Living in this World with Cut & Paste


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A world where God will grant abilities called Skills to those who come of age. The protagonist, bestowed with two skills, uses them and rises to an existence called a hero.

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Cut & Paste de Kono Sekai wo Ikiteiku
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48 Reviews sorted by

December 25, 2016
Status: c99
This RAW is a daily release. I used Chrome browser translate feature to read ahead. The MC was bestowed the "Appraisal-completed' and "Cut and pasted' skills by God when he reaches the coming to age. The MC uses his skills to take away his opponents skills and abilities and give to either his companions or himself. That was the method he used to combat his opponents several levels higher than him and win. The story itself is quite refreshing and I recommended to add it to your reading list.
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April 30, 2022
Status: Completed
Cut and paste- two very convenient functions that have been taken for granted as the dawn of computing came to pass. If you're reading this, then you probably already know about it, but maybe you didn't know about how big of a revolution it was. Being able to move around data and files storing said data from one location in the hard drive to another without superior grade brain gymnastics was game changing. Now? It's mundane to most, myself included.

You wouldn't be wrong in asking if I've lost my mind,... more>> this is a novel review site and not a forum for tech history after all.

It's just that this novel had the potential to be game changing. But instead, it faded into the mundane. Random characters being thrown in and forgotten, barely recognisable supporting cast and frequent overlap of plotlines started cropping up after chapter 180 ish. It felt off, discombobulating even. So I read more.

The Author's note suggested that their life wouldn't be here for long. That they, had cerebral hemorrhage.

Now, before I continue further I need to put up a disclaimer. I'm not in the best state of mind as my life is dragging me around like a ragdoll and I have no ways to stop it.

So I look for things to read and enjoy. This time around, I found myself here. Did I have fun? Yes.

The half before the author announced their diagnosis results was, critically speaking- alright. The MC, Sylphy and Aisha were alright, their chemistry was decently fleshed out even with their abrupt marriage. The MC being cautious about informing anyone about his skillset was well done. The naivete that shone through in the earlier fights was well portrayed and so much more. It had the bells and whistles for good charcter development, for fleshing out the skill system and for fleshing out the world. But as the days rolled by the author struggled to keep it all together into the same semi-cohesive structure that was built thus far. POV changes became rapid and unpredictable. The dialogue between two characters became very hard to follow. The author was slowly but surely slipping, and the world in this story was getting dragged along with him.

I don't know if it was due to my state of mind or not, but I wanted to watch how this ended...

Each chapter, each Author's note was a testament to the roller coaster of struggle that followed. Parents cancelled the phone plan the author was on, so the hospital staff got him a better one. His fingers refusing to comply during rehabilitation so the chapters were riddled with typos. One handed typing became hard at one point so he chose to push back the release schedule a little. Tsugikuru and the publisher staff sending him Waffle themed merch making him happy. These little tidbits made each chapter all the more meaningful, despite the widening cracks in the plot. One chapter length shortening made my anxiety worse, then the other it'll randomly become super lengthy and with well flowing dialogue to boot; only for it to then come crashing down the next few chapters. The Author's notes started shrinking and shrinking, before disappearing completely. Before long, the world strung along by the author for us to read, was frozen in time. The author was no longer typing.

When I reached that last chapter, I felt sad, the ending to Myne's story (On an unrelated note, I legit wanted the MC's last name to be Sweeper) was very clearly something that needed more time. But, with the author's passing, it'll never get any. On the other hand, I was relieved, the author who continued to push themselves could finally rest easy.

To some, this novel is mundane, just one more book to tr*sh talk before they move on to the next masterpiece-in-making. But to me, and hopefully a select few, this was a legacy of Amano Hazama. A testament to their struggles and a reminder, that the mundane too, deserve some recognition, just like the old juggernaut of computing we take for granted. <<less
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metazoxan rated it
February 23, 2020
Status: c200
To put it simply the story starts out simple and fun but eventually turns convoluted and annoying.

Instead of making use of what he creates the author wastes time with side stories, twists, and outright retcons that will leave you wanting to facepalm so hard you fall unconcious.

