Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu


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It was something that happened while I was waiting for the day of the primary school entrance exam. I realised that I had become one of the characters of a shoujo manga that I loved reading in my old life, ‘You Are My Dolce’.

The role I was assigned was a character who bullied the commoner protagonist and tried to get in the way of her love with a rich boy nicknamed Emperor; a typical villainess rich girl, Kisshouin Reika.

At the end of the story, Reika suffered the Emperor’s retribution and even her family fell into ruin. With the villain gone, the protagonist and the Emperor overcame their trials and became a couple. And they lived happily ever after.

Wait, that’s terrible for meee! The manga ended there, but I have to continue living my life after my family is ruined!

The protagonist can enjoy her romance or love or whatever on her own. I’ll erase my presence so that I don’t anger the Emperor.

Eh-? The story isn’t progressing well because there’s no villain, you say? But I’m busy saving up money and studying so that I can live well after the collapse.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Will Live with Humility and Dependability as My Motto
You are my dolce
Related Series
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Otome Game Rokkushuume, Automode ga Kiremashita (7)
Omae Mitai na Hiroin ga Ite Tamaruka! (6)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Wacky ass misunderstandings
  2. Good novels
  3. Hall of Comedy
  4. Faves
  5. my reads

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/07/21 reikakisshouin c240
09/27/20 Oniichanyamete c240
09/13/20 Oniichanyamete c239
05/21/20 Oniichanyamete c238
05/17/20 Oniichanyamete c237
04/02/20 Oniichanyamete c236
03/21/20 Oniichanyamete c235
03/08/20 Oniichanyamete c234
12/02/19 Oniichanyamete c233
11/24/19 Oniichanyamete c232
09/15/19 Oniichanyamete c231
08/24/19 Oniichanyamete c230
05/15/19 Oniichanyamete c229
04/01/19 Oniichanyamete c228
01/18/19 Oniichanyamete c227
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260 Reviews sorted by

BillionJellyfish rated it
November 6, 2017
Status: c175
I am a huge fan of otome games/harem novels, so this one goes into my AllTimesFav folder. The plot is interesting and funny while the MC is lovable to the max, so there is nothing to not like about the novel. Recommend this novel a try to all readers!
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LeeEzekiel rated it
June 23, 2017
Status: c98
For me, this is probably the only Otome Game novel that even comes close to Destruction Flag Otome in terms of sheer enjoyment factor. I don't even fully understand why I like this story so much. Is it the amazingly relatable protagonist? The hilarious cast who all have distinct, well developed personalities? The unreliable narrator, and how we get tiny glimpses of what people really think of Reika-sama?

Whatever it is, this is my go to "relaxation" novel.
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Pandevil rated it
June 20, 2017
Status: c93
It was enjoyable at first with some story introducing the past life characters and there were some sweet moments like the protagonist's interactions with her older brother. There was a least some character development like with the protagonist standing up for herself or the one chapter where she's upset about her previous life. But yeah, I think the author forgot she was writing a story at some point and started doing a mini-blog of a girls struggle with fat and food rants. Like seriously, the whole thing with the protagonist... more>> is that she's a high-class ojou-sama that's well respected by her peers but is actually goofy and funny on the inside but that's gone, she acts like an average girl, her abilities are below average, and it's like she has no defining traits, she pretty plain.


AND, AND, AND, what the heck happened to the heroine?? I was so hyped, there was potential for some kind of progression but nah, protagonist acts nice to her and we are DONE. The supposed romance characters don't do anything, the emporer doesn't confess or really interact with her at all. This was literally the climax, the thing the synopsis suggests would be important. Nothing.

I'll still grind through it, in hopes something happens. Maybe it'd be a bit more fun and relatable if I was a girl hung up on dieting (fyi don't fast, not eating for 3 days won't cause the fat to drop off) or super into food. But yeah, the lack character interactions and fun developments in the later chapters really drops the score to 2/5 for me.

Edit: haha it literally got back on track after I wrote this review. It is fun to read when the author doesnt seem to have writer's block, bumped it to 3/5. <<less
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Michimichi rated it
May 22, 2017
Status: c90
I made this account just to rate this novel its well deserved 5/5. I would've rated it much higher if it was possible.

I'm more into wuxia/xanxia types of novel but I decided to just look for a high rated novel above 4.5 and found this.

First of all, hats off to the translator/s. The translations were so well-done and they even add pictures and explanations for cultural references. Thank you so much translator-sama!

