My Childhood Friends Are Trying To Kill Me


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She was not only reincarnated into someone who died in an absurd fashion, but she also took the crown prince’s place and went to the secret neutral territory, where male members of the five imperial families gathered. As a result, her childhood friends know her as a boy.

“Goodbye, guys.” she cried in front of her friends who she would never meet again. That was because officially, she (the prince) was going to die soon!

It was fun spending time with them, but she will never see them again. She hopes everyone lives happily!


After many years, her childhood friends turned heroes who defeated the wild dragon visited her.

“…Was it you? The one who killed my friend?”

“After killing the previous crown prince, the mu*derer is said to be living comfortably as a princess, right?”

“I will torture you, so much so you’ll wish for death.”

“Answer me. Why did you kill him?”

Of course, they didn’t recognize her at all. No, that’s not the problem… The problem is that her childhood friends are trying to kill her. Wait a second, guys!

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소꿉친구들이 나를 죽이려 한다
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. KN Rebirth (BxG)
  3. Trapitos/Gender Bender
  4. My bookshelf
  5. Reverse Harem

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57 Reviews sorted by

Ceally rated it
December 1, 2021
Status: c145
At first I was really invested in to this story. The characters were interesting and an interesting plot line but the longer I continued to read the story it really felt like the plot didn’t have any direction. The MC is constantly using her crappy alchemy game powers. That most of the time is unreliable with constant delays. It also seems to be the driving force of the plot and it’s conflicts. Like how the MC has to do something for the system like kissing a love interest or helping... more>> a side character to get something she needs. I think the author relays on the alchemy system to much to just make stuff happen. I also find a problem with the MC as the story goes on she gradually loses her agency.

In the beginning she is a strong capable kid that even saves one of the love interests in the wilderness and carrie’s him back to safety. She also helps the other love interests work through their problems as well.


But as an adult for some reason she can’t put her foot down and straighten out some misconceptions and just let her friends talk over her.

Even after she breaks her cures that would kills her if she reviles her identity to anyone.


I also don’t think she loves with any of the love interests in a romantic way. She hasn’t shown any sign of affection toward the love interests out of her free will. It’s always something else that pushes her to do that like the alchemy system or the love potion. I bet there are some moments that I looked over where she does show some interest but for me it’s not enough for me to continue reading. I’m over 100 chapters in and it feels like there’s barley any romance and that was what I came for. <<less
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JinYanagi rated it
November 4, 2021
Status: c144
edit as of 2022

From my initial rate of 4 stars, I'm changing it to 3 stars. I hate the end game lol.

i like it as a story of friendship but as for its romance aspect it is just bad bad.

... more>> -

Don't read this novel if you don't like:

  • obsessive (almost yandere) characters
  • pushover FL (for good reason)
  • Forceful development
  • dragged on drama
  • annoying original FL/ML (julianna & ruth)
Honest review (contains spoilers)

the first part of the story was amazing and quite touching, it started out pretty nicely and continued really great from there but when they suddenly switched up the genre to a game-like feature it went downhill from there. Honestly though I didn't like that part because it forced her to do things she wasn't comfortable with, granted it gave her cures to fix her friend and familys' illness, it was still honestly annoying. From then on it felt like our FL became a pushover. I don't blame her since she's doing it for the greater good but it's pushing her limits in romancing her friends and it's so uncomfy how they're all batsh*t crazy for her just because she's a girl like why couldn't they have just stayed platonic??? Why was gender such a big deal, and they're so forceful too that it's not even funny. I think Romeo is the only one who's kind enough to give her some space.. I'm hoping there's still a light at the end of the tunnel we're they tone it down, maybe a cure for their obsession. It would be better if the ML was outside of her friend group or maybe romeo

anyways, story wise they add so much unnecessary drama with no foreshadowing. They'll just dump an incredible secret that you didn't even expect. Like when she turned out to be the biological daughter? Like out of blue she is

and then about her mother

like huh more heartbreak now? the pacing is not bad but also not good. Also at this point I feel like it's loosing the original goal of the series as if it's derailing a lot. Everything is chaotic rn with the latest chapters but honestly I don't mind. More than anything I want from this series is her and her family to be reunited (except for the douchebag father and twins).

