Imperial God Emperor


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Ye Qingyu, since the death of his parents four years ago, has been laughed at by the entire Deer city. Little do people know, he has just been biding his time for the entire four years. With the White Deer academy selection just around the corner, can he shut the mouths of all those who have laughed at him? Join Ye Qingyu in his journey to solve the mystery behind his family’s death and to reclaim the Ye family property! It is fantastic!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Immortal God Emperor
Ngự Thiên Thần Đế
Return of the Avenger (manhua)
Related Series
Hail the King (Shared Universe)
Supreme Emperor of Swords (Shared Universe)
The Divine Martial Stars (Sequel)
Peerless Martial God (3)
Coiling Dragon (3)
Martial World (2)
Battle Through the Heavens (2)
True Martial World (2)
World Defying Dan God (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that I have read
  2. Novels I have read
  3. Male Protagonist
  4. The Greatest of All Time [Male Protag]
  5. Cultivation ML

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89 Reviews sorted by

nixxara rated it
February 18, 2016
Status: --
Great pacing! Author doesn’t prolong battles unnecessarily and the MC is also a pretty decent person. He has his own morals and follows them without being too much of a hypocrite. I also love how the novel focuses on the school setting and actually shows his life, progress, and interactions at school, unlike so many other novels where the MC goes in the school and all the author ever talks about is how the MC levels up inside the school with no meaningful interactions with students and teachers.

Overall, good story.

5... more>> stars~ <<less
49 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oblivion2007 rated it
January 31, 2017
Status: c140
I just can't take this novel anymore. Almost everyone is just either hopelessly corrupt, useless, or powerless. The corrupt people are not even clever they are completely s*upid and arrogant. It stops even being funny and just becomes depressing. Nothing good seems to happen in this novel. Sure the MC gets stronger and encounters lucky opportunities but society and the situation around the MC never really changes.

We were supposed to get a big change as the MC moves away from his home city because of the corruption and joins another... more>> faction but that just became a huge disappointment. It turns out no it is just more of the same corrupt sh*t as before except now the antagonists have different names and the power-levels inflated.

If this is all supposed to pay off later when the MC becomes powerful enough to fight off the corruption than frankly the payoff is taking way too damn long. There has been no actual catharsis yet in this novel, the people the MC smacks around or kills are just insignificant compared to the massive actual oppression that nothing has actually curbed. Around the time that I started thinking that this entire country should just be destroyed because it is beyond saving is when I just couldn't care anymore and decided to drop this story.

As far as I am concerned chapter 141 starts with another continent crashing into Snow country and destroying everything and everyone, and the entire chapter is just describing the apocalyptic destruction and explaining how the world is better off this way. <<less
41 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Hantosh rated it
April 9, 2016
Status: --
Read up to chapter 150.

An average Xianxia so far. Hasn’t hit the point yet where I’m committed to reading more.

MC is an angsty preteen with a tragic backstory, which is the rationale for him being hardcore etc etc. When the story starts, he immediately enters the local cultivator high school and starts squashing the beefs with the cliques that wrong (ed) him. After he out-levels his school, he joins the military and finds out there’s cliques there too. Makes you wonder how they haven’t been wiped out yet with all... more>> the corruption and backstabbing going on and it apparently being located on the most dangerous border in the country. Not finding the MC or any of the characters likeable.

The author’s writing style exhibits problems common with Xianxia WNs;

– Lots of detail (too much actually) on useless stuff like the MC’s inner soul world/cultivation, but when it comes to fights they’re sometimes briefly mentioned or skipped entirely.

– Explaining the obvious.

– Shallow characters; antagonists are carbon copy one-dimensional arrogant villains.

– Inconsistent MC. MC walks the path of a ruthless Asura, except when he doesn’t feel like it. <<less
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jacobpaige rated it
December 25, 2015
Status: c4
Maybe it gets better eventually, but I just can't stand this level of pointless s*upidity from the characters or the author any more. Especially when absolutely nothing is happening. A test that should take less than 1 chapter due to its extreme insignificance has already taken 3 and still, nothing has happened. I can only imagine how it will be once we get to things that actually matter. It might take 30 chapters to get 1 chapter's worth of content.
30 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
slouchking rated it
October 21, 2018
Status: Completed
Below average. Quality takes a significant dive half way.

