Imperial God Emperor


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Ye Qingyu, since the death of his parents four years ago, has been laughed at by the entire Deer city. Little do people know, he has just been biding his time for the entire four years. With the White Deer academy selection just around the corner, can he shut the mouths of all those who have laughed at him? Join Ye Qingyu in his journey to solve the mystery behind his family’s death and to reclaim the Ye family property! It is fantastic!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Immortal God Emperor
Ngự Thiên Thần Đế
Return of the Avenger (manhua)
Related Series
Hail the King (Shared Universe)
Supreme Emperor of Swords (Shared Universe)
The Divine Martial Stars (Sequel)
Peerless Martial God (3)
Coiling Dragon (3)
Martial World (2)
Battle Through the Heavens (2)
True Martial World (2)
World Defying Dan God (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that I have read
  2. Novels I have read
  3. Male Protagonist
  4. The Greatest of All Time [Male Protag]
  5. Cultivation ML

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Scifi rated it
November 7, 2016
Status: c100
Clowred is reading a different story and rating this one apparently. Either that or he is copy pasting a review for a story he has never read. This is nothing like the typical beta male japanese stories. The story is entertaining, but I do not know if I like or dislike that pretty much every characters abilities parallel the moves of league of legends characters. I don't get to use my own imagination to picture the skill and instead see JIV, Diana, and Garen. I'd probably take off a star,... more>> but seeing a one star review with so many likes bugged me. In fact I never review things but his review was so misleading that I felt I needed to. The story is pretty entertaining. Just make sure you start with the Aran Translations chapters as the others are borderline un-readable. I do find it funny when people are judging the dialogue and comparing it to other translations. It makes me wonder how many liberties translators take and how much of the creative flare is actually from the author. It's an interesting story, but fairly formulaic, but then again so was Star Wars. <<less
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Maleandar rated it
June 3, 2016
Status: c185
This is perhaps one of the more misunderstood novels out there. Many ppl dislike it for not fully understanding it and impatience. By reading the reviews, I almost passed it up, glad I did not.

Problem 1 of this novel is there are a TON of mysteries that have been introduced and more to come it looks like with no answers yet.

Problem 2 is too many bad guys. Every turn is a new bad guy, one after the other. And most are still alive at this time.

The MC has a... more>> heart of gold, he is faithful to his friends and fearless to his enemies, but alas he is a person who walks the eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. Meaning if you hurt him or his friends/family he will hurt you, but not kill you. ONLY when the bad guys finally try to kill him does he kill them. Basically the MC has tons of issues going on.

MC has luck of the Irish, he finds and gets stuff that are inconceivable at times.

The Author at the start of the novel tried to do some comedy with little loli, but missed, later he improved his comedy with the little dragon and puppy.

The Romance is SLOOOOOOOOOOOW. At this time we have 5 different possible love interests, the little loli is in the lead. As of C 185 the MC is still 14 years old and 1 year or so has passed since start of story, you can not count the 4 year time skip at the start as it is the prologue to set up the story. The romance is budding and the MC is learning slowly what love means. As a 14 year old kid it is understandable, but in all other aspects he is like a 50 year old saint who knows all.

The story is a roller coaster at times, good and bad. Some of the conflicts seem very forced while others seem natural. I sometimes wonder why the Author introduces new forced conflicts when he has a decent one already going.

Overall decent story but very short chapters, each chapter takes 7-10 min to read. The translation is ok, but the editing needs work. A lot of f*ck you and f*ck this in this novel and not even used correctly. Example would be: I am going to mother f*cking you up. They try to be vulgar and miss totally making one shake their heads while reading.

HOWEVER....... the story has a good plot and a lot going on, if not for the forced and constant conflicts, it would be a great story, but alas I can only give it a good story. 3.5/5 <<less
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hinokio rated it
January 25, 2022
Status: Completed
this novel is a major disappointment, I have only one piece of advice for anyone that wants to read this novel is that they have to have a heart of steel and try to comprehend the Dao of c*ckroach villains who never die and mystery that will never be explained until the last chapters, only the first arc with most likely about the first 200+ chapters and the last couple of chapters is enjoyable the rest of the novel is frustrating with enemies and friend withhold information for no reason... more>> other than to grab your attention for more chapter to explain, any random stuff that will never disrupt the story if it told earlier but the author chose to withhold this info and try to mystify for only you to read more filler chapters that most of the readers just skims through, one more thing MC IQ will drop most of the story just for the plot to continue and enemy's power up faster than MC who have tons of plot armors that you will find it frustrating, most of the enemy always have safe plan to retreat and run that at some point MC will have too many enemys cos they ran every single time that you will be pulling your hair in these kind of moments, the author loves to kill tons of Cannon fodder for MC to come late and play his part as the hero and save his friends an example of him going to save a sect of one of his friend just to come late and only his friend and some elders only alive with tons of Cannon fodder dies just to justify MC of killing the villains and most of the story you will meet with a lot of organizations corruption that reach the point of annoying with the same repeated plot. So a piece of advice for fellow readers if you think that most of the story will be like the first 200+ chapters with that hot-blooded MC you will be disappointed <<less
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Readmeylips rated it
February 8, 2021
Status: c1362
5/5 would recommend, its a great read with an overbearing MC with a background filled with mystery who doesnt give a shit.

