Everlasting Immortal Firmament


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The world is like a chessboard.

“I do not want to be treated as a chess piece by the players!”

Defeat in this chess is tantamount to the destruction of my body and I’ll thoroughly disappear! Victory in this chess and I’ll have a very long life!

With the help of an ancient Weiqi piece, Gu Hai arrived at the Divine Province Mainland!

Heavenly Dao is eternal, however life is limited, making heaven and earth pieces of a chessboard, then in the end transformed into a loess, vanishing like faded smoke and scattered clouds. Nevertheless people still jump out of the chessboard, and these people are already prepared for their death while playing chess against the heavens, and perhaps win eternal life for themselves?

“I’ve come, and I want to live through 10,000 lives without any boundaries!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Vạn Cổ Tiên Khung
Wang Gu Xian Qiong
Related Series
Chronicles of Gu Hai (Prequel)
Immortal (7)
The Grandmaster Strategist (2)
Pivot of the Sky (2)
Ze Tian Ji (1)
World of Cultivation (1)
Chronicles of Gu Hai (1)
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  2. Top Novels [Focus on Xianxia, Harem, Romance]
  3. Good cultivation novels
  4. all of my 5/5 novels
  5. Peak Cultivation Xianxia / Xuanhuan

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45 Reviews sorted by

Arch-Cody rated it
March 1, 2021
Status: --
This was a really boring read for me and very predictable and not hard for protagonist to look smart when everyone else is just plain dum, just didn't find much good in this and when translator who did my favorite IMDC starting this and said thought this better well can't help being mad this no wear near as good or even like so disappointed.
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AcasualPawn__ rated it
November 20, 2019
Status: Completed
If you like Kingdom building, politics and scheming then this novel is for you. There are lots of novel ideas used in scheming. Author of this novel really knows in which direction story is going. No inconsistencies in the plot. Whole novel is like a single package. But later half of the novel is kind of cliche and boring. First half of the novel is all about scheming and conquering new kingdoms while later half is kind of dull and boring compared to first half.

Lots of Chinese mythological characters are... more>> used. Usually I don't like novels with Chinese mythological characters but author used them quite uniquely.

Our MC is intelligent and wise. Side characters are fun. You can expect lots of scheming in first half. If I remember correctly this novel has a short prequel (adventures of gu hai) of 30 something chapters, which tells about MC.

If you haven't read author's other work IMMORTAL then read it instead cuz it is kind of similar to EVERLASTING IMMORTAL FIRMAMENT and is far better compared to this.

3.8/5 <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
August 13, 2019
Status: c159
This is a very well written novel that kept me reading for a very long time, but unfortunately there are some flaws. The MC is smart, and it feels great to read how he outsmarts his opponents, but most of the time it is more the sheer s*upidity of key characters that let the MC trample over them. Doesnt matter how high their cultivation, how deep their background or how old their age (=experience) is, the MC is always smarter. Especially the level of cultivation doesnt really matter in the... more>> story, the MC always wins because of his weiqi game skills. As soon as the MC enters the stage everyone is weaker than him, doesnt matter if they could fly before, suddenly they fight on the ground. Also the MC is a good guy at heart, which is consistent with his identity as

a "slaughtering demon", because he never slaughtered humans, only demonized humans! How convenient.

Did I mention that the author has a weiqi fetish? The whole story is about weiqi, everything can be explained by weiqi. Weiqi this!: 4*. <<less
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Thurein rated it
October 5, 2023
Status: v1c11
Its a hidden gem. I haven't read a novel that is up to my standards in a very long time. Definitely should give it a try if you are tired of cliche xianxia novels.
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TundraDweller rated it
March 11, 2022
Status: --
Author must have used all his writing skills, prior planning and passion for the first 20 chapters, which is like a prologue for the MC's entry to the world of cultivators. The setup was there: 70 year old man, transmigrated for 40 years, has super Go skills from Earth, richest man in the non-cultivation world due to his business acumen, super strategist who uses his skills to get a favor from a powerful cultivator to help him breakthrough and become a proper cultivator while regaining his youth.

And then it becomes... more>> absolute crap from there. Reads like a different writer took over and wrote the kind of garbage we are all too familiar with. MC loses all maturity and intelligence, acts like any other brainless MC, is surrounded by idiots, etc. Plus there is no compelling plot, no driving force behind the MC, and no interesting characters.

Reminded me of MGA so I quit. <<less
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January 20, 2022
Status: --
After the first arc, it became pretty clear that this novel was going to follow the usual dumbing down other characters to make MC more smarter.

So there is this young master ninth, who can swallow other beasts to make his own stronger yet the side character decided to not pay attention to that and fight because the benefits.

Keep in mind young master had already swallowed atleast three people and yet here we have a charcater that is no more powerful yet made such a mind boggling decision.

