Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu


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It was something that happened while I was waiting for the day of the primary school entrance exam. I realised that I had become one of the characters of a shoujo manga that I loved reading in my old life, ‘You Are My Dolce’.

The role I was assigned was a character who bullied the commoner protagonist and tried to get in the way of her love with a rich boy nicknamed Emperor; a typical villainess rich girl, Kisshouin Reika.

At the end of the story, Reika suffered the Emperor’s retribution and even her family fell into ruin. With the villain gone, the protagonist and the Emperor overcame their trials and became a couple. And they lived happily ever after.

Wait, that’s terrible for meee! The manga ended there, but I have to continue living my life after my family is ruined!

The protagonist can enjoy her romance or love or whatever on her own. I’ll erase my presence so that I don’t anger the Emperor.

Eh-? The story isn’t progressing well because there’s no villain, you say? But I’m busy saving up money and studying so that I can live well after the collapse.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Will Live with Humility and Dependability as My Motto
You are my dolce
Related Series
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  1. Wacky ass misunderstandings
  2. Good novels
  3. Hall of Comedy
  4. Faves
  5. my reads

Latest Release

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260 Reviews sorted by

OctoberGrey rated it
February 11, 2019
Status: c1
The late romance tag really isn't for show. 220 chapters in and there's zero romance in the story. Considering the Shoujo demographic, most people like me are here for the romance, but it's frustrating that nothing happens, ever.

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lm3ap rated it
January 7, 2019
Status: --
Considering Reika reincarnated and is supposed to be someone who is from a prestigious family, reading the story from her perspective feels really embarrassing. The flow of the story isn't bad, and the translation is pretty good compared to others. I just wished that the MC would have been less of a vegetable and more respectable. As I'm reading this, I'm cringing. Even though I've haven't read too far, I'm confident that she's going to get bullied or taken advantage of because of how she seems more s*upid than people... more>> who are actually mentally younger than her.

I came into this thinking that she would change the character "Reika" from narcissistic and rotten to someone charming, but realizing that she is actually below average makes me not care about this story...

If you find her character cute, then you'll probably like this. I, on the other hand, think she's self centered just like the original Reika, but just in a different way. <<less
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noeinan rated it
December 13, 2018
Status: c225
This story is honestly so great! More of a comedy than a romance, at this point in the story the MC hasn't had an actual romantic encounter yet. Personally, I could see something developing with Enjou. But not for a while. It's just as likely poor Reika stays chief of Forever Alone village through college, haha.

Despite that, it's full of romance for everyone else. The characters are all very well developed and entertaining.

Honestly 10/10 would recommend, as someone who usually goes for faster paced smutty romances. Take a chance even... more>> if it's not normally your thing-- you'll be surprised! <<less
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TheGluttonousSloth rated it
May 30, 2018
Status: c215
Okay first of all, I. Love. It!!! At first I had some second thoughts about reading this cause of other people's ratings and thought "So I guess this story is not good then......" but I was wrong cause it wasn't. Both the characters and the plot itself is funny and quirky. I gotta say this got me hooked that it only took me 2 days reading this. I have so much positive feelings for this novel that its making me feel very much excited and giddy. Although this has tags of LateRomace & SlowRomance, I must say that Reika-sama's romance is very late and much slower than what I preferred but I guess I can compromise. Anyways can't wait for the next update!!!

PS. I'd like to thank the author... more>> for making this wonderful novel and specially the translator (s) who translated this. I sincerely love your work!! It's very nicely done!!

Fiato!!!!!!!~ <<less
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PlumMint rated it
March 29, 2018
Status: c296
I have never written a review for any of the novels I've read in the past, but this novel is different. All I have to say is that this novel is just so well written and self motivating. I honestly love love this novel for its school related scenarios. Although the main reason I started reading this novel was due to it being categorize as "romance" I would've never thought that its not the romance that hooked me in but instead it was at how passionate and hardworking the MC... more>> was while dealing with school. To me it motivates me to do my homework or do well in school each time I read a chapter or two. I honestly don't know about other readers but to me, that was all I came for ever since I started reading this novel. There may be no romance, which I eagerly want, but the school scenarios help cover that part a lot on my part. My main point for writing this review is that, I hope that the author will continue writing the novel because hey I honestly want to know who Reika will end up with since its such a big mystery on our part. Plus, the studying and school scenarios are just so motivating. So keep up with what you're doing author! ? <<less
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September 26, 2017
Status: c275
this is a fantastic novel! Both translators are wonderful. Onnichanyamete (its not p*rn, trust me on this) gives great explanation of whats included such as soba, the cakes, locations, and such. Even though estelion is moving at a slower pace, NEVER BLAME THE TRANSLATORS! They have a life too! This is a volunteer work, so their releases are pretty much up to them. Reika-sama is so relatable, and the two MLs, Bakaburagi (as everyone deems), and Enjou (the devil in angels clothing). The other translator updates once a week, and... more>> is almost caught up with the actual amount, which means slower releases soon. Cries* The pace is rather fast, with more detail of HS. Still a really sweet story though, and this one was the one that got me into the 'I-Reincarnated-Into-The-Otome-Game-As-A-Villain-What-Am-I-Gonna-Do' thing. It's actually pretty funny in the later chapters, and you've basically got 3 choices now. Emperor Camp, Prince Camp, or I'm Just Gonna Wait And See Camp. This totally deserves a 6/5 for storyline, characters, and relatibility, which is pretty rare for me too give high scores, but I LOVE this light novel. And I know you'll also enjoy this. Happy Reading! <<less
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jcrsaints rated it
September 15, 2017
Status: c260
This is one of the best stories I've read in this site. It's funny and interesting. It's also a light read. Why, the MC is even relatable. None of the characters are perfect which only added to their charm. I recommend this to everyone. It's a must-read!
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Arina-chan rated it
September 1, 2017
Status: c156
At first I was doubtful, but decided to try it anyway due to the favorable reviews.