the only reason I rate this as a 1 star is because

... more>>

the childhood friend of the MC, Jiang Xiaohan. What the Author did to her is complete BS. Shes a c*ckroach who till the end stays as part of the main storyline and is a villain that always gets in the mc's way and tries to the best of her abilities to kill him.

this isnt why I hate her character tho. The reason I hate her is because by the end she sacrifices her body and soul to help the MC, portraying her as more of a tragic heroin and giving her a honorable death rather than killer her off by the mc's hands.

time and time again for 1362 chapters EVERY FIBER OF HER BEING is full of malintent. At the first 100 or so chapters what she does to the MC an be shrugged off, she herelf claiming that "Back then, I simply wanted to use my departure to provoke you into making progress. However, for some reason, I started to become envious of you when you truly advanced and gained prominence. I used all kinds of laughable and deplorable means to make you notice me" if it wass the leaving and the plotting at the start sure, she can be forgiven but FOR OVER 1360 chapters she has been HELLBENT on killing the MC by ANY means necessary. Her death statement basically CONTRADICTS her every move since 100+ chapters and basically makes what she should intrinsically be, what the author for OVER 1000 chapters make us believe. Complete and utter dog shit. And it makes me pissed. For the first 500 chaptes sure, f*ck it ill roll with it if author decides that shes gonna have a redemption bs, but its been over 1300 chapters and then, then author decides that shell have a redemption bs happen, that is dog crap that even I cannot tolerate. Im so pissed at this bs that I wrote this rant and bc of it I cant even finish the damn novel for whenever I start reading I remeber that bs and then get super pissed about it. For all the BS that this bith has done she does NOT deserve a tragic and heroic death.

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CursedDemon rated it
November 11, 2018
Status: c310
Come on man. :| I don't mind lack of depth in characters because it's an LN. I don't mind the lack of real progress in the story because it's an LN. I don't mind poor twist in the story because it's an LN. But man o man, I feel violated when in every chapter there is only 10% of words worth reading and the rest is just blsht that writer added so he can fill the chapter. He keeps telling you again and again about something that you already know, I... more>> read 310 chapter and honestly, if I'm being magnanimous I can tell you that in standard I feel like I read around 40 chapter. The writer keeps insulting you by doing this (at least I feel that way). I gave 3 stars by mistake. Meh, who cares.

At most, it's worth 2.5 stars. <<less
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Sairen rated it
September 25, 2017
Status: c282
It started out good your typical xianxia however quickly is starts declining.

The author seems to not be able to decide how to pace it something that should be settled in 1/2 a chapter to 1 and 1/2 chapters easily takes 5-7 but every thing else can speed by so fast.

Im used to novels where the beginnings are slower paced takes time for our MC to power up. Then usually by like the last 1-2 advancements till hes at the peak it speeds up since authors suck at adding anything once... more>> our MC is an actual expert so they just go oh lots of years passed hes advanced yay.

This seems to be taking a different approach one which is annoying to say the least. he powers up so fast its just s*upid. oh 1 chapter hes like a 10 on the power scale then in like 5 chapters hes like a 50 I dont even know. I have no scale of what is what anymore. The author constantly spout it out as these people being TRUE experts but our MC is just slaying one after the other and getting more and more powerful. Hell hes basically at the 2nd stage of the 3 that we know.

Now this is another gripe I have WHY do we only know 3 stages on the path to cultivation at this point? we have never seen anyone at the 3rd stage we just know it. Mind you this novel is 1300 chapters long, yet we have only seen the 2nd stage and they are "TRUE EXPERTS??" Almost every other novel atleast introduces you to the stages that the MC is not gonna be at for like 400+ chapters.

