Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu


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It was something that happened while I was waiting for the day of the primary school entrance exam. I realised that I had become one of the characters of a shoujo manga that I loved reading in my old life, ‘You Are My Dolce’.

The role I was assigned was a character who bullied the commoner protagonist and tried to get in the way of her love with a rich boy nicknamed Emperor; a typical villainess rich girl, Kisshouin Reika.

At the end of the story, Reika suffered the Emperor’s retribution and even her family fell into ruin. With the villain gone, the protagonist and the Emperor overcame their trials and became a couple. And they lived happily ever after.

Wait, that’s terrible for meee! The manga ended there, but I have to continue living my life after my family is ruined!

The protagonist can enjoy her romance or love or whatever on her own. I’ll erase my presence so that I don’t anger the Emperor.

Eh-? The story isn’t progressing well because there’s no villain, you say? But I’m busy saving up money and studying so that I can live well after the collapse.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Will Live with Humility and Dependability as My Motto
You are my dolce
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Wacky ass misunderstandings
  2. Good novels
  3. Hall of Comedy
  4. Faves
  5. my reads

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Has rated it
January 8, 2022
Status: Completed
I cry myself to sleep every night, because I love this novel so much and I really want more chapters. This is the absolute best isekai/villainess novel I've ever read, and damn did I read a lot of them. There are other reviews that will explain better than me why this series is so good but I just really wanted to say that this is a novel that changed my perspective of what is good, it's seriously amazing.

I've read all of it in the beginning of December 2021 and I... more>> still (January 2022) find myself daydreaming about the plot and just thinking about the novel out of nowhere sometimes, it was just that good. <<less
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ziki rated it
July 15, 2017
Status: c120
Loved it.

While the story has reincarnation/world-travel-to-game aspect to it, very quickly this aspect is completely neglected and the story becomes extremely simple namely... a girl from wealthy family going to prestige school and experiencing completely normal life. The only catch that the reincarnation aspect gives is that MC has normal mentality compared to what one might expect from high class.

There are two main aspects that I loved this story for.

First there is MC, who is generally adorable, cute and funny and with her having to often pretend that she is... more>> the high class girl, the contrast between her inner self and that what she shows to everyone is the best. What's more because she is reincarnated as a rival heroine from Otome game/Sojou manga and she knows how rival heroine ended with bad ending... MC is doing all weird things to avoid those endings which produces endless funny situations as well. Generally MC is the main reason to read this story, if someone doesn't like MC then it's probably better to give up after 10-15 chapters.

As for the second aspect I love this story, it's because how stretch out the story is. The story starts just before MC enters primary school, class by class all the way to high school (at least till now it's translated till High school). I generally always enjoy reading about someone's "entire life". Not only we see the life of MC but also other people that she meets. Some other characters are introduced early some much later, in various places and so on. Simply things leading to getting to know other people. (in comparison how often is it that story starts in High School and MC doesn't know anyone but two or three people... here however most of the cast grows up with MC and changes as the time goes on as well.) Basically for someone who wants to reminisce about good old times when they were going to school, it's good novel to pick out.

Lastly I guess I will add that the whole novel so far (120CH) is extremely light read... the story is absolutely simple, there is no need to think much either and there basically aren't any annoying parts either. Usually in story like this there would be annoying high and mighty anti-heroine who would get in the way of MC at every step but in this story it's actually MC who is supposed to be doing so but she doesn't really care. In her school there are supposed two-princes that every girl chases after but MC is like... stay away, the further the better! I don't want any bed endings!

PS: As one might expect, with MC being a girl and story being about her going to school living her life without anything spectacular... this novel is probably dedicated to female audience but just for a note as a guy I loved it all the same... (the wait for new chapters will be difficult though especially with this being a story that one wants to sit down and read in one go rather than pick it up chapter by chapter) <<less
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solomaize rated it
April 16, 2017
Status: c88
This is a laid back sort of story. I usually just let it pile up abit before going into a reading frenzy because not much happens anyway. Warning though, never read on an empty stomach.