So for a short review my final thoughts are this. Don't read this series. You might read the first few chapters and think it's a fun ride but it will only dissapoint you as the author takes that ride off the rails and runs... more>> it straight into a brick wall.

Now for my more detailed review (beware spoilers)


Probably one of the more obvious examples of the mess this series becomes is the MC's backstory. At the start of this series the MC is established as a humble Orphan. Who's parents were hunters who died and left him alone, but between kind neighbors and his own self sufficiency he manages to hold on until he gets his OP skills when he comes of age.

Sounds simple right? Well then the author feels the need to make things more and more grand. First it starts with his parents being not just hunters but heroes of the village which makes everyone willing to do almost anything for the MC. This isn't that bad but it's a mere taste of what's to come.

Later on after 100+ chapters and after meeting the king SEVERAL times. It's suddenly revealed that the MC's parents were party members with the king! It's not forshadows or hinted at before hand. The MC just mentions his dad's name and the king goes "wait a minute he was my old friend and party member" just right out of nowhere. But even this isn't close to the peak.

It's then revealed after the MC runs into two demons in a dungeon that the female demon he met is the very same one that killed his father. Keep in mind the king previously didn't even know who the MC's father was nor where his friend had settled down at. But now he's suddenly aware of not only how the MC's father died but the name of the killer!?! and at no point before this moment did ANYONE mention the MC"s father died at the hands of a demon.

The mother is just as bad as it's revealed around the same time as all this that the MC's mom was the "First saint" a figure never before mentioned and that the current saint that's been mentioned a few times in the past was her pupil. To make matters worse after this is mentioned the MC goes "Oh yeah I remember big sis comming over a lot when I was little" so now the saint is both his mother's student and a big sister figure to him and all of this is revealed with ZERO foreshadowing. But the absolute "cherry on top" comes when it's revealed that.... his mother was summoned from another world. THAT'S RIGHT! at around chapter 180 after SO MANY CHAPTERS it's revealed this is in fact an isekai novel but the MC is the son of an isekai rather than the Isekai protagonist himself.

Oh also the queen and world famous alchemist who have been mentioend numerous times are suddenly also otherworlders and also happened to be best friends with the MC's mom back on earth. So forshadow or even a hint.

What makes all this so bad is none of it's needed! The MC gains nothing important from his parents being friends with the king as they are long dead and he was already marrying his daughter by virtue of his ability alone. So the parent connection adds NOTHING. His dad dying to a demon he fought adds nothing as he already almost beat her but she managed to escape. Meaning they already fought and have a reason to fight again ADDING PARENTAL REVENGE ADDS NOTHING. The connections with the MC's mom to the alchemist and saint is used as an excuse to get the MC some info. But the plot stated this was the plan even before all these twists were added and all of that info could have been given by plenty of other people that wouldn't need excessive connections.


It's really a shame the author ruined their own work like this. As it was never great but was simple. To make an analogy it's like if someone took a plain cheese pizza and just started adding random toppings to try to improve it. But on top of the fact you were enjoying the simple cheese pizza just fine the toppings quickly become excessive and don't even fit together. It all feels like stuff added without any forethought or planning at all.

I am serious do not waste time on this. It's not the kind of trainwreck that's fun to watch. it's just sad and depressing as you watch so many potentially good plot threads get ignored so the author can do things like spend 5 chapters going over a side story for a character that everyone hates and has no value to the plot. If you read this far enough you'll just feel like you wasted your life. <<less
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July 13, 2019
Status: c211
There is no doubt that this novel is good one. Especially about SC, they make their job perfectly. But MC is not that much want harem so there has a sightly problem with romance like luka.I thought he gonna taker her but author makes wrong choice. This novel is not serious novel so everything about in this novel is very light. Romance, fighting scene and even relationship. But about abilities are very interesting.

So if you just wanna pass your time, this novel is definitely you should read.

I rated 4 stars... more>> there are a lot of things that I disappointed. But author is trying the best. So this novel has a lot of potential but sadly Author passed way. Thank for your great novel.

