Banished to Another World


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A miracle doctor was exiled to an alternate savage world and forced to change his scummy ways!

Yan Mo’s soul was transferred to another world after he had thoroughly offended God. He quickly understood how cruel the world he was in was.

The reason he was hit unconscious by a primitive man and brought back to his home was to be that man’s winter food reserves. The tribe he was in was a super spartan primitive tribe, and the people here only respected two things: Combat power and fighting ability! The former was the fighting power in battles, the latter was…


Examine illness? Chinese medicine? Drink those bitter sandy things? The hell is that? Are you trying to mu*der our tribe’s warrior? Die!

Plant wheat? Raise pigs and chickens? We are warriors, not s*aves! Die!

Teaching the women to make clothes and cook? Make them soap and perfume? F*ck, he’s actually seducing our women! Die!

You’re a messenger of God? Here to lead us to a better life? Very well. We’ll give you one day, conquer all of our enemies, make them into sl*ves and bring them back. If you can’t, you’re dead!

Yan Mo: “……”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dị thế lưu đày
Yi Shi Liu Fang
Yishi Liufang
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Danmei's I am dying to read
  2. Transmigration/Reincarnation
  3. BB novels
  4. Farming/Slice of Life/Business
  5. planning to read soon pt 6

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107 Reviews sorted by

Oiramocirol rated it
February 23, 2020
Status: --
You can't really judge the book by its cover.
- this is the thought that I realized after I got to read this book. At first glance, you will feel hesitatance because there were some comments and tags about the that isn't appropriate. However, once you get to actually read it, you will that the turn of events have really has its purpose. Though truthfully, I can claimed that the first chapters of the book wasn't to good in the mind, and eyes. However, I can still judged that its the part of the story and how would the characters would cope from it. All in all, reading is just base on your discretion, but to me, its a book that should not be miss by everyone. Also, you need to be level-headed by reading this book and so that you will not be affected by it that much.
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ItchyBookWorm rated it
January 16, 2020
Status: c649
Although I'm not fond of BL, I really liked this world building novel. Too bad, the ending was rushed.

There were times where I got annoyed at how Yuan Zhan proclaims that Mo is his every chapter. But all in all, their lovestory is pretty much okay.
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HanNweNyein rated it
December 9, 2019
Status: c649
This is a very unique story. It is about a slow but steady process of civilizing a primitive tribe. The world building is very interesting. And you have many awesome characters whose existences are not just decorations to enhance the brilliance of main leads.

... more>>

They have gods, abilities, non-human intelligent creatures and even alien spaceships.


Unlike other tribal novels, MC didn't become OP immediately after he transmigrated. It feels realistic when he has to struggle just to keep his life.

Both MC, Yan Mo and ML, Yuan Zhan are strong, very strong. Though MC has so many cheats, he didn't get them for no reason. And our MC is the exact opposite of white lotus holy mother. He is black bellied and always thinking about how to take advantage of others. It is refreshing to see this type of MC who is tough and independent. We are tired of kind, weak and pathetic MCs who get cheated easily and always needs MLs' protection.

Our ML is a very devoted lover. He only has eyes for MC and everyone or everything can go die for all he cares.


In the middle of the story, when MC gets stronger and stronger, Yuan Zhan felt pitifully insecure and always thinking of how to make MC not to abandon him.


The romance is very slow. Well, we can't expect someone like Yan Mo to fall in love that easily. But because it took time and the relationship was built step by step, when it happens, it felt genuine, solid and healthy.

Just read it. This novel won't disappoint you. Just make sure you notice all the tags before reading because this story is extraordinarily terrific, and I don't like it when someone gets frightened at the beginning and drops it before they get to fully appreciate the wonderful story.


They had two sons. They were very cute and mischievous. It was to be expected when they have Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan, two wicked devils as dads.

