Imperial God Emperor


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Ye Qingyu, since the death of his parents four years ago, has been laughed at by the entire Deer city. Little do people know, he has just been biding his time for the entire four years. With the White Deer academy selection just around the corner, can he shut the mouths of all those who have laughed at him? Join Ye Qingyu in his journey to solve the mystery behind his family’s death and to reclaim the Ye family property! It is fantastic!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Immortal God Emperor
Ngự Thiên Thần Đế
Return of the Avenger (manhua)
Related Series
Hail the King (Shared Universe)
Supreme Emperor of Swords (Shared Universe)
The Divine Martial Stars (Sequel)
Peerless Martial God (3)
Coiling Dragon (3)
Martial World (2)
Battle Through the Heavens (2)
True Martial World (2)
World Defying Dan God (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that I have read
  2. Novels I have read
  3. Male Protagonist
  4. The Greatest of All Time [Male Protag]
  5. Cultivation ML

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89 Reviews sorted by

musachi24 rated it
June 8, 2020
Status: c1305
honestly after reading the whole novel I was really disappointed at first I thought it was interesting since the author decide to use all oposite trait of our usual MC.. but it was so disappointing..... MC just never learn... world development is too small.. he just keep going back n forth to the place he been to... worst his so indecisive to kill the roots of the problem that it just keep hunting him back n forth.. and harem/romance theres NO SUCH THING ~!... they barely even talk and girl... more>> just fall in love but will never be seen again.. till later but when they see other THERES NO ROMANCE AT ALL.. its freaking dead fish.. no H Scene no interaction nothing~! its infuriating.. theres more.. all his item is useless just good in the beginning but will be use once and will be never use again.. its a piece of grbage.... worst of all is his skipping cultivation I mean its fine skiping but for the whole story u would barely know his cultivation before u know it he was on par with his enemy..... sigh..... oh theres more too... there so much mystery on the story author forgot them I wont spoil so like some an item with mysterious effect will be forgotten or the mysterious person who assasinated his parents will be forgotten like bro u kidding me ?

4/10 it was so bad I can even barely finish it <<less
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phreakinsane rated it
April 5, 2020
Status: --
In the very beginning, the author introduces a character that you will absolutely hate and want to die and continues to let them live and torment the MC all the way through to the Very. Last. Book.

There are other characters like this throughout the story so if you are the type who need a quick resolution to very edgy situations you will drive yourself crazy trying to read this.

Also a disturbing romance with a loli. And an MC who seems to struggle against villain plot armor that causes him... more>> to randomly become spineless and not kill even when it's obvious he needs to unless he wants things to get worse. <<less
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August 19, 2019
Status: c700
The novel has a good start/progress, it was satisfying to read the bluntness of MC taking no sh*t from anyone and how he cared for people that were good to him... however, this novel has a serious issues that makes me wish never having picked it up.

It starts to seriously and frequently lose integrity with the story, character, behavior - "deserve to die" villain thats forgotten for hundreds of chapters is suddenly brought back but the author/MC has a case of amnesia and forget/don't know that the character was evil... more>> and seriously injured.

I can't recommend due to the subpar cliche plots and minor/large mis-remembered facts, needless introduction of millions of minor characters that the author fails horribly to keep track and pointless as 90% of them are introduced and forgotten because they have no value except adding text lines.

I'd drop this sooner but I dont like to drop things midway if I can help it... <<less
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Zon Aria
Zon Aria rated it
April 12, 2019
Status: --
I can only say that if you are into this type of story (read the plot) then you just need to read well, if you didn't understand, read it again coz you might just have misinterpret some parts. Because this story is AMAZING! PERIODT
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IamtheGoD rated it
February 8, 2019
Status: c106
Vote: 2.5/5 stars.

Hi, folks! I'll try to be more specific without using spoilers. Also, if you'd ask me to describe this novel with only one word, it will be "frustrating".

The start was normal, except slightly illogical (maybe even irritational) : the MC was said to be guarding his parents tomb for four years, without teling him a reason. Also, his father said to him "if you would, try to appear as much ret*rded to the public as you can". 10 years old child, btw. Maybe later we'll hear an explanation... more>> about this, but knowing the author... I don't think so anymore. But it's not so big as a problem for me, so I just let it slip.

