Imperial God Emperor


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Ye Qingyu, since the death of his parents four years ago, has been laughed at by the entire Deer city. Little do people know, he has just been biding his time for the entire four years. With the White Deer academy selection just around the corner, can he shut the mouths of all those who have laughed at him? Join Ye Qingyu in his journey to solve the mystery behind his family’s death and to reclaim the Ye family property! It is fantastic!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Immortal God Emperor
Ngự Thiên Thần Đế
Return of the Avenger (manhua)
Related Series
Hail the King (Shared Universe)
Supreme Emperor of Swords (Shared Universe)
The Divine Martial Stars (Sequel)
Peerless Martial God (3)
Coiling Dragon (3)
Martial World (2)
Battle Through the Heavens (2)
True Martial World (2)
World Defying Dan God (2)
Recommendation Lists
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  2. Novels I have read
  3. Male Protagonist
  4. The Greatest of All Time [Male Protag]
  5. Cultivation ML

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89 Reviews sorted by

bobbyb123 rated it
January 21, 2024
Status: c189
I'm only on chapter 189 and this novel is already blowing my f*cking mind because of 3 crippling flaws.

To start off with, the MC is described to have the personality of an Asura, who (paraphrased) will always make the choice to slaughter his enemies, and is a personality that's deemed extreme by everyone else around him at the time due to number of people he'll kill instead of spare. Now within the first 100 chapters, he has already let go of dozens of people that have tried to screw him... more>> over and obviously intend to kill him or make his life difficult. The moment they're let go, they literally will either have "a venomous expression/obvious killing intent" or they outright state that they will get back at the MC. Now, we're give the exact same f*cking information that the MC is yet he's s*upid enough to let them go and think it'll work out. In other words, the MC is either ret*rded, despite the author painting him as wise and street smart after experiencing the death of his parents and everything that followed, or he is still too childish or naive despite the author not expressing this in a single way. There is not a single instance so far where the MC has been proactive in anticipating what an enemy will do and deal with them beforehand; he always reacts when something happens and acts like he expects it while having no plan in mind.

The second flaw is that every damn action in this novel is stuffed with filler hyperbole. Instead of perfectly normal and succinct sentences with a reasonable amount of energy like:

    • "Ye Qingyu walked over to the window table and sat on the wooden chair. He took a moment to gaze out into the setting sun before lightly sighing with melancholy. He then poured himself a cup of tea and downed it in a single gulp before slamming it down on the table."
You will instead see countless instances of the above sprinkled with fairy dust and expanded into the following:

    • The moment Ye Qingyu entered the room, a soundless pressure was felt, akin to one being in the presence of a god. He walked slowly but exuded an immense confidence. If one were to pay close attention, they would notice that every single step was measured and was exactly the same distance apart. He arrived at the window table and sat down at his chair. Despite the latter being made out of ordinary wood, it seemed incomparably resplendent when sat upon by Ye Qingyu's divine ass. He paused for a moment, before gazing into the distance. The light from the setting sun perfectly illuminated his youthful but powerful visage, and in that moment, he looked exactly like a immortal that had descended from the divine realm. He then gently sighed, and in the depths of his eyes, there shone an incomparable melancholic feeling that would make one's heart clench, wondering how a someone so young could contain such a powerful emotion that belied his age. With a slow but precise movement, he delicately grasped his teapot as if it were made out of jade and poured out a cup of tea. In one powerful motion, he grabbed the cup and downed it, before slamming it down on the table with a loud bang, making the souls of those nearby tremble.
The problem with this is that - ignoring the fact that it's obviously filler that pads the word count and makes the book twice as long as it should be - it also makes it impossible to take anything seriously. Every single thing is so over-emphasized that when an actual heart clenching moment arrives, there are no other words left to describe it, since everything in the novel is written the same way. I think this is actually just a trait of traditional CN novels but it's just poor writing quality that should be phased out.