I'll give it a 4 for now, because of how much I love her grandfather, grandmother, aunt and uncles. They deserve the world. <<less
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September 26, 2021
Status: --
I'm enjoying this story (or at least trying to) but there is one MASSIVE PROBLEM:

... more>>

the system is ruining this story for me. I'm basically crying in frustration because it's so awful. This story has a historical setting with very little magic in it. Her cheat was cool when she was traveling around gathering ingredients and stuff but now all it does is force her to kiss at the MLs for absolutely no reason. At this point she has almost no romantic chemistry with them and they are just her friends. I would totally get this cutesy BS system if it fit into the story at all. But honestly its so out of place. I hate it and its ruining the story.


Bottom line: It's like watching Game of Thrones but a vtuber randomly pops up and makes the characters kiss each other like middle school confession in a kids anime. Blech. It's an okay story beyond that but I'd like to have some strong words with the author.

~ten minutes later~

Aight. Having written this and thinking perhaps I should just give up on this I read some other reviews that show this will probably just drive me insane if I continue reading it so I'll just leave this as is and you can take this as a biased rant. <<less
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September 24, 2021
Status: c70

"Still, they were the primary leaders who would lead the five empires in the future. There is no point in trying to get to know each other in advance."

I... I think you just gave the reason they should get to know each other in advance...

... more>> Hopefully the main character isn't this dumb throughout the novel.


Other than the author being a major pick-me, and the story being needlessly punished for that, the story wasn't actually that bad.

The character's are distinct, consistent, but a bit simple and lack proper development outside common troupes. A problem that often occurs in harem novels is that all members of the harem blend into one. If it's a fake harem, only the main simp gets more distinction. That does not happen in this novel. Look at the positive reviews for more information.

I can totally see people genuinely enjoying this story. In fact, despite what I'm about to elaborate on, I'm probably going to finish it out.

Before I continue, one thing I find unique about this novel is that the main character changes her mind. It's something that happens a lot in real life, but most authors don't waste time on that.

READ SOME MORE (after the first section; cw: rant lol)

The MC is a Mary Sue. I'm left here longing to see her selfish, motivated and ambitious, and as a powerful woman. But no. The author is so focused on dragging every other female character, she forgets her pick-me is showing. And if that's not happening, the females either have a crush on the MC and/or they're just too insignificant. Like b*tch, romantic love isn't the only love on the planet. Ugh this author is obsessed with men. Literally who gives a f*ck about men?! I want beautiful, precious, adorable, female companions too. >: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ((

Ugh. Author makes them mean for no reason other than to show how great the MC is.

Also, this seemed like a genuine harem at first, but then the translator left a note that said, "Who do you think is the ML?" at the end of a chapter, so I'm not expecting anything. The men are all going to love her and then she's only going to pick one. Like, why tho, author? Oh right... you're a pick-me. Sorry, I forgot.

You like to pretend friendships are important, but they all have to be men and love you. I bet you love being part of their manly discussions too. Girl friends can't give that to you, and you just can't understand them. I mean, it makes sense.

Sorry, lmao. No one hurt me, but as an aromantic bis**ual, these things are just so much more apparent and annoying to me (I'm assuming that's the reason, at least). I like a good harem as someone who isn't monogamous. I also like the friend's to lover's troupe bc it's the easiest to read, but not like this. Since I don't have crushes, friendships are the number one thing for me, and this is the first time I've read something I initially thought was good and the MC did not. have. a. single. friend.

Also, the MC actually is that dumb lol <<less
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Vroom vroom
Vroom vroom rated it
September 2, 2021
Status: c145
first I read this and I was like wow I love it. Now from ab 100ch it got so bad. Really really bad author is a child ML is a narcissistic, scary, possessive, s*upidly blind, selfish man and probably one of the worst character I ever read. Annoying!!!! How could she be s*upid enough to choose him. That author is a child just a child. Is there even a thing as love between friends (guyxgirl) looks like author doesn't know such a thing yeyy!
Don't brother just not worth your time.

Original FL is soo annoying, narcissistic bit@$;) !!i wana slap her really bad!!, I hate her, and all her shitty family, her brothers, the emperor and that s*upid f*cker original ml. First time seeing original ML so s*upid and blind.. I cant really..