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Lecenoj rated it
December 5, 2019
Status: Completed
One of my favorite BL novel. Thank you author-sama and Joe-sama for translating this great novel. I’m looking forward for the extra chapters??
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Brownssi rated it
December 3, 2019
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed reading this! This novel is very creative, informative and unique. The author really has rich knowledge on how certain powers/magic werw formed, in addition of the scientific explanations. Though the story progress slowly, at least in that way we saw how the characters came about and developed. The translation was also good! I mtl the last few chapters because I can't wait for the translations to be posted but I still think its worth it because the I've also read the extra chapters ... more>>

which is a little about the 2 children of Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan and Yuan Bing's love life ?

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Miktus.Jr rated it
August 22, 2019
Status: c235
The idea is pretty good. The story is nice, the relationships and character interaction is good too. The power system is not a bad one, and the races and stuff is not overexagerrated. I like the primitive society mentality described in this novel. Overall the novel is really good, but it's not really considered a masterpiece. The bad thing about it is the translation quality and the romance (?) between the MC and the love interest. If you enjoy a kingdom building novels you might like it, but you need... more>> to keep in mind they are real primitive people, so you are not building a kingdom but a tribe, and this is a fantasy world, so you need to keep that in mind. The absolute best thing for me is the descriptive nature of this novels idea of chinese medicine. I do recommend it. <<less
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Hilyantomi rated it
August 11, 2019
Status: c167
The novel has a rich structure of informations and plot, but it is still a cliché. A big cliché. I really hope you all to read all the readable chapters before rating.

If you don't mind the repetition of cliché characters and situations, it would be easier for you to enjoy the story. It is very well written and it does not only focus on the danmei side like most of the other BLs. The author is not bad but in this novel, her narration takes ages just to tell simple... more>> things and that becomes very annoying, so for those who have already read other novels from her, be considered of either a huge disappointment or a full-of-fictitious-science novel.

On the other side, the love between the ML and MC is very meaningful, but that doesn't mean that the novel itself is better than other BLs. Tragedy tagged ones with no cute shou and yandere gong are there with a reason. <<less
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G_Alejandro_L rated it
July 8, 2019
Status: c174
Great character development, realistic struggles, no angst. (Except during one punishment)

MC is clearly an adult or least not a child like other transmigrators in danmei stories. He makes mistakes that have real consequences and has to come up with solutions for actual problems. Everything has a purpose in the storyline even if it isn’t apparent at first.

ML is very smart (for an ancient person) and helps MC with his plans and is very loyal to him.

Other characters are also very well done and have many different personalities that help... more>> and make things more difficult for MC at times.

Overall it’s a good read and has a very coherent plot and good pacing for both action and build up to new scenes. <<less
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ladyoud rated it
June 30, 2019
Status: c174
I loved this story. It's weird, it's fun, it's gore-y, it's danmei.

Can someone help me find the Chinese version? I don't think I can wait for 2 weeks to translate. I am itching to finish this one now. : ( Iwouldloveit.
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Phrille0507 rated it
June 23, 2019
Status: Completed
Yaay finally finished reading this thru MTL and it was worth it.. I really enjoyed reading it although I feel that the end is too abrupt.. Like I really want to read more about how they rule the world, or atleast until the MC finished the negative scum points that he has, and how they fight the alien race or something lol.. I wanna read more about their family life

... more>>

with their 2 sons, and other adopted childrens, and Jiufeng, oh I really love that bird, he is sooo nice to MC and I was really happy when he can became a human child.. He is sooo cute always acting spoiled with MC lol ????


Hope the author will continue the story.. If not its okay also, the end is still very satisfying.. <<less
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tiaglory rated it
September 4, 2023
Status: Completed
What a Masterpiece!!

World building, character, plot all perfect (for me)

give it a try im sure you will love it, because I do too its a beautiful long journey of a story that I will remember. This book is one of the best i've read of a hundreds of books. Only the ending is acceptable because I think makes me greedy of wanting more and more
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whateverusername rated it
March 25, 2023
Status: --
Usually in novels this long our main pairs go here and there during various arcs and as soon as those arcs are over, the characters belonging to those arcs are forgotten. Not here though!!!! Although some arcs went on and on for too long, we see people from different arcs showing up frequently. So all of it felt very cohesive.