Well, novel's start isn't the entire novel, yes? So let's go on.

Characters: it's typical, you have only good or bad characters. Character's depth? No, I even think if you take out the names from the dialogues you will find it similar for ALL the villains. Ah, also the people' favorite: arrogant young masters. I'd even say arrogant young masters without brain (I don't read this kind of novels very often so I'm not very knowledgeable about them, but still in novels like MGA I'd say they got more depth, if there was any to begin with. And arrogant young masters in PMG will appear like really DOPE characters :D). Also, the novel is full of s*upid and illogical characters. They got zero depth and they make you FRUSTRATED. I really, really HATE some of the characters. But not because they are very bad, I'd say they are IDIOTIC. And I think I can start to hate this author (which I never ever did before, god damn, I even never hated anybody), because reading this novel makes me think that I'M AN IDIOT (sorry, writing this review and analyzing this novel so far made me angry)

World-building: the center of the novel is MC. But he has no depth (in my opinion). He is illogical, and plot armor is VERY, I repeat VERY obvious. But let's not upset all potential readers. As it was said many times, this is your typical xianxia novel. Heck, you can even read it if you don't have anything else to read (I know there are some people who are living otaku's lives reading novels).

I'd say I expected more from this novel 'caz it was hosted on wuxiaworld, but it's still ok. It's not tr*sh entirely and maybe later it will become more interesting (in what I don't believe personally, sorry). Also, I'll try to continue reading it, at least till chapter 300-400. If by then it will become more frustrating I'd update my review.

Also, before chapter 100 it was 3-3.5/5 stars. Later in 5 chapters it just droped (for me) by 1 star.

Here I need to use spoiler and give into my frustration (advice: if you don't have anything to read - try it yourself, maybe you will like it. But only if you DON'T have anything to read: this novel will COSTANTLY challenge your will to continue. So be aware)


Let's say MC got a friend, little lolli (and how they became friends is so FRUSTRATING). She is your typical background character for "MC is the best person in the world". It would be great if the plot armor-san could just give her some power ups or just make her disappear from the limelight, making her stay in their hometown while mc's gone away, but NO. Let's make some ILLOGICAL plot about her possesing some kind of bloodline (which she didn't inherit from her parents who are NORMAL people). Hm, then how can you say it's BLOODLINE if it's not passed from the parents? I'm not an expert, but this whole situation is so s*upid AND ILLOGICAL. It's irritates me entirely.

Also, if you didn't know - there is a saying that this novel is League of Legends fanfic. It would be funny if the author didn't brazenly COPIED whole champion's abilities without changing even names. I dunno why he wasn't sued till now. Maybe for someone it's nothing, but for me it's a big deal, 'caz it makes me thing that he didn't want to think HIMSELF and just copied whole concept from a video game in his WORK.

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Hapachlaena rated it
July 24, 2018
Status: c89
First off I know that 89 chapters isn't much for web novels, and that my chief complaints might not bother me, but they highly irritate me.
Here's a summary, MC is pretty nice, side characters are all either some of the worst characters you have ever seen, or merely mediocre, the fighting is ok, and the cultivation is ok as well.
Now the second complaint kills the novel for me, I cannot read something where characters behave like this.
Everybody is corrupt and a hypocrite. It is amazing how shitty of a world this is and somehow the academy is still in one piece.
I don't play MOBAs so the idea of a MOBA mechanics in xianxia are a real turn off.
It's not completely unreadable, and if you're not bothered by the characters you might find something good about this, but in what I've read it's been 50 chapters straight of repetitive and boring drama with a few fights, but even then all his opponents are so irrelevant I can't get into it.


Also calling a character a loli is disgusting, I don't know whether it's the translator or the author, and if it's the former does it really breach your translator ethics so much to just change it to little girl?
Boys will never be called shotas, this is exclusive to girls, and it's annoying, it's one thing when Lin Fan calls someone a loli because he came from our world and knows internet culture, but using it in this context is either lazy translating or garbage writing. With a novel like this it's really hard to find out which.