May your soul Rest In Peace. <<less
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nunyab69 rated it
October 14, 2019
Status: c150
Though I get the complaints about it being boring, I like it for the same reasons they find it boring. Sometimes I like to chill with a novel that isn't trying to make me swallow my heart every five minutes.

With that said. I wouldn't say the conflicts are completley with out suspense. There is also plenty to be worried about for the characters unless you assume everything will be OK unless stated otherwise like you have to for most light novels in the adventure genre. A good chunk of the... more>> novel so far had been the MC trying to make sure the worst doesn't happen by preparing himself. I mean, when it's not other slice of life stuff. ? <<less
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DaydreamGe rated it
July 29, 2017
Status: c94
It is an interesting story where the hero was blessed with good people around him and avoid become a dark MC.

Well what is lack on this novel is the HP and MP concept, or maybe additional vitality or stamina concept.

Overall the story didn't explain about stats at all. And just make the MC can use his ability unlimited when fighting and only collapse in the end of battle.

The weapon have the value damage but we didn't know the damage from the MC and if you think about it, it becomes... more>> like the weapon is not needed when it damage only +10 or +50, when the MC becomes level 60.

There is also "origin" weapon that haven't changed until chapter 94, that makes you wonder that the author forgot about them after all this time. <<less
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Delta_L rated it
March 13, 2022
Status: Completed
A masterpiece that did not have the chance of being finished. It's truly a sad thing to see such a good start being stopped like that.

May you rest in peace knowing that you were someone amazing.
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MagneticMagnet rated it
January 7, 2020
Status: c288
Writing this story with cut and paste is a copypaste of the most standard isekai story with the twist that it isn't actually isekai but regular fantasy. Not that it matters much - the biggest observable difference is that the MC doesn't obsess about rice and katanas.

Our MC is an orphan of two well-liked adventurers that has extreme luck at his coming of age ceremony and he gets handed two ridiculously powerful skills. All inhabitants of this world have two skills that define their role. Being able to cut skills... more>> from other people or monsters and paste it to himself without limit is a broken level of OP, which comes glaringly apparent later on in the story.

The world is as generic as it gets. There's the adventurer's guild, dungeons, some kingdoms you don't remember the names of after five minutes, legendary guardian beasts and so on. Nothing you haven't read already in other better novels.

The cast is as forgettable as the world. The MC is your regular self-insert guy with minimal personality that makes some frustratingly bad decisions at times. You have the harem members that fall in love for whatever reasons. Good guys are noble, supportive of the MC and wouldn't dare to use him. The bad guys have a nasty personality and look down on the MC and probably everyone else too. Nothing that stands out here either. Well, maybe the mascot animal for his name.

The first 100 to 150-ish chapters the story is fine. The author had some idea of what to write and, while nothing special to write home about, is good enough for a basic story. The issue is what comes after that. Either the author ran out of ideas and started winging it or whatever illness he contracted started affecting him, the result is increasingly more simplistic and dull story. Basically every fight from that point follows the same pattern: MC's party: A strong monster! Cut the skills off it! Monster attacks: OMG my skills don't work! MC party pastes strong skills to the character that is leveling up and beats the monster. When not fighting the MC is visiting the royal family to listen about this new dungeon or item that needs to be fought, or setting up a bath.

Should you read this? If you have read any other generic isekai, you have read this. There isn't anything new or original here, the writing is simplistic and the story ends without a conclusion due to author's death. If you're looking for anything more than a cookie cutter isekai this isn't for you. But simple and basic is what some people want, so if you're looking for more of the same there are worse things to pick. Just don't expect this to rock any socks off. <<less
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xgx38 rated it
May 29, 2019
Status: c217
Plot had potential but all of the characters seem so ridiculously dim witted that it is hard to read. Everyone from the protagonist to the populace, even the kings, enemies, and divine beasts seem to be dumb. I imagine that if a world really existed with these characters then human society would be doomed. If you want to read a fluff piece about a naive child with insane power and made up problems (that really wouldn't be problems if the characters didn't act counter intuitively) then this is for you.
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mutinyontheark rated it
May 23, 2019
Status: c101
I originally read up until the first translator dropped, came by to restart and... OH NO. Author-sensei has passed, it's pretty cruel to describe the WN as "stalled." That's a hell of a stall.