The MC is pretty funny, as well as her whole family. She's a brocon. Her brother also has a healthy level of siscon in him. I only wish she treated her father a little more better. There's no harm in a little fathercon you know! Give the tanuki some love! You might think her mom was... more>> normal, but no.

The translations are top notch and I really love how they give you pictures, backstories even videos of things related to the story. Besides that the comments section always cracks me up. This story has a lot of heart in it. It's a healing type story that you can chuckle over on a bad day. Great for when you need a positivity boost. <<less
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YYX rated it
June 24, 2017
Status: c100
A charming otome game novel. One of the best in its genre. With a simply adorable MC with just the right amount of s*upidity, likeable side characters, good translations, hilarious encounters, it is a must read. (Also good for a casual read)
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Shiroe Ackerman rated it
July 17, 2021
Status: c290
Honestly, I never got bored in each chapter. I just love Reika's personality. Her character is consistent: never failed to entertain me. Maybe one of the reason why I continued reading it despite the hiatus is that I somehow looked forward to when a male lead "really" appears. There are several of candidates but it's still not clear up to now. Well, I guess if that so happens, it would mean that the story would come to an end so for now I choose to enjoy it.

P.S. I hope the... more>> author shows up soon. ♥ <<less
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Mavsynchroid rated it
January 18, 2018
Status: c216
Utterly shocked there are so many 5 star ratings. This has to be one of the most boring novels I've read. It's more like a girl's diary, actually. Absolutely NOTHING happens. The fact that she remembers her old life is absolutely pointless plot wise. It's like the author started this novel with some idea in mind but got caught up with this alternate life in their head and just started writing the diary instead. The MC is the absolute worst too. You get panicky and scared when a kid in... more>> primary school glares at you? Are you kidding me? You're a frigging adult mentally. You get a crush on a kid in middle school or whatever? Are you a pe*o? She's also the kind of MC where EVERYONE pushes her around. "Will you do it reika-san!?! Please!?" "Well I'd rather not due to----" "I know you can do it! Thank you!!!"...... So utterly annoying. Just want to walk up and slap her for her weak and pansy like attitude.

There's nothing wrong with slice of life stories. Actually love quite a few of them, but that's not what this is. There's absolutely no point to this novel so far. It's been 63 chapters and the whole point of the story, (her being brought into the world of a manga she read where she's the bad guy) has yet to happen. The protagonist hasn't even shown up yet! It's just blathering on and on about her elementary school days, and then her middle school days. Wtf? The manga took place in high school. Also, the "Emperor" (Japanese kids are really ret*rded if they actually name classmates stuff like this and really act this way around them) who's the main MC in the manga treats her like absolute tr*sh the couple of times they interact. Not in like the "I'm somewhat interested in you but I'm going to tease and harass you" way, but the "You're going to be my little b**** for today and get what I want done, because that's how things should be."

Ugh.. Just everything about this novel... ugh. Only thing decent going for it is the quality of translating. Too bad the decent translator is a racist who can't keep his mouth shut at the top of every chapter. Writing things like calling the readers fa**ots and making "jokes" about Mexicans... Immature child.

Skip this if you don't want to be left with a bad taste in your mouth.

UPDATE: Went back to the novel and read it from the beginning again after a few months. Currently I'm at chapter 100. Everything is EXACTLY the same. The whole Otome thing is pretty much forgotten. Yes, the protagonist of the otome game has shown up, but so far the female lead has said ONE sentence to her. There's also only been I think one or two things that "happened in the game". It also wasn't her dealing with it in any way. Just mentioning once or twice "I think this happened in the game", then it's on to her extremely dull daily life. She's still the same old passive lead character who gets taken advantage of every other chapter. Constantly being a push over when people shove favors they need done at her. You at first think she might be witty due to the narration, until you realize she doesn't say 99% of what she thinks out loud. She's EXTREMELY boring and timid in reality. It really is a diary. I'll stick with it up until the current translated chapter, in the 200's, mainly so I can see if there's any change. It doesn't look good though.


Another nice looking guy had a pleasant conversation with her and she's thinking she might fall for him now. How old are you again? It was two lives, right? So you're like 30? And you fall for people because they call you dainty?


