Banished to Another World


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A miracle doctor was exiled to an alternate savage world and forced to change his scummy ways!

Yan Mo’s soul was transferred to another world after he had thoroughly offended God. He quickly understood how cruel the world he was in was.

The reason he was hit unconscious by a primitive man and brought back to his home was to be that man’s winter food reserves. The tribe he was in was a super spartan primitive tribe, and the people here only respected two things: Combat power and fighting ability! The former was the fighting power in battles, the latter was…


Examine illness? Chinese medicine? Drink those bitter sandy things? The hell is that? Are you trying to mu*der our tribe’s warrior? Die!

Plant wheat? Raise pigs and chickens? We are warriors, not s*aves! Die!

Teaching the women to make clothes and cook? Make them soap and perfume? F*ck, he’s actually seducing our women! Die!

You’re a messenger of God? Here to lead us to a better life? Very well. We’ll give you one day, conquer all of our enemies, make them into sl*ves and bring them back. If you can’t, you’re dead!

Yan Mo: “……”

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Dị thế lưu đày
Yi Shi Liu Fang
Yishi Liufang
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Transmigration/Reincarnation
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  4. Farming/Slice of Life/Business
  5. planning to read soon pt 6

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107 Reviews sorted by

Anita77 rated it
August 30, 2020
Status: c438
Despite being anticlimactic and joy killer I recommend this novel. It's so good to get to the climax of one arc and then it gets stretched and stretched and bit by bit you feel bored and then it usually ends in the most uncool result.... The competition arcs are boring as hell. For example in the wucheng city or the bone sculpting people competition. They are really boring and unnecessary. Also I don't know whether if it's a BL novel thing or not but the women in the novel are... more>> so shallow and dumb that it is disgusting. All the princess are b*tches and extremely selfish and dumb. They lack character growth and never deter from their original path. For example Lamo Na in the whole novel is thinking who is that bloody sky transporter and never act based on logical thinking. Sure she is a good schemer but not wise and never learn. But on the other hand all the male characters from small to big get to change their views and grow. It is really frustrating. So unrealistic.

One more thing is the sentiments of the author and the world view is hundered percent chinese. It's okay since it's indispensable when you read someone else's thoughts for your hobby. You should just read through some parts and don't get offended.

the good parts are that the main characters are likable. Politics are not bad. The character growth of the MC and ML and some side characters are good. The story line is interesting. It's more adventure than management. It has funny parts and the humor is really good!! Fluff is abundant and there is a childish undertone to a lot of characters and races which in my opinion is good. No omnipotent snobbish Elves. Every race is equal in evil and good. The bone sculpting people which I think is a symbol of westerners are more evil (author bias acting again!) but the point is that everyone has their selfish desires and if given chance will eliminate other races. Jungle rule which is realistic. The ML gets to be screwed. Though it happend in the later parts but the couple dynamic will change unlike many other BL novels. And it is soooooo gooooood!!! I advocate for prostate poking for every damn domineering Gong hehe.

Overall it's good. Give it a chance. Endure first 40 chapters and it's good to go. <<less
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averageneet rated it
March 28, 2020
Status: Completed
i spent full 3weeks to finish reading this, just a heads up the translation is inconsistent honestly its a headache but still thankful that somehow the translator tried his best to deliver.

the plot is good I appreciate story like building civilization, leveling up, fantasy world with magic and beast stuff. However as the story goes the more things become complicated the author is ambitious which is not necessarily bad but because there is too many things going on I felt like the resolve was not enough, later it become mess... more>> up like the author loses his focus on the storyline and just want to end the novel, there are some parts which can be shorten, some parts that needs to be stretch and some parts that on my opinion can be eliminated.


the author just suddenly throw alien world out of nowhere, I wish the story just focus on building the civilization, knowing more about the life after the war with the horn people, how they unite the whole continent the everyday life, the completion of his banishment task and so on.


The reason I stick with this novel til the end is because I love JiuFeng and Meng Er. <<less
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cv rated it
January 19, 2020
Status: c462
it was cool in the beginning, a slow but interesting burn. However the characters just get more and more as the story builds up.

and having op characters who beat up any and everyone is cool but when there’s absolutely no suspense; no balance; extended time that the op character is just.... op and no story plot or anything, it’s just boring.
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roquelg rated it
April 5, 2019
Status: --
It has its humor and moments but overall it wasn't enough to make me wait for more chapters. I mean, I think is a nice concept but the MC's personality didn't make click with me.


Nice starting idea

Nice pacing


MC and ML's personality (individual and together)

The System

Sometimes the narration
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RoseColouredSin rated it
January 4, 2019
Status: c12
There aren’t many novels that keep me hooked enough to keep wanting more after every single chapter. The world is harsh (and a little gross at times) but that’s what makes it so interesting to read about. I’m very eager to see how the MC manages to get himself out of all these sticky situations. The ML and MC both seem to have very complex characteristics that aren’t all apparent right now, and I’m super excited to learn more about them. Would definitely recommend to those who like plot!!!
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anon25 rated it
November 9, 2018
Status: c659
One of the best BL novels. I MTL'ed and read till the latest chapter. But a little confused because it seems incomplete or maybe there is a sequel.