... more>>

Everyone in this universe if far too corrupt. Everyone the MC knows is in danger of being killed the moment he turns his back (Had the same problem as Invincible except everyone wasnt r*ped).

When the MC fought and gave his life to stop the invasion of foreign races while fighting the kingdom who was willing to sell out humanity for personal gain turned out to be a planned trap to wipe out opposition of the kingdom. The MC brushed it off like it was nothing even though he resigned himself to death to stop the foreign invasion and that humanity had failed him. The fact that he didnt even question everything he went through or how destructive the kingdoms plan was just terrible and made the whole experience shallow.

jiang xiaohan is one of the worst characters ive come across in these novels. Jiang xiaohan was someone who was a early story antagonist that ended up popping up in like a c*ckroach in the story until the very end. She was just a terribly written character.

Song Xiaojun being killed by phoenix girl was one of the worst things ive read in these novels. The author played it straight like phoenix girl was doing it for her own personal gain and watched Song Xiaojun crying and full of regret of being killed in front of MC. But turns out it was all just a trick and phoenix girl killed Song Xiaojun in cold blood to level her up. Then all of a sudden Song xiajun and phoenix girl are best friend and sisters. Just a terribly written way to level up love interest.

The dog was cute at first but became an annoying hard to control man eating monster.

The MC was supposed to have the heart of an asura and kill all. But the MC constantly lets people go for poor reasons and have it immediately backfire on him as everyone around him was in danger of being killed.

This annoys me because in these kind of novels the MC will usually let people go and then it will have terrible consequences for the MC. So the MC learns that letting people go only harms himself and he grows as a person. But this MC doesnt learn and is always getting screwed cause of it.


Wouldnt recommend.

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heishiken rated it
May 16, 2016
Status: c175
While this story starts off slow and is a bit boring at the start, at least in my Opinion, it matures into one of the best Stories there is. Can only recommend reading it, and get over the first 40 or so Chapters, then the Story just gets better and better.

Edit: It gets worse over Time so definitly does not deserve the 5 Star I gave it before. Should be 3 Star.
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Aure94100 rated it
February 14, 2016
Status: --
I was afraid with all these bad reviews. But, unexpectidly, this is a very GOOD story !

I read until chapter 107 before starting this review. First, it has definitly nothing to do with MGA. STOP IT !

Comparing to a lot of xianxia novels, this one has a REAL story ! Well, it seems standard at the beginning with all these minor trops but the novel begin, slowly, to take his own path.

First, I have never read, before, a xianxia story who seems to have a real school-life feeling, apart... more>> from a few xianxias like “Warlock of of the Magus World” (who feels more like a sect organisation than a school) and perhaps a little with “Coiling Dragon”‘magic institut.

Second, personaly, even if the MC trains himself with his parents’s secret sutra, it seems like he is a real genius with an exceptional rare body like what geniuses have. And this is rare because in xanxias, protagonists aren’t geniuses but cheats. In “Coiling Dragon”, “Desolate Era” and “Emperor Martial Reborn”, there’re geniuses in spirit but not in body.

Third, the protagonists seem to have real personnalities. Even if there’s some few who appears just for decoration and progression of the story, there’s also those who seems to be here with a true goal in mind (good and bad ones).

Fourth, the MC seems to be well defined : personnality, reputation, socialisation, background, family and rare friends. The author has created a fixed little world around him without flaws, constant modifications or abherations like we usually see in novels like “Peerless Martial God”, “MGA”, “MGS”... etc.

Finally, the story seems to have a REAL progression. It doesn’t seem like if the author is just adding some weird, s*upid and random situations to fill the story. The story seems to have been prepared, to already have some fixed goals, to have a balance. There’s even the apparition of a big plot in the last chapters around one of the protagonists, and that shakes everything around our MC. The author knows how to justify each minor and big progressions in the story. Even the minor arcs like with the restaurant and the dojo aren’t random situations. They’re necessary to avoid inconsistency and holes.

