Red Packet Server


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Ye Zichen was just a normal university student. Or so he thought.

Upon a ‘chanced’ invitation into a deities’ chat group filled with deities from the Heavenly Court, Ye Zichen found out that there was much more to the world than what meets the eye. The Heavenly Court, the Underworld, and immortal cultivators which only exists in Chinese mythology… They are all real.

As Ye Zichen becomes more and more involved in that world filled with unworldly beings, the wheels of destiny began to turn. What sort of destiny awaits him? Will he be able to prevent the tragedies that are to unfold? Will he be able to forge a new path; or will he succumb to wills of the greater beings that guide his life?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Cultivation Chat Group (21)
Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel (4)
Pivot of the Sky (4)
I’m Really a Superstar (2)
Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms (2)
The Lame Daoist Priest (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Male Protagonist
  2. check out the comments - reviewers say there is be...
  3. Everything I've Read (PART 1)
  4. Favorite 2
  5. Harem novels I read and my thoughts

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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105 Reviews sorted by

Har D Rai
Har D Rai rated it
July 26, 2018
Status: c240
I tried really I tried to read and enjoy this novel... but this is a new low for unimaginative and bad writing. Everything that can go with a novel has gone wrong. Honestly anyone who give this a 5 star rating was either drunk or as usual young teens who ruins the ratings for novels and don't have a clue about what good writing is... I have wasted my time reading 240 chs I hope u don't.
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Kagutsuchi rated it
October 27, 2017
Status: c300
It's a funny novel and interesting, my only problem with this one is that our main character is an as*hole 100% ¿Do you remember the momment when an MC reach as*hole level1000 and the next chap someone bad happens to him becausec of his s*upid actions? well, that's our MC but he doesn't have troubles, he's lucky asfck.

"You got a necklace that can save your life" Next day he got killed and saved by that necklace

Mc's personality can be compared with a "Young Master" well, changing the fact that he... more>> isn't raping every beauty in the streets. And he's a MC with lucky tag so... plot armor lv.100000000

About his womans... he have a lot, and the one you think that will be like "he's my man and no one can look at him besides me" when she found about another woman she said "I have no problems with that, but remember, I am the main wife"


His womans are supossed to be people who he loved in his past 8 lives or something like that, Su Yan is the main lover


Oh, every girl till now have a man behind them so he need to beat them up to get girls (Rescue the princess, save the beauty, etc)

Xiao Yumei, she had 2-3 mans idk, and a her first love who suddenly came back from somewhere


A "Level up" from our MC is when he reach a new "Friendship level" with a Deity, that's his strength till now, the more they trust him, the more he can earn.

No one knows that he's a mortal, besides the man who brougth him to the group.

He's famous and respected in that group because of his modern products (Food and drinks till now)

The real plot (Cultivation world) starts at chapter 152 when he tried to told his secret (Chat Group).


Ye Zichen is a reincarnation of an OP deity so... everyone is fighting to get him join their team (Deity Team)


Update #1


80% chances to get this dropped. Arrogant Young Masters appear every 10 chapters to get a girl from MC LITERALLY, and he doesn't kill people so... they're a big problem for +50 chapters. His teacher (sister, probably next lover) Almost gave a bl**job to a Young Master in fron of the MC because his little brother "lost" a bet and needs money and that Young Master say "Tell your sister to sleep with me and you're free" obviously nothing happent but it gave me a lot of anxiety MAAAN "Young Master drop his pants - Hey girl, kneel down in front of me - ok" Plot armor works in the last momment BUT AHHHH MAAAN STOOOOP, Ye Zichen have a looooot of womans and everyone of them gave him a lot of problems with that young masters. 80% Chances to get this dropped. 1050 chapters (Ongoing) ? oh, that's cool but I don't wanna see 800 of that in a infinite save the beauty plot.



This was a good one at the start, funny chats, cultivation and so, I thougth that this will have a little romance and that's the end but... every 10 fcking chapters he got a new woman with a lot of troubles behind her... right now, womans are appearing randomly saying "I'm your lover from your past life, love me"


I hate a lot the fact that the author tries to create an aura of mistery around the MC, but it's too useless and annoying since everyone besides the MC and us knows about it, it's like [Hey, do you know about "that" man who was strong?] [Yeah "that" man really resembles "that" man] [Hey random guy in the streets do you know about "that"?] [Yeah, let's do "that" in order to get "that"] something like that, I hate it.

