimes their personalities are inconsistent. I have a low expectation and tried to turn off my brain, but it still feels incredibly s*upid. I guess this is written by elementary/junior high student.

The translation is good though.
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