Just... NONE of it makes sense. It's a bunch of genres mashed up in all the wrong ways.

UPDATE 2: So I've read all the way to what's been translated, chapter 216. And yup, just as I thought, this is the most boring novel I've ever encountered. The main character isn't even really the main character. She's a side character who watches all the important things happen around her. Although when I say important things, it's INCREDIBLY rare for something interesting to actually happen. Maybe about 5 times since the novel's started, something interesting has happened. Other wise, it's all about her eating food and being pushed around by other people. It's 200+ chapters of a pushover living her daily life, and having absolutely meaningless conversations with fellow students. Also, these conversations repeat themselves in almost every chapter. The girls surrounding her imply that she likes the two big shots at their school, she weakly denies it and they don't believe her. Then one of the big shots comes up to her and uses her for something without any consideration for how she feels, enforcing the theory the other girls have. This is pretty much the only thing that happens for over 200 chapters.

Once again, I'm SHOCKED that people are rating this so highly. If this was tagged as a novel about a girl living her daily life, and had nothing to do with the whole otome game thing, then I'd rate it at at least 2 stars, for at least following the genre it's in, regardless of how boring it is. However, the author seemed to pretty much give up on the whole otome thing, and decided to live an ideal second life by writing about this girl who has everything's daily life. Seems as though the author wants to live vicariously through this character, and has thrown any actual plot to the wind. This will be the last time I update this as I have no intentions of coming back to the novel. Wanted to give it a fair shot though by reading over 200 chapters, in case something changed. Unfortunately it didn't. <<less
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kanade12 rated it
December 25, 2015
Status: --
A hyperactive girl in an ojousama's body, seeming weird and cute. A very fun monologue.
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YoriMei rated it
June 18, 2018
Status: c299
Edit: after reading all the available chapters, I stand by my review. This story truly is a treat and Reika is very very lovable. It is my absolute favorite story out of the entire "reborn into a otome game" genre, it's a little troubling as to how I'm supposed to live now that this series is on haitus. Please take a chance with this story. Another edit just to say it's been roughly 5 years since I first read this story and I've still never forgotten about it.

I've read a... more>> couple of reborn-into-otome-game stories before this and honestly? This story is so refreshing. I'm not super far into it but it's nice to see a girl who is still a lovable protagonist but isn't so over powered. She isn't completely oblivious, not a Harem master, she doesn't even have past skills that make her over powered via magic, accounting, research, whatever. While her romantic prospects are low (man...) she is still a great character that you'll cheer on!

Characterization aside, this story is a very long, but light hearted read. There are no complicated wars to be fought, no succession, no hidden heirs or towns to govern. No one is kidnapped, killed or fought. Rather than a riveting tale of manipulation and uprising it's... a slice of life following a quirky commoner girl stuffed in a rich girl's body, watch and she and her friends get into some shenanigans, help the ML win his heroine and find love along the way (hopefully). Rather than "avert bad endings", honestly it's the first story I've ever read that is simply just the MC actually living in the otome world.

overall? A very good read that should last you a couple days or weeks depending on your reading speed. Light hearted, a good wind-down story that wont pull any surprise punches. <<less
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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
December 9, 2021
Status: c299
This is an interesting slice of life built around financial elitism in a high school setting. Reika was an average girl in her previous life, but has been reborn as a rich doll-like oujo-sama. She knows a little bit about the future thanks to reading a manga in her previous life that is eerily close to her new life. You watch her grow from a small child into a high schooler as she tries to protect her family from ruin and adapt to her new role. She has no luck... more>> in romance herself, but she ends up acting as a matchmaker for her friends.

The ”You are my Dolce” manga plotline and setting reminds me most of Ouran Host Club. The richest, prettiest, and smartest are all gathered into an exclusive privileged group. Reika struggles with these class differences. She enjoys their benefits, but is also restricted by them socially. The more she has the more she will lose by interacting with the ‘wrong’ people. Even her usually kind parents are worried the scholarship students will have a bad influence on her. Yet, she doesn’t limit her friendships by these artificial classes. She makes efforts to protect her friends regardless of class even if she tries to hide the extent she is crossing the line from her judgemental peers.

