Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu


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It was something that happened while I was waiting for the day of the primary school entrance exam. I realised that I had become one of the characters of a shoujo manga that I loved reading in my old life, ‘You Are My Dolce’.

The role I was assigned was a character who bullied the commoner protagonist and tried to get in the way of her love with a rich boy nicknamed Emperor; a typical villainess rich girl, Kisshouin Reika.

At the end of the story, Reika suffered the Emperor’s retribution and even her family fell into ruin. With the villain gone, the protagonist and the Emperor overcame their trials and became a couple. And they lived happily ever after.

Wait, that’s terrible for meee! The manga ended there, but I have to continue living my life after my family is ruined!

The protagonist can enjoy her romance or love or whatever on her own. I’ll erase my presence so that I don’t anger the Emperor.

Eh-? The story isn’t progressing well because there’s no villain, you say? But I’m busy saving up money and studying so that I can live well after the collapse.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Will Live with Humility and Dependability as My Motto
You are my dolce
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Wacky ass misunderstandings
  2. Good novels
  3. Hall of Comedy
  4. Faves
  5. my reads

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/07/17 reikakisshouin c269
07/07/17 reikakisshouin c268
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260 Reviews sorted by

Crescent rated it
October 14, 2017
Status: c167
A really great story with a lovable MC. Although it has a similar premise to 'I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess With Only Destruction Flags... ', the way the story unfolds is completely different. ... more>>

Not everyone she meets falls in love with her. So far, this story has mostly been a slice of life story. The romance is extremely slow or negligible which can be refreshing as not every encounter with a male is a romance flag. From other reviews, there seems to be no concrete love interest for MC even nearing the 300th chapter.

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pandoravanity rated it
December 7, 2016
Status: c13
This story is enjoyable and fun. The MC Reika is funny. You will never guess what she will do. Her funny moment shines when her brother was the MC for some chapters. The other supposed main characters also has a certain twist in personality which I would have not found it funny if it is not described by Reika. It would not have the same hilarity in it. Strive Reika! Your devotion towards uniting with your common junk food is supported my friend! hahaha, I rate five for her weird... more>> personality (especially in her brother's eyes) and cute manipulating skills. Although yes, nobody can beat that brother of her's. <<less
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NJIN1066 rated it
July 23, 2016
Status: c73
This story is very funny, heart-warming and interesting. The translation quality is among the highest I have seen. The translator has captured the hilarious tone of Reika's narration and simply reading a chapter is a delight.
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kami5 rated it
February 16, 2016
Status: --
I've really enjoyed the MC's interactions and her determination to live a solid commoner lifestyle. The translations and cultural explanations of different parts of the story show that the editor really cares about this work and wants to explain all the intricacies to the readers. Fantastic stuff and you won't be disappointed if you decide to read it.
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deadLights rated it
December 28, 2015
Status: --
Super cute! I love how she wants nothing to with any male, except her brother ? Being a teen caught in a child's body ? Plus I love how her love for "low class snacks"??????? Seems to be a motivating factor for her! This story is just so enjoyable!
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Maniac rated it
December 26, 2015
Status: --
This story has me busting a gut laughing, not from any over the top antics, but from just how well portrayed the simple-mindedness of the main character is, especially when we get to see another perspective. While Reika may be simple-minded, she is not hopelessly dense about everything, she can actually be quite clever, but others rarely see it.
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Luen rated it
December 24, 2015
Status: --
The story has a nice plot and the MC is seriously hilarious with her plebian ideas in a elite setting
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kirindas rated it
December 24, 2015
Status: --
The story is very fun and soothing to read. Reika is cute and dense in a funny sort of way. It's funny to see the stark contrast with how she acts and how she thinks others see her.