Ohhh and currently no one of his lovers really loves him.

Action 2/5: One Punch Man till now, MC (cultivator) against common people (Young Masters)

Comedy 5/5: So funny, I love the chat group.

Fantasy: 2/5 No comments.

Harem 4/5 (Start) 1/5 (Now) : 8/10 of the womans in this novel are his, every woman gave him a lot of annoying troubles. Anxiety overlv100000000000

Martial Arts 3/5: Interesting

Romance 3/5 well, it's cute sometimes, they have dates, etc.

School Life 4/5: he's popular and his friends are funny too.

Xianxia: 4/5: No comments.

Well, i'll drop this novel and wait till translators reach +500 chapters, it's boring asfck.

Sorry for my bad english (if there's something wrong) <<less
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FatMenBeTrippin rated it
January 5, 2019
Status: c489
I quit. At this point I feel like the novel could change around drastically but I’m honestly too pissed off to read any more. The MC has been constantly sh*t on for like the last 200 chapters. He loses basically every fight he goes into and yet spends months doing nothing to prepare and get stronger. You can’t tell me that with all of the options open to him he can’t make a few million points in months of time and then buy new techniques? And further that even with... more>> the stuff he has he never even tries to strengthen himself. Another thing is that characters seem to get left by the wayside all of the times


Like the soldier ghost.


And finally. This is a millionaire, a billionaire even. And yet he can’t even be bothered to go out and buy some nice clothes so that he doesn’t get looked down on whenever he goes anywhere even mildly expensive. Hell if I turned into a billionaire overnight I’d have 3 exotic cars for every day of the week and hype beast clothing coming out my a**hole. <<less
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WinByDying rated it
July 23, 2018
Status: c80
TL;DR: Red Packet Server is a readable sequence of letters for h**ny, young, impatient teenagers who don't know what a well-written story is.

This novel has a few fun shticks, like exchanging cigarettes for immortal pills. Other than that, the comedy is lost on me. I guess it's parodying some xianxia clichés as well.

There's not much explanation on the setting. The characters are flat and behave completely irrationally. This makes the harem part just that much worse. Harem is something difficult to pull off, and this author, like most, just can't... more>> do it. As for the plot - there's none. If you want a rich plot that leaves a lot of room for speculation, go read The Name of The Wind. Prose? What's that? Well, that's something you can find in well-written books, even in some webnovels. Not here.

This novel has one thing going for it: non-stop antics. If you can tolerate its numerous flaws, if you like most of the humour, and completely turn off your brain then maybe you might find it entertaining. However, a real story should also give some respite to its readers. Non-stop action can become really tiring and boring in itself. Slower passages give you time to process the story, to think about it. The problem is, if you have time to think you'll realize how badly written it is. It's a bit of a paradox.

Even on NU, where I rate novels higher than they should be rated, this is a 1/5 for me. First time I give a 1. Utter tr*sh, and a few funny elements won't save it. If you want this, but well done, go read Cultivation Chat Group. It isn't a literary masterpiece but it's great comedy, unlike this one.


This isn't really part of the review anymore, but I want to address a few... remarks... of another reviewer, concerning people rating this story below 3. Given his level of English I understand why he can't realize how shittily this is written, but I'm going to address his two main points: harem and arrogance.

The harem here is done awfully. Suddenly there's a system, I don't know why it's there, the story would be better off without it. There's cardboard characters who all talk and react the same. So boring... I guess it's supposed to be funny.

Arrogance: you know why the arrogance of the MC doesn't sit right with a lot of people? Because there's no basis for it. What traits does the MC have besides silly arrogance, lust and some goodwill? There's been literally no character building at the start. Then, he joins the chat group and suddenly he's got all the swagger. That's not comedy, that's just bad writing. There's only so much you can do with a parody before it becomes... well, just straight up bad. <<less
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shinryu432 rated it
December 22, 2017
Status: c416
Honest review here.