Unfortunately the author has not written any chapters since 2017. We are at chapter 299 with no male lead or major progress on the central conflict of the story in sight. It’s a shame because it would have been interesting to see Reika’s university life as the plot moves further and further from the original manga.

General thoughts on unresolved plot lines and romance


The original fall of Reika’s family may have more behind it than it seems. The so-called ‘fraud’ may have been a convenient frame up or utilised corporate sabotage. An interlude chapter that showed events after the end of the manga implied not everything was as it seemed even in the original plotline. OG Reika is revealed to have been misunderstood due to her bad vision. It also seems that Endou and/or Katsuragi has an unknown plot against her; something about wanting to take her as a mistress? This is heresay by a known vicious side character who is in the camp of Endou’s “fiance.” It’s hinted multiple times that she is not as simple as she seems. It’s highly likely that she was rejected by Endou or at least sensed that he does not have deep feelings for her. Perhaps she is the true major villain??

The other possibility is that Endou is a deeply hidden future a**hole, but I somehow doubt that is where the author wanted to take the story. There are hints that he is interested in Reika. The way he leaned forward and playfully asked Reika to hit him. The way he uses his brother to ask her out. The comment he made about Katsuragi expecting chocolates from the one he likes said as if Endou has experienced this. Side stories that hint that an unnamed ‘he’ is often found gazing at Reika. He’s recently done things like hold her by the waist to help her walk. He teases her yet affectionately says she looks like a white rabbit and compliments her clothes/appearance.

The author has been hinting at this possibility, but also playing with the readers by pointing out another possibility. Endou has acknowledged Reika as a childhood friend. He teases her just because she’s fun to tease. He invites her out just to pamper his ill brother. He has helped her get closer to Katsuragi so that he has more time for his dating life. The ‘him’ could still be an oblivious Katsuragi who doesn’t recognize his own interest in Reika.

Reika herself has never considered either of them as dating candidates. She seems to instead have a distinct attraction to mature men. Her love interest may appear in college.

I actually thought Katsuragi (OG ML) would fall for her. His recent love arc has shown that he and the OG heroine suit each other quite well. The author may still have him experience another rejection and pursue the MC, but tbh I’m rooting for his innocent love at this point. The two are very academically smart sweet-tooths with a slightly clumsy side to them. The girl admires him but is not afraid to befriend him. She even finds his slightly stalkerish side kind of cute, although that may be due to her obliviousness.

Katsuragi in general is kind of immature which might not suit Reiko. Reiko herself is kind of dumb so they would either be a sincere bowl of dog food or completely unsuitable. It’s possible that he will mature after losing another crush which would make them suit each other quite well, but idk if I want to read about him going all depressed for love again unless it’s a really fast arc.

None of these speculations matter considering that the author is unlikely to ever continue the story though!! : (

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Lord Tartaros
Lord Tartaros rated it
January 11, 2021
Status: c299
A shame that we'll probably never see the end... as well as the start of the romance part lol.

Well a fun ride nonetheless.
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Arvind rated it
June 19, 2019
Status: c229

I'm LITERALLY speechless.

Just dont read it if u think its a romance novel. You'll find EVERYTHING other than romance here


For as much I've read so far, the so called 'emporor' is madly in love with the girl that was the protagonist of the novel which OUR protagonist is now part of and somehow she's helping him trying to win the girl over



I'm so disappointed that I'm tearing up
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rndmsmmrflng rated it
February 19, 2021
Status: c299
This is my second time reading the novel but my first time to write a review. Like the first time, I really really like it and it's very funny and enjoyable to read. To be honest, it's not some romantic novel where the characters go lovey-dovey. They say it's a slow romance but ugggh it has little to no romance at all! Not that it made the novel anything less but it's the sad truth. It's still fun even without it though but the characters around Reika were involved in... more>> romance one way or another so it makes it even 10x funnier reading her jealousy and curses but still continue to provide support for them.