The third and final pain point is that the novel is written in a way that contains no logic. Part of this overlaps with the arrogant young master trope, but generally, so many people are against the MC that it doesn't make sense. He gets schemed against openly by students, teachers, military and countless other characters and no one stands up for him despite having the power to do so. The author could have solved this by adding a few lines to explain the background of the situation to state why exactly others can't take action to help in a more succinct manner but it's like he can't go 10 chapters without a new enemy popping up randomly to cause trouble for him and no one else. The author does explain that the MC is disappointed with how corrupt each of these places are, but it doesn't explain the inaction of others that do have morals. Each time the MC also reaffirms his own heart that he must be ruthless and needs power to overcome whatever injustice he faces. But then we fall into the same pattern of:

    1. Go to new area
    2. Make new enemies on the way or shortly after arriving
    3. Act surprised and shocked by how corrupt everyone is (which makes you wonder how tf anything in this world is able to function and how anyone is even alive)
    4. Go through some event that leads to some life and death bullshit
    5. Somehow survive followed by a lucky encounter that drastically improves strength while being MIA to everyone else
    6. Return to civilization and face slap previous enemies (maybe even kill them once in a blue moon)
    7. Get fed up with how corrupt everything is and how there isn't really a way forward in this area
    8. Go back to (1)
The worst part is that the stuff I've mentioned are basically systemic writing issues and likely will remain throughout the entire novel. Overall, either the author has the intelligence of a 14 year old, or that's his target demographic.

I don't remember Hail the King being this bad when I read it (aside from the ret*rded character names like Beyonce and Messi), but maybe my standards have just improved since I read it years ago.

A side note is that the translation quality is objectively decent, but there are some weird decisions made like constantly qualifying titles for people or other terms with [square brackets] that make it kind of jarring to read.

If you have other things on your list, I honestly cannot recommend this. I give this a 1.5/5 (rounded down to a 1 to try and balance out the ratings) <<less
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May 9, 2022
Status: --
So far I've read more or less until chapter 650's, the story is good, the plot is also quite fun because the conflicts described don't repeat themselves.

But the narration is really bad, it's like every time they tell something it will always be explained very long and rambling, which ends up making people who read it feel's sleepy.

As for the antagonist characters, I have no complaints for them... Many commented that too many villains are idiots, in fact they may have never read Chinese novels at all, because almost all... more>> the villains in Chinese novels have this kind of character... After all, even though many antagonists have idiotic traits, some of the main villains still have pretty good integrity. <<less
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Ironman96 rated it
December 22, 2020
Status: c640
I truly liked this novel at the beginning:

the MC's powers were mysterious and fun. Characters were not one-dimensional and actually had thoughts. Not everything revolved around the MC and certain twists were neat. Then the quality began to drop.

MC had random experts come and save him, everything began to revolve around the MC and every other cool character that I liked in the beginning became useless and weak, random powerups, and the worst part is that every single person became an arrogant young master which was horrible to watch this... more>> novel come to.

Also, girls/romance is s*upid:

the girl who lost her memories and is given power for plots sake is s*upid.


Overall this novel has definitely dropped in quality and I am disappointed. 2/5 at the current chapter. <<less
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fangyuan rated it
May 4, 2020
Status: Completed
Just finished this novel and tbh, I would rate it 3.6/5 if it was possible

I'll start with the good things about the novel for me:

  1. The world building is pretty good which makes reading the novel more tolerable
  2. Translator did a decent job. Thanks!
  3. Parts of the novel are rather sentimental and tear-jerking
  4. Overall plot and ending is not bad
The not-so-good things about the novel:

  1. Over-glorification of characters. In my opinion, the author excessively 'praised' the MC and overplayed the "villains are actually good deep down/not a bad person" troupe. This part is kinda annoying.
  2. Author tries too hard to include the usual elements of a xuanhuan novel such as pill and weapon forging, formation arrays, etc. But ultimately failed to effectively integrate those elements in the novel. They are basically glossed over.
  3. Inconsistencies left and right
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Andeetected rated it
February 6, 2020
Status: c1100
Another over rated novel here. Author has a way of introducing some really annoying and evil characters. Trying so hard to make them as bad and as gruesome as possible, enough to make you itch for their demise every time their names get mentioned. But they keep piling up like undying c*ckroaches.

I don't mind prolonging the lifespan of enemies if it's related to a good plot or a mysterious reveal later on. Unfortunately, this novel isn't good at surprises or plots.

The worst part is, when these villains ultimately receive their... more>> ending, the delivery is so mediocre and toned down. That itch you've been wanting to scratch is left throbbing like cough that couldn't get out of your throat!

Read only if you're bored and nothing else to read. <<less
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OriensXS rated it
January 22, 2020
Status: Completed
Well that novel was a good ride with a lot of bumps, a lot! But the author ironned most of it till the end, then he screwed part of the end "because reasons".

So in the end is this worth reading? Yeah, it's a good novel, has a nice setup and good and interesting side characters, the loli love, the misterious master who keep beating the MC, the clans who insist on moving in the shadow and almost every time MC stumble on one of then things go bad fast, even... more>> some villains have good reasons to go after MC,

the ex childhood friend was a really good one for sure.