Well, I have a really positive opinion on this xianxia novel and I recommend it ! <<less
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Rhealora rated it
February 17, 2016
Status: --
Reviewed after ch 110

It is a very xianxia, xianxia

cultivating, cheat items, peerless genius with mysterious bloodline

... more>> i find myself liking the school setting (for the time being)

MC, I find that he’s very decisive, have sharp mouth and mercilessly ruthless but his action was kinda justified, kinda

he gives people deal, but when it’s off then he’s bi**hslapping them

the villains are 1D and the classic mt. Tai case, as the setting was noble vs. Commoner so yep, pampered spoiled lil brats, each one more arrogant than the others (even the adults)

there is a little loli! It was not only loli but little also lol their interactions were cute, a mix of ze tian ji and douluo dalu (their interaction not the story)

Also, cute mascot

overall a good read, if you like the types of CD,

douluo dalu etc <<less
15 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
June 21, 2016
Status: c96
Let me just say the first thing that comes to mind when I think about this novel: League of Legends. Some parts of this novel were heavily influenced by the game. This is not necessarily a bad thing however for me it ruins the experience of a novel when I see ideas taken from something else that I am already very familiar with. It doesn't feel creative and reduces the authenticity. I simply gave it a three as I do not think I would be able to rate this fairly.... more>> You should take my review with a grain of salt, and treat this as more of a warning for like minded people.
As for what I've seen so far:

- He learns a spear technique set from a legendary cheat item and it contained 4 stances. They were literally jarven's skill set from LoL.
- He also learns a heavy sword technique set which was garen's kit.
- The school competition is a moba where the generated minions help give permanent rise to cultivation instead of gold.
- During the moba competition, 2 of his teammates auto lock top and bot.
- MC is a 'genius' and jungles: Quite literally did: wolves -> gank mid -> red buff -> gank top -> gank bot -> blue buff -> drag -> open top/bot -> all push mid.
- He gets this special rare item from his legendary cheat item during the moba game which was basically a ward.

Well that was all I saw up to chapter 96 but even that was enough to upset me.

14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
12kucingputih rated it
January 6, 2016
Status: --
good xianxia novel so far MC’s so mature he do what he should he’s not the person that blind to kill everyone in his path, enjoyable story, nice fight scene, character development and school arc with cute romance added make you craving for this novel every single day
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 8, 2018
Status: c469
Read some distance into the 400's. My god this is by far one of the worst developing novel's i've ever read. Consider it dropped. Further details into my reason:

... more>>

Lets go straight into why I hate this novel at chapter 300-400. At this point in the novel, the MC finds out his aunt is one of the strongest people in the current point in the novel, she promises to protect him (promise made to her sister/s*ave), Later on the MC gets promoted to a lord of an old forsaken palace in the kingdom, when he goes into the palace it is recognized that he is the true successor (skipping how), Later on (few chapters), he gets attacked by a bunch of enemies hiding in the shadows from when the previous successor wiped their races out (poor cleaning job, literally 15+ survivors from races escaped and threatening to kill mc). After which random enemies keep appearing and random saviors of the MC appear with little to no backstory or relevance to future plot. The kingdom in which he is a lord of doesn't help him, the ministers and apex prince seemingly are "bad people"


Further spoiler late 400's

Further more, at the end of this 25+ worthless chapters, its all swept under the rug, MC basically almost dies, aunt never appears, its revealed after the minister basically killed the MC he is apart of the "good-guys" with a plot to capture all escaped races and kill them with the main character being a necessary sacrifice (pfft, even though they recognize he has the most potential they're ever seen in the kingdom), after that its stated that no one can handle the consequences of the MC almost dying in the face of the mc's aunt, at which his aunt finally appears (lmao) she doesn't really give a f**k about him being barely alive, but reveals she is the main characters mother, whose father has been missing for 100 years.


Now for the questions i've been itching to ask which was promptly asked by a guy in chapter 487


"MC is abandoned as a child; why? No reason. He thinks his parents are dead, why? No reason. What if the MC decided to act like a 10yo when his "parents" died? And instead of guarding their graves, he went off, joined the academy, and was promptly assassinated by whatever powers were targeting him? OOOooops, the 100 y plan is already dead. Furthermore, all those people's lives ruined, destroyed and ended by the evil politics and suddenly none of that matters because "whatever, " haha, I was always good afterall, I was just playing evil overlord for the last 50 years, you know, killing imperial princes and the like. Why did they need the MC in this plan in the first place? Their plan could have worked just fine without him right? How did the MC just manage to attack from the light tower on just the right day that the portals opened?"