I followed this novel from the first chapter and read throughout from simple accidental adding to the Heavenly Court chat group, till it became a basic wish fulfilment novel for a good hundred chapters, then to a hectic fight here fight there rush, then to business managing chapter, then finally the sudden dark ret*rdedly forced plot in which made totally no sense as it was too fast phased that even you as a reader felt overwhelmed from the lack of actual explanation since enemies, kidnappings killings and new... more>> enemies appear without even finishing half if the chapter. It appears that the author wanted to expand the novel without properly laying out the ideas and simply just throws out new stuff in between arcs that are already within arcs that are still being run through by the MC which just pretty much makes the novel storyline appear gibberish and ret*rded because of how its arranged and phased. In short, its fast phased arc-ception that makes utterly no sense right now at where I stopped.

5 in the beginning.
3 during the middle.
-2 right now.

My rating is -2. NU just messed the stars up since I'm on mobile, but whatever, I doubt there is -2 stars anyway. <<less
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tuado94 rated it
June 19, 2017
Status: c69
The start was interesting enough and the plot has potencial, but later on the writing becomes very lackluster, things repeating them self, dumb things happening that wouldn't happen if MC remotely have a brain.

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Juslin rated it
July 12, 2020
Status: c207
This is what happens when you try to copy a novel but you're a worse writer. Just read Cultivation Chat Group and save your time and eyes. Won't write too much since everyone else already pointed out all the flaws.
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noire125 rated it
October 31, 2019
Status: c190
Oh my, where do I start? MC wants to have a normal civilian life, but keeps beating people and slapping faces here and there. Annoying to have an MC that only has arrogance as his sole trait. Beats up normal people, but gets done in when it comes to really important matters. This isn't a wish fulfillment story, nothing here gets fulfilled.

1 star f0r claiming the goddess beauty put on her make up and became an angel..... (her beauty got demoted? lol)
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Raaronron rated it
December 17, 2018
Status: c443
The start is good, he gets into the chat room and gains abilities normal people don't have, then starts to meet girls for the harem.

But after all that, it starts to get bad. It started to introduce other modern day cultivators, and a MC turns into a big coward, and makes s*upid decisions.

Also, in every single fight he trys to show off and be a badass but then losses and gets humiliated. (And I mean EVERY fight he's in. (PS.I have red up to chapter 443, and this trend had... more>> no signs of stopping))

There is no relief, he doesn't get stronger after he loses and gets humiliated, or gain any kind of fortune. It just a pile of bad things happening to the MC, I would have stoped reading earlier, but I already red up so far and wanted to take it home, but I couldnt cause its to frustrating.

This is all my own opinion, and reviews aren't always trust worthy, so it's up to you if you want to take what I said to heart. <<less
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jkz91 rated it
August 20, 2020
Status: c454
I've tried to continue, but I can't. The author is a bad writer, I can endure that. Full of plot-holes, I can ignore that. Characters very shallow, I can barely make do with it.

But the story is shit, it's just tragedy one after the other. MC is dumb as well, not motivated, even after all the death, I don't see him working hard. Just messing around everyday. I'm done with this.

Author is dumb.
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ooblah rated it
November 30, 2019
Status: c620
Has a good beginning but gets incredibly repetitive and constantly contradicts itself over time. Person A sees MC's women and tries to fight him x 100 for the first part of the book. Power levels are confusing and adjusted to fit the scenario. Main character starts out like an ordinary MC but becomes more and more transparent. Countless plotholes everywhere. I went into the book with my brain turned off and I still had trouble reading it.

... more>>

One of my biggest complaints about this novel is the power levels. First example, the head of security Erlangshen, the so called " War God of the Heavenly Court" is at the complete level of the Human Level at the beginning of the novel despite thousands of years of life. The Heavenly Court is one of the three sacred lands along the Underworld and the Immortal region, yet the son of a city lord on the outskirts of the OUTER area of the Immortal Region (weakest region without any Immortal King" is already at the early phase Sky Level. If a random young master is stronger than the HEAD OF SECURITY of one of the sacred lands controlling the largest army, then how are they a sacred land?.

One of the peak powers in the Immortal region is later said to maybe have a Sky stage master and 10 complete phase human stages, yet sky phase cultivators randomly pop up everywhere as soon as MC hits human level. Really?

The Heavenly Court is said to be degrading in strength due to lack of training from a lack of conflict. Soldiers dont even train daily anymore. But then its later said that Heavenly Court fighters are incredibly strong and can fight above their realms??

The strongest people in the modern realm are human stage. But the deities they worship are also human stage. ???

Another major plothole - MC pretends to be a crazy strong, high level Sky Sovereign but when he meets people from the group, nobody is surprised hes actually only a false immortal/earth immortal or whatever.