Even the main plot worked well untill the end of the novel, but it's certainly not a perfect one, some minor plot holes, the "side end" trying to anchor a new book in the worst way possible, and the fact that almost every trouble can only be solved when MC show up can irritate some readers.

If you want a good read with nice side characters and a MC with good morals this one will work fine, if you want something ground breaking and fresh then let this one sit for when you have no new chapters to read. <<less
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GingerMessiah rated it
March 22, 2019
Status: --
I really don’t know how this novel became successful and even had a TV series made on it.

The father told the son to lay low and to guard the tomb for four years. He agreed to it. Yet strangely enough when the four years were up. He stated he kept the oath of his father but as it turned out he had broken it in the last four years by trying to pass the academy trial and failing miserably.

The lack of consistency and the author unwillingness to go back and... more>> correct the issue is just a plain contempt to his readers’ face.

Perhaps this is why it only got to over a 1, 000 chapters before ending. <<less
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Feygen rated it
February 26, 2019
Status: c1316
The story is not bad got DE and martial world vibe but the plot armor in this one is kinda wacky and is tied to much to the story plot progression. The MC is kinda blank and a bit lacking in character progressions, he is kinda feel like an NPC that is on autopilot. But still not bad.

No one relevant to MC died. Plus this novel is tied to other novel by the same author. If you like the author work read hail the king, blade and sword sov, peerless... more>> sword sov, and one more forget the name. This four novel feel like a setup for a higher level world. Each novel operate in different galaxy with different civilization.

Lastly the two star is for the two character that surprise me in their level of character for this kida of the novel. The dog little nine and Jiang Xiaohan. Also the ending suck and is a f*cking cliffhanger to the never ending attempts of mysterious plot device cliché. <<less
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WolfNexus rated it
July 11, 2018
Status: c432
It's not the greatest novel in the world, and neither does it rise far and above its contemporaries. However, I do like this novel quite a bit.

Story: This is by far one of the better aspects of the story. I'm 400 chapters in, and I still have no idea what's going on. The MC's entire situation is just weird, and I love it. The mystery aspect of who he truly is (and I hope he isn't the most Chad of all Chads and instead has to fight to become most... more>> Chad) and his family is intriguing, and the story outright states that this boi is sh*t at scheming. The mystery of who he truly is keeps me reading this novel.

Characters: Nothing too special. It's way above the single aspect characters, but they'd only be a 2.3D at best. But the character interactions are far better, and the MC's lackeys are somewhat likeable. His little family and their steady growth in numbers is pleasing. Also, Jiang B*tchan sucks. The author still decides to make her relevant for no goddamn reason.

Others: One thing you should find annoying about this is the MC's luck. Holy f*ck is it astounding. It makes the other MCs look normal! In the initial part of the novel, he finds SUPER AMAZING TREASURES when he goes out for a walk. This might irk you, so beware.

I don't what it is about this novel. It's not really special, and neither is it hilarious; but I truly enjoy reading it. Oh wait. I remember.


He can turn into a huge silver dragon



Overall, it's an alright novel that might hook you. Check it out if you have only mediocre novels left on your reading list. <<less
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Dark_Prince rated it
May 2, 2018
Status: Completed
its amazing novel.

few of power of MC are similar from game "LOL", are garen and annie.

what is good about story is, its mystery, which is unrivaled at the end.

cultivation way is lil bad so half star goes there, and other half star for middle arc (when they go for alliance test), which is badly written and have few eerrors.
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noxxenn rated it
June 26, 2017
Status: c700
In the beginning I very much enjoyed this story but it reaches a certain point where it slowly loses all semblance of a plot line and becomes 100% generic cut and paste plot lines with not real end goal.

As the first main story line progressed well and was written to a level you wouldn't have any complaints with but as it reached the end it felt like the author kinda just threw everything aside without any real conclusion.

... more>>

When he eventually discovers his mum after spending half the novel talking about how he was looking for his family etc, it pretty much just introduces them to each other then with no really big reactions, then brushes past pretending nothing happened which was when I started to feel the decline in this novels quality.

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Bossun0910 rated it
April 4, 2016
Status: --
Just like other ppl said, it's xianxia

This novel started with school arc, the author really good at writing the bad guys, it's good enough to made me really mad just by reading their monologue. But it feels really good when he b*tchslap them.

The novel really start taking up pace after ch. 30++. It's because ppl want him to conceal his strength and stay out of conflict until he's strong enough.

There's a lot of LoL reference tho, when I read the battle between 2 academies feels like I watch some ppl... more>> playing moba game. And he even got observer ward like item!