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Discordia rated it
January 14, 2017
Status: c221
Honestly, far better than I initially expected. When I heard there was a b*tchy childhood friend along with "Hot-blooded" and "Arrogant male-lead" tags, I thought the MC would be like those psychopaths such as Chu Feng and Ling Feng but it wasn't. Hes surprisingly very calm and easygoing. Not arrogant or hot blooded at all. Only downside that pisses me off so much are the "Nobles." Like EVERY single villain is more brain dead and ret*rded than they usually are. And till this day I wonder how schools and military... more>> works when any casual noble can come and take anyone's life because they want to. Their personality are so bad it makes me feel disgusted. <<less
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Slayerwolfx2 rated it
September 3, 2017
Status: c145
tr*sh being tr*shy tr*sh and tr*sh tr*shing tr*shes...

Truly the best description I have for this novel...

The characters are many, and most are enemies with the MC... however they are all one dimensional... about 95% of the characters are one dimensional...85% with inferiority complex, and a small 10% of the good kind, but still one dimensional.

... more>> Aside from that, the author himself is smoking something... there is no way to explain some of the BS he shows us otherwise. He:

1) A never before introduced character, does something, and then that character vanishes... no, to truly understand what I mean, I mean even the translator said it must have been a deleted character, and that that line somehow remained there...

2) He defies the laws of his own world by making destroyed items suddenly reappear...

3) The main character has dumbsh*t luck

Has max talent, max perception, broken fiendgod book, dragon blood, cloud top cauldron, the nameless breathing technique, and the more I read, the more s*upid it gets.


4) sometimes the MC tries to appear smart, making s*upid decisions, making me cringe

5) Some sh*t amount of filler in some parts...

6) Last but not least, he f-ed up some names... like, if you're going to name someone from stars, at least Google the proper f-ing names...

(And I'm not even mentioning everything... Just look at the comments, of the most chapters.)

And honestly, if this was given more than a cursory look, and maybe even taken to an editor, and fixed up, maybe just then I would put it 4-5 stars... but now? 2 star, and it's because of a few good scenes he has managed to write...


All in all, it has quite a few good scenes, but it's not worth to read it just for those... The thing needs rewrite, but honestly, it shouldn't be too hard, or take too long to fix it up, since the author just f*cks up some parts, not the whole novel... but it's just an abandoned project for him and it shows. <<less
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Theory rated it
March 16, 2016
Status: --
The beginning of this story sucks. If I had anything else to read I would have dropped it. However... As the story progresses it gets a lot better. There is still some occasional bad parts, but as a whole the story actually becomes enjoyable. Nothing amazing by any means, but still a enjoyable read. If you plan on reading this story I just recommend you force yourself to get through the first 20 or so chapters. By then I think it gets better.
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
August 7, 2017
Status: c274
The script keeps changing and there's a lot of forceful events. The things you learn 1-100Chpts, later become irrelevant.. I'm grinding my teeth in anger right now. Because I really want to love this but the Author is really indecisive... The things he builds up are broken away.

The MC is intelligent but incredibly young and foolish. As he's helping the very people he should be against. He starts a lot of problems because of his ignorance about things.

I enjoy the Romance, but not even a year has passed and... more>> he's saying things like "Wow she's beautiful" "This is the fragrance of a girl". Isn't she 10-11 years old?! In fact she's describe as very small. How forceful can you get? The age keeps changing without much time passing...


First of all, the Main Heroine, Song out of no where suddenly has this crazy backstory of being a Dark Lord when she was merely a little loli who showed no significance in the story. But all the sudden the next chapter she disappears "Oh I'm sorry she's actually the Dark Lord and has to go." Even the way the MC says good bye to her was s*upid. "Here's a teddy bear, so remember me, good bye" He literally did that. You'd think the Author would make it emotional and say pretty lines to comfort. (Wasted Potential)

Even the way they 'reunite' was forced. He's just dining and out of no where she comes and drink as well.. These are just one of a lot of examples..