The story is quite simple but not a single chapter made me bored. But the strongest aspect of this... more>> novel is the MC. Reika is probably the most adorable, likeable, funniest MC I've ever read. 99% of the chapters are from her POV so you can really see how hilarious her train of thoughts is. She's an extremely interesting character that on rare occasions that a POV is from a side character (there's been only four so far - bro, bro's bff, class rep, monk) I find myself smiling from ear to ear coz I can relate as a reader. I'd like to see how other characters see her.

As for the actual romance, Forever Alone Village still has its chief. Honestly, there's no clear candidate for mc's otp. Anybody can end up with her and I wouldn't complain.

My only problem now is that I had caught up with the translations and I don't know Japanese. <<less
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MiloSalad rated it
April 7, 2017
Status: c88
It's one of those stories where you find yourself relax but yet excited at the same time. And since its one of those transferred or reincarnated types, I thought that the protagonist would excessively be calculating on how to not have her bad end. But, reika handled it like normal person would and even though she was a different reika than the original one, she was still misunderstood at times. Despite that she still struggled to have friends and while wanting to not have to do anything with the... more>> 2 yumyums, not everything goes her way.

Reika is honestly one of my favorite female protagonist. I could sometimes see myself in her shoes when it comes to stuggling with studies and the signing part.

I find myself mumbling or perhaps shouting "AREN'T YOU SO ADAWABLE !!! " and " YOU CAN DO IT! GANBATTE! "while reading this.

IN regards to shipping! While my main one is under construction and idk if it will sail, my other ships have sank! Those hints, THOSE LITTLE TINY HINTS! D@$*! And her onii-sama, hats off him! He is the best!

The story is easy to understand and read.

I didnt re-read twice a paragraph except those in which ones that my heart would pop out from my mouth out of the tickling sweetness that is described. Really!

And there were cultural details in which was hard to imagine but thankfully the translator did a great job of giving information about it.

All in all 8/5

Really... It's beyond... though this is just my opinion I really love it. Internet is scary. <<less
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ockyboo rated it
July 24, 2016
Status: c73
This is a wonderful slice of life about a cute dense girl who accidentally is the leader of the girls in school. She's eccentric and funny and the side characters are developing well. The translation is wonderful and not confusing in the slightest. There are even explanations, photos, and videos included occasionally to more fully flesh out the story for us non-natives to Japan. Awesome job, translator-san!
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Chaku rated it
April 29, 2016
Status: --
Reika is an endearing character, I love her expressions, thoughts, and realize I see myself in her, I empathize with her and cheer when she overcomes a hurdle, I love her greatly, the only thing I would like is more development of side characters. The story itself is very compelling, I look forward to all the updates when theyre translated, its probably one of the few stories that I want to learn Japanese for so I can read it in its entirety, Im thankful to the translators for working hard... more>> in bringing this out, and cant want for each and every installment.

Thank you to the author for creating such a warm and genuinely wonderful character, thank you for the story. <<less
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ike_00000 rated it
June 19, 2019
Status: c229
Cute read! The pace is quite slow, but basically it explores her world of as an upper-class noblewoman who wants to stay as detached as she possibly can while maintaining all images of superiority.

Honestly I really love the MC's character. She's silly and hilarious, yet quite relatable even as she (rather) successfully plays the Perfect Ojousama. It helps that half her thoughts are about food, which I find personally very relatable. The story's focus isn't on romance I would say, but rather about friendships and building relationships with others in... more>> a complicated relationship dynamic.

The story is also refreshing in that she doesn't actually have a harem of the main male leads, which is quite different than many other similar stories. In fact, she really doesn't try at all to establish relationships with the handsome boys beyond the very bare minimum (which tbh is a lil upsetting as a shoujo fan haha but original nonetheless), very much the side character in all attributes except status. The slower pacing of the story allows for quite a thorough exploration of all the different characters in the story; there's quite a lot, but none of them feel very shallow. That said, even though I appreciate the slower pacing that isn't at all "fell in love at the drop of a hat", sometimes I do wish to read more of her romance haha. Quite honestly, it wasn't clear until very far in the story who the likely male would be.


The "drop of a hat" thing might not necessarily apply since it seems like Emperor fell for Wakaba pretty quickly, but it doesn't really matter. Even though from the beginning I wasn't rooting for him, to see all the hype that the author built up based on the premise of the "Kaburagi Group's heir" and yet he loves someone else is still quite disappointing haha. Although he's written so pathetically it's alright he doesn't end up with her. I would like some more hype built around the family of the probable male lead though, but I think it's coming.


The other characters are all enjoyable too. Oniisama (he's definitely hiding a girlfriend!! :' (), Yukino, Imari, Class Rep, etc. And of course, especially later on, her thoughts when she's with Kaburagi and Enjou is just too funny!