Read this if you enjoy cute and fluffy stories with a female MC.
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Talyn rated it
December 24, 2015
Status: --
Thank you for the Christmas posts! :D

I love this story! It’s so funny how the MC can be really mature and really silly at the same time. I check for updates everyday ^^

It has a light atmosphere so far and has no romance yet (c35), probably because the MC & friends are still quite young. I'm sure there are more happy and fun moments to come.
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nora75 rated it
March 14, 2022
Status: c299
This is one of the most hilarious and fun reincarnation webnovels I've ever read. I haven't yet encountered any good similarly comedic and heartwarming novels where you just fall in love with our flawed and quirky MC. I've re-read it a bunch of times and its still so damn funny. The translation is great too, which is rare.

I feel like the world setting is kinda realistic with no magic, where the MC is not OP nor she suddenly be becomes a genius after reincarnation the only advantage she has... more>> is knowing the future. Just when a normal person (a little clumsy and cough... dumb) transmigrates to an otame game world (which in this case I feel like its kinda like a parallel universe)

I just wonder if its ever going to come out of hiatus. I want to see more of Reika and her comedic musings and maybe Enjou's POV. For this novel I can even wait another 5 years if I had to but just wish the author won't drop it. <<less
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Luzian rated it
April 28, 2021
Status: c299
I'm not a Christian but Jesus Christ how late is the romance OY?! It's 300 chapters in and Reika still does not have any clue on who is romantically interested in her and almost all the (early chapter) potential romance candidate already has a lover.

I had the highest of expectations on this but the more I read, the more I get worn down from hoping too much Orz. I still recommend this novel to whoever reads this review but WARNING: Just try to enjoy reading it at your own pace,... more>> don't rush and don't hope for too much in a short period of time. <<less
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ChiChidi rated it
August 1, 2020
Status: c155
Absolutely love this story... but wouldn't recommend anyone getting into it. The author has been MIA since early 2017. I have searched everywhere, but I can't find any information on them.

It is unlikely that the story will be concluded, so I wouldn't recommend anyone getting into this.
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April 16, 2020
Status: c1
Best translation ever! The translation is very smooth and readable, they even include pictures and videos for culture references the story makes that you make not get. The plot will literally start in kindergarten and every grade level before it builds up towards highschool so its a really slow burn. I personally enjoy the length cus the story really is really slice of life and school life-oriented. My only hope is that Reika one day has her own romance as the story progresses.
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April 3, 2020
Status: c235
How to rate that ?

The zero :

the biggest part is the silly self infatuated monologue of an unsustainable character (20 years old in a 6 years old, growing up, but behaving forever like she’s Between 6 and 12) ; she has no trouble becoming a ojousama and the shock culture os basically nothing, her being a reincarnator makes her addicted to junk food, on top of being addicted to food - she is about mediocre at anything at best, or excruciatingly bad at many things quite often

so yes, it’s too... more>> much most often and it’s plain boring

it becomes a subtle art to scroll to some pretty incredible interactions, absolutely hilarious and a delight to read - alas, not often enough

as far as romance go, part of it is pre written from the previous book setting, but as for our MC : there’s none

the only good points are these few miraculous funny moments, and the few time that - for cowardly reasons - she actually handle in a remarkable manner - and there you have it, it was about the only talent of the MC, but it’s underused, and made as a joke

hopefully with beautiful pictures and descriptions from the nice translators, makes the ride bearable as it’s spashes you with Japanese culture with grace and abundance, but honestly, read only if you don’t mind an extra long slice of disney teen movie (not a great one)

It seriously could have been not so bad, if anything actually happened... the story made a caricature out of a caricature, the quirky characters becomes utterly boring as no interactions are really more than brushed of - there’s no romance, but barely there’s also nothing but superficial exchanges in friendship too - so the queen of a lonesome village offers an overly self centered one girl show... so where’s the drama ? When does something - anything - happens

so, as even the MC wonders and complains about it : so do we... but we don’t have dessert to just make do with this utterly self destructive work

(best exemple would be a Christmas party, in which s*upidity, pride and over flaws, brings her to end up all alone, doing nothing but sleep, when all side characters actually do something ... why being entertained when you can be bored - and so it goes) <<less
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September 15, 2019
Status: --
The story have so much potential to be great.. But somehow the story from middle school just have repeated event its not boring because how the author write it but.. Event the author is bored eventually..