Anyway, this story doesn't have deep themes or very high stakes. It fakes out like something big is going to happen, but the hero is too OP and problem is solved. And you know what? That's fine, if you like stories about the good guys winning and becoming more happy and successful over time, this is a... more>> straight up the middle serving of exactly that. I'm sad starting my re-read knowing that I'll never get to see the author's ending, but that's honestly the case with a lot of translations due to drops. <<less
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posinw rated it
January 24, 2019
Status: c144
I don’t think this novel deserve to be 1-2stars. However, it’s not a masterpiece either.

Like many other novel which protagonist skill slot just keep getting more and more (which is a lot these days) Things just get old real fast.

Still, the first past when the plot is just building itself and story just begin to unviel is quite entertaining.

... more>> After that is just like many other OP novel. Cooking, Building house blah blah those boring stuff which doesn’t progress the story.

So my suggestion would be to read it if you are free and stop reading when it get to a boring part cause it won’t get any better after that. <<less
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CrimsonWing rated it
November 21, 2018
Status: c165
It's boring.

The characters are shallow and they don't change at all.

There is a lot of useless talking, a lot is said but it is all meaningless filler.

... more>> The romance is barely there. He only has two wives, but I have read other novels with more wives/partners that has far more romance then this dry piece of toast could ever manage.

It all comes down to bad writing, and this is a great example what bad writing can produce. It's not offensively bad but it's not particularly good. The author just doesn't have a good imagination. <<less
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Prolux rated it
November 27, 2016
Status: c6
Though the first chapter may give you a feeling of the ability that he has is really weird and not very useful as well as not being what you expected. By chapter three you will understand that the ability that the MC has is much better than originally explained at it actually makes the story very interesting so far. I suggest reading it.
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BigBrain0407 rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: c288
Amazing story but very sad that it stopped halfway, was very eager to know what happened. I will recomend to anyone who likes the concept but is ok with it stoping halfway.

Good reading,

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Fluffums rated it
March 15, 2019
Status: c92
I just couldn't read anymore.

The start is somewhat promising (the promise is a lie though). Protagonist is a down-on-his-luck kid who gets a cheat ability. He shows resourcefulness, courage, and prudence, and it was going to be interesting watching him grow and slowly start to trust others.

Enter the princess, and suddenly the protagonist is a completely different person. He continually acts and talks like he's worthless (despite his achievements already at such a young age!). He lets himself get cornered without making any plans the way he's done up to... more>> this point, he gives in as soon as he's pressured a little, and ends up agreeing to marry two women he's spent maybe 15 minutes with up to this point. This change in personality is basically permanent.

It's at that point that the setting really starts to fall apart too. The world is basically a crappy MMO, complete with explanation of "hate management" and farming dungeons for rare drops.


The prince training the protagonist is an example, dumb from beginning to end. The prince suppresses our MC with a higher ranked and higher leveled weapon skill, then tells MC that you need to train without using skills. Levels also increase strength and stamina, but when the training actually starts he's slower than people who are at best 50 levels lower than him, and he runs out of stamina faster too. What's the purpose of levels then?

This especially doesn't make sense since he also has skills to increase speed and recover stamina, and using the skills would be more useful training for him than just mindlessly running.


The writing isn't very gripping either. The early fights are okay (aside from the match mentioned in the spoiler) and there's one emotional scene. Other than that you get a ton of appraisal scenes, monologue after monologue about how to use skills or how the protagonist thinks he's worthless, way too much time spent on the s*upid bath, a lot of cartoonish villains with below 0 IQs, etc. It wasn't too bad until he met the princess, then it got worse.