I was not disappointed. I love this! It may seem a bit boring thinking that the story is about her everyday life, but it's so hilarious that you just can't stop reading this. Definitely a must read!

I'd like it more if there is just a little bit development in romance, but then it's what makes Reika's interactions with Enjou and Kaburagi more hilarious, I guess. I'm still curious which one she'd actualy end up with... more>> though! Please give me more hints author-sama! T^T


I'm rooting for Enjou just because I think it'd be hilarious

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F_J rated it
August 19, 2017
Status: c153
I like this. I like this a lot. XD It may be because the translations are so smooth. Or it may be due to the main character's cute s*upidity. Or may be it's because of the the MC's relatability. Who knows, there just something about this slowly paced atory that draws me in. And has me rooting for the MC everything she sets a goal for herself. It's nice, and everytime I finish reading a chapter I get refrashed. Be warned though... ... more>>

About every other chapter, give or take, Fluffy-sama (the translator) tortures you with yummy food pictures and make you super hungry. And there's a lot of food pictures.

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LordSkye rated it
July 25, 2017
Status: --
Honestly just a really fun read. This story if a fun slice of life with interesting characters and great character interaction. No one is really a flat 2d cliche and most of the characters have a lot of depth in them. Also while I'm not sure if its intentional the way reincarnation is handled is really interesting. Usually the reincarnated person will be insanely mature and will always shock people with how wise they because of there mental age which they will mention every five minutes. But in this story... more>> while the MC has the memories of her past life she is still a five year old and will act like a five year old. That makes the story much more fun and interesting as the MC doesn't act like a sociopath but more like a real person. Also this story doesn't rely on misunderstanding to make some cheap drama. <<less
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Elivi rated it
June 16, 2017
Status: --
Damn, totally hooked to this WN that I spent a whole night, and the morning after that to binge read this all to the newest translated chapter.

As first, I thought this was just another recarnation type of story, was reluctant to try it at first but. Wow, before I barely noticed, 6 hours had had already passed.

Nothing so serious about this WN, no world saving, no heart breaking plot twist, no becoming a hot spring in another world or anything like that, just a (normal) ? (Slice of life) ?,... more>> and that is why this one is interesting!

You should properly read other comments, the way of the words is not strong with me, but if you are still here, then one of the most appealing about this WN is its characters, they are distintive, interesting and to be honest, the main character is one of the funniest protag I can find.

Well, watcha watin' fer eyy? Just get right into it and enjoy this great novel!

P.s: Try your best translator guy/gal, thanks for your work, and I am realy looking forward to the next chapter! <<less
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Scriptd rated it
December 24, 2015
Status: --
It's a very fun story. Reika is cute, but at times her weak will does get a little bit annoying.

Luckily, she's showing signs of moving past it in later chapters, so all is well.
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admiralen rated it
November 8, 2023
Status: c103
Welcome to the dull zone

A story without purpose, point or direction, about a boring normal person who has no interest and no skill

She goes to a rich person school and thats about it, it just keeps repeating for hundreds of chapters without anything interesting happening

No clue how anyone can give this 5 stars, there is no substance, no skill in the writing, no interesting characters, no interesting plot points and in an incredibly DULL world about an incredibly DULL character
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BoriCats rated it
October 5, 2022
Status: c7
From the start, I really gave this book the benefit of the doubt but boy starting from the start, one of my eyebrows has already raised it's head.

They're six year olds but they are simping on a six year old kid. They are kids! I haven't seen a kid ever, whether in reality or fiction except in this book, get infatuated this early. There is no logic on this because firstly they were not undergoing puberty so the hormones that were responsible for attraction or basically the ones who jumpstart... more>> various parts of our body to feel, want and react to stimulus that attracts us is still not available. Kids this age focus more on wants or satisfaction basically in the form of fun or mouth pleasure like eating and drinking as well as playing. They still have no concept of like or puppy love. Please don't taint children. It shows lack of credibility and made me distrust what will happen next in the succeeding chapters.

The MC is an adult but she's acting dense and s*upid. She is also naive. Things that I hate on a MC. She's also vain sadly and the way she lives her life is pretty uninteresting. She really acts like a child and her thoughts are those of a child as well, despite being over 20 years old.