I dropped it afterwards... more>> as I relaised that the unique start was all the enjoyment I would have from this novel <<less
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robot789 rated it
July 6, 2021
Status: v1c56
WOW this was dogshit. I only started reading because of the highly rated reviews and although the beginning wasn't perfect, it was unique and interesting. It went downhill very quickly. The arc in the separate realm had some of the cringiest interactions I've ever read. No rhyme or reason, characters making s*upid decisions, MC acting completely out of character and just all around confusion. I understood what the author was trying to pull, but it didn't make sense what so ever because there was no build up or an emotional... more>> connection to the characters involved. The delivery was just god awful. Also, idk wtf this author's problem is, but he keeps repeating words 5-10 times as if to emphasize them. No one f*cking talks like that and it just makes the characters sound like s*upid manchildren. <<less
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nani895 rated it
January 5, 2018
Status: v1c26
I was gonna give it a four star but changed my mind after reading latest chapters.

To me, the main pull of this novel was that MC was an old guy and I was interested in seeing the interactions and with other characters and how the plot develops revolving around an old guy... this would have been a refreshing tough to Xanxia/Wuxia genre that I read many many times. As for the cunning aspect and complex plot development, it too early to judge. Honestly, I think I will lose interest in... more>> this novel if the author can't develop a good enough storyline ranging somewhere between Warlock of Magus World to Zi Tian Ji.

Hopefully, this won't become one of the stories in an otherwise overused Xanxia/Wuxia setting. <<less
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February 29, 2024
Status: v8c48
I have enjoyed every chapter of the book that I have read, the strategy and world-building are the first things that caught my attention. Although it does sometimes take a while to return to certain plot points in the story it does pay off, the MC is always thorough.
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Blind Bodhi
Blind Bodhi
February 22, 2024
Status: v8c30
I believe EIF is a well written xianxia for its kind. There are some tropes that aren't as frequently used (because no young master would defy an emperor), and even if some of them are frequently re-used, it's native to the genre. There is a volume that does prove to be a bit shaky (v6) but it does not remove the fact that you can follow the plot and storyline with ease as it unravels. One critique I would make towards the novel is that they take all the irrelevant... more>> dynasties and make them feel dumb, which should not be the case since, so it would be more intriguing to give the side dynasties a bit more intelligence than most of them actually have.

Otherwise, I really think you can look forward to the story (except the Romance, it's a bit cliché but expected.) 4 stars. <<less
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February 12, 2024
Status: c2
I decided not to finish it because I know that the author won't know how to write a normal human being from our world well.

MC who transmigrate often look like they've lived there from the start and haven't brought any of our world's culture with them when they transmigrate, I haven't read beyond the second chapter but I'm sure the MC will marry the woman who caused a massacre at the beginning of the book, as someone who lived in the world where everyone was "worldly" people the MC should... more>> be repulsed by the woman who caused such a war, but I'm sure he will like and marry her.

If the fact that he was born and raised on Earth won't affect the plot in any way, then why write about an MC who was born here? <<less
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Mr.Mochi rated it
February 8, 2024
Status: book 7
Starts well but it starts to go downhill. Starts off as a good xianxia with strong world building then becomes dragon ball Z. There’s a reason the translator is begging for support, it’s because the story becomes bad.

It’s a strong 3.5/5. There’s a lot going on and the story only gets more complicated and messy. While that makes the story more engrossing, it does go over the edge in some aspects. For example, book 6 is a time travel arc that feels like filler, impactful characters die and gets resurrected... more>> over and over, super powerful and successful leaders turn into idiots and cowards on a dime, it’s just a lot of crap.

I enjoyed the story for its blend of intrigue, action, drama and comedy. However past book 4 it exchanges comedy and intrigue for more action. I love how characters are invested into and all become important and impactful to the story. I liked the MC face slapping and tricking people. I loved the Egg painting with its mysterious consequences. I don’t like bringing people back to life, 35 levels of power-ups, random aphrodisiac love scenes and returning to earth. I hate the recycled prison plots, the silly justifications for not eliminating threats that keep reappearing, and the disappointment of seeing a main villain become an ally.

There’s heart pounding moments for sure here, but there’s also a bunch of ridiculous parts too. How many times can you bring a princess into a war zone and let her get kidnapped? How many times are people gonna roll up to attack the capital? How many times are people going to be doubtful when someone pulls out miracles left and right? All this happens at least 5x.

That would be bearable, but then the story becomes my super sword and my op item and my special vegetable let me do anything- from hyperbolic time chamber to duplicating any item. I just had to stop here. <<less
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Sas500 rated it
September 22, 2023
Status: v7c75
It's way better than other cliché Xianxia novels. It got a little bit of everything: cultivation, action, kingdom builder, Romance and etc. Most are handled well except Romance. It's worth a read for me. I had a lot of fun with it. Also thanks to DragonInWhite for Perfect Translation and informative notes.
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nerizor rated it
February 14, 2023
Status: v6c132
Super enjoyable to read. World-building is interesting, and the style of the author is very distinctly his. Carves both a new path in where the plot goes, but also retreads tried and true ones. But even when utilizing tropes, I find myself enjoying them greatly because of how it is written. Not sure which other author I would compare the style to, honestly. It's like how when you're reading something by Er Gen, you know it's by Er Gen. Or if you read something by Mao Ni, you feel that... more>> it is by Mao Ni. It has quirks and idiosyncricies that you won't really find elsewhere within the same genre.