I recommend giving it a try, but if you're hoping for strictly romance be prepared to be very patient. ALSO the translation by Oniichanyamete is amazing! They really put a lot of effort into explanations of cultural contexts referenced in the chapter and pictures of the things she's talking about (ie. What food it is). HUGE props. <<less
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tinkerbel99xmn rated it
November 15, 2018
Status: c169

this novel had potential (at first) tbh. I liked it in the beginning but when they turned out in highschool. Man, was I surprised that out of all those chapters I patiently read all this time hoping for something exciting to happen, not once did an event like that ever happened. Reika might not be supposedly the protagonist in the otome game but she is in this novel yet after all those chapters, she didn't even had this character growth unlike Kaburagi and others. She's such a coward! Irritatingly coward.... more>> She's scared of a lot things yet does nothing about it plus she's selfish. She will only act if she's on the edge. Also this story is almost all about food more than the romance area and the story is freaking slowwww to the point of boring lol. I wonder what's with the author's head. This is something you won't read till morning because the story has no direction just free flowing. I think it only made me read this far because I like how the translator put it into words but nope, I don't like wasting my time anymore for this crap. <<less
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Purry_1412 rated it
October 13, 2018
Status: c299
this is one of the best reincarnated villainess ive read so far~ the MC is sooo funny and I really love the author's writing!

MC is realistic but super funny! The story might be slow paced but there's no dull moment/chapter (IMO) Reika is a respected (feared lol) ojousama but is quite goofy and adorable on the inside which makes her interactions to other characters really funny

if Bakarina is the Harem Queen, Reika is the Forever Alone Village Chief
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A name is useless
A name is useless rated it
May 21, 2018
Status: --
Boring novel, nothing happens, the MC is pathetique, coward and without personality.

You can retire some tags who are put in NU for this novel like:

  • Beautiful female lead (she was never descried as beautiful, at best average and even round in some parts of the story)
  • Sister/Brother complex (they are just caring about brother/sister, they are close but that's all)
  • Cute protagonist/story (nothing cute in this story, just a story about a girl, the MC, who try to make friends in a way that is not realistic at all)
A... more>> anoying and boring slice of life story with the worst MC you can have for this kind of story. <<less
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Riptide01 rated it
April 11, 2018
Status: c203
A nice and relatable story that doesn't get too repetitive with its own unique little flavor that sets it apart from other otome-game types of novels.
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Kerbasi rated it
August 26, 2017
Status: c155
I'm really Glad I took the time to binge read where I left off a year ago.

This series is hilarious! I love Reika's internal monologue, and how she's so different from what everyone else perceives her to be.

There isn't much progress though in her love interests, but because of that, it makes you want to read more!

I thought I'd eventually get bored because this novel doesn't even seem to have a plot line. It's just your Everyday journal-like events of an Ojousama, but I was wrong. I couldn't stop reading... more>> this!

Can't wait to read more! <<less
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BlancFrost rated it
April 8, 2017
Status: c88
This novel the other favourite of mine to actually keep up with the updates.

The MC (Reika with the drill hair and all) is a wonderful character who tries her best to prevent her father from any shady dealings. She studies hard and seriously so she can live a good life just in case tragedy strikes her family leaving them with nothing.

Her interactions with the other characters show a lot of depth. The way they perceive her and how she thinks she is acting are completely different which is hilarious. Reika... more>> is rather sweet and her view of the world may be a bit skewed but everyone still gravitates towards her.

I would definitely recommend this novel to anyone who wants a good read about such an lovable character. As usual Oniichanyamete has great translations to make it such an enjoyable read (the food pictures make me hungry just looking at them). <<less
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Raed rated it
March 30, 2022
Status: c299
For the story so far, I definitely think it deserves 5 stars, but the lack of closure / ending makes it difficult to give it full 5 stars. I feel a full review is given based on a complete story.

I love the depiction of Reika, and somehow the story the author weaves really makes you slowly want to cheer her on her endeavours.

It is rather slow paced and yes, some of the things that Reika focuses upon are very mundane but yet there is a degree of subtle humour which... more>> really appeal to me.

I do wish that I may see the completion of the novel and fruition of her romance - seems like there is only 1 or 2 male character candidate left so far that may be potentially become her partner lols. (Although seems impossible - this has been on hiatus for over 4 years?) <<less
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AliceJ rated it
November 22, 2021
Status: c299
I've read this while back and it was just soooooo good!! This is probably the only light novel that I've ever liked this much and I'll ever like lmao. No hate for Japanese novels but some of them are just THAT bad. I've been waiting for an update but from the reviews it seems this novel was dropped, it's such a pity guess I'll just use my imagination to fill up the rest. ┐ (´~`) ┌ If only we got to see who the love interest is, if there's a love interest at all, the MC after all is the chief of the single village. Speaking about the MC she has to be one of my fav MCs out there, so realistic and her daily commentaries on her everyday life... more>> are hilarious, she's the first transmigration MC I could relate to, the people around her are interesting and each one has his special characteristics and own life that we get a glimpse of from the MC's perspective.