I don't really have major complains about the translation quality. The translator also did his/her best in providing side information and pictures, even fanarts! However, I've read previous reviews about the format? Not sure but something like that. There are chapters or instances that Reika have this long inner monologue, and her daydreams but it's funny to read though. I'd say, at first it comes off as a narration with little dialogue but for me it's because it's still introducing the concept and characters. Later on, the chapters contains more dialogues from the characters because it does have plenty of interactions. Her inner monologues and daydreams just happen at the middle of it.

Reika is a natural airhead but not the annoying type or the s*upidly naive kind. I'd say it's her pushover tendencies and her cowardice that makes her appear airhead but she does try her best to resolve her problems without confrontations as much as possible and she's doing good in academics and ranking tbh.

Regarding the ships,


I believe Team Enjou is superior. Obviously. Kaburagi is a far possibility considering his type of girls and his personality. And I admit that I'm on board Enjou's ship HAHAHAHA. Enjou is a black hearted character hiding under his gentle and friendly appearance. He can't deceive Reika though cause she's always on guard. But the latter chapters just kind of have that starting atmosphere you know? And there's also that girl Yuiko who's like a hawk watching from the side but also makes sure to make her presence known. I do believe that Enjou doesn't see Yuiko as a romantic counterpart. There's also some hint that he tries to escape or go somewhere else from his home thus leading him to hang around the Pivoine salon alone. And also that coincidence in the cafe that Reika happen to visit. He was alone there. Yukino too, his little brother, doesn't seem to be comfortable around Yuiko from that school fest scene. AAAAAA I really want EnjouXReika to happen. And it's not like there are doki doki scene but they kind of have that comfortable vibe around the ending even though all they talk about is Yukino and Kaburagi.

I also feel like Yukino has been trying to ship his brother and Reika HAHAHA. I feel like he's thinking that it he can't have Reika for himself then the next big thing is to connect her with his brother. He does it subtly (from how it appears to ME) and always asks Reika out. He knows that Enjou will accompany him or pick him up lol. HE'S A MINI ENJOU IN THE MAKING! SLOWLY BECOMING A BLACK HEARTED GUY. AND IM IN!


IT'S SUCH A SHAME THAT IT HAS NOT BEEN UPDATE FOR AGES. I'm still praying that the author will pick this up again. I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS DURING THE FIREWORKS DAMNIT! <<less
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losernoodle rated it
April 15, 2020
Status: c299
My most favorite webnovel of all time, and the one that got me into webnovels in 2015. Kenkyo Kenjitsu is a slice of life novel that revolves around Reika, our lovable main female lead and villainess. I also believe this is the novel that started the "reincarnated as a villainess" fad (don't quote me on that).

The reason why this novel is so popular despite being slice of life and having very little romance is because of the main character. Reika is truly the type of main character that makes you... more>> want to cheer her on because she is relatable and hard-working in everything she does. At school she has her "rich persona" but all of her friends know that she is silly and kind at heart. She has to study hard for decent grades, she gains weight and diets like the rest of us, and she falls in love and fails in her pursuit of it. While this webnovel mostly revolves around Reika's daily shenanigans, there are a few times when sh*t hits the fan and those moments become some of my favorites from the novel.

This novel may be difficult for any non-Japanese person to understand because there are many Japanese references in regards to food and history. There were many times when poems, literature, or food were talked about and I had no idea what was going on. In this case, the translators do an amazing job of thoroughly explaining what is meant and providing pictures of the food.