... more>>

for example that side burn man in the second arc? He turns out to be a major player in the later arcs!


Also, in the beginning you'd be like what the hell is up with the main pairs. But by the end Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan are so sweet that you'd feel you're drowning in sugar.

I also didn't expect Meng-er pair. The author was like you'd never see who he'd end up with so I thought it must be someone totally unexpected. I was guessing the extremely unlikely Yu Wu cuz why not? But I was wrong haha.

My only criticism is the sci-fi plot involving the aliens. I didn't feel that it was needed. The author tried their best to make it work but by then the novel stretched too long and it felt like the author was reluctant to let the story end. Understandable because it was a good story. Nevertheless, the last arc was unnecessary. <<less
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everydaydanmei rated it
January 19, 2023
Status: c468
t's SO GOOD. Make sure to read all the tags because it's one hell of a story. It's very graphic and intense. The gore, the details, sometimes it can be uncomfortable to read.

I freaking LOVE the world building. The story takes you on an adventure, you're gonna explore the world with the MC. MC started in a small tribe, I thought it was gonna be a slice of life-farming-doctor stuff but the world gave SO MUCH MORE. Each place MC visited has its own history, people, culture. It's so much... more>> fun. The tribal life, politics, power struggle, battles, wars, superpowers, the gods powers, this novel got EVERYTHING.

MC is very funny, he's a f*cking as*hole and he will never let you forget it throughout the story. ML is a barbaric piece of shit, but he got good points too. They're not perfect and it's okay. The romance is very very slow since they started as s*ave-master relationship and you could imagine how it would be. They got character development but it's not a complete 180 to their original personality and thought process.

This is the first time I could stay for so long reading a story... Before, I couldn't even finish a 150-ish chapter novel, but this one really made me wanna keep continue reading. <<less
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Literal God
Literal God
January 2, 2023
Status: c53
Read until Chapter 53.

TW: Brutal r*pe, Cannibalism, Abuse, s*avery

I tapped out of this one early. The setting is primal, and in this setting nobody cares about human rights so basically the strong get to do whatever they like with the weaker people. So the gong r*pes the shou to the point of bleeding repeatedly. If the MC didn't have advanced healing and still managed to survive an injured leg, he would have probably died from the r*pe.

... more>>

In Chapter 53, the gong asks the shou why the shou hates him and the shou tells him it's because of the r*pe. The gong is insistent that he's going to do whatever he wants with the shou and he doesn't care what the shou thinks about it. The shou did a piss-poor job at explaining to him why it's wrong and even gave ground.

It was already an icky experience but that made it too icky for my tastes so I decided to stop here.

I can say that up until chapter 53 I was engrossed in the world created. I like the MC and the minor characters. The setting is one of survival and brutality, it's very angsty where even though the MC isn't a good person, you still wish things would ease up just a little on him.

I mean, he can't even chop down a tree.

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December 27, 2020
Status: c659
I liked it a whole lot. And while I wish that the author explored the entire world a bit more and gave the ending for the last plotline. I'd say it's a solid 4/5 wouldn't read it again, but I won't badmouth it
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lux_be rated it
November 12, 2020
Status: c659
The setting of this world is very interesting. I like how the system tries to reform the MC, but the MC finds ways to outsmart it. I also like the relationships between the smaller (literally) characters and their inner thoughts to the plot (it's hilarious).

I like how the MC with the help of ML decided to reform the "savage" tribes. Though they ended s*avery, they made all the people feel welcome in the tribe and made them all collectively work (instead of how before s*aves work, while their "masters" just... more>> hunt and exist) for benefits. But then again, there are a lot of things I don't particularly like about the MC.

his thoughts in the extra to Wu Guo, like I understand that you want him to learn but it's not something that a child should apply- being cold and not showing emotions


With regards to the ML, sure he develops feelings for the MC, but I find his behavior when MC talks with someone else or helps someone, a bit too much (too much vinegar for my liking), but he does learn to tone it down a bit.

