Imperial God Emperor


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Ye Qingyu, since the death of his parents four years ago, has been laughed at by the entire Deer city. Little do people know, he has just been biding his time for the entire four years. With the White Deer academy selection just around the corner, can he shut the mouths of all those who have laughed at him? Join Ye Qingyu in his journey to solve the mystery behind his family’s death and to reclaim the Ye family property! It is fantastic!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Immortal God Emperor
Ngự Thiên Thần Đế
Return of the Avenger (manhua)
Related Series
Hail the King (Shared Universe)
Supreme Emperor of Swords (Shared Universe)
The Divine Martial Stars (Sequel)
Peerless Martial God (3)
Coiling Dragon (3)
Martial World (2)
Battle Through the Heavens (2)
True Martial World (2)
World Defying Dan God (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that I have read
  2. Novels I have read
  3. Male Protagonist
  4. The Greatest of All Time [Male Protag]
  5. Cultivation ML

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/24/15 Wuxiaworld c51
12/23/15 Wuxiaworld c50
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12/23/15 Wuxiaworld c46
12/23/15 Wuxiaworld c45
12/22/15 Wuxiaworld c44
12/21/15 Wuxiaworld c43
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12/19/15 Wuxiaworld c41
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89 Reviews sorted by

meagboyo rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: c472
The MC has no redeeming qualities. Almost all of his power-ups until chapter 472 are compromised of fortuitous encounters and coincidences. The extreme minority is attained through actual cultivation. The majority of the antagonists are arrogant young masters, and hands will fall from the sky for every apparition the MC is responsible for.
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18Yuki rated it
November 10, 2017
Status: c106
The protagonist reminds me of Tang San from Douluo Dalu, although what's amusing is that there is a boy called Tang San in Imperial God Emperor (no relation with Tang SAN from DD). The story moves at a good pace, the battle scenes are thrilling and don't drag on, most events are over relatively swift and efficiently. The MC is strong, almost OP, but we can see the gradual growth of his strength, he doesn't have the template portable all-knowing master in some piece of jewellery or rock but he... more>> isn't entirely self-reliant. He has mentors which guide him, not too many that try to oppress him, he has enemies and allies, people he likes and hates. There is a bit of plot armour and

personally, I don't like the bronze book

, he isn't overly mature or serious despite being confident and hard working. If you like cheerful, slightly optimistic, yet not naive, protagonists and/or stories like Douluo Dalu, then this novel is worth a try. (Especially if you like protagonists like Tang San, but with more character growth over time.)

The only thing that made it 4/5 instead of 5/5...

some of the plot armour annoys me, like the bronze book, and others I'm torn between, it's necessary and too convenient, like the hero medal (which, while is a symbol of power/status equaling royalty, doesn't play much of a part and seems to only be effective against the army, not to mention it seems like any antagonists completely forget about it after running away because of it...) There is also the sudden jump in the MC's power after 3 months in the Grievence Hall/during the tournament against the Azure Dragon School, which felt overdone but more or less expected of the protagonist... his halo is strong. Oh and while so far it isn't a harem, as expected most major supporting characters are female... even though the MC is really only close to one, SXJ, it's nearing the harem border if not bordering it already

but overall the negatives are minor and relatively easy to forget in the excitement of the book. <<less
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ljin75651 rated it
August 26, 2017
Status: c274
I have some very mixed emotions about this novel. On one hand, I felt really excited reading some of the epic moments where we get to see the MC show off. Even though I should be desensitized to this scenario of the MC stepping all over his enemies, the author somehow writes it in such a way that I can't help but get "hot-blooded". And on the other hand, I found myself skipping over chapters to get to the juicier bits because the story line became too tedious and convoluted.

In... more>> any case, my favorite part of the author's writing has to do with his descriptions of the MC's battles in the later chapters when he uses ice to freeze his opponents. He's able to describe the MC's abilities in really interesting ways, upping the MC's cool factor, especially compared to usual battles with combatants screaming their technique names.

And another really attractive point about this novel is the MC's personality. I've read about arrogant MC's far too many times, so it is interesting to see an MC with a pretty decent personality. He's not so much arrogant as assured about his strength and won't back down from his principles. So rather than him provoking his enemies, he takes a stance of not offending others until they offend him, in which case he would pay them back with interest.

Overall, my recommendation is to give this novel a try. Even if there are some parts that you might dislike, there should be other parts attractive enough to keep you reading! <<less
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pothb rated it
December 11, 2016
Status: c266
Maybe it's the translation but holy... the amount of s*upid in the characters is astounding. It didn't seem to make any sense.

I might try again later, because there seems to be better translations out and I didn't notice, but first impressions from the first 6 chapter is miserable.

Update. I continued with the better translation and it did get significantly better. Though the beginning still irks me a good bit but if you can get past that, you'll probably like it.
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NeurogamiPrime rated it
September 26, 2016
Status: c167
So. I can not say I hate this novel, but I can also not say that I like it. I got very into the novel early on because the main character was a no nonsense sort of person and the story was interesting and the pacing, while slow, was done in such a way that it was not very repetitive. Then sh*t hit the fans when I realized something ... more>>

It turns out that the main character is 1 to 1 copying the powers of characters from League of Legends, and every important character so far has turned out to be this stories original take on new origin stories for some LoL characters. The main love interest in fact is actually just annie, Tibers and all, while the main character has a cheat item that is essentially the character select, summoner spells, and item shop from league of legends and he can assume the abilities of multiple different character, though so far he has taken on the powers of Garen and Jarvin IV. He has used flash and I believe clarity, and bought a ward that he used while he was farming the jungle

But surrounding this, the story is an average xianxia. The cultivation levels are relatively novel and I don't think I had ever heard or seen "realms" that worked the way this novel' does but the way he trains them is exactly the same as any xianxia you have seen before. The romance is certainly there, but you will not care about it what so ever. I promise you this as every time there is romance it will be for a brief moment before all signs of romance disappear until you have forgotten it exists in the novel. The "Bad guys" are all very generic, not an original member in the lot of them so far as I can tell, so it seems that as long as you are ok with reading a fanfic of a videogame with xianxia elements surrounding it, you will like this. <<less
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January 16, 2016
Status: --
The story is translated very well, with no broken language, but it’s a very standard revenge-style xianxia ala Martial God Asura, though we haven’t seen whole families / towns / cities / countries slaughtered yet. Give it time.
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Smooth Che
Smooth Che rated it
January 10, 2016
Status: --
Similar to many xanxias, but there is one thing that is quite annoying.

This novel has a lot of dumb, arrogant characters, most of the time you have to read insults about the MC, he keeps getting sh*t on. Well, he solves it with his fists but the matter that 90% of the characters are total douchebags remains.

Especially that one girl that keeps pestering him, someone kill her plz
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Nana (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
nhanat rated it
December 24, 2015
Status: --
It certainly different from typical xianxia where MC only show a part of his strength. And some thing not entirelly logical like how the MC can do things
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kawaiikillaz123 rated it
November 28, 2015
Status: --
Good novel, classic xianxia-esque stuff, fun if you are into that kind of genre.
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