The characters are just boring 95% of the characters are typical oh you insult me im special and awsome I shall kill you for no real reason and just be a general a**hole. LITERALLY 95% of the characters introduced are our MC's enemies and there has been ALOT of them. To top of off despite the fact that our MC is at the "TRUE EXPERT" point no one thinks hes is. They are all just like "OOOOOOH this insignificant person whose below me and weak even tho I just aw him kill like a bazillion of people at my stage oh man im gonna underestimate him." Like come on.... its annoying.

Power ups... Ok what can I say about this a bit crazy im okay with you know our boy getting some inheritance or some shit. but LITERALLY LITERALLY!!! he gets an ability which doubles his power and it stacks up 10 times. THIS ISNT EVEN A SPOILER THERE IS NOTHING TO IT ITS JUST BULLSHIT! hell he will be in a fight and pull some sh*t out of his ass we have never seen then go oh I got a little bit back. WHY NOT TELL IS THEN?

So im giving it a 2 star simply since I enjoyed maybe the first 100 or so chapters. However between the just godawful pacing and the nightmarish character design and power ups. I truly want to give it a 1 star. I feel like this author has no idea what hes doing and yes I doubt I could even make a novel but thats why I read and critic it not make them.

To put it in perspective I made this account simply to review this I sorta find it more annoying and infuriating than MGA. <<less
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Trent rated it
June 22, 2016
Status: c198
Average. The novel's enjoyable when it's not wasting words being generic. However, the unreliable cultivation ladder is extremely irksome. At first, six "Spirit Springs" are required to get to the following level. Then it's ten. Then twenty. Then everyone worth his salt is going for the legendary hundred. And people who were stated to have been at one level or another are downgraded because the author puts no effort into setting up and staying true to cultivation levels.
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TheDarkness rated it
February 5, 2016
Status: --
Here is the thing, some people compare this to MGA.

I don't think that is correct. Don't get me wrong the MC is ruthless and shit. But here is the fundamental difference between him and chu feng. The MC doesn't quite give a f*ck about the pointless power struggles and all that jazz. In fact he made it a habit to stay low key and not bu*t heads with people. Then someone started to f*ck with his friend and he is like "f*ck that shit" and just shits on everyone. But... more>> even after that he maintains a clear disgust for power struggles and plotting. I wouldn't say he is hot headed, as it his of thought is rather straight forward. So I think the more correct wording would be that he is tyrannical and overbearing towards to his enemies. And spares no effort in killing them if he believes them to be a problem. Which is a bit different from the psychopathic known as Chu Feng. <<less
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Sypfon rated it
January 19, 2016
Status: --
This novel started out pretty decently, like pretty normal xianxia genre with op character. It has it little difference too so it not like it was boring or anything. I would have gave it a 3/5 or 4/5 if only it continue like that.

I would of scored it even lower, but it wouldn't be fair as the beginning was okay. Anyway the story got to a point where everyone enters a battlefield, and that when I pretty much couldnt take the story seriously anymore. I felt like it throw everything... more>> it built up into this MOBA game like world like going into the wilderness to farm creeps as they call it. Leveling up to learn skills in there. Placing wards. Destroying tower lines. Oh and respawning too. <<less
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ronny69 rated it
February 10, 2021
Status: c1036
MC is so weak! Can’t even beat women in at his own level. I am not against women beating able to beat the MC but to constantly get beaten every time they meet, it’s ridiculous. Weak sauce. Always getting schemed by women and falling into their traps is also a joke. MC started off smart but then got s*upid as the novel proceeds.
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MaceTheDon rated it
April 7, 2020
Status: c485

His adopted parents lied to him, his real mother lied to him, the loli lied to him, wen wan lied to him. All of them basically controlling his life & using him as a pawn & he shows no anger that his life has just been played around with... And he just accepts everything.

The bad guys suddenly being good guys, even though they spent the entire time trying to kill MC & his friends the whole time is completely swept under the rug.

All in all the plot holes & twists killed this novel for me.

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Tanhalevi rated it
September 20, 2019
Status: c75
It's enough for me.

The MC is always both hailed as a genius and insulted beyond measure.

He is as interesting as watching paint as it dries.

The typical childhood-friend-turned-antagonist is even more s*upid and embarassing than any novel I ever read, she literally appears just to bit*h whenever possible, no other use or depth.

The author straight up plagiarize the game League of Legends by ... more>>

1) Giving as an inheritance object (you know, the classic treasure that teaches you abilities) a book that literally teaches him Jarvan IV's 4 abilities (in order, mind you) and then (other reviews say) Garen's.

2) The Book can also teach "support techniques" to create objects and treasures and he gets a ward.

3) The trial in which multiple schools compete is literally the Summoner's rift, complete with multiple lanes, multiple towers, minions that give exp, a jungle with monsters that give exp and companions with Zyra and Annie's (Minus Tibbers) kit.


