My Childhood Friends Are Trying To Kill Me


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She was not only reincarnated into someone who died in an absurd fashion, but she also took the crown prince’s place and went to the secret neutral territory, where male members of the five imperial families gathered. As a result, her childhood friends know her as a boy.

“Goodbye, guys.” she cried in front of her friends who she would never meet again. That was because officially, she (the prince) was going to die soon!

It was fun spending time with them, but she will never see them again. She hopes everyone lives happily!


After many years, her childhood friends turned heroes who defeated the wild dragon visited her.

“…Was it you? The one who killed my friend?”

“After killing the previous crown prince, the mu*derer is said to be living comfortably as a princess, right?”

“I will torture you, so much so you’ll wish for death.”

“Answer me. Why did you kill him?”

Of course, they didn’t recognize her at all. No, that’s not the problem… The problem is that her childhood friends are trying to kill her. Wait a second, guys!

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소꿉친구들이 나를 죽이려 한다
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Gender Bender (Female MC)
  2. KN Rebirth (BxG)
  3. Trapitos/Gender Bender
  4. My bookshelf
  5. Reverse Harem

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57 Reviews sorted by

keikomushi rated it
April 21, 2021
Status: c5
A pretty good read for the 8 translated instalments that I've read. There were a few things in this novel that I am pleasantly surprised by, which includes the legitimate way in which the gender bender element is incorporated into the story. As for the MC, I like her reasoning for getting involved with the male love interests in spite of concerns for her own safety. She might be a flawed individual but it is her actions that show her to be a good person that cares about the people... more>> around her. <<less
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reader_ rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: --
The overall plot based on the synopsis is good and interesting, but... the author seems lacking with the way she/he write this story. I mean, the MC is supposedly a mature adult though I can understand that she was a patient in her previous life where she does nothing, so her decision making and insight is quite lacking. In short, I don't like this MC. But, I will try to read more and see if I will change my mind.
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QLina rated it
February 13, 2022
Status: c137
I'm on chapter 137 which is exactly 100 chapters away from completing this novel. To keep it short, I really really enjoyed reading the story when they were children. However, like how other people said, the story just became horrible after they reunite. It was like you were reading a different novel, the characters and plot were just frustrating to read---just not horribly thought out. I'm unwilling to continue reading a bad story thus will drop this novel.

I definitely recommend reading it but only until the chapter when they reunite.... more>> After that, it is just wasting your time and common sense. <<less
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I am a Plebeian
I am a Plebeian rated it
October 13, 2021
Status: --
Good start but, the author is f*cking annoying. So many FORCED events in the second half of the story. I couldn't even tolerate reading a bunch of chapters in the second half of the story.

I seriously hate the author who butchered the story into an excruciating read. A story that began good and ended up unpalatable.

Like wtf happened author? It started good but the way I see it the author lost his/her focus on the second half of the story. Or rather focused on prolonging the chapters than having a... more>> good plot. <<less
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RecommendedMeANovel rated it
September 25, 2021
Status: c127
Is that it : (I though is it in 200 chapter. This is the best novel I've read Its funny but I'm crying to because the situation FL is when her 4 friends got in their own empire but she has no eat and finding ways to survive but that f*cking Juliana and her own brother kicked out into her living and ran away and meet the family Elizabeth and lived peacefully and didn't last and when she is in 18? Her grandmother got disease and she need to... more>> find it into past living house so he goes empire again and disguised as a man and meet her 4 fried and that I will not say anymore <<less
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exhales rated it
August 31, 2021
Status: c96

This novel is the absolute best!! It really made my heart pound most of the time! The Twists! Arghhh I really love it!
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norestsimp rated it
July 27, 2021
Status: c44
i recently got into reading korean translated novels here so this is my first review.

anyways the FL is great. At the start, Lelia was forced to genderbend to be a substitute for a shtty crown prince in a friendship camp between empires. She has the original mindset of "i dont want to get involved in the original storyline" like other female leads do, but her reasons for getting involved are not cliche. She is not overpowered in my taste which is great.