This is s*upid s*upid story and I'm really disappointed how it goes all that unnecessary drama. How can her mom be alive lol such a nonsense. And emperors death lol why, just why🤦‍♀️And the worst thing is all four of them fall in love with her... And in a bad way.. I loved Kalix s*upidity xd idk but Oscar... NO just NO
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Cikoyai rated it
August 30, 2021
Status: c96
This is my first review on nu. This novel is amazing and quite different from other isekai novels. The story is written well and the MC is smart+beautiful. Her tragic backstory made my heart hurted and I just want her to be happy. I hate the emperor and the twin princes for not recognize Leila and I hate Julianna who is so full of herself. Believe me the mls gonna steal your heart and I'm a fan of yandere ML so, I ship her with Oscar!

The translator really did a... more>> great job with her translating work. It's really nice and clear. Thank you so much! <<less
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VisualNovel rated it
November 11, 2022
Status: side story 1
Vey fun to read, however plot wise just downgraded after the first 100 chapters imo. I don't really root for a harem ending but it honestly felt like it would have been better if was harem end. The ML and FL just felt forced?? Most of the side characters did get on my nerves (but I guess that where the drama is). Also theres some cliche parts and some new information that randomly appear for the sake of 'tying it all together.' As well as this 'system' that randomly appeared... more>> and well forced the main character do stuff that she did not want to do, although it did have a positive side with other characters. I never felt like I wanted to put it down and I actually like the FL as I felt bad for her but also proud of her. She is why I continued this book. She wasn't the best main protagonist that I've read (please get a mouth girlie), but I wanted to see her be happy and succeed. Would I read it again, for Romeo maybe... <<less
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ReaderEli rated it
August 27, 2022
Status: --
i enjoyed this story very much. Especially the start. I love how brave our FL is. I just hate how she always blanked at the most important moments. My favourite part is definitely when they were children as the ml's potential aren't twisted yet.

I'm just kinda disappointed at the plot holes as there are a lot, it feels like it was rushed, so many loose ends and I'm also disappointed at the characters development. I agree with the other reviews as their characters turned worst.
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August 16, 2022
Status: c187
I really liked this book, the plot, the characters, te frustration I felt in each chapter, the moments I wanted to scream and shout and throw my phone xd

This book has a lot of drama and there were moments that truly made me cry because of how frustrating and undeserving they made the female lead go through. I really wanna kill every character who wronged her because of their ego and selfishness ugh... the male leads candidates are quite interesting, they all have different personalities and behaviors which some of... more>> you will like and others won't but they all love her, some more than others.

The only downside is having only one male lead instead of having all of them together even though some characters are kinda psychos they all have a role in the relationship and I liked the idea of having everyone feel some kind of love because they truly deserve it :c

Overall this book is great and I would recommend it for those who like or can tolerate drama because this is one of the most frustrating things I've ever read in novel updates <<less
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chengsenpai rated it
June 26, 2022
Status: c187
I enjoyed the first part of the story but I'm disappointed with how the plot progressed. The romance was very forced and there was minimal to none character development. I like the MC at first but her character was not consistent, younger her was better than adult her. I like reverse harems but this one was kinda meh. Characters were bland too, Kallix was funny though.

Giving this 3 stars because I really enjoyed the first part.
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MeiMeh rated it
June 18, 2022
Status: Completed
To be honest, harem is not my cup of tea but I got hooked on the plot and its characters. At the first up until the middle was soo good, I binged read at least 20 chapters in one sitting but actually kind of disappointed from then on. The MC Leila came too strong at the beginning but eventually became weak (that's what I felt) and maybe these indecisiveness is an element of reverse harem that I can't get used to.. Makes me frustrated. It felt like those male... more>> leads need to be tortured before one gains victory. Anyways, I particularly liked (loved) Graffith but somehow his character became downhill. His initial character was cool and collected with a bit of naughtiness.. A bad boy priest, then all of a sudden he became a manipulative scheming jerk whilst having short screen time compared to the other three with the MC. Romeo is like the best second male lead and the most consistent.. Ohh Romeooo ❤️❤️. Kalix my naive baby boy, he makes the story light whenever he's present. And of course, Oscar.. I already guessed from the start that he will gain victory. Too OP and yep yandere hits hard.

Anyways.. It's worth reading if you can take it.

And lastly.. Puck those damn people in Auralia Empire. <<less
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Twingkle_82 rated it
June 4, 2022
Status: c187
I think the novel is good except that the reason why the MC hating his father is a little shallow, in my opinion.

