Beneath the Surviving Princess’s Joyful Facade


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“Fine, I shall give you my sister, dearer to me than anything.”

A bolt from the blue strikes the Cladnier family, the heroes of the victory. Eirik Cladnier, the promising heir of a renowned military family, is suddenly ordered to marry the princess.

Now, Cladnier must accept a woman who could either be a spy for the king or a weakness to his family. However, the princess who appears shocks everyone with her childlike behavior and proves to be nothing more than a simpleton.

Yet, who is this woman, so effortlessly fabricating and mimicking acts he has never done?

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Beneath The Laughter Of The Surviving Princess
살아남은 왕녀의 웃음 뒤에는
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New Jinyo rated it
July 3, 2024
Status: v2c40
This novel is one of my favorites! The plot is quite rare (I haven't read anything close to it yet). It involves the FL being mentally disturbed to the extent where she acts insanely, but such actions are also genuine, implying that she does not know how to act normally (speaking properly). But you will see soon.

The ML is a whole Amazon forest. He actually cares about FL, despite the fact that he doesn't love her (at first) and FL being technically insane. He would always ask her if she... more>> was okay, essentially attempting to communicate with her, and being patient with her. He's really calm and gentle towards FL.

Highly recommend! (Bonus points for thr 18+)

Note: Not everyone have similar taste. Some might not even like this novel, but I recommend trying it out! <<less
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New Sirine.sisi rated it
July 1, 2024
Status: --
This novel is wonderful. The hero has full characteristics. He is kind, affectionate, intelligent, logical, and handsome. He is very wonderful. There are no words to describe him. The heroine is an innocent cat who does not know the meaning of living a happy life. They complement each other. They are the most beautiful couple I have ever seen in the world. Manhwa and Korean novels. The development of their relationship is fast and sweet. Art. The manhwa is beautiful and it inspired me to search for the novel to... more>> read it. I will truly be the happiest person if you translate the novel quickly. The enthusiasm is really killing me. My mother tongue is not English, so there may be some errors. Thank you very much <<less
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