... more>>

although there is a "buff" item that allows her to do alchemy via a gathering game she played during her time in Korea


i legit cried a few times bc the angst is perfectly executed. Although the female lead cried a lot during the reunion scene with her grandfather, I feel like our baby deserved it after all the sh*t she had to go through in the original story's fl's family.

the male leads are okay for now. Griffith is the stoic shy kid and I respect that. I find it hard to distinguish the character of Romeo and Kalix when they're talking (i just know that one of them is the punching bag of the original story). Oscar, on the other hand, is my favorite.

if I were to place my bets on who the main ML is then it would probably be Kalix due to the amount of "screentime" he has in the FL thoughts. (She worries for him more than the other 3 ngl)

all in all, this story is great! I cant wait to see them all grow up. Hopefully they wont be too mad when they know that shes their childhood friend. <<less
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July 16, 2021
Status: c37

I've cried multiple times already!! The plot twist and the overall feel of this novel is amazing!

The relationship she have with the her childhood friends is so wholesome!

I Love This Novel So Much!

I hope this gets updated frequently!
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Caffae rated it
June 27, 2021
Status: c31
Awesome MC who is not at all Mary Sue. I can feel the distress and danger of her situation and like all the underlying angst.
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Celi.Alika rated it
December 11, 2023
Status: c107
It was so good at the beggining (from the temple place to the revolution-ish) even though it was cliche and a bit cringe how she befriended the guys but then boom she got a system out of f*cking nowhere and then bam she is actually the current emperor's child and omg the merchant's carriage she got on is actually her maternal grandpa's :00 like wtf r those plot twists (in a bad way). I was looking forward to how she'll escape her situation USING REALISTIC MEANS but then the system... more>> suddenly came out of nowhere and everything went into easy mode.

(Bro I feel like the author got a writer block and just introduced a system cuz they didn't know how to continue -_- that's exactly how I feel)

Also FL is sooo bad at lying like girl I swear Imma punch you and wow you didn't even think of a backstory for the connection between Leila and Leo? Also why did girl write her real name on the paper... Like what r u trying to achieve... Technically Leo didn't know he's gonna get poisoned so why would he write Leila's name... Like, out of nowhere when he didn't know he's gonna die soon...

And the princess is also so annoying AND THE ML TOO they both seems so punchable :) ML literally used FL and threw her under the bus (kinda) just to get FL's love (I feel bad for Romeo's real cousin ngl he got the temple coming after him BECAUSE OF LEILA'S ALCHEMY) and plot twist of the century DUN DUN DUN !!! FL kinda has a crush on MC????

ALSO THE MLS I STILL HAVE SM TO COMPLAIN ABT the brown skinned man (forgot his name) is so dumb and s*upid not blaming him but the FL cuz she kept confusing him kinda but he DO NOT fit the cover's image I got mislead smh. The silver haired guy is f*cking crazy and so annoying being a f*cking simp for MC and "Idc if he's a guy or girl I love Leo sm y did u leave me blah blah blah" AND THE MC IS SOOOOO ANNOYING FOR f*ckING NOT SETTING BOUNDARIES AND BEING OH NO HE KNOWS LIKE GIRL bit*h U DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO HIDE IT. The other I kinda don't have any impression lol I'd say Romeo is pretty tame? IG? BUT THE PROBLEM RLLY LIE WITH MC f*ck I WANNA CURSE SO BAD AND THROW HANDS AND BANG HER HEAD AGAINST SMTH REALLLL HARD TO f*ckING WAKE HER UP

Anyways this story is triggering my anger issues sm I swear so I'm dropping this. Still giving it a 2 stars tho cuz I've seen worse... <<less
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FreyjaVanadis rated it
August 16, 2023
Status: Completed
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ No lies, I ADORED this one. ESPECIALLY when I figured out why the initial narrative is so twisted in the FL's head. I too complained that the OG FL was too saccharine and everything worked out entirely too perfectly for her - and there's an actual, logical, GOOD REASON for it that you discover about 4/5ths of the way through! This author is actually a genius because EVERYTHING ends up coming back as a plot point that at the time you just might have gone "hunh - that's... more>> interesting" and then FIFTY FREAKING CHAPTERS LATER IT MAKES SENSE. There's a TON of stuff I would not have caught if I hadn't read it straight through after it was finished, so I'm REALLY not surprised others didn't catch it. This one is REALLY angsty. So be prepared for that if it's something that can trigger you, but I would give this one a reread. I almost never reread anything but this one I'm going to just to see if I can find what else I missed on the first pass. Just be aware that while the narrator herself is not unreliable, the data she's working from very much is. It makes the mystery that much harder to solve! <<less
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chihamin rated it
November 28, 2022
Status: c143
I recommend reading the first 100 chapters, then deciding for yourself if you want to stay or read spoilers.

this is in literally Every Other review but it seems like after 100 chapters the author just forgot what good writing is. To be fair, even before then, there were obvious plotholes and uncreative ways to make our protagonist overpowered, but at least the way the story still felt satisfying.

but after those first hundred chapters, you start getting annoyed with how the protagonist handles things, and the story becomes a little convoluted.... more>> Characters are given unequal screentime as it weirdly dances around giving the protagonist and Romeo more than a single chapter of some good interaction, while all the other love interests have their moment to shine.