Don't get me wrong I do love how the Author writes about corruptness and hypocrisy. I loved how the MC didn't meddle in nosy affairs. People hated him but then love him. He rejects them.

But later, he believes himself to be a "Military man" and have "Military Brotherhood." with "Iron-Blood Men" but its obvious he's not a true soldier. And is even told this into his face. MC is respecting the wrong people blindly. Isn't he supposed to be intelligent?

The Author has ideas but no creativity. This is clear as day. Is this a Wuxia or Xuanhuan? Suddenly there's Sects and becomes incredibly messy. I am very angry and sadden of the wasted potential. 3 Stars is appropriate.

I recommend Shin Yin Wan from Author of Soul Land. That was at least written better. <<less
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MixedEmotionz rated it
August 14, 2017
Status: c100
Do you like league of legends and are a die hard fan looking for a novel with the exact abilities of some of the champs? Then this light Novel is for you! The imperial god emperor features a nice story line where at the start he stuggles to make his way into power by getting himself accepted into deer academy and then continues on to find a bunch of hidden and powerful objects making him super strong! Classic right? You then continue the story to find out that one of... more>> the objects teaches him super strong moves where he learns the exact same abilities as Jarvan IV and Garen from league of legends depending on which weapon our MC ends up using. And to make it even better they throw them into a MOBA where they have to defend turrets and our MC somehow discovers jungling and he fights wolves, red buff, blue buff and dragon (ish) to which point he then proceeds to get a pentakill.

Overall though the story is good its just I have played so much league of legends that it just creeps me out and makes me feel kinda weird about it.

10/10 would play league of legends again! <<less
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JK rated it
May 28, 2016
Status: c200
This LN stands out from other usual xianxia and is a lot better. I like the story build up and I am expecting a lot from this LN. The power level is also better than usual and I think it will go on being better as not just normal power level but other factors that add to the MC's strength makes this LN a lot more interesting than other novels.

Don't give up reading in the initial chapters as it gets better and better along the way. You can expect better... more>> story than the usual stuff... <<less
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dy2746 rated it
December 24, 2015
Status: --
As a previous review stated it needed a better translator, It got one. The original translator stopped on chapter 18 and dropped it. A new translator picked it up and started over from chapter 1 (because the first translation was that bad). Advise starting on Aran Translations page NOT Rebirth Online World.

IMO fun read nothing much new other then the refreshing MC doesn’t want to hide his power/advances.
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jordanvn rated it
December 2, 2015
Status: --
I'm the Kind of guy that loves those genius type OP Xianxia genres so I like this novel so far but that's just me id you like those types of novels that a guy is weak then slowly becomes string and has moderate talent then this isn't for you
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
February 2, 2020
Status: c182
I waited to see if the story would become better but it didn't. The story is just bad.

-the MC is just plain s*upid. He is arrogant and brash. He offends anyone he comes accross. He spent 4 years defending his parents grave so you would think he learnt how to endure but he didn't. As soon as the 4 years passed and he decided to join an academy he behaved like he was some kind of badass although he is weak.

-the country the MC lives in should have disappeared a... more>> long time ago. The nobles can and will do anything they want. It's not surprising but it's too much. Even commoners can become strong so rebellions should happen all the time with the nobles' behavior. Order or appearance of order is important to rule people but in this world corruption is in plain sight.

Just look at the military. I don't think they are military laws except "the strong is right". When you are fighting for survival unity is very important but you see nobles trouble the MC (and a lot more people) for no reasons. They have nothing to gain but they still bother him. They don't know him or his strenght and like the idiots they are they still provoke him. What do they gain if they win? Nothing.

And what are nobles? I don't know because they don't own lands and don't have duties. They are parasites

-the author makes thing up as he goes with cultivation. I looked at the wiki and there is like 15 cultivation realms but the second realm is already extraordinary. At first he says "there was once a genius who has 68 things and he became a legend" and 100 chapters later having those 68 things is considered normal.

-characters have 1 attribute. Of course every noble is arrogant and consider commoners tr*shes. They take pleasure in tormenting them. They are all "you can't kill me because I'm part of XX clan" and can't believe it when the MC doesn't care. It's a world in which the strong rules but those young masters don't understand it. They are weak but think that they part of the strong just because of their clan. Every single one of them. No exceptions. <<less
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