As for translation I can't say that it's great. He really need an editor or proofreader. The translator keep changing name. The worst I have seen is on chapter 117. The good thing is the translation pace is quite great and I hope he will improve and deliver a solid traslation. <<less
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March 22, 2016
Status: --
I picked it up coz I had nothing to read and it was already 138 chapters in. The Xianxia meter is above 90000+ in this one. And though there’s some bad parts. The story improves overall in the later chapters. IMO, its a well done PMG. In pmg/mga, the MC kills people most of the times for no valid reason. However, Kudos to the author for making the villians (though still 1d) super bloody annoying to the point that you would want to strangle them yourself. And you get this... more>> satisfaction when MC actually kills them.

(Though he should really kill that crazy, b*tchy childhood friend)

MC likes to b*tchslap ppl. Thats quite refreshing and I like how the MC doesn't like to partake in conflicts. Anyway, I was pleasantly suprised reading this. Aran did a lovely job translating and I would rate it 4/5 at ch. 138. <<less
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rdawv rated it
February 20, 2016
Status: --
Review as of Ch.113.

Very standard, the usual tropes: family tragedy, secret skills, astonishing bullies, offending nobles and higher ranked people, getting a sacred beast. If you're looking for more xianxia, you can find it here. Another decently written title in this overcrowded genre. Is the MC likable? He's quite standard, nothing really special about him. What about side characters? None of them are memorable except for the translator's usage of "little loli" for one of the MC's close friend, which can either be humorous or disturbing to you. Is the... more>> combat interesting? Nothing special about it, but it works. What about the dialogue? It's a little more involved than Martial God Space's deadpan delivery, but don't expect the sophistry of Ze Tian Ji or the emotions of Against the Gods, nor the humor of Long Live Summons!, all three which are much better reads than this. What you have is a functional xianxia story, something to tide you over while waiting for chapters for other stories to be released. I myself had forgotten about this title and only returned by chance because of it's close name to Battle Emperor (which is a slightly better story than this). <<less
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Parth37955 rated it
December 12, 2015
Status: --
MC doesn’t hide his power (IS THIS EVEN XIANXIA?!) On a more serious note, this is one of the few Xianxia where the MC doesn’t care about hiding his power and rather displays it. He has talent, a filial attitude, and a nice loli friend (friends to lois are good people). It has the typical noble vs commoner angle, but the MC really doesn't give a sh*t about that. He repays kindness a hundred times, and cruelty a thousand times and he's decisive about it. It’s a good novel, and... more>> I recommend it. <<less
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Para0234 rated it
September 1, 2021
Status: c1384
I searched a long time to find out how to describe this novel.

Ultimately, it canbe resumed as "It is an excellent novel, with crippling flaws".

I'll start with the bad points, and finish with its good points.

First of all, the major downside of this novel is... one. single. character.
Indeed, of all characters, one of them WILL piss you off. Spoilers ahead if you want more info.


Jiang Xiaohan is the MOST ANNOYING antagonist I've read.

From a shitty spirit of "Everything can only revolve around me" to bullshit-fueled power-ups, and finishing by a "I did all of that for love", she ALONE is probably the worst point of this entire novel.


Second of all, the author is unreliable. Sometimes, plot twists appear out of nowhere without any kind of setup. This makes you doubt what the author tells YOU. And thismakes us seem like we can't believe the information the author tells US. The fact that the characters don't know something, fine, but lying to your readers? Not a great plan.


For example, the revelation that the Right Minister was actually a good guy, and only unleashing a secret plan came out of nowhere. This character was clearly described as an evil one, and yet, SURPRISE! He was a good guy ALL ALONG!


Third of all, the very end is made to promote the next book. I'll go back to the ending in the second part.

Fourth of all, there are still unanswered questions, probably due to the deviation from the "LoL inspired novel" too a "more like a regular cultivation-centered novel". That's a shame, but oh well, that's an opinion.

And finally, fifth of all, although this kind of issue is way more on the genre itself...
Ye Qingyu is too perfect. All he lacks is power.
He is intelligent, brave, honorable, with an unwavering heart.


It came to a point that in the final battle, his weakness wasn't evn his own weakness, but someone else's.


Now, the good things :

First of all, despite being unreliable at times, the author did some reveals that were set up far in advance. This shows that he planned ahead. (And makes it worse for the unreliability of the previous part...)


For example, the reveal that YQ is the reincarnation of the Divine Light Emperor is not a "SURPRISE!" moment, since it was setup since very early on, when the Immortal Soul told him that only reincarnated have no fate. Another thing are the three pearls mentioned at the beginning of the novel, which are actually used at the very end.