Granted, I probably just haven’t gotten to the part where Romeo finally gets his own chapter, but it’s simply not worth reading through 10 chapters of another guy who happens to be my least favorite male lead out of the four.

Also, this story really likes to drag its feet when announcing who the male lead is. Honestly, I would have thought it was a complete harem story if not for another reviewer saying it wasn’t. And the reality that it is a monogamistic relationship gives me so much despair because I know DAMN well they aren’t making my favorite guy the male lead.

Or maybe they are, guess I’ll never find out cause I wasn’t willing to sit through so many chapters of a cliche obsessive lover. (If you were wondering. It’s romeo. I was rooting for romeo, literally the only non-annoying yet non-creepy guy in the harem) <<less
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thisaintmei rated it
June 21, 2022
Status: Completed
AHHHHH. Its s hard to choose which guy I like most but im glad it ended with the guy it did.
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KaFa rated it
April 5, 2022
Status: Completed
I really liked the beginning so much! Anyone who is new to novels: please don't expect it to be a light read for just 20 mins or so ^^ (as I've read other reviews stating that it takes quite some time to read it completely.

and I really don't want to spoil the ending so I'm just gonna say that I like the end cp and think that this was the best possible ending for all included - I would have liked to read about the other MLs as well, but... more>> it already was quite long as is, so it's ok.
But the author really likes some obsessive ML 🤭 <<less
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ariachii rated it
March 15, 2022
Status: c139
I really liked the storyline and the plot that author lays out for us. In the beginning where they build their relationship and so on. Though it really didn’t have much details on that. The traumatic experience our FL had to go through, the hardships to survive and scared of being starve to the point of eating snow and soil. Really interesting.

For those who are reading the reviews saying that the sudden appearance of system is what made they drop it, nope they’re wrong. For me at least it was... more>> fine, kind of exist just so that the author could make excuses on making FL kissing every single her childhood friends but it’s still alright to me.


You might thought this is a positive review but ah ah, it goes downhill from chapter 100+ where the plot just revolves around toxic and manipulative ML. Are we going to pretend that the ML didn’t put our FL in dark tiny room and locked her? Her other friend who drugged her? Not to mention that our FL is too forgiving on the basis it’s bcs they’re her friends? “Luckily __ is not my enemy” girl I don’t know how to tell you this, but that mf literally kidnapped you.

Also all those shameless characters, our “princess” who was supposed to be abused by her biological father for years could see the world so pretty and positive thinking it revolves around her is really getting on my nerves. It’s not a bad thing to forget about those traumatic past but it should at least have some wounds on her heart no? Our FL is literally saying sorry to her 100 times, and she did nothing? Not even trying to stop it? Don’t you realise that this is exactly what your biological father would do to you when he abused you? Get tf out my face


This is my first time reading romance korean novel bcs I usually avoid first point of view so this third point of view novel is what making me stay and patience for the author. But it really disappointed me.

I was really thinking of dropping it midway but I feels like it was still fine but these recent chapters, I can’t deal with it anymore. Reading it really makes me aged 10 times more each chapters. 10/10 would not recommend this. Wasting your time is bad my dear, don’t be like me who doesn’t believe the reviews, it were there for a reason.

In conclusion, bcs there is too many plot holes and miscommunication, I have decided to drop this sh*t and never touch it again :) <<less
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Hulexy rated it
March 14, 2022
Status: Completed

It take more than 2 day’s to finish the whole story :)

thanks for the great work on translation it didn’t got me down


Idk why the aouther him self in ruch

alot of thing didn’t make sense at all and theThe excuse was the system??

the novel it self not good at all

and there’s alot of homophonic why do you do gender bender at the beginning and add all those kind of thing that’s s*upid :/

my final opinion: if it ever becomes manhwa dont read it bc it’s not worth
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milafii rated it
January 18, 2022
Status: c101
I decided to read this with no expectations at all, but it still managed to disappoint me.