It's enough for me.

The novel is kinda average in itself, but understanding all of a sudden that I am reading an half fanfiction of LoL made me quit.

Only the idea of spirit springs feeding a dry inside world was a bit interesting.

Not enough, however. <<less
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Aer rated it
March 27, 2019
Status: c854
One of the lousiest novel I've come across. I am a person who likes to evaluate a novel only when I have finished reading it, which is why I have read till 800+ chapters, but I feel that I have wasted my time. It's as if the author is doing his best to include all those cliches common to chinese novels.

Read this if you like:

    • Blatant self-praise
    • Rinse & repeat
    • Experts coming out of nowhere for no reason just to help the MC
    • Arrogant young masters
    • One dimensional characters (including the MC)
    • Ridiculous amounts of plot armor
    • Random OP powerups that do not match the cultivation ranks that the author himself set
    • Random situations that pop up out of nowhere just so that the MC can show off just what a "good" and godlike character he is
    • The whole cast is utterly useless and only the MC can save the day
    • Plotty mysteries that are handwaved or simply forgotten about
    • Unremarkable cast/villians. I can't even remember the name of the girl the MC like or even the villian's
The only thing I can find about agreeable about this novel is that at least there is no pe*verted harem making (I gave +1 star just because of that), though the female leads are just as useless.

Go find something better to read. Trust me, it doesn't get any better.
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Concernedcitizen rated it
August 21, 2018
Status: c101
For me, the plot is interesting. A kid, patiently waiting for his revenge, honoring his dead parent's last wish.

Though it made him stronger, if you think on a higher perspective, those the the academy are all kids below 15yrs old. That is a full power non-sense for me.

Kids without pubes killing hundreds of monsters, playing schemes and plotting, competing who has the highest piss in the air. Let me tell you again, those are 15yr olds.

We know there are some kids in real life that has those kids of attitude,... more>> but having a cluster of majority in one (out of 10) great schools? Wow. Thats just wow.

Next plot? The parents. Yup, MC's highly aclaimed parents.

They have this all superior, law immunity, powerful badge. They are rich, Nobles, with high cultivation. No need for spoiler tags, they died.

But who would have thought that these powerful people, are so incompetent, unreliable, that they have no loyal followers?! Really? Does being too powerful clouded their judgement, and choosing the wrong people? Not a single one of their aides is loyal, and all ate a portion of their wealth.

You will have to question their competency. What have they done in their life and just collect hyenas all around?

If you are a person that doesn't question the plot and accept the whole thing, this is for you. Progressive MC, power hunger. Dominating. Sure, read it.

If you are detail oriented person, questioning the loop holes, stop. The first 100 chapters will make you cringe. Specially the kids playing plots and schemes.

Still reading because I like progressing while cringing at the same time. <<less
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August 21, 2018
Status: --
Average story so Far

MC has been shown to have a background. The Empire is too corrupt and author repeatedly mentions this through our MC. It is as if MC is fighting for whole Human Race. Frankly I don't even understand what he is fighting for.

He actually has a mission to accomplish by his parents. What is he f*cking around for?500 chapters and not a single sh*t about it.

MC is hopelessly optimistic, gentle and kind to downtrodden, of course merciless to his enemies (nobles and sect people). He doesn't have any... more>> plan regarding how to fight this corruption. He only kills.

Antogonists are s*upidly arrogant. MC only has wierd friends and almost every one of them is what chinese authors call friends- "Brother".

Honestly there are far too many novels out there where MC has more intelligence than this MC. Author doesn't even give a chance for our MC to use his brain. His is only alive due to his 'peerless talent', 'LUCKY chances', and s*upid friends (who only help in insane situations).

I don't know if it is author or translator, but f*ck repeatedly mentioning 'loli' is disgusting and degrading. And this 'loli' seemed to be female lead so far. I mean MAN? Really?? You have a whole story and lot of characters to choose from and you chose someone you call loli? There is no real interaction between two except they talked in school sometimes and honestly its creepy if he has feelings for her. 0_0 <<less
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ImmortalEmperorLQY rated it
July 10, 2018
Status: c142
Let me just say this outright from the beginning this a tr*sh novel u only read such novel to pass time and I have my reasons.