... more>>

This is a spoiler. Its my first time reviewing so I don't know how to use spoiler. Hope it came out right.

So like I said the novel seems incomplete even though its status reads complete. I mean the alien demon gods haven't attacked, the new bio witch weapon has not been popularized, MC hasn't accessed star network. Nothing about what happened to the Western civilization after he left has been mentioned. He still has a million scum values and is still controlled by the exile guide. Most of the east civilization is still divided and primitive. There are many more things but these are the main points. To be clear other than the fact that both his children have been born, none of his final goals/mission have been realized. It doesn't seem like it is even anywhere near being realized. Like the story came to a stop right at the climax of the novel.


My original rating for this would be 5. But if this really is a completed novel and if there is no sequel then I would give it a 3.5 because there is nothing more disappointing than an incomplete story or a story with plotholes no matter how well its written or how interesting it is. <<less
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housyspecial rated it
October 20, 2018
Status: Completed
Awesome novel filled with black-hearted yet funny main character and his overbearing yet protective strong lover.

Their interactions together are sometimes too humorous, touching, and admirable.

Main character's role as a 'saintly' priest with OP medical knowledge from his time as a doctor combined with his 'special' abilities help him create a grand tribe, expanding it's influence over the continent. His journey with improving himself and others with his lover is satisfying to read.

... more>> Also, don't forget his cute sons and disciples interactions with him and each other.

This novel is packed with action, adventure, comedic romance, and family & friends love. <<less
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April 5, 2024
Status: --
Plot -10/10

MC Character -10/10 (scummy and smart)

ML character -9/10 - (rude at the 1st half- barbarian /no ethics in the 1st half)

plot execution -9/10

very irritating at first -
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July 16, 2023
Status: Completed
Idk why. I feel disappointed after reading although I clearly enjoyed the journey. Perhaps because it feels incomplete? Stone Age Husband Raising Journal may not be as exciting as this novel, a slice of life, but after I've finished reading it, I feel satisfied enough.

With this one, I just... feel dumbfounded? Wth is this really finished? Just like that when there's supposed to be aliens still? I feel like I've missed a lot of context too because of the translation, and English is not my first language as well.

Idk just... more>> feel weird. So it's kinda good but with a disappointing ending? And you'll also feel like you missed out on quite a lot because of translation? Maybe if there's an official translation I'll read it again.

I also empathize with the MC in the way he looked at the barbarians. I hate the cannibalism especially. Honestly, if you suddenly found yourself in such a situation, it can't be help that you're separated from them, you think differently. You can't help but constantly compare modern conveniences to that barbaric way. Who would willingly want to give away a more comfortable life to something worst. I dislike and like Yuan Zhan. <<less
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SuikodenIV rated it
February 5, 2023
Status: c60
I'm not dropping this because of the r*pe (read the tags: if you know you can't handle certain topics then forcing yourself to read something you know you hate is only going to upset you) and I will probably end up skipping around to check out some more of the story when I have time. HOWEVER! I was just hoping the exploration aspect would last longer because I don't love when a lot of different people/povs are introduced.
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mienka rated it
December 31, 2022
Status: --
Amazing story will never forget. I loved every part of the story. I read it a long time ago till the end, on a different site That is not working anymore I am 😢 sad for many years and miss it.
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November 20, 2022
Status: c38
Although the story begins with r*pe, it is understandable that a primitive society does not understand what consent is, after all, it is the rule os the jungle where the strongest rules.

The MC has a strong personality, is smart (actually smart, not the "smart" when everyone around him is dumb) and I like how he has a goal that he will try to achieve at any cost, makes the story more vivid and realistic.

ML didn't start the relationship very well, the change from enemies to lovers was gradual and steady,... more>> it didn't come out of nowhere and ML learned from his mistakes.

The power couple is very good, each one has its specialties and they make a great duo, while the ML cannot save the life of someone almost dying, the MC can, in the same way that the MC can not defeat a strong enemy with brute force while the ML can.

The main positives points are:

1. Amazing world building, everything seems to be connected and the world has its own history, politics, skill system and religion.

2. Memorable secondary characters, the protagonist does not do everything alone and often gets help from these secondary characters to achieve his goals, is realistic.

3. Medical knowledge. While I don't know how much of this medical knowledge is real, it's nice to read about the properties ofcommon foods, herbs, and surgical procedures makes me feel like I'm learning something.

Negative points:

1. R*pe. If it was just that one time at the beginning it would still be acceptable, because after a lot of dedication the ML finally deserved the chance to be forgiven and learned from his mistakes, but this is repeated in history with secondary characters.


I particularly hated the extra where Yuan Bing was practically abandoned while being r*ped by the enemy leader after years of loyalty to the protagonist.


2. Hasty ending. The last chapters were rushed, several points that were introduced were not worked on, such as:


The invasion of aliens and the moment when the protagonist manages to finish off all the scum points.