The pacing is slow which in this novel is a good thing, you get to know the characters and get attached to them you really feel like you're part of the novel studying with in the same school and living in the same house, it's a weird but a very nice experience. Even tho it's slow paced but it's really fun to read since the events are really amusing and cute, and the mc's narration makes it 10 times better. You could say this novel has a very nice comedic undertone and a hilariously funny unreliable narrator.

and last but not least, THE TRANSLATION QUALITY! It's so good! The translator did an amazing job, probably one of my favourite translations of all time 10/10. °˖✧◝ (⁰▿⁰) ◜✧˖° yall could see that I'm super excited about it (´ ᴗ`✿) <<less
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Nikkiart rated it
May 7, 2021
Status: c299
This story is just slice of life in a ouran school type setting and the MC sort of reads like a background character In the story but not in a bad way. I just mean that she’s never really dead center in the romance which I actually find hilarious.

Honestly this is just pretty funny. I love the comedic tone of the whole story and also the sort of ‘realism’ of it can be called that. I mean Reika has crushes and those crushes end and she moves on and not... more>> every boy falls for her or vice versa. It’s nice and I love that she has real friends instead of just ppl pushing the love plot line forward.

I will say absolutely don’t read this for romance as other reviews have mentioned since there’s basically none but this story is a good read in my opinion. I highly recommend it!!! <<less
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Em_Rez rated it
October 8, 2020
Status: c299
I love, love, love this series. The only sad thing is that the author seems to have dropped it a while back, with no hints of continuation. But my oh my do I love this series.

The biggest thing to remember is that this is a slice of life series. At the core, that's what it is. There are overarching goals and obstacles, but mostly it focuses on the everyday experiences of Reika. If slice of life isn't your style, and you want the plot to advance quickly, then this isn't... more>> the series for you. The plot progresses extremely slowly, year by year, and at almost a real life-like pace. Things don't necessarily happen in a steady stream - you really just have to enjoy the everyday interactions.

Unlike other otome reincarnation novels, people aren't randomly falling for the main character left and right. In fact, she doesn't really interact much with the two MLs until high school, and there's really no romance to speak of for her so far except in Reika's bitter fantasies. The reason for no one approaching her might be a bit contrived (she's so high status and intimidating that no one dares approach her), but that makes it so that she struggles to make friends and celebrates every interaction. She's constantly keeping an air of a proper high-class daughter, but in reality, really wants to make friends, loves eating junk food from her previous life, and cares about people who are getting bullied.

It's got everything you need - a dense/silly but also likeable protagonist, a doting family, friendship, rich descriptions of high class food and travel... It just makes you feel good. Every chapter feels good to read.

As far as romance goes, we've only been clued into the main love interest fairly recently, like in the beginning of high school. It had been slightly hinted at before, but not really much has happened until very recently. And even then, not much. If you're a fan of passionate romance, you might find reading about Kaburagi and the heroine's relationship fun. Otherwise, nothing has happened yet on the Reika and main ML front. Like literally, they still haven't gone on a solo outing yet. Also, they're blocked by what seems to be the ML's fiance, which indicates that this stalled out state of affairs will probably continue for a long while before it's finally resolved... if the LN ever finishes. Of course, Reika only sees him as a cunning conniver who can see right through her right now.

One more thing - I can tell the author is a huge foodie and dessert fan. Especially of desserts/sweets. Wow, at this point, I feel like I've been given a world tour of all the available high class desserts of all across the world. It's kind of fun to read about, and I quite enjoy it. Also, have fun vicariously travelling to expensive places all around the world with Reika, lol. <<less
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alrahe rated it
September 19, 2020
Status: c299
I really like this novel and enjoy the story a lot, despite there're many miscellaneous things happened in this novel, it's still fun to read. But I feel a bit disappointed with the author, because he/she might be discontinued this novel, makes me regret why I read this unfinished story. _ (:зゝ∠) _

The FL:

The FL is ridiculously funny, she got her own pace and antic so it made her unique. The starter story is slow, it show how much the FL being careful being around the Male 1 & 2. She's trying hard to put a facade to mask her personality but it's still show. And for the latest chapter she's finally show her true colour bits a bits but sadly the author hasn't continued the novel. It's like "lagi sayang-sayangnya eh diputus". I like how author give her many nickname like rococo queen, makie makie, goddess Kali (curly) and etc. And she's also not trying to be self righteous toward heroine (the FL of the manga she's been in) because people bully her, but FL's kind in her own way.