I had my hair done at a salon, and in place of a hair accessory I had a fresh white flower placed in.

Aah, I feel like a princess.

I’m really starting to feel like a stylish girl.

Honestly, I can’t stop my smirking anymore, you know?

I mean I’m wearing my favourite dress, and I’ll be going to the summer party!

But this kind of smile isn’t very ladylike, so I need to be careful.

Still, my cheek muscles won’t listen to me. -Smirk smirk-

Vain, regressed to a kid and shallow. Could we have a timeskip. Why are we on the timeline where the MC is six years old?

So I grew tired of it by this point. It's shameful for me to give this a 2 star as I didn't go through it through the tenth chapter. So I'm giving it a 3 just because it didn't hook me enough. <<less
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znukhsoc rated it
March 13, 2022
Status: c15
299 chapters and you say there is no romance for MC?? You say there is no love interest for the one and only main character here!? Is this really... shoujo? Also, she was supposed to be an adult in her previous life right? Why is she going to CRAM SCHOOL in primary school?? The common sense in this story is way too faulty that it bothers me.
It's written like a journal entry. Because of that, it's deemed to be repetitive. The story's promise doesn't help either. It's straight-out boring.
I'm glad that I read some spoilers about it and I'm dropping it on ch15. Thank you, reviewers!
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SightnSound rated it
November 15, 2021
Status: c299
Such a good novel that unfortunately went on hiatus and most likely won't return it seems...

What is so enjoyable about this novel is the timespan on building the characters. Start out in primary school (elementary) all the way to high school. The reincarnation really doesn't play any major role other than the keep the main character honest.

Some readers might find it annoying because it doesn't seem like there is a lot of progress every chapter, or that it is light on the romance side but it is well written.
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Cactiii rated it
September 19, 2021
Status: c10
I really don't understand how so many people rated this 5 stars... the author keeps skipping over pretty important small details like her grades, she goes to cram school but if a high schooler got reincarnated and put into kindergarden they would easily be able to do the basics and would probably be thought of as a genius since they already know the material... The main character's in these storys are also really s*upid... all you have to do is not bully the heroine and you will be fine but... more>> instead she starts avoiding the male lead to the point where he will probably be interested in her... The world building is also pretty bad, at first I couldn't even tell if this was fantasy world or not since they kept talking about the "emperor" which is really just some famous buisness group... overall this isn't that great of a book and it could use a lot of work, no idea how it got so many 5 star reviews. <<less
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PurpleH rated it
September 5, 2021
Status: c199
I really really really love this novel so much 😭💞 One of the best I've read and totally unique! I have been waiting for an update for years in the site I first saw it on 😭 and now, I finally found the continuation and I was ecstatic! But my heart broke finding out that this is on a hiatus 😭💔 I do hope this will continue! I'm still looking forward for it's completion!

And thank you translators!
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Tarithe rated it
August 13, 2021
Status: c100
I really love this novel, but I've been super impatient and decided to search for spoilers



... more>>

so at first I thought this would be the typical FL (MC) where she get all the male leads fall in love with her because she is "ignoring" them but it's the literal opposite, the male leads just think of the FL (MC) as some "funny and weird" and never gets a love life... ALSO The FL (MC) is a coward in the inside but in the outside she is the elegant girl

AND WHEN I READ IN THE SPOILERS THAT THE HEROINE OF THE STORY AND THE ML GETS TOGETHER EVEN THOUGH THE MC DIDN'T BULLY THE HEROINE, I WAS LIKE??? ISN'T IT DIFFERENT WITH THE SUMMARY?!?! OMG AAAAHHHHH ALTHOUGH THIS IS REALLY FUN TO READ, I KIND OF WANT TO DROP NOW.... I WISH I DIDN'T READ THE SPOILER.... AAAHHHHHHH WHY?!?!?! Like she doesn't get a love life and everyone around her gets into a happy relationship, isn't that just sad? Atleast let us dream author : (uwaa like the "beware of villainess" where the MC adopts a wolf and that wolf would become the cutest living being in the universe like.... Where is my cute ml.... Where is my romance.... I thought there would atleast be an end game for the MC but she doesn't even have one.... : (I just hope that in the next chapters (because this novel is in hiatus) that the author would atleast give our MC a love life like she is in high school, the place for romance.... 😭

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shilriarizz rated it
August 2, 2021
Status: c299
I loved this so much to actually register here and leave a comment.

This is such an amazing and enjoyable novel. I had myself laughing so much at almost every chapter. The story makes you want to keep reading it more and more. I actually didn't sleep for 24 hours reading chapter 1-220. It was THAT entertaining.

I don't regret reading this despite the hiatus. It ended without much romantic development for Reika though. I seriously hope we get to read the actual end someday. Or like, it turns into a manga... more>> or anime with an actual ending but still faithful to the novel / author's world.

I love Enjou so much but somehow I can't really let go of my hope for Kaburagi. LOL. I just really want Reika to be happy huhu I wanna know what happens next but I'll just fantasize about it until there's an actual ending. <<less
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