After in all, it's a story that I highly recommend and one of my favorites even with flaws. Just don't read the extras and you'll be happy. <<less
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bekka2700 rated it
November 17, 2021
Status: Completed
It is a novel that I really love, but that ending was very open, there were many things to explain and developments to finish.
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Chazen rated it
November 15, 2021
Status: Completed
So I already finished this book and the overall feeling that I get is overwhelming Lol. Kinda confuse why it said it still not completely translated but I guess I'm just lucky to encounter the completely translated version of this novel haha. The plot is interesting and you will be interested to continue on and on and on. Its just a major turned off at first is because of the fact that people in the "other" world eats human or in other words they are cannibals. Well yeah this is... more>> a world where survival is the main goal so I get over with it as time goes by,

but I didnt say that its fine to eat people lol. No good. But other than that, I really love the story specially and the romance and the other genre is balance. I rate it five and get over with it.

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chemaMissTea rated it
March 17, 2021
Status: Completed
its so freaking good !!!!! I mean you have no idea how much I loved this shit

the ML is okey ! I wont say I liked him but he has a completely different personality from what we are used to, and not as you see in the usual bl novels
The MC to me is absolutely perfect because he is cute, sly and has many mistakes that do not make you hate him because he is too perfect or kind you see what I mean?

well the plot deserves 5 stars in my opinion ! The end was rushed but the translator said its not completed so I m waiting !!!!

the finale ark was between the 2 rivals and I hated it !!!!! I wished I could skiped it ! Its the last 3 chapters or something!? Its the only thing I am complaining about
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Jessaminegrey rated it
July 12, 2020
Status: c659
It’s is so confusing in the beginning and the world building is slow. Plus only a logical person can understand and follow the way the MC thinks but it is so f***ing good. OMG I just finished and I really feel like the author can build it further. You will crave more once you’re finished and the worst part is you know there is none left. I do not regret a second of the time I spent reading and only feel sad that this is it.
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June 20, 2020
Status: c659
My review foe this, binge reader, so read this continuesly for a about 1-2 weeks. Now...

Very readable,

Easy to understand the ideas.

Well detailed and full per chapter. (Siksik)

About fighting the progress and development of civilization of early ears.

I like it he's kinda OP, I mean Mo Da Ren is really an OP, but since the Guide is being there, actions of him will be suppressed.

I just felt the ending is kinda anti climatic. Like there's missing.

Anyways, I enjoyed this novel.

Try it.

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xtruthxliex rated it
May 3, 2020
Status: c28
I don't agree with a few people that like this. I also don't agree with a few people that dislike this.

The ML is unlikable. No one knows for sure if he's eaten a human before but you can tell he's not new to it... So he's definitely eaten a human before. I... Vampires are the furthest I'm going for BL. Cannibalism is too far. Sorry. I have to draw the line. They would eat their children. I cannot have any sort of sympathy for them.

He is scum. Worse than MC.... more>> At least MC uses the lives of others in the pursuit of knowledge. But we don't necessarily know if he's actually done it. His thoughts hint at wanting to do it but eh. He saves people. May not be the code of doctors but sure is the code of scientists.

The whole s*ave thing... Is probably 2nd to the whole cannibal thing. I'm okay with this more than the cannibal thing because of the shield hero novel and eqyptian based novels... And servants in Ancient China being s*aves etc. So it's not that bad. It's better treatment than other novels... Just... The cannibalism thing is just no. I can't feel any good emotions to the characters when they've all eaten another person. Idc if it's their culture or whatever. It's my culture to not fxcking eat people. I can't read this novel. It's just off putting.

I love that the scummy main character, Yan Mo, has a

kid that he loves and wants to bring back to life. It's actually given him depth. Might even explain why he's such a scum and doesn't care about others. He only cares about himself and his child. He'd do anything for his little baby. I hope he can bring that Bao Zi back to life. I love his character setting. It's enjoyable for scum to be selfish. But I don't understand why he's labeled as scum. Scum should be a man who manipulates others for his entertainment and endorses pain for pleasure. All we know so far is that he was apathetic to the world because of his character and backstory.

I hate the system because of my like for MC. In my opinion, the system should be on his side and let him kill all the disgusting mongrels that eat, kill and rxpe each other. Doesn't matter if it's their culture. They deserve to be rehabilitated or exterminated. You cannot empathize with them, especially if you are the one being eaten, killed and rxped. Plus there are so many more disgusting scum. I wouldn't even label MC as scum because he wouldn't eat, kill and rxpe someone. At the most he'd kill, but his doctor talent and pride probably wouldn't let him lose his patient.

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Chocotania rated it
April 30, 2020
Status: c312
The book is awesome, its slow burn. There are 600 chapters but its worth the wait. The plot is very engaging. I would say the translation very meh however the interesting plot and character make up for it.
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mick-02 rated it
April 30, 2020
Status: Completed
Love it! It took a while for me to finish reading this as I have work. Its a long journey for me. I have watched how he grew up from nothing to everything. This is such a good story I dont want to spoil anything. Just read it!
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