Everlasting Immortal Firmament


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The world is like a chessboard.

“I do not want to be treated as a chess piece by the players!”

Defeat in this chess is tantamount to the destruction of my body and I’ll thoroughly disappear! Victory in this chess and I’ll have a very long life!

With the help of an ancient Weiqi piece, Gu Hai arrived at the Divine Province Mainland!

Heavenly Dao is eternal, however life is limited, making heaven and earth pieces of a chessboard, then in the end transformed into a loess, vanishing like faded smoke and scattered clouds. Nevertheless people still jump out of the chessboard, and these people are already prepared for their death while playing chess against the heavens, and perhaps win eternal life for themselves?

“I’ve come, and I want to live through 10,000 lives without any boundaries!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Vạn Cổ Tiên Khung
Wang Gu Xian Qiong
Related Series
Chronicles of Gu Hai (Prequel)
Immortal (7)
The Grandmaster Strategist (2)
Pivot of the Sky (2)
Ze Tian Ji (1)
World of Cultivation (1)
Chronicles of Gu Hai (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Wanna Read Soon
  2. Top Novels [Focus on Xianxia, Harem, Romance]
  3. Good cultivation novels
  4. all of my 5/5 novels
  5. Peak Cultivation Xianxia / Xuanhuan

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/15/21 Hosted Novel v2c1
06/15/21 Hosted Novel v1c60
06/14/21 Hosted Novel v1c60
06/14/21 Hosted Novel v1c59
06/13/21 Hosted Novel v1c58
06/12/21 Hosted Novel v1c57
06/12/21 Hosted Novel v1c56
06/11/21 Hosted Novel v1c56
06/11/21 Hosted Novel v1c55
06/11/21 Hosted Novel v1c54
06/10/21 Hosted Novel v1c54
06/10/21 Hosted Novel v1c53
06/10/21 Hosted Novel v1c52
06/09/21 Hosted Novel v1c52
06/09/21 Hosted Novel v1c51
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45 Reviews sorted by

Turbotator rated it
June 27, 2023
Status: v5c125
3.5 stars

DragonInWhite told me to leave a review here, so here I am.

I can definitely see the comparisons this novel has with the Grandmaster strategist. It has some really well written moments where the MC is able to make a plan and execute it to perfection. There are also some great humor parts sprinkled through the story. While, the MC does cultivate, he doesn't get ridiculously strong without reason and is able to develop understandable relationships with his friends/underlings.

However, this novel this also has more downsides compared to TGMS. Worst... more>> of all, the rotating cast of side characters, love interests and villains. During my reading it seems like every other arc gave the MC new characters to command, villains to shun and women to "culivate" with. While it doesn't get to absurd proportions it gets kinda of annoying when your favorite side character/ previous best villain gets turned into a glorified message receiver.

At the time of writing this I am planning to continue to read this once more, chapters are released. I would recommend this to anyone who has enjoyed the Grandmaster strategist and are willing to accept a somewhat inferior verison. <<less
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archatterbox rated it
March 30, 2023
Status: v5c198
This novel is rather unique in its world building and characterization. The plot and story follow a typical xianxia pattern of challenging ever stronger enemies, but the conflict is never contrived and follows a logical path.
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xMeyou rated it
March 12, 2022
Status: v3c34
1) EIF is my very first series introducing me to the world of Asian Webnovels.
2) As I write this review, I am allowed to my own opinion, you are allowed your own as well. So let's not fight over each other's opinions!

First off, I'd like to start with Book 1's layout of introducing the MC, Gu Hai.
Book 1's arc is more of a pre-cultivation arc, which focused more on the fact that, even as an ordinary human being, Gu Hai is still cunning and has acquired intellect that makes him almost on-par as the people who look down on him. The overall pacing of the first book was arranged well-enough for me to understand the more significant characters that become more important later on.

Onto the next book,
Book 2's layout introduces Gu Hai's development with his newly attained cultivation prowess (?). It works more as a book that shows his intelligence still being applied ontop of having his powers. Overall, it was a really hefty book to swallow with a ton of imaginative settings that I think most cultivation fantasy novel readers would enjoy very much.

That's as much as I can say right now, but please, despite all the mixed reviews, the only person who can judge whether a series is worthy to read is YOU!
Only you know what content you'd feel like trying or not.

If you've made it to the end of my review, I hope you decide to read EIF via Hosted Novel's website! *Hint hint*
(They also provide an 'advanced chapter' system where you can read a certain number of chapters to get some tokens, and using those tokens, you can exchange them for chapters that aren't released publicly yet, ehe! I promise you, you won't be disappointed! It beats some of the MTL versions of EIF that I strained so hard to read!)
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Renjisea rated it
August 25, 2017
Status: c16 part1
The author try to blend in logic to win against the clichés, but the clichés win in the end, still a good try and an interesting story. Recommend to new Xianxia reader
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