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Timid rated it
April 15, 2018
Status: c480
Pretty bad overall.

MC goes to some sketchily defined place (Academy, Warfront then City) and proceeds to stumble across some arrogant young master situation. During which he'll fight a bit, maybe kill some sterotypical bad guys. While avoiding any real consequence because of being randomly given inquisitor type powers.

He'll also get the usual power ups falling all over him.

Apart from that he now has three pets. Plus a whole lot of people he has to look after that the author is trying his best to power up. It's too generic, could... more>> perhaps be one of those stories that get good when he goes to another realm 1000 chapters later. <<less
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infamouszombie rated it
March 21, 2018
Status: c200
Great Novel, love the humor, pacing and characters. Been a while since I've read it, but from my recollections, I love the military element as opposed to the usual sect/lone wolf/clan story lines of other novels, as it's a nice change of pace. Love the hungry dog, absolutely side-stitching. My gripe is the name. Imperial God Emperor. Imperial implies the quality of empire or emperor/empress, so it's kinda blegh, and in a way that isn't a subtle joke or pun or something (i.e. Something like Master Shifu or for the... more>> gamers out there, Mr. Torgue, whose last name is actually Flexington). <<less
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azureAL rated it
January 29, 2018
Status: c400
Love the story the best!

Its very rare to have an MC that have an ICE attribute power.

I could have given this 5stars but the current translator is very irresponsible, I know he have to face Life and reality, but the TL always create false promises and giving false hope that chapters will be released on the said date, TL is very inconsistent, wondering why the WXW still keep him, Aran, should not disapoint WXW and readers to his irresponsible promises.
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Anonymousse rated it
October 6, 2017
Status: c613
A novel about a brawn for brain idiot who most of the time thinking that he smart with his plans that mostly always end up with plotarmor kickin or random passerby helper to save his ass.

lot of plotholes.

lots of random names of characters which spent a whole or more paragraphs to describe how high and mighty they are, just to last for a couple chapters and being forgotten soon. ex: snowkingdom emperor, yinyang monarch, etc2..

random and dumb plots that keep spawning bcoz of the idiotic MC keep... more>> making dumb and random mistakes/excuses. ex: leaving his cousin in a hostile sect.

also I dun get it how all the characters seems like to brag n speak nonsenses in a dead/alive fight like "watch my super duper difficult special hidden move will kill you!", "my high lv ultra rare treasure will cut u like a tofu!", blablabla, etc2. like REALLY???!!! okay, thats maybe count as word count. so yep... lots of wordcount fillers

but I still rate this novel 3* bcoz at least this novel is not a never-ending repetitive copy paste plot tr*sh like most of the CN out there. n u might like this novel if u ignore all those bad points that I state above.

give it a try if u want. <<less
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August 28, 2017
Status: c20
I only made it to Chapter 20, so i'll refrain from giving a numerical rating. That being said, this novel hasn't really had any redeeming qualities so far. For me, the main issue is with the characters. It's kind of typical for xianxias that face plays a huge role, but it really seems like the world everyone is in is in a default state of small-mindedness, pettiness and idiocy. That goes for the protagonist, as well as the antagonists. Also, everyone LOVES to be pointlessly offended and judging by the... more>> other reviews this seems to be consistent throughout and it's also why I'm going to drop this novel. I can't stand reading stuff like this. <<less
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Myriadfold rated it
August 18, 2017
Status: c255
What a great series. This instantly made it on my NU favourites list for immediate reading after an update is posted. :3

One of the things I love most about the MC besides his approach on matters being quite unique is that finally I can see an MC use my favourite element with pride and dignity. Fire? Bah, so you can burn things to cinders, whoop-de-doo. Lightning? Oh so sparkly and fast, meh. But Ice, now that is an element both fearful and yet inherently beautiful. What better element to use... more>> on the path to immortality than the very element capable of both utter destruction and eternal beauty? XD