This is only recommended for people who love protagonists with no self-confidence or agency at all (don't worry, the confidence and proactiveness he shows early on will be gone soon). <<less
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hellogarry rated it
January 31, 2018
Status: c45
People will probably think this is your typical harem cheat series. I can't deny that but this series have a charm and the MC is not some kind of lucky pe*vert or a gutless idiot. He is pretty likable and his background is actually pretty good. My only concern is there is no concept of "mana" so it's actually use all skill as you want but heck I don't care I mean most series have unlimited of them anyway because of their 'cheat'. But I prefer this series having no... more>> concept of 'hp' because those kind of things are not really that accurate.


Thankfully there is no s*ave crap so far and while the marriage is a bit forced at least it is more logical than the other series I've read.

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Beer_Kitty rated it
July 23, 2017
Status: c91
The story I guess its interesting for me so its 5?????

Translation around 5????? (Because TL is a nice guy)

Its better than the other skill stealer guy because you can see that He is still a child or recently became an adult, with a good surrounding people even though his parents arent with him and he does'nt go on a rampage of "this world is unfair and sh*t and ill use this power to destroy anyone whos blocking my way by stealing their God-given skills"

He uses the skill for the... more>> intentions of growing and doesnt really use it against people unless they are nuisances to him.

Mostly for Monster Hunting rather than farming on humans.

Give it a try till around chapter 90. Theres Ups and downs but its a good read. <<less
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Aho555 rated it
July 19, 2017
Status: c88
I wanted to give this a 3.5/5, but since there are no half stars, it's a 4.... : (

It's the theme of a MC with ridiculous cheat abilities, and those are usually bad stories, but this one is not bad. Not a deep story with deep characters by any means, but it's sufficient. The world and characters feel real enough, there's decent plot development to make me want to keep reading and finding out what happens, and the MC is sufficiently challenged when fighting stronger enemies.

The biggest criticism I can... more>> say is the world is too sweet on the MC. Things always go well for him to the extent it's hard to believe. Some might enjoy this, some might not.


Oh, MC marries his harem very early on. I give this story extra points for this because it cuts out a lot of the usual nonsense.

I guess in the end it's a 4/5 rating after all....

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Taroprinny rated it
July 5, 2017
Status: c69
When I read the first chapter, I was unsure how good this novel was going to be. I was looking for something other than the generic light novel MC that I see a lot lately in these type of fantasy novels. Not some lazy, OP MC that just wants girls or a naïve ignorant OP MC where everyone falls in love with for no reason.

No, this story started off as a "light story" where details aren't explained very well, however once you get to around ch 10 the story and... more>> character development really takes off. Up til ch69 it still retains that "light story" feeling but the MC has great progression with his personality, relationships make sense. Story plots are ACTUALLY explained in a way that flows with the story. The world isn't fleshed out as I would like but it works in the sense that the MC starts off as a "commoner from the countryside" so the world is explained as he discovers them.

One thing I have seen that I didn't like in character development is that he gets strong really fast and a lot of unnecessary details are involved in his skills but its not too over the top is bareable. <<less
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mechafanboy rated it
June 21, 2017
Status: c94
I think the setup and the writing is quite predictable most of the time but there's enough variation to make it unique. The peppering of both translation notes and the author's own notes opens up a soft spot for me. There's an interesting charm early on given how most of the advancements are predictable and feel amateurish but some of the later developments rather sharply cut off access to tropes I expected to occur. Ultimately however, most of the worldbuilding is only now beginning to form and will take more... more>> time to fully come into play.

Edit: alright around 90 chapters in and I think it's safe to give it 3 stars, honestly I think it's ability to be fun and light would give it 4 stars, but there's simply not enough interesting plot happening for me to justify that level of commitment. Aside from that, it's very slowly advancing in a pretty predictable manner. There's elements of a greater plot, but it's unlikely to show itself for another 100 or 200 odd chapters by the rate this is going so... *shrug* if it ever gets to a point where I think the major plot is worth more stars, I'll update accordingly. Otherwise, I think it's a bit too generic for 4 stars. <<less
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