... more>>

The author did not make the father a villain enough to be hated by readers. I think the MC's father is a good father that loves his late wife so much. In fact, he even learned to love his stepdaughter despite there is no blood relation. I can understand that he hates the people that he thought that harmed his late wife. The more intense love, the more intense hatred also. It is also unreasonable to blame him for not recognizing his own daughter when she was young.


But I really like the plot twists. It is quite interesting. <<less
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krazy-fl rated it
March 11, 2022
Status: c187
I just finished reading this one and honestly, it tired me out, especially the later parts where I think the author rushed and didn't do proper justice to the characters involved. I guess she got tired too. The childhood arc, which I believe is the story's high point, was one of the parts I really enjoyed. Also, the 'system', I'm like, "ahmm what's this?" got no more words about that. Anyways, this story was a shocker, and the revelations were so straightforward that it will make you think that the... more>> author just slapped that sh-t there for everything to make sense. Lastly, the readers can easily foreshadow the mysteries behind things. Overall, good. <<less
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chamenvade rated it
January 23, 2022
Status: Completed
The beginning was a slow burn. The childhood friendship story was a bit bland for me and it took a while for me to really get hooked with the story. What I liked best about this is Lelia's/FL's story. It was the best written and detailed part of the story. Her survival and revenge story was what kept me reading. However, after the FL "completed" her to-do checklist and it was time to finally focus on the romance aspect, the author was not able to execute this properly. It became... more>> too repetitive, angsty, and some plot were even unnecessary in my opinion. It made the love interests too cliche and even corny/cringe-y at some point and the FL became a weak character who causes a lot of misunderstandings. The ending was a bit rushed but still satisfying I guess because she end up with the ML I'm rooting for (I'm biased, I know).

Overall, it was an okay read. If you're looking for a completed series with a bit of romance, fantasy, and handsome guys chasing a girl then this is the perfect escape for you. <<less
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tatanka96 rated it
January 15, 2022
Status: --
Like most I would like to say that first part of the story was great and appealing. There was little but brave FL that was able thanks to reincarnation™ knowledge to help little extra male leads from that one novel she read in her past life. She was cool, not too much OP, but was able overcome her life by herself.

Then she met her helpers aka her mother family (Because of course they were able to recognize her on the moment they saw her, because why not?! Its not like... more>> every random child is capable loking so similar to My dead child and of course she Has to be because she is Her child! Its logical!) and her biological Father did not...


It angered me that she say she wasn't able to tell her dad she was his daughter because he hates her (That part I wasn't able to understood. Why did he hate her? I mean because she was daughter of his biological sister that bullied his wife?! What does it matter so much, I mean she wasn't even born! Even if why did Iris bulled Elisabeth. Elisabeth was daughter of very powerful Duke, she had a status, money, power... It doesn't make sense!) thought she knew from story how he loved his past wife and dead child, she waited for moment some old hag to come and give emperor s*upid bell. (That manny could've stole IT from body of dead child of his, IT didn't need to be necessarly FL Bell)


This story has so much plotholes, it makes me ill... Many people that gave it high ratings only read first part of the story that has parts of moments I just wrote... So if we can bypass these plotholes then story is really fun...

The worst is after the extra male leads reunite with our FL...


Why the he*k author made this title!? The childhood friends aka extra male leads wanted to kill her for about 3-4 chapters... Then they were making misunderstanding after misunderstanding... Title sould be, My childhood friends constatly minsunderstands me (TT).

The worst is that after that she becomes really weak (of course she has some fine moments like when she helped that one Noble girl in ball, when she was bullied, but mostly plot was annoying). Even with system (why did even author made IT useless system I won't know, I think cause she/he needs some Deus ex machina to move plot faster and make FL competent against EML and to be honest she wasn't cause they finally overpowered her...)

Even the original FL is made s*upid and narcisstic by author to make FL look better... Hehehe

The worst is that she chosen Oscar that psychopatic Yandere as*hole, come on in normal life no normal woman would fallen in love with such dude... I don't have time to write how s*upid and illogocal that pairing is... I know some fans probably like IT, but these people have to be teenagers because in adult life such relationship is toxic and dangerous, but not in good way (is there even good way in dangerous realtioships?) So I stopped reading when she started to fall in love with him after he kidnapped her WTH O_o.

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November 22, 2021
Status: --
it is a very intriguing story made my heart pound and ache.

the beginning was so... so... eventful but the only thing I don't like somehow in this novel is the "Otome System" like thing. this is just my own opion
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