Also, while the pets are insane and OP, the author has not gotten distracted by using them as OP solutions to all the MC’s problems as if he is worthless without them. Sure, a time will come when they play their parts, but for now they have been used no more than they should be. Oh and the personalities are interesting to read when they are caught misbehaving xD

I would recommend this novel to absolutely everyone who enjoys the genre. Finally an MC who isn't just another sect-joining&changing sheep :3 <<less
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Legendary_Exor rated it
December 12, 2016
Status: c244
Awesome. MC is a badass. Likeable af. Worth the read, and trust me I'm a whinny bit*h who frequently rage quits stories and this story is dope. Only problem is the update rate, it sucks.
-People who don't like lolis wont probably like this (seems a loli will be the main female)
-It doesn't have the tr*sh MC somehow finds OP item and becomes strong without much work. This MC is already talented dude. (

he gets all 5/5 in his test to enter the school, before he gets his OP item, so hes already dope.

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SunflashSr rated it
August 3, 2016
Status: c219
Don't listen to the people that rate it 1 star after reading 4 chapters. Although the beginning of the story took awhile it picks up the pace as it progresses. MC is not the usual protagonist that only knows three tr*sh talking lines like "your father I will destroy you" "you're tr*sh, your whole family is tr*sh" etc, and alternates them occasionally when roastin the villains. He actually has a brain! Wow shocking! The author is not like SOME lazy ass authors that uses a basic recurring plot scheme so... more>> you won't get tired of the story too fast. The only annoying thing about the novel is the views and personality of nobles and sects. So far it feels like it's all white and black with no gray in the middle. Every noble and sect members are haughty, arrogant and look down on everyone disregarding where they are. Sure there are SOME that act different but so far it's only like one or two and they don't make that much of an impact <<less
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ninthlite rated it
April 7, 2016
Status: --
Generic xianxia main character, barely any side characters. Endless amounts of arrogant scumbags to behead and preach to about their short comings. The main character powers up too fast in this story... Probably even faster than in MGA. Also too template for me to sink my teeth into, probably the most generic novel on this site (don't read this if you are looking for a single unique thing about this story)
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zdubwilly rated it
April 1, 2024
Status: c80
2.5 / 5. I cannot fathom why this has so many 5/5 reviews.

Hot take - all these people that either do 5/5 and it's ALL PRAISES or 1/5 and it's ALL NEGATIVE should just delete their accounts. Those reviews are useless.

This is a typical Xianxia novel that does certain tropes better, and certain tropes MUCH WORSE than other xianxia novels. I've only read 80 Chapters, but there is no way in hell that you should have to read any more than 30 chapters to till if an Author's... more>> work is good (for your tastes) or not.


    • The Writing is.... Cringe! There is a better way to say it I'm sure, but I realize a lot of my complaints are about bad writing, that makes me cringe. I think mostly 'bad guy' dialogue is super cringe, but even people's internal thoughts. For example, when MC goes back to home mansion and meets his Nanny. The way he keeps referencing how he 'grew up sucking on her milk' is weird. One time was weird, but he says it 6 times in 2 chapters. Referencing the nanny's daughter as 'how could we not be close? we both grew up suckling the same milk!'. It's not just that, it's stuff like that, CONSTANTLY. Maybe it is a translation/cultural thing, but a lot of dialogue, and internal thoughts made me cringe HARD. If you read this and start cringing, I suggest you jump ship, cause it doesn't get much better.
    • The 'crowd work' dialogue is SOO cringey and happens sooo often. There is an odd pattern where whenever someone says ANYTHING negative OR positive about MC in public, there will be 3-4 random people in the crowd who all say 3-4 sentences, re-iterating the exact same thing the first person said. Happens EVERY TIME he is in public, and very frequently. Sometimes there will be like 4 of these sequences back to back. It get's so cringey and annoying, it's difficult to read that 'dialogue' anymore. For example, someone may say