Sometimes the plot can in abstract seem generic if you just describe it, but the author has enough flavor that belongs to him such that it doesn't feel like it's derivative.

Translation so far has been consistent and of high quality. Got nothing but praise for the translator and editor. <<less
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Adorable_arachnid rated it
March 5, 2022
Status: c49
It's really amazing how a story can change in the blink of an eye. This story right here had a such a sharp fall in quality that it must have been written by two different authors or the author used all his good writing juice in his tank.

The first major part of the story introduces us two nations at war where one is being crushed, only for our MC to help them gain victory with his ingenious planning. This part is such an amazing section that I wish this novel... more>> run with that premise, but instead of expanding on this greatness by learning about how our MC became such a genius strategist and his past struggles, the rest of the novel dives into a stinking pile of cultivation nonsense garbage.

After this- Characters lose their intelligence also infecting the MC with their s*upidity, the world itself becomes a third rate cultivation dung with the worst cultivation system and all the bad clichés and tropes that are known in this genre.

This novel had a future if only the author discarded the cultivation path he took and made it about the rise of a transmigrated into the greatest strategist in that's world's history, but sadly I can only ignorantly assume that cultivation stories with face slapping, beauties by the dozen and busted powerscaling- sell very well.

Man it's been a while since I have been disappointed this bad and sad at the same time about a story and I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, unless you want to feel the pain for yourself. <<less
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sadboyislonely rated it
September 24, 2021
Status: v2c2
Great opening but becomes terrible the more story progressed, in the earlier story we see MC with his terrifying scheming ability striking enemy in the dark and playing them in his palm, cautious and cunning.

After MC step out of his homeground he becomes a different person and everyone around him turned idiot, the MC start saving people and take in the light spot where he ended up becoming everyone's enemy, strangely they keep underestimating him despite of his feats. The people around him don't have any depth, they appear either... more>> envy or greedy and just there so MC could kill them. <<less
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neondragon420 rated it
September 1, 2021
Status: v3c8
The first 20 chapters of the series lays down a strong impression on what to expect. The mind games, the constant back and forth high level thinking, and the creative thinking that leaves you wondering how will the MC outsmart the opponent next.

However, after that, everything seems to become downgraded, or rather, more simplified. The MC becomes seemingly omniscient, nothing seems to faze him, he can form a plan that always succeeds regardless of how little information he has or how bad the situation is for him.

The constant mind games... more>> in order to gain victory between characters is gone, leaving antagonists who can’t seem to have actual plans, besides, let’s send some of our men to kill him.

The calm, calculating, mature man that was introduced to us became an who can be overly emotional, overbearing, and seemingly reckless.

Rather than wits, the story now focuses on him just overpowering others and how great his chess skills are.

Later in volume 1, the MC uses only his chess skills to gain super op powers temporarily and stomps on everyone. Only for the viewer to find out the, he can now use those powers whenever.

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Titan LLS
Titan LLS rated it
August 17, 2018
Status: Completed
Seamless... this thing was so well put together, that some people obviously would think it was fudged, with plot armor. it really was not, this thing flowed really well. by the time the thing was ending I kind of had the impression that things were being rushed. when I thought about it though, I realized it was not it was just that it was always heading in the same direction, that when the journey began to end you have just become so accustomed to the ride you unconsciously do not... more>> see it ending anytime soon. regardless of how long it has been. it is like the difference between driving to work everyday and knowing the way by heart and one day being driven on the same route but so smoothly you really feel like you just sat down. just a second ago, only in this case the route is called <<less
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aattss rated it
April 13, 2018
Status: c76
First arc was just amazing, though for a prelude, some people might say it drags?

The Xiantian World arc is more about how the MC is god level weiqi expert, and less about him actually being smart (and the MC's interactions with the little girl who later turned out to be super important felt silly/contrived). But, with the ending of that arc and what I've seen with the arc with the Golden Tongs, there's more about the MC being smart and his special OPness being only as useful as his experience... more>> with leadership and his ability to out think others. <<less
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Alliterative_Alligator rated it
August 4, 2023
Status: --
As others have noted there is an intolerably s*upid character. There's never a single thing coming from his mouth that isn't idiotic. Even though his cultivation is high enough that he should have some tiny bit of intelligence we instead get to read lines that would leave an 8 year old flabbergasted over how s*upid this man is. I want to skip literally every interaction with him. I hope the author doesn't continue trying to use extreme s*upidity as a foil for his MC.

But a character can only be as... more>> intelligent as the author, so for some they feel forced to make braindead characters so their character of normal intelligence seems better. I hate this. web novelists use this way too much. It's distracting. I stopped reading just to complain about how s*upid a character is. I hardly ever write reviews but here I am writing one for the DUMBEST MFING CHARACTER EVER.


Alright... the MC also becomes dumber. It's a real bait and switch going from him being old to looking young after his breakthrough to innate realm. At first you think you're still reading the same character but eventually you'll notice he's just worse.

Best to treat this turd like a short story that ends once the war with the Song empire is over. <<less
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