Living in this World with Cut & Paste


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A world where God will grant abilities called Skills to those who come of age. The protagonist, bestowed with two skills, uses them and rises to an existence called a hero.

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Cut & Paste de Kono Sekai wo Ikiteiku
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  3. Harem
  4. Isekai/Fantasy List #1
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48 Reviews sorted by

February 11, 2017
Status: c18
I like the story so far the pace is some what slow and fight boring the MC seems dim to his true potential but still good but one major complaint.

I don't get how cut and paste are not offensive skills cut is used to cut grass and disassemble? It cuts anything you see why can't it cut unmoving, unaware, or immobile/immobilized monsters? In the Second Chapter he says he can't attack first not that it can't be used. Paste sticks what you see like a dagger into it's sheath or... more>> shoes to the ground. So why not your hand to your face your arms to your sides or your legs together making it a full body bind skill. Sealing lips and eyes to silence and blind easy targets for anyone. Seal nose and mouth to suffocate then use Cut or a weapon to kill them. Yet non-offensive skills that are not used to the full potential at all.

But I have not read much might change but really even without stealing skills killing an orc would be easy. Why you ask simple glue your hands together now RIP them apart now reglue your bleeding hands and do it again no, well now your stuck and an easy target. Yes tearing skin and flesh just to move would be hard and PAINFUL almost IMPOSSIBLE for anything that you use Paste on. So why is Cut and Paste useless when even one would do well? <<less
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falloutexile3 rated it
November 28, 2016
Status: c94
I know this review is early but the humor I saw in ch 5 had me in stitches


Mu, it has both Skill and Ability.
As expected its on a different level than the rabbit.

For now, I'll steal its Skill.
As for the Ability, let's steal it and paste it on the tree over there.

I like these kinds of weak/weird growing to OP-ness step-by-step stories and look forward to seeing where it goes.


Still reading as of ch 94, still enjoying the ride :)
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Dobber1k rated it
August 30, 2022
Status: c250
Slight spoiling

mostly just me b*tching

This is my second time reading this novel and also my 3rd review. (It's like the world doesn't want me writing this as for whatever reason my phone keeps deleting it and logging me out) for all the potential this novel shown (IMO) it showed just as many mistakes. For one why is 80% of all the dialogue in this novel in a state of excitement?? All... more>> of these conversations (80% legit) are accompanied with exclamations. It kills the mood don't you think? You don't know what truly deserves it. Anxiety thrill? I mean.

There is a ton of interior dialogue that matches what will be said soon after. Also it became a running thing where myne would constantly be read by facial patterns where there was "surprise" and there would be a follow up of "you didn't expect this", "or I can see on your face" blah blah blah.

also why is the MC which is portrayed as a country boy who is naive and simple just gradually getting s*upid?? Little mistakes due to inexperience and naivety is gradually becoming grave mistakes and s*upid decisions. I don't understand.

the story has gaps where it just suddenly speeds up infinitely. Where this story honestly took over a hundred chapters to gain 2 weeks and his marriage happened literally in 25 chapters but in actuality like 3 days. Now after 200 the chapters are half of what they were but like at the "summoning" the whole thing in like 4 chapters spanned minutes but furthered a strange plot so much.

this whole novel is centered around a strange skill but instead of being about others the author painfully reminds the readers cut&paste. Over and over within a chapter even. We understand. Seriously.

he picks up skills Willy nilly but the important ones he's so laced. I mean shouldn't they be a priority??? I mean sh*t regeneration why are you so scared to just used the damn thing as well! It could save lives. Constantly! Come on!

there are gaps and characters that seem to be there aren't the next sentence. I can't follow it is confusing. Not to mention the handle on the characters and skills are so immense that they are not cared for properly (IMO) there isn't a good enough upkeep. Btw the second captain cessil or whatever it is tell me already is "it" a man or woman?! We all want to know!! One chapter it's he then the next it's she. Hell even same chapter it'll change from he to she.

contradictions. If you've read it you've seen it. Saying one thing doing another describing something and changing it without word. Duties, powers, reasons. Things to be done if they don't disappear they randomly change. Heck priorities. It's a jumble in here. Like damn.

Second edit already: spoiling? Scene. Dead demon. Should have been killed on first meeting. "I wonder if I should store him? Black hole comes up in front of him "huh wonder if it's a friend of mine (he's never seen another "person" with his same skill at all...) "wait I've never even seen anyone with the same skill other than the orc king" 2 demons show up same last name "huh I wonder if they are sisters (also different f*cking scene 2 people obviously twins have the same last name and look identical "huh wonder if they are related. Cousins siblings twins" THIS s*upid MOTHERf*ckER!) (we don't know at this point if he is hiding using presence conceal or waffle (s*upidest goddamn name ever) is using camo (since the author never tells anyone) they look at body while he appraised them sees "raise the dead skill" they argue who should do it. Author doesn't say he steals the skills but she tries and can't use her skills they just shrug it off store him in a bag and say they should leave. He leaves. End. WTF


oh don't get me started on the damn bathing in this novel. Don't do it.

skill naming. That's all.