        • (1st guy) - "Hey Ye Quin (our MC), you have just got out of your room confinement, now I will fight you and make you look like a loser. You dare fight me?! HAHA!"
        • then 4 stooges will say
        • (2nd guy) - "Haha, he just got out of confinement, so he must not have been training that much"
        • (3rd guy) - "Hehe, because he was not allowed in the library, he must not have read books recently"
        • (4th guy) - "Haha, he must not have had access to resources because he has been confined, he must be weak right now"
        • (4th guy) - "Hoho, I can imagine it now! He will be defeated so very soon! Hoho, what do you have to say Ye Quin?!"
    • All of their dialogue will be 3-4 sentences each, not as small as my example. It's always repetitive, and it's always nameless faceless crowd extras. This will also happen whenever he gets complimented!!! It is so cringey to read, I honestly commend all of you that are able to get past this without puckering up like you ate a sour lemon.
    • Antagonists... I think again, the main issue is mainly the dialogue with the antagonist. Ya, none of them have a big great reason to fight, or any backstory, it's just like " I am a noble, you are a commoner, how dare you not bow down?! ", but I am totally fine with that! I've had other s*upid antagonists in novels I've liked!! But the way they word it, and get SO repetitive with it, is so cringey to me. And when they get all their bones broken and they're still like "how... dare.... this.... tr*sh.... commoner... *spurts blood* *feint's*" for the umpteenth time, it's whatever. I just get like the 'brain fried' dumb feeling reading any antagonists dialogue. That feeling of "oh maybe if I shut off my brain I might enjoy this a little". They get into arguments and all they say is "tr*sh! you dare?!" over and over and over. And that combined with the 3 stooges repeating it, greatly exacerbates the problem.
    • Side characters. So far, kinda suck. Don't feel like they have any backstory at all. Best side character is the 'cute loli' because the descriptions of her tripping over her oversized robe are pretty cute. But even then, her dialogue/writing is also cringey, which makes it hard to like her. You also really know nothing about her except that she is a commoner from merchant family. Even though their relationship is cute, the way they constantly start every interaction with "She looked at him and instantly became excited. She jumped up and down screaming with happiness, as her eyes teared up. She starting sprinting towards him with her arms out crying "BROTHER YE!!!", completely ignoring everyone else, as all she could see and think about was Ye Quin. Her entire world seemed to be Ye Quin in that moment..." like OK Author lets CALM DOWN they've known each other for 2 weeks, and this is just them saying hello.. Have like a F**** normal interaction that doesn't make me cringe to high heaven, just once, please!
    • Deus Ex Machina - EVERY xianxia has a Deux Ex Machina, or whatever you wanna call it. That thing our MC has, that makes him special and able to cultivate so quickly. So I am fine with them, but I feel like ZERO thought went into this one. He has best possible everything, because of his bloodline, that we don't know origin of yet. Best meridians, best martial heart, best constitution, best cultivation techniques because Father had access to it. Photographic memory and ability to almost instantly master any martial art teachings. A bunch more amazing mysteries that make everyone go "wft?" Just makes it... kinda boring. He's even like 'evolving' to the next martial state, accidentally. Like first day of 'lessons', he learns a 'snake stance', and of course first attempt he gets it perfect. Then in an hour he has become a master, and he automatically evolves to next state "Muscle tempering state" without trying or knowing how he did it.... Like... Ok..... Idk... Doesn't feel 'good' when he's leveling up, feels like "well obviously, he's a genius with gold meridians and perfect memory and perfect talent and perfect martial heart and understanding of the world... at 14 years old".
    • MC's age. 14? Why? I constantly keep forgetting he is 14. It just feels like they gave a wrong age setting. He is like hitting some 80 year old elder martial artist against a rock, 3 months into his start of cultivating. He keeps hitting him against the rock, for standing up to him (he was a hired thug) until their muscle tissue starts slowly separating and the area becomes a bloody mess. He lectures elders and sh** all the time, and acts like a 40 year old cultivator constantly, with his solo isolation and rigid focus on cultivation. It just feels weird whenever I am reading a violent fight scene or anything kinda mature, and remember this is the body of a 14 year old doing all this.
    • Childhood friend - One of the worst 'betrayal' characters ever written. She abandons him at his lowest point, and they just make her a super annoying character with little to no personality. The only thing you will be wondering is "Why was MC even friends with her in first place??" but they will never explain that. It just says at one part, they were childhood friends, then it immediately shows you this 1 dimensional awful character that's selfish and insecure. But one that is so obviously written to be annoying that you KNOW you're supposed to feel hate towards her, which then takes you out of the story cause it doesn't feel like a character that exists in any world. Feels super forced. And whenever it is SOO obvious like that, like the characters internal dialogue is like so short and messed up you're like "really? did we miss a few sentences? Or is this your whole personality/ thought process?!?" I really don't like those simply made antagonists/characters. Then apparently they keep her in the story for a long time, according to other reviewers. When I saw those reviews, that's when I decided to drop. She's not like interestingly annoying, like you hate her so much that it's angsty reading... She's just not fleshed out at all, so you know nothing about her, and don't care at all about her.

