Banished to Another World


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A miracle doctor was exiled to an alternate savage world and forced to change his scummy ways!

Yan Mo’s soul was transferred to another world after he had thoroughly offended God. He quickly understood how cruel the world he was in was.

The reason he was hit unconscious by a primitive man and brought back to his home was to be that man’s winter food reserves. The tribe he was in was a super spartan primitive tribe, and the people here only respected two things: Combat power and fighting ability! The former was the fighting power in battles, the latter was…


Examine illness? Chinese medicine? Drink those bitter sandy things? The hell is that? Are you trying to mu*der our tribe’s warrior? Die!

Plant wheat? Raise pigs and chickens? We are warriors, not s*aves! Die!

Teaching the women to make clothes and cook? Make them soap and perfume? F*ck, he’s actually seducing our women! Die!

You’re a messenger of God? Here to lead us to a better life? Very well. We’ll give you one day, conquer all of our enemies, make them into sl*ves and bring them back. If you can’t, you’re dead!

Yan Mo: “……”

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Dị thế lưu đày
Yi Shi Liu Fang
Yishi Liufang
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107 Reviews sorted by

alina cat
alina cat rated it
May 8, 2020
Status: --
People read the rules of reviews! It clearly says that the review should be done about NOVELL, not about translators!!! This is the best novel about BL!!

You will not read such a thing anywhere, I put 100/100 points!!! (Sorry for mistakes, I'm ill write in English)
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February 15, 2020
Status: c7
The four stars rating from people is truly deserved, at least for the potential. I didn't read further so I can only comment on that.

The reason I dropped it is because somewhere on the way I feel something wrong and then at chap 7 I looked at the tag, it says Yaoi, lol.

I don't judge people, but, it just not my thing.
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Golex9000K rated it
October 19, 2021
Status: Completed
What a ride! It have been up and down but I still enjoyed it.

What I enjoyed the least is that MC can't kill so he could only be a punching bag but that is what ML is for but when he is not close I do feel annoying.

Believe it or not I love beginning arc the most because every step MC took could lead to his last even he have to offer his body to our ML anytime or anywhere.
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rhea4765 rated it
July 21, 2021
Status: c22
Hmm, this is an interesting story with plentiful world building. I like the MC, I'm okay with the ML, and the plot was amusing and intriguing and before long I already rooted for MC.

But uh a gut to the punch for me, was the r*pe. I read my fair share of little black room play with yandere MLs so it's not that I hate it and was surprised because I didn't read the tags, but the one in here was... it felt a lot more real that it made me... more>> uncomfortable.


I think I don't like it because it was really just ML venting his pent-up energy with barely any regard to MC, a no-feeling s*x where MC was really helpless in a way to be r*ped or to be killed. If it wasn't MC, ML probably still would be able to do it because it wasn't as if the other person matters when you just want to have a release. It makes sense to have this kind of ML in a 'law of the jungle' settings, but I'm still a bit miffed, anyway.


This one is a great story though, and I want to come back once this uncomfortableness passes. I do like the MC's character that was like a roller coaster, but for now, I'll look for other MCs first. <<less
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mirany rated it
March 23, 2020
Status: c237
Translation: 2/5


Characters: 4/5

... more>> Risk to life & limb: a lot

It's transmigration, but the MC is self admittedly black bellied and the ML is single minded in love, but also limited by his prehistoric mindset, but he learns. The interesting bits are MC's scum reduction system that forces MC to act with a white lotus halo, leads to lots of hilarity, the plot is consistent, if increasingly fantastical. I enjoy empire building stuff, but it got a little excessive by the end. The relationship development is also interesting, as MC starts as a s*ave beholden to ML, but amasses power to the point that ML has to work to get MC's favor. The mpreg, is more flower seed-preg. There is a fair amount of gore near the beginning, cannibalism, but it gets curtailed a bit by MC's need to lower scum points or face punishment. There's a lot of characters and locales as MC, with ML help, tries to civilize the land. There's better summaries by other people, but that's the gist.

Didn't finish the whole novel because, despite all the good points, for me, the translation is painful to slog through. Its incomprehensible for whole sections, nonsensical for others, and incorrect at parts. Had the original open in another tab just to figure out what was going on. If you skim, you get the gist of things, but some of the finer details are completely glossed over. Maybe the novel is just too long to work through. <<less
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January 1, 2020
Status: Completed
What a ride. The story was very interesting for me within the first 500 chapters then took an odd turn with the alien spin towards the latter chapters which decreased my enjoyment of the novel.

It was quite interesting to see Mo' s scummy, villain character evolve as the novel progressed. Overall I enjoyed reading this novel.

Many thanks to the translator for his hard work and rapid release of chapters.
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