The MC has the system and has all sorts of bullsh*t used to raise his cultivation level. He becomes sky level in his 20s whereas deities take thousands of years to train there. Okay fine, MC plot armour. That's fine. But every single of his friends get some bullsh*t that also makes them match his cultivation speed. They cant even bother making an excuse. It's just "friend A was at X stage last time he saw him, but now they're actually stage Y!"


The MC is sorta likable at the beginning but then just completely degrades to a blind follower. He blindly follows the system or whatever strong person is always nearby and loses all form of individuality. <<less
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dragonray250 rated it
November 13, 2018
Status: 2035
Story started out really good, I really like the modern day arc before the immortal realm, but I can see why some people dont like it as MC is basically picking up girls left and right. Overall 4/5 start for me. Immortal realm is where sh*t starts to get bad. Girls from the modern arc are basically magically teleported up to the immortal realm and are somehow OP now when MC meets them again. MC also meets a few new harem members that are only there for one arc and... more>> then disappear. However there were some good arcs so it kept me interested. 3/5

Ending left loads of plot holes and cut out a majority of the harem members from the modern arc when MC came back to the modern realm. However the author did maybe tease a 2nd book so all the plot holes might be covered there. Overall the novel is a solid read, but sometimes frustrating give it a go if you like a MC face slapping people while picking up girls. Overall I give the story 3.5/5

EDIT: Novel restarted again from the "ending" of the first novel. Currently it has ch2671 and still on-going, I have yet to read it from where I left off. <<less
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varthel rated it
January 10, 2018
Status: c400
So like most low scores and people who are sad about the story it started good and just tapered off. There was many flaws but I think there was 3 big points that just ruined the story and in the end it seem just doomed to fial.

  1. He wants to live a normal life. This sounds well and good but this is a cultivation story at its core this feeling should have been smothered however it take around 350 chapter before he truly starts think he need to get stronger. The second problem is that it begs the question what exactly IS THE MC MOTIVATION. At first it seems he just wants to make money yet again 350 pages in he's still wear clothes that lets others believe he inst rich in anyway. He doesn't immediately buy a house when he has the money or anything eles you expect a person that wants money to worry or do after attaining money. So it leads me to ask the author a simple question. For what reason does he stay in the server for? The two good best reasons would be for cultivation resources and money but again he doesn't act like that is his main goals.
  2. Its write more as a comedy and less as a action packed novel. The problem with this is simple its fine if the first 50 chapters are built that way to get your characters off the ground but not for 200 + chapters because when it change it fills disjointed and unsatisfying. Either make it a comedy through out or slowly change it to the dark and gritty story. When his friends are killed felt extremely rush and just a crappy experiences to read.
  3. Time for me this bother me the most you basically said all of this happen to him over 3 months and to that I say what the literal crap is this mess. Not only is that crazy for all the new relationships he created (and I do mean from nothing not a we have know each other from years either) in 1 month he had gotten at least 3 girlfriend who where OK WITH HIM BEGIN WITH OTHERS im not saying it cant happen just hard to believe. So sadly while I like the premise I hate the execution.
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Dxynix rated it
July 9, 2017
Status: --
Trust me, this was good at the beginning, but it just kept going downhill. I actually read ahead and the higher I went, the worst it got. It like turned into your typical cultivation novel, that's when I said, "Nope".

A bad review, just had to be my first review.
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Ello rated it
June 13, 2017
Status: c97
The earlier chapter can be harsh to read if you compare it with The Cultivation Chat Group but this novel also has it appealings. 4 stars from me and +0.5 because of the translation speed and if you wonder why his harem become bigger at a fast-paced

He's able to see his relationship points with his ability

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zhangyenumbertwofan rated it
May 8, 2017
Status: c30
If you're looking for super martial arts, action, adventure, stop here, you're done. Take this for what it's worth. A very enjoyable novel in a slice of life style, and has many comedic elements. Sure there's luck, and maybe the MC gains some power, but thats part of the reason of why it's so funny. If you enjoy IRAS, you will 100% enjoy this :)
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tweprebet rated it
March 28, 2021
Status: c365
This really is the epitome of "and then random sh*t happened." That applies to virtually every possible aspect of this novel. The whole novel is really just a flitting of random coincidence to random coincidence. Even when half of some event is foreshadowed, the timing invariably oh-so-coincidentally lines up such that the result is basically just more random shit.