    • Pacing. It has pretty fast pacing, and I am fine with either fast or slow, but I think Author did decent job of making it not feel too fast, and definitely doesn't feel to slow. No super annoying filler episodes to expand time. I kinda felt like I knew where story was going, and there weren't any annoying sidetracks, just kept going forward.
    • MC - He is just ok, but I do really like how Author pretty clearly lays out his morals, beliefs, how he should treat others etc. I just hate it when authors don't even attempt that, so you don't even know what you're working with. But with this MC he's got pretty ruthless ideals, and you get the internal and external dialogue explaining it. I appreciate that. It's not super complex or anything, but It's nice to be able to know how a MC will react in a given situation. Makes you feel more connected with that Character.
    • Cultivation levels - not great or anything unique, but I do like how they make sense. Like the skin to muscle to bone to blood to marrow to organs. A lot do that same setup, but I really hate when it's nonsensical like 'spirit to nascent to sage to divine to imperial'. But I do think this will end up somewhat like that after the 'martial' stage.
    • Sometimes quick fights stop dialogue - I always hate when people talk for super long, during or right before a big fight, seemingly just to extend the chapter. This does happen quite a bit in this, but there are also a LOT of times where MC will just shut people up instantly if he doesn't like what they're saying, and these moments are great, because I don't have to read any more cringe dialogue.
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Ravelord rated it
March 17, 2023
Status: c1384
Please don't, just go read MGA, PMG, or something similar, you'll get more satisfaction even from those...
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bars2000 rated it
November 17, 2020
Status: c575
I like it at first.

... more>>

he joined the army which is so cool and awesome. and then he go to this another domain where I feel everything just become tr*sh but I still keep reading it until I reached c575 and I decided to finally stop reading. I really do like every thing at first part though (the home domain part)

Ok what I don't like is

It is the personality of the MC and the people around the MC. I can't explain it I'm not good with words.... but the personality of the people is full of inconsistency

The enemy sect.. it is enemy just for the sake of making enemy.

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Kabal rated it
June 3, 2020
Status: Completed
This is more of an opinion rather than a review. I would give the novel a straight 4 stars until chapter ~1300 (it had it's ups and downs, but I found it to be an enjoyable and easy read with a good translation). Then, for the rest of it, reading it became an absolute chore with a negative number at it's worst and a 2 star at it's best; the last part ruined it for me.

I am giving it a 3 star and not worse because I find it unfair... more>> towards the rest of the novel, which I enjoyed. That being said, I am not of the opinion that "the ending can make it or break it".


There was a bloody c*ckroach covered in sh*t who at the end turned out to be a clean saint, whom the character pities. No wait, there were TWO bloody c*ckroaches covered in sh*t who at the end turned out to be clean saints, whom the character pities. Aha!! It was all a misunderstanding! Ye Qinqyu you s*upid bum...

The action also slows down to nothingness because "at this level of power skills mean nothing", hence, "Slash which cuts everything""Slash which cuts everything+""Slash which cuts everything++""Slash which cuts everything+++"

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May 27, 2020
Status: Completed
Overall, I liked the novel, it had a few annoying parts. Hated the way it ended but atleast the 4th in the series of these hopefully ties all the loose ends up. Hail the King, Supreme Emperor of Swords, and Divine Martial Star are all in the same universe at different timelines. They all tie in together in Divine Martial Star.
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