Maybe it's better when the story skipped to last year of middle scholl from how it's start so it can easyly go to turning point and become great LN..
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MeimeiXgreetsXNiangniang rated it
August 21, 2019
Status: c299
One of the first novels I've read here in NU and it breaks my heart that it's still on hiatus for a few years. I'm the kind of person who cannot feel at peace if I don't know the ending of a story.

This novel follows the wacky life of Reika-sama and how she pretends to be a magnanimous noble but a commoner inside. The story focuses more on her interaction with the people surrounding her and not so much in the romance department. There are hints in the last few... more>> chapters but the novel hasn't been updated.

Join me in my ship ?


let the black belly give stomach pains to our Reika-sama. <<less
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lemonado rated it
July 26, 2019
Status: c229
It's a really good read, and the first and only novel I've bothered to give a rating for. The protagonist is lovable and cute and there's a lot of fluff and loveliness and it's just hilarious too! The only thing bothering me is the hiatus that makes me feel like I might cry from not reading Reika-sama for so long...
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ardills rated it
May 14, 2019
Status: c299
it's long exhausting ride, but I'm not bored at all! Reika-sama is so funny that you hardly bother about the slow plot. Well, imagine reading one's diary about her every day life.

Somewhat funny and unique ojou-sama's diary which is hilarious. What made me fell in love with this series is that, even though Reika-sama is quite influential character in her school, she is totally felt like a mob character.

The story is mostly portrayed from her POV. I can't explain well, duuh. Hmm, when we encounter a story, it's a... more>> given that the MC will be given hurdles he/she has to surpass in order to move the plot. But what's happen with reika-sama is really pure about her POV about stuff that happen around her. It's almost like the plot has nothing to do with her. Well, exactly felt like real life, huh.

The plot is moving slowly indeed and rather then her own character development, you will see her relationship, the chara development of people around her, and events from her POV. Which is mostly like testifying a mob's narration regarding events and relationship of Hero x Heroin in hilarious way. Reika-sama is really wonderful character, even I come to love her and decided to be her fan.

But in this story She is the MC and she is the mob, so it's really interesting. Sometime it's a bit vexing, since more than anything, I hope for Reika-sama to get her share of romance so much that I teared up.

but, when the plot finally going around Reika-sama and we got a hunch about who the 'ML' might be, the japanese author is in 'hiatus' state.

This is the legendary web novel which is quite popular in Japan but have yet get its official publication. Bad news, it's already more than a year since she last updated. But, I warned you. <<less
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fltstrt rated it
April 14, 2019
Status: c299
Probably the most slice of life story I've ever read- story follows the MC from the time she's 6 to teenage years.

Many hilarious and heart warming moments. There are also certain parts where it's too slow for me and I ended up skimming through them.

For the first 299 chapters, romance is practically non existent and yet the plot kept me invested.

Unfortunately just when the romance is finally picking up (I think), the author went on a hiatus... thus an angonising wait ensues... at this point, I'm not positive... more>> that this story will be completed. <<less
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Yoojustcamehome rated it
March 31, 2019
Status: c227
I am agonizing to know who she ends up with


i mean we do have a fling here and there with that ojisan and sempai butttttt please I have this feeling enjou likes her too and we haven't been yet introduced to his so-called fiance as yet and I think there's a story behind her seeing how our angel get's all worked up and enjou gives this weird response to her buttttttt that s*upid emperor needs to know his ongoing feelings for reika-sama which he had since primary rightttttt

thank you for... more>> the translationssss people at oniichanyamete~~ <<less
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