It is a shame that the novel has reached an indefinite hiatus since 2017, because I sincerely believe that with ongoing releases this story could have been even more famous than Bakarina and have its own anime adaptation. <<less
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Fluffinya rated it
February 14, 2018
Status: c1
If you are a very patient person then this story is for you. I'm an impatient person hence the story is pretty bland to me. Reika is plain. Okay, even beyond plain. The author, I guess, tries to make her down-to-earth but she just makes her character seem s*upid and an airhead. Like seriously, what exactly is the point of her suddenly remembering her past life memories when all she does is go to cram school to buy sweets and eat them. She's in grade 5 and she's failing in... more>> science and social studies. That's how bad she is in studies. Is this normal unless the person who transmigrated was unusually dumb? Well with Reika's case, yes. All she does is eats sweets, mourn over getting a bit fat (like if you eat as much as you do of course you will get fat), getting pushed over by "Emperor" and giving advises to her friend. The heroine comes in high school and in chapter 24 she's in grade 5. She gets intimidated by a 10 y/o. The author is horrible. The author forgot that she's writing a story about a girl who transmigrated not a rant book. Maybe that's why Reika is such a plain and bland character. She doesn't stand out. All Reika does is thinking of "commoner food" and "commoner sweets" and love stories that have no sort of connection to her. Heck, she even likes her own brother. I've not read much JPN but this is one of the worst I can say. You'll get bored as the story goes on and on and on about sweets, getting fat and her rant. <<less
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Youka49 rated it
August 23, 2021
Status: c299
I do hope this novel returns from hiatus eventually, even if chances are slim. It was one of the first I've read in the villainess isekai genre and it remains one of my go-to self-indulgent rereads years later even now.

The first person perspective with running internal monologue from our dear MC, Reika-sama, is 'normal' in a way that might not be enjoyable for everyone, especially when considering what her real age is supposed to be, but I think to a certain subset of people her daily troubles are very relatable... more>> and/or funny. In particular, for people who prefer avoidance over conflict, secretly still harbor some chuuni thoughts from childhood, and perhaps lack some self control when it comes to snacking.

She's a little dumb, despite her otherwise public ojou-sama facade, which everyone who gets close to her in the story seems to realize pretty quickly, but she honestly studies hard and isn't like actually an idiot whether it comes to academics or society. Mainly she's a little airheaded, easy distractible, really weak to pressure, and (due to people actively hiding it from her) lacks self-awareness of what her schoolmates think of her and how she comes across to them (scary).

I would emphasize that, unlike a lot of other villainess MCs, while she does fall gradually into the trope of trying to avoid the original 'main characters' and failing, she's not stuck in the mindset that she herself is unviable as a romantic target (I wouldn't say she has high self esteem, but thinks of herself as cute enough, and as a result grows increasingly depressed that boys her age seem to avoid her), and harbors a lot of fantasies about romance. Which is all the more tragic for her inability to actually achieve a fulfilling romance as friends continue to pair up around her. She does have a little selective denseness, like toward whether her brother is taking advantage of her adoration of him to mess with her and when he's being overprotective of her (she's a bit of an unreliable narrator in general when it comes to sneaky Enjou-types specifically), but on the other hand she's also hyper-aware/paranoid of romantic actions around herself. Whether it's being on guard against her brother's friend's flirtiness, identifying when girls are jealous when she's interacting with a boy they like, suspecting that someone's going to confess to her, or figuring out that her first crush is already seeing someone.

All in all, Reika is a clumsy girl but a good friend, and I hope to one day be able to read about her happy ending. <<less
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Procrastiwarrior rated it
July 12, 2021
Status: c299
Almost at the 4 year mark since this last updated and more than 3 years of waiting time for me, I finally decided to review this.

This was one of the novels I didn't expect to love especially since slice of life genres are not my cup of tea. Even with the romance tag, expect that there's none or tiny bits of it here and it's not even for the main character (lol surely chief of forever alone village). It's one of those novels that once you read one chapter, you... more>> can't help but move on to the next without you realizing it, I sure did.

The characters were the main thing to applaud for. They were developed in a way that I haven't seen in other novels with the same genre and even fanfictions or stories based off of it couldn't come close to how these characters were presented. I was also amazed how the various food, scenarios, and settings were presented here. It's almost like the author's own diary and not a fictional story with how detailed every thing was. I don't think this was just due to the story having great translators because I've read the MTL version first before these translations came out. Maybe that's why even if it's several years since this was updated, amazingly, a huge number of people are still waiting. <<less
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I-was-forced-to-register123 rated it
December 11, 2020
Status: c299
How should I start? Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o motto ni ikite orimasu, is a relaxing novel.

The translation makes the experience all the better. It provides smooth reading with explanations on things we wouldn't understand!

This novel stays true to it's slice of life tag. It follows a diary-like format, whilst telling the tale of a girl who got isekai'd into a shoujo manga - Kisshouin Reika.