The beginning is alright. Although the writing is average, the characters are not unbearable. It's your typical shoujo.

The story went downhill when she and her childhood friends part ways.

... more>>

Suddenly, she was the daughter of the new Emperor. There was a logical explanation for that so I got over it. But after that, there are plot twist after plot twist that keeps being added. The execution is horrible. It's like a collage of thungs that doesn't makes sense together. It was very forced. The appearance of a system is the most horribly executed twist of this story.


In addition, the personality of the MC suddenly became weak and s*upid. I mean, she's been a holy mother all along, but somehow she got worse as the story progress. She has no redeeming qualities as a protagonist. I also can't root for her because she doesn't face much challenge. It doesn't feel like challenge because the solution will fall on her lap in time. She's so OP that the Golden Curse something feels like nothing.

The MLs are fine at first, but all of them are one dimensional. They went through a lot in life. They should've known better than to feed theur own misunderstandings with things that has NO BASIS AT ALL.

The original MC is hopeless. She thinks everything revolves around her. She doesn't seem like an opponent but an annoyance.

The relationship with the MLs are fine at the beginning. Simple friendship which evolved to doubt. Suddenly, Oscar kissed her out of nowhere? I'm not gonna speak about consent with this total yandere. But theh have no intimacy or ambiguousness beforehand that should've triggered that. He is a total red flag.

In my opinion, Kalix is a much sweeter fellow. In fact, Griffin and Romeo are also fine. At least, they are fine until the part I've read. They help the MC and even though they doubt her, they don't force her or the truth out of her.

Anyway, I still think that people can enjoy this novel. It's just that, I grew out of this type of writting. <<less
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brookehhaven rated it
December 9, 2021
Status: c145
This is a fun, enjoyable story with good translation. Some of the complaints about the MC are fair - she's very passive, and at times outright ignores the obvious signs that her "friends" like her. But considering that her past life was a dying child who could only play video games, and her new life is an abused and abandoned child for the beginning of her childhood it feels pretty realistic for her to be obtuse about certain things.
Net positives: it's fun, the plot is fast-paced, so you'll get into the meat of the story quickly. Male leads are yandere-bent (some more than others) and the game system doesn't feel stale and doesn't overpower the story too much. MC stays true to her goals - she doesn't lose sight of what she's doing to chase down her friends, etc. I also like that she hasn't forgiven the characters who hurt her this deep into the novel.
Overall the story here is really enjoyable and the translator is doing a great job. It's a light read, but the exploration of the side characters is really interesting and seems to be gaining some complexity. Recommended Read.
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JoAnna rated it
December 8, 2021
Status: c26
-MC had the personality of a cardboard cut-out. She's very bland and passive.
-She's like a small boat in the big wide ocean, just following along with what the plot throws at her.
-Understandable since, as a modern person who barely had any life experience in her previous life (what does a sick person who lies in bed all her life waiting for death even know anyways?), she's now even turned into a little girl. There's literally nothing she can/ know what to do. She's not even trained to this new unfamiliar world, not even receiving proper education like how a royal/ noble should. That's why she's akin to that small boat— she's practically useless.

-And THAT is how/ why the system is extremely fitting here. The author knows her characters best and knows what she's writing about (maybe).
-Without the system, I can't see how the MC will survive or had any progress with her friends or even her own life itself
-The point here is, MC NEEDS her system to hold her hand and teach her 1+1, else she'd be six feet under early on, with no one to remember her (well, except for the four men, of course).

-An alternative desirable ending should have been she would end up with all four, lie down comfortably to enjoy life after two lifetimes of suffering and let the men take care of her. Why is the author afraid to make such ending? Afraid of readers so-called morality and their condemnation? The author was brave enough to write about reverse-harem— why not go all the way? :P I'm pretty sure most if not some reader who clicked the book tagged with freaking reverse-harem should prepare to accept such ending anyway.

-Nevertheless, it's a fun, mindless read :)
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Luna613 rated it
December 2, 2021
Status: c180
I honestly thoroughly enjoyed this, but if you want to read the entire book I suggest going to the spoiler forum and reading it from SweetHaru there. The translations are immaculate and the story is so good.
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