The translator did their best but someone does need to edit these 659 chapters. It gets quite (well a lot) confusing especially in the use of gender pronouns.


What I'm lost about is that the story doesn't seem to have ended cleanly. All the last 250 chapters is about the Bone cultivating people who are a threat to survival, then they find out that these people are not the "enemy" by its Pan'a the Alien s*ave Ship. Once we learn about this, the story just brushes this important war that's supposed to be hitting them and just leaves.

It's like "yeah there's a war, but so-and-so getting together is more important! So let's look at that" or "and Jiu Yuan created a history that's legendary and went down to become the greatest force of the East. (Period) " but there's no mention of the impeding war. It's like the author just forgot about the war, when the whole book was focused on it.

Plus what happened to the SCUM value?

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Irissska O_o
Irissska O_o rated it
August 28, 2020
Status: c53
This story is too long with too many details that got me bored. I kind of want to know what happens next but I feel that no major event is happening any time soon. So... #dnf

As for translation, I started reading Nastriumden translation and it was pretty poor not making sense sometimes and with a lot of grammar mistakes. So I tried Jade Dynasty Translations and it was just terrible so I switched back to the other one cz even with all its faults you can understand what is happening.
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Mayetoile rated it
August 26, 2020
Status: Completed
Honestly, I wanted to give a review for a long time, but it's only done now. This is one of the stories I read to finish, even though along the way I took months and sometimes needed time to rest because I read mtl which really made my brain burn. It's a dark story, I said so. Because when I read it my mindset gets distorted and crazy lol. MC is not a kind character like shen qiao from thousand autumns, but acts like that because of his bastard system,... more>> yeah but I like it lol. His character is cruel, he is emmm, full of affection for his family, but apart from that he is cruel. MC realistic, which makes me like him. He is smart and manipulative. For ML, um, I'm actually the kind of person who likes to see beauty, but for this story, I can accept that ML is not the kind of beauty I like. ML is a character with strong leadership and domination, which makes him a great chieftain, I said. He is also hardworker. At first I really wanted to hit him to correct his tilted brain, but then I liked his character development. One sentence for him, he really loves MC. I like children, that is one of the reasons I read this novel. Sometimes there are some novels that seem like MC and ML don't want to have children, or sometimes ML is too jealous even to their children. I think it's not a healthy relationship :v In this novel, MC and ML really love their child, even though when the first child was born, ML looked doubtful because MC looked so sick when giving birth to him. And don't forget, when ML lost his memory, he even still carried an MC on his back. Damn, I forgot the conversation but I was so sad that I cried reading the sincerity of ML. Their child is so cute, I fell in love with him. The interaction between the first child and the second child is very cute. As for the story line, I really like it. If you like sim city, this novel
gave me those vibes. I like it when they build their city, there is knowledge that I got from there. The characters from the story also have strong personalities, not just passing through. How shall I put it, they are alive, not just a character named. Overall, I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I'm just suggesting, first stabilize your mindset before reading this novel: v <<less
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Peachyxist rated it
July 2, 2020
Status: c659
Tbh this story is really good and slowly you’d get to see and love the characters. I can kind of understand why some ppl don’t like this cuz there’s râpé in there but if you past that and continue on reading, those scenes will slowly go away, not much mentions and the middle of the story or so it gets so interesting (tho the translations can irks you a bit but readable, ALSO thank you for the translators for picking this story! Thank you for your hard work!)
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Magz84 rated it
May 24, 2020
Status: c1
I quite enjoyed the story. I understand why a lot of people have low opinion about it (contains r*pe) but it fictional after all... I quite liked both characters and their personalities. It took a while for their relationship to develop but it was worth the wait. The story was interesting and exciting at times. Though by the end the plot turned kinda strange with the aliens.. Thought that was unnecessary.

I also kinda enjoyed the extras.
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