... more>> At first it can get a little boring. I even started forcing myself to read from the early chapters.

The reason behind this, is at first, Reika just seems like the normal villainess isekai protag I see everywhere.

But soon enough, she starts growing on you. The more you read, the more endearing she gets.

Her self-consciousness, her cowardice, her inability to speak her thoughts- they all become endearing points of hers.

Those flaws of hers make her all the more lovable. Not only because it adequately provides comedy, but also because she just seems human.

It's fascinating to watch her slowly overcome her flaws. As it provides a slow, gradual development.

Throughout the story, you watch Reika make all these friends. She always wholeheartedly helps them, without any reluctance.

Reika genuinely worries for her friends. You really can't feel any malice in her actions.

It's beautiful to see the other people notice her as the person she truly is. (The different pov's we get are always a treat to read)

Kisshouin Reika is a waifu, a waifu that no one really knows. Her curls that she's so self-conscious about; they only help her cuteness!

If by any chance Reika just won't cut it for you (which I feel is impossible). There are a variety of different: goofy, lovable characters.

You can't help but get attached to everyone she encounters.

I feel like the author is skilled, in that, they have a knack for making characters who were originally unlikable - extremely endearing.

This can be seen in Kaburagi Masaya aka Bakaburagi. The second most cutest character (Entirely my opinion). Reika and Kaburagi are my favorite duo in the whole series, as their interactions are hilarious.

There are many more interesting and peculiar characters. However, if you want to know then you should read it!

This novel is an absolute must read for slice of life lovers, much like myself.

By all means, give this novel a shot! <<less
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SixMagnitudeGirl rated it
August 23, 2020
Status: c299
The story is so realistic. It's almost funny because this is a sub genre of Isekai. It's also very refreshing because it betrayed expectations of the usual tropes or cliches (that the readers don't particularly hate but expected).

The author really took the time to introduce characters and because of that you will rarely forget characters who will reappear naturally in certain chapters.

My favorite part about this novel ... more>>

is how the characters especially the main character, studies and works hard. Whenever a main character gets the top spot it becomes a background of his/her character and instead the story focuses on how he/she will conquer love. Reika, on the otherhand, works hard and how she works on it is also consistently shown each chapter. (because that's how it usually is, no matter how smart you are, you still need to study.) So whenever the class ranking gets out it's expected that the OG MC, ML1, ML2 and ML3 will dominate the rankings and as a reader we are invested if Reika (our MC) is even included on the top 30. So when she was on the 18th rank (having the 30th, 40th, 50th etc.) we also feel rewarded.


One thing though:

After reading 299 chapters, we still don't know who is the ML. I mean sure, Reika wouldn't be less of a character even if she didn't end up with anyone but she has been fervently wishing for it and she is sorounded by eligible MCs so wouldn't it be strange if she ends up with no one?


Another thing before you start reading:

I read the spoiler thread in my desperation. I have learned that the last time the author updated this wonderful novel is 2017 and with how the story is moving, it's not even halfway there... Is this abandoned?


The translator team did a wonderful job at translating. They even add pictures of the food mentioned, references for lores, history, places mentioned. I am most delighted whenever they include fanarts of the characters and videos of the songs mentioned. <<less
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March 25, 2019
Status: c299
Great series, sadly unfinished and seemingly discontinued. I could find it translated up to chapter 299 in other place. Not sure if I'm allowed to link, but it's easily googled.
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Cheesetakery rated it
September 6, 2018
Status: c222
Actually awesome, not as much romance as comedyforever alone village for the win .

Just imagine the most popularmentally childish girl at a prestigious high school, and that is why everyoneno one calls Reika with a sama.

Now imagine a ... not very smartnormal high school girl who enjoys fast food and attractive guys. That is Reika. She has trouble living up to the expectations of the -sama in her name but she's definitely trying, especially because she's supposed to be the "villain" of the story. Suffice to say that Reika-sama is... more>> very enjoyable to read as a main character and so far she has been the most humblelovable and dependablefunny character in the entire story.

Best transmigration story I've read and one which has managed to continue its level of humor to the current chapter. <<less
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