How much enjoyment you can extract from this novel is going to depend completely on your ability to roll with all the random shit. If you can't deal with it much, or... more>> even just aren't in the mood for it one day, this novel is just absolute garbage. Don't even bother trying a chapter.

If you can deal with it... there can be something here. It's not anything all that great. It's very much white-label fast food. It's just a bunch of cliche Chinese drama with all the usual faceslapping and whatnot. There isn't even anything interesting in the magic system - if it's not literally out of Journey from the West then it's all done via cell phone. The MC himself - at least after the very first few chapters - becomes the McGeneric of generic Chinese MCs. The relationships are also the standard wuxia-ish no-effort affair - again particular outside of the first few chapters.

So I guess it's fair to say it starts a little different, but that probably lasts maybe 100 chapters or so. And there's already 2.6k chapters out, so... The time where it was at least a little different is basically a rounding error. But I suppose I should mention it just so nobody decides to give it a shot and gets tricked.

I haven't dropped it (again) yet. But I'm only sometimes reading it because I have no chapters of anything else lined up. I've also only come back to it for a few days, so my patience for it is still relatively high. That probably won't last, but until then... I guess.

Edit: A few hours later... I spoke too soon. I don't think I can do this. Even after writing all of the above, I was still surprised by the level of random bullsh*t that could pop up. And now it's even gotten to the point that you can expect powerlevels to be totally reliant on whatever the current paragraph demands to maintain the random bullshit. A little forgotten son of a failing cultivator clan just managed to not die from having his head cut off, and then came back just fine the next day just to effortlessly escape even from Erlang f*cking Shen in half a sentence. Random little brat... Erlang Shen... nah, Erlang Shen surely should be totally helpless in the face of a random brat. That makes sense.

The most hilarious part is that it's not even addressed. At all. Nobody even comments on it. It's apparently totally normal and expected for a random nobody to be able to effortlessly escape from Erlang Shen. <<less
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Stupid Novel
Stupid Novel rated it
August 10, 2018
Status: c460
Hah, I'm done for real

I always convincing my self that this novel will get better in the later chapter

But I cant, for those who came to see MC who badass that always overcome his enemy everytime this is not a novel for you.

MC is too s*upid that I come here to write a review myself so no one is get deceive by this novel.

... more>>

MC is good at first that he got power to flip the world, he try to flirt with every woman he saw until you cant even remember who the f*ck is this girl. It's get really bad at 300 or so chapter that everything that MC do is a mess, woman that he has is taken or even abducted or killed.

its getting ugly every time that I even drop it so many times. I cant really understand the way he thought, in my opinion and my experience reading cultivation novel. Whenever you lose a fight you will downhearted for a moment and trying to get better in the future by cultivating until you vomiting blood all over you body.



Be wise before read, I cant blame you if you curious about this novel, but I cant recommend this novel to anyone.

Bye <<less
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Evanbond rated it
August 5, 2017
Status: c135
There are already many reviews written here and I agree with most of them. I will just write the aftermath of my situation after reading this novel. After reading upto chapter 150 my Intelligence Quotient (IQ) dropped by 15 points. I don't always measure them as they are not reliable but I had the urge to examine myself again after reading this "piece of art". I literally lost it at the part "when doctor looked at him he knew this young man will be able to bring him back". I... more>> don't remember the exact lines but it was something like that. Such an amazing thought by an educated person who is ignorant of the existance of the deities and stuffs. Well, this is a setting in a fantasy world so I won't complain much.

I am curious about a point which is very relatable in every Chinese novels. It's about the social strata. The way society is divided is ridiculous. Rich can get away with anything, connection is very important blah blah... Authors should be getting inspirations from the real world unless they are trying to fictionalize the settings yet almost every author seem to have the same setting. Are there no such rules in China or they can get away because they have rich parent? I am not trying to criticise China. I am just confused and curious about their social life. <<less
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Livvmealone rated it
May 27, 2017
Status: c58
At first I thought that it will be a great one bc the author describe the MC as a good and loyal one but everything go down hill after he become the young widow lover, harassing the hot police and keep spreading love everywhere without conscience like a harem master truly way diff than what the author described as.

And what the heck, what an easy life you got there but being anything grateful to what the MC has... truly a moron.

I'm done with this one
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