Second of all, the ending is still a far cry above the rest of the genre. How many times have I seen "Last chapter. MC gains a superpower and beats the bad guy to death. He lived happily ever after, the end."?
Well, I didn't see it here. There are more than 10 chapters focused exclusively on the ending, once the final battle is over. This allows the author to finish some story arcs, and to answer some questions. And in all my experience reading novels, it's good to have such an ending.

Third of all, the Author ACTUALLY KILLS important characters. This gives way more realism and interest to the story. Sure, Mr. Perfect might not die, but his actions can have devastating effects on his friends. This is an EXCELLENT thing that needs to be noted.

Overall, I have to recommend it, but know that it might not be perfect, but it's still enjoyable.
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PoSunBanYi rated it
June 20, 2021
Status: c159
First 74 chapters are about a great novel, refreshing, satisfying and completely different to when he wrote "Hail the King". Then you also realize is a shared universe, then you realize the whole novel before ch 74 is a facade to after ch 75; which is, Hail to the King xianxia style. Bad.

Thought mad blade changed, thought wrong. Bad.

Thought this cultivation novel was a great new for h- thought wrong. Bad.

... more>> Thought even if he's doing *that* it'll be better than Ha-, though wrong. Bad.

So yes he just rather regressed unhesitatingly on previous novels, how crude.

Novel has no sense at all. "Oh it's been tenth of a chapt-achuuu! New character, described 17 paragraphs every 5 chapters, enemy, done."

Story? For beginners, there's only 1 chapter of story, that's the beginning in 159 chapters, where his parents die and tell him to go get stuff 4 years later. Done, see you next couple hundreds chapters mentioning such scene over and over because mad blade is mad lacking.

Characters? No respect at all, everyone is disney'ed to be the incredible and hilarious humour. From having a personality they transform to faggoting around all the way until mad blade goes mad lacking again, yes skill.

Combat? What to tell. Rock [skill name], [skill name] *description of 25 words we've already seen*.

Enemy: Uh, -uh-h-u-huh-, uh, u-, h-uh. *Sees* Uoouououooohh.

MC was angry, he attacked.

Enemy punched with all force after being wounded heavily.

Enemy is now heavily injured.


That's all. There's other couple of times where he overkills, ofc between all that there is the need of 15 lines of paragraphs sometimes of non-stop talking, because asura is like that, they are talky.

About tags, like romance, progression, just the same as Hail the King, with same author I don't even wanna get creative.

In general, the worst kinda thing mad writer could've ever write, disappointment.

Checked wiki. Sometimes, just know, letting it go is just fine. It's best. I always think "i wish I didn't left that novel unread completely, only reading 'till I lasted and the last chapter". Now I can only affirm, I'm glad I was clever enough.

A mess of a non-calculated nor even half-well thought story. <<less
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ResNovae rated it
October 14, 2020
Status: c485
After the events of the "100 years plan" got exposed I can't be bothered to read this anymore.

... more>>

The MC is supposed to be a "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" person but thats just false, all is life is based on the people close to him lying to him, using him as a pawn in some grand scheme for the "greater good" and constantly endangering him but he doesn't give a F for some reason, he only cares about faceslapping young masters.

The "100 year plan" wich is basically the "1000 years plan" of Hail the King v2 is terrible and doesn't work, it only worked in Hail the King because the people scheming "against" the MC were superior entities and nobody knew of the plan but them, here is different tough, he is being used by his closest friends and distancing himself from such people would have been the normal and healty reaction (hell, he killed people for much less), but the author doesn't think so.

All MC life has been planned for him and nobody (besides maybe the two love interests) cares about his wishes and what he wants and once he knows about it he just accepts it, without any form of rejecton or anger, it is extremely forced and goes against his personality (or the reaction a human being would have) so much that I dropped the novel.

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ColdFrontDM rated it
October 4, 2020
Status: c541
The pacing is horrendous. The writing is just bad, the translation is mediocre. And the characters are all tr*sh 1 dimensional characters. “Martial Heart” is just a crux used by the author to have a 1 dimensional characters.

fight scenes are somewhat fun. First but was enjoyable learning the mystery. Then you learn the mystery and think “why should I even care a little bit anymore” so this is one of the few I’m giving up. 3/5 for a fun start.
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MyRAMEN rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: --
Compared to other cultivation novels, this is tr*sh. Bland writing, idiotic characters, forced plots, plot holes, cliches, character interactions, dumb MC, ughhh. I was tempted to give a 1 but is not gibberish
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