Idk which ones is the ML (because of the very slow 🐌 romance) ; the Male 1 (Bakaburagi, sorry he's indeed baka and simple guy) is pretty much fall for the heroine and made (forced) FL to be his strategies. And the story began very interesting cause how blunt FL toward this simpleton, and the friendship act between them is so fun to read.

the Male 2 (Enjou) even though he's surprisingly observing the FL a lot, he got (self-proclaimed) fiance. He's became a bit persistent toward FL in the latest chapter, always say that FL looks cute like a rabbit. I really wish to read from his pov about FL because he knows FL a lot. Geez, I hope they can be together, they indeed match with each other.

I also like the other characters like FL father (the tanuki pfft), her dreamy oni-sama, her flirty oni-sama's friend, her devoted cousin, her sharp mouth bestie, class rep, angel yukino-kun (Enjou little bro), and many more.


Thank you for the translator to translate this novel for free, I love it when you also give some explaination and insert classic music about how FL describe some of character. Thanks for your hard work.

Considering there're so many fans of this novel (some people draw doujinshi, fanfic, etc) I really hope the author (I hope he/she is well and okay) pick it up again. And then made this into manga -> anime, that's would be wonderful.
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GGbookluver rated it
September 8, 2020
Status: c150
I'm giving this a 3.5 stars.

'Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu' follows a girl who transmigrated into the body of the villainous. Those who have read enough asian novels, or comics already are familiar with this troupe. So why does it have such high reviews?

Because it has a new take on this story. This isn't really about a villainess anymore, it's abouta gluttenous airhead bishoujo. It follows from kindergarten all the way to highschool, and I'm reviewing up to a couple chapters in the high school arc (can't remember which chapter though).

What really sold this is the characters. Seeing the characters you'd usually see in a villainous trope suddenly having a twist to their personalities, making it hilarious and fun. It feels really refreshing.

So should I read it?

Well there is one pet peeve that might annoy many people. It's written like a journal entry. Okay don't start backing out because fo this, it's unique way of telling the story is honestly what originally s**ked me in. But imagine reading a jounral entry for 500 chapters, that's what made me drop. I felt tired after 200, even though I still go back to it every now and then. (In fact I'm suddenly feeling the mood to read it right now.) If you like to binge-read you'll most likely drop this story.

It's also easy to forget. Maybe it's just me, but I have restarted this story 3 times because everytime I want to go back to it I can't remember where I left off. Just thinking about this novel makes me tired, it's like reading a lullaby. It's nice and sweet, but you fall asleep before the end of it.

Speaking of which, if you're a fan of action, thriller, or stuff that has you on the edge of your seats, well... get ready for a change of scenery. There is absolutely no action, or attention jerking scenes in here. Other than the food. Because...

This story makes you hungry. I'm warning you now, don't read this on an empty stomache. Not only does the MC talk about her eating or wanting food every chapter, the translator always puts pictures of the food she's talking about (which is really nice) and it drives me crazy.

The characters... yeah they all weird. Like I mentioned earlier, the cast in this novel are the real selling points. I'm not saying they're fully fleshed out characters with realistic depth. Rather they are so very unrealistic, and that's why they're so loveable. I can't really remember all the characters, and I keep forgetting their names (I had to read the summary to get Reika's name). But I remember their personalities, and boy did I laugh a couple of times.

Comedy is good, not gold, but definitely leaves you chuckling. Especially the chapters that show how the MC is viewed by others, they are my favorite chapters.

All in all the novel is really good: so why 3.5 instead of the 5/5 that everyone else is giving?

Three major things:

    1. MC's Density This is actually a running gag in the story. And while it starts off funny, it loses it's endearance after constantly seeing it all the time. The MC is s*upid, most of the time I enjoy it, other times I feel the need to chuck my tablet out the window. She never gets anything. And she overthinks about the wrong things. It gets really annoying after 50 chapters tbh.
    2. Journal Entry I did say this was what got me to read the story, but it also got me to drop it. If you properly manage the amount of chapters you read at once it can still be enjoyable.
    3. Repetitive Unfortunately you see a pattern after reading a couple of chapters, and this repetitiveness makes me no longer look forward to what's going to happen, because I already know. (Doesn't change the fact that it is fun to watch it play out)
There you have it folks.

You'll never really know until you give it a try. But if you're like me who reads based on the reviews and the ratings, hope this helps.

- Peace

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