he's scared of a demon even tho he's 10x more powerful runs away "realizes" (dumbly says oh I could have used such and such like he just misplaced his phone) he could defeat him with one of his misplaced skills. Talks for 5 minutes to "brainstorm" how to beat him. Comes back with 100% more confidence which was pretty anticlimactic btw. Like why

just because I want to expressly point it out. Nobility. In a lot of novels I've read and enjoy it's a strict focus nobles are proud (sometimes corrupt yes) they are absolute people strive for it, they avoid it, but I've never seen a character let alone an MC that sometimes is sometimes isn't. Is part of royalty but uses it when it suits him but always goes back to the "I'm just a hick apprentice hunter (who sometimes is a hero. Nobility. Royal. Hunter. God? I mean shit) who is something or other where it changes ever sentence. He starts out as an apprentice hunter (who's parents were town hero's? Idk. Could go further but spoilers) who is the fiancé of a princess, and changes to who was supposed to be a noble in name which honestly they never really give him a title. Actually I'm pretty sure at one point they say he won't be royal at all then they will call him one idk. Also everyone's names change so after onii-Chan/Sama and such anii onii brother in law and etc. it's confusing you know especially in a novel where you sometimes can't tell who's talking. So noble. He will deny it but sometimes when some one take a a tone he will think "you're talking to a princess's husband this way huh" make up your mind. Royals marry commoners. Ex princesses. He was supposed to be elevated so he could marry her then it was kept secret. He married her anyways? Confusing

also I don't understand the promise of what can happen to the "elf's" plot. Lack of information and confusing backgrounds and such I hope it will clear it up soon.

also just me nitpicking. How can a princess (or ex princess? She says she is but they just keep flip flopping) who's saved who more or less fell in love ar first sight with her savior turn and just accept and forget her savior to marry a prince who she doesn't know with just a suggestion

anyways the fault is in the writing. It's pretty unique I honestly wish for everyone to become his harem. But you honestly never know what's going to happen. Not because it's keeps you on the edge of your seat mind you. If I keep writing I will update I promise you that. <<less
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hi92303 rated it
October 30, 2020
Status: c288
I really liked the story, a bit cliché but still enjoyed it. I was absolutely shocked when I heard that the author had past away, and really annoyed because the story stopped half way. I really just want someone to pick where the author left off and see how other people can guide this story, and hope that the people that sponsered this story keeps making the manga adaptation if the person continuing the story is good
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Chourou rated it
July 15, 2017
Status: --
The japanese novel writers likes to put pets on their characters head it seems. Yuzuha, ponta, fenrir, meru. A cute novel trend going on.

This is an enjoyable novel. But nothing outstanding, nothing that makes it stand out. The action is better though compared to other 3 stars japanese novels.

And the translation is good too.

Edit: I should stop reading japanese novels. They never finnish.

Edit: Discontinued due to author/writers death. Thats sad. I dont know how it ends at last chapter but now I can't really recommend people reading this.
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grimsol rated it
July 6, 2017
Status: c75
Protagonist is naive but NOT s*upid, he takes the necessary precautions for dangerous situations.

Great read all the way through, has some funny moments to it too.
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isekaitruckdriver rated it
January 26, 2024
Status: c200
Well, I'm in trouble. I'm going to give this 4/5 because the good parts are really good, budt the bad parts... Oh god.

To start with, the first ~100 chapters have a really good flow. The events have a proper buildup and they offer plenty of payoff upon getting resolved. One thing that bothered me is why the princess got married to the MC. I mean... She only solved the problems she created but there's no real advantage for the MC in this, he just got cornered/pressured into it, while the... more>> princess gets to use him as a breeding horse. There are some incosistencies and zero IQ moments you would expect from a web novel but it's nothing serious.

Then after this really good flow, the story just simply halts. There are tons of plots hinted that look promising, like an invasion from demons, invitation to a secret dungeon, some stuff with the elves... But instead they're like... Oh, WHY DON'T WE TALK ABOUT THE f*ckING BATH FOR 30 CHAPTERS INSTEAD?! Everything went completely idle, so much that you couldn't even call that a slice of life. There are no slices! Just pointless empty conversations about baths!

After this part, the story suddenly kicks off again and interesting stuff happens, atlhough mostly on newly introduced plotlines, so the previously hinted ones are still mostly untouched... But whatever, lot of exciting things go down and I started to think that it was worth enduring that filler hell. (Although there are a few things that still seem a bit unclear, like how the MC hadn't leveled up for like 50 chapters despite him being the only character participating in every fight in the story while his companions got like +40 levels)

And the final part is just a chaotic mess that's really hard to follow. I don't want to be too harsh on it because it is evident that the author's health had already been deteriorating by this point and they couldn't deliver the plots the way they wanted. It doesn't feel like a coherent thing, more like bits scribbled down during a brainstorming or something like that. But the ideas/plotlines presented are not bad and it woud have been a good direction.

All in all, do read this novel. I think it had great potential, had a great start, and it's a shame that we'll never get to see the version the author inteded to write. <<less
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Kio Ciel
Kio Ciel rated it
July 13, 2017
Status: c85
Enjoying this novel so far.

The main protagonist give you this feeling of naiveness around him but that aren't the case, very kindhearted and honest personality couple with his OP cheat skills. Great story.
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