* He is in the class and a cute loli comes up-to talk to u and because her uniform is not properly her size u tell her to come to ur house so u'll fix it 4 her... what!! when did the NC become a tailor. I thought he was the young master of the Yu family

*Then he becomes friends with her and later in... more>> the future he finds out that she is some princess of darkness whom every one in the world wants to kill and then when she was exposed only three weak generals were sent to capture her and some other weak cultivators which even the MC could kill..... Ah I just can't go on with such crappy novel <<less
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immortal naveen
immortal naveen rated it
February 5, 2018
Status: c408
Personally, I liked this novel. It isn't excellent, it's about above average. What I liked most was MCs personality and the relationships he had with people. He has actual personality, he's thoughtful and has a compassionate personality, he knows when to back off and when to move forward. He upholds his principles and integrity, even if he takes loss as shown in his time in the Snow City place. I really loved his actions and the way he dealt with his annoying childhood friend Jiang Xiohan too. He ignored her,... more>> like he should. If it was Chu Feng or some of the genocidal protags from other certain novels.. They would have just r*ped and/or killed her.

I also didn't like how Song Xiaojun was referred to as "little loli" most of the time. It was honestly annoying and it's like that's her whole defining trait. Like I hate the term loli being used in CNs or used to describe e a little girl anywhere, it seems kind or sexualizing to me.. Why even mention that and why not just call her a small or young girl, geez. And she's annie too haha, even her lines "have you seen my bear?" and ult XD. There's still a lot of unexplored plot points, nothing about his background is revealed yet, why he has the powers he has etc. He has a goofy pet thing which we know nothing of too. It's been some chapters already, if nothing about his background is revealed in the next 100 chaps, ill be pissed. Well, overall, the novel is not bad. /End review <<less
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monkey magic
monkey magic rated it
June 23, 2017
Status: c200
it's an okay story, but I have noticed that parts of it are pretty much directly lifted from other novels, and often there are parts where it seems like the author has forgotten about what he wrote previously. Sometimes this is literally a chapter or two later.

for example, in the start ... more>> they hunt demonic beasts for their talent bones (it's been awhile since I read it but it seemed to be described exactly like perfect world to me) but later this is never mentioned again, including when talking about all the precious parts of some beasts.
He also is put into a cauldron with medicinal herbs to be refined into a medicinal man, later breaking out and killing his captor (Dragon Marked War God has this exact thing happen apparently)
that's not even getting into the whole thing where they basically played a real life MOBA or how all his moves and stuff are directly lifted from League of Legends <<less
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Rainblade rated it
April 2, 2016
Status: --
It’s the same as other Xianxia’s but at the same time it’s not. You have your similar cliches, s*upid villain’s, ridiculous power-ups, people that need to have a good kick to the groin, (both male and female.) The only difference is, none of it is forced it’s all happening because of the situations he is in.

The MC is unique, and actually intelligent for once, that isn’t his driving force tho, they don’t call him a ‘demon king’ for nothing. It’s more like he is realistic when he should be,... more>> and unbridled when he should be.

I absolutely love the cultivation aspect of it, you need to culminate a series of springs in your dantian before leveling up and creating a bitter sea? How original and amazing is that?

The writing is top-notch the characters all have their ups and downs, the plot is amazing, and has very few plot holes. Simply put if you love good fights with great descriptions, both shitty and well thought out villains, and antagonists, good character development and world building, and an easy to follow plot, just read it!

The translation by Aran is amazing as well, and the speed is good too.

PS: at least read to chapter 50 or so, it get’s better as it goes along. The old translator and editor? Only gave me a headache, and for the first little bit the novel focuses on how shitty his life is, the betrayal of certain people, and the school tests. Once you get passed this it get’s really good, so just stick out for a little bit and you’ll love it. <<less
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Astaroth rated it
January 3, 2016
Status: --
New translator doing a good job, though the recurring "bitingly" seems really strange/weird to me. (Coldly, forcefully or aggressively seems more appropriate. They're not sarcastic at least, afaik.)

The story is the pretty bland standard trope where the protagonist is a genius, because of some secret from his dead parents, however to give everyone else a chance he waits 4 years before beginning to cultivate before he catch up in a day and leave them in the dust after a week.

Nobody recognizes Mt Tai, but when they do they realise... more>> they have to kill him before he become even more powerful and it's too late... And so the run of the mill thugs are beaten back but keep coming back for more every time.

In short; Nothing outstanding but nothing particularly bad either, read this when you've got nothing else or if you're too tired for anything that requires any thought. I personally dropped it and isn't going to take it up again any time soon (if ever) because early on when we find out that the protagonist has the mind of the "asura"—merciless, vengeful, etc a la Chu Feng the beheader—but despite this he goes against his own martial path by letting these common thugs get away with some minor injuries so they keep coming back...

My personal opinion is 2* because I perhaps became a bit biased from this fundamental contradiction but I wouldn't disagree if someone more impartial gave it a 3*. <<less
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