Banished to Another World


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A miracle doctor was exiled to an alternate savage world and forced to change his scummy ways!

Yan Mo’s soul was transferred to another world after he had thoroughly offended God. He quickly understood how cruel the world he was in was.

The reason he was hit unconscious by a primitive man and brought back to his home was to be that man’s winter food reserves. The tribe he was in was a super spartan primitive tribe, and the people here only respected two things: Combat power and fighting ability! The former was the fighting power in battles, the latter was…


Examine illness? Chinese medicine? Drink those bitter sandy things? The hell is that? Are you trying to mu*der our tribe’s warrior? Die!

Plant wheat? Raise pigs and chickens? We are warriors, not s*aves! Die!

Teaching the women to make clothes and cook? Make them soap and perfume? F*ck, he’s actually seducing our women! Die!

You’re a messenger of God? Here to lead us to a better life? Very well. We’ll give you one day, conquer all of our enemies, make them into sl*ves and bring them back. If you can’t, you’re dead!

Yan Mo: “……”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dị thế lưu đày
Yi Shi Liu Fang
Yishi Liufang
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Danmei's I am dying to read
  2. Transmigration/Reincarnation
  3. BB novels
  4. Farming/Slice of Life/Business
  5. planning to read soon pt 6

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107 Reviews sorted by

srrrahim rated it
January 13, 2022
Status: c156
You want BL with plot? MC with purpose and ML with personality? Then GO READ IT!

Even if you remove the romance between MC and ml, there is still THE PLOT!

I love this novel world building

This is a fascinating novel that you need to read after reading a lot of light BL with cute brainless MC and stone cold ml

I hope it will end good enough, but I kinda doubt it because some reader said that it has cliffhanger ending
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naloto rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: c50
First, I'm not a fan of BL but the story seemed interesting enough to give it a try.

Here are the 3 things that kept me reading that long and 3 things that make me quit.

Good :

  1. The MC is a scumbag and a schemer so you can expect some logic to his action.
  2. The medical knowledge use and the ambition on future use of knowledge of the MC.
  3. There are monsters and warriors,
Bad :

  1. Poor translation and name are really confusing.
  2. The MC system is restrictive, bad and judgmental.
  3. The raping is fine for the story context but the constant raping vibe is annoying. Also you can't make romance that start with r*pe.
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Devrai rated it
July 31, 2020
Status: c659
659 Chapters of "Isn't it over yet?"...

If you hope to read something like "Stone Age Husband Raising Journal" you will be absolutly disappointed.

It's like switching from stonage to interstellar and back and forth....

... more>> This Story has so much holes and unfinished plots... working 600 chapters to an big climax that never comes and realy strange plot lines.

And if you hope that at least the fluff will be ok.... no... it won't.

I'm not fussy about plot holes and some other stuff but this story was all in all reather boring and at some point it got really annoying.

Spare your time and read something else. <<less
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RottenApple rated it
July 17, 2020
Status: c517
The plot of the this story is GREAT.

First of all let me explain things to you. So this is about a guy who was doctor who transmigrated into a barbaric land. Wherein laws and human rights were not implemented. Its basically a Stone Age in our history. So its reasonable that there were scenes, that makes us uncomfortable. Like r*pe, s*avery, and cannibalism. That might veer you off from reading this novel.


If... more>> made past the first 70 chapters, you'll see the great this about this novel.


WORLD BUILDING. The way the author described the world they are living in was realistic in which there are many tribes living around the world. Some tribes are more advanced than the others and have monetary system.

CHARACTERS. The MC in this novel is a levelheaded, although a bit of a scum, he's also kind which is kind of contradictory . He's also intellegent and different from shous who are too soft. The ML on the other hand is his master.


Whom I didnt like at first, because he r*ped the MC. I mean he is the master and MC is his s*ave. But the MC didnt take it to his heart because he kinda accepted the things happening to him.


PLOT. So the MC bulit his own tribe with the ML. He abolished s*avery in his tribe and imposed laws forbidding robberies, mu*ders, and tried to make a peaceful tribe. He became the priest of the tribe and the ML became the tribe chief. Also he is on his way to World Domination.

They've got many enemies both in the dark and in the light. But they've managed to defeat them along the way. YAY! Although near the end, the author glossed over the fight scenes. I feel like this book should have about a thousand chapters because I need MORE.

Another thing


They have children. Yeah you read that right. Plural ahehehehehe. So basically they got 2 children and one of them is the child of our MC in his original world. Although that child died when he was 6?¿

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January 27, 2020
Status: c26
The story seemed amazing and I desperately wanted to go through with it till the end but I just couldn't follow with the second translator. I know they work extra hard to give us this books so I'm not complaining. I'm just extremely sad that I had to let this one go.
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HusbandDontRunAway rated it
January 17, 2020
Status: c98
One of the best danmei novels that I'm currently reading.

As I am binge reading this, I got to know and gain knowledge about primitive people (although not accurate but still). I kinda hate the ML at first since I do not like forced bs but realizing how his character growth makes me love me him. As for the MC, he's a smart scum but pessimistic type in some ways.

Best to not eat while reading (some chapters are really disturbing and detailed that you can imagine the scene vividly in your... more>> mind.)

Relationship's pretty slow. Just hoping that there's no dog blood if they get together. <<less
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learningabc rated it
February 7, 2019
Status: Completed
Probably one of the best BL transmigration stories I've read. Although it isn't without its faults, the pros outweighs the cons by a long shot. It has a relatively interesting premise and I really enjoyed the MC's transformation as a person. The story was quite exciting to read, especially MC's journey into uncharted territory, seeing how he deals with situations without the ML. Although his interactions with the ML is also really entertaining; and it was interesting to see their changing relationship throughout the story.

I got the sense that the... more>> author wanted to end the story when the MC and ML became a little too OP and dealt with all hardships and complications through brute force. And my hunch was basically confirmed after seeing how the author rushed the ending. Either way, the story was still interesting enough for me to not feel too disappointed with the ending. <<less
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ILikeTheRain rated it
March 6, 2022
Status: Completed
I really like this novel. I can reread this again. I really like how the MC and ML's adventure and interaction. Also the two children are also pretty cute and funny. Haha.

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shinkyuu rated it
August 20, 2021
Status: Completed
I have already finished reading this FOR THE 3RD TIME!

It became an annual thing for me now to read this again and again.. Ive finished this on 2019, then on 2020 and now I have finished rereading it again (2021)..

I love the plot.. The growth.. The realistic concepts..

Eventhough the TL is not that good, I still feel grateful that I get to read this very good novel..

I hope that other people wont get discourage on the plot and will have an open mind on the setting of the plot.
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AvaChan rated it
August 13, 2021
Status: Completed
the plot is worth reading, but the translation is so horrible that it makes you want to curse out heaven and earth
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Lolkika rated it
July 6, 2021
Status: c600
It's a nice novel, amazing world building, characters, and background development. Sometimes it drags too much. My issue here is with the r*pe sub-plot throughout the novel. R*pe is r*pe there's no sugar coating it. Non is non, coaxing, persuading, coercion is not consent!!!
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compass96 rated it
June 22, 2021
Status: c659
Worldbuilding and kingdom building are on point but it is too r*pey. I could endure the main characters and the explanation given. But in the extras? For f*cks sake I just wanted to see how Jiu Yuan united the continent and the aftermath of the alien war. Why the f*ck did it spend the last few chapters focusing on Shu Yi and Yuan Bing, reintroducing the r*pe dynamic and being all around scummy.

Also, the story just introduced a lot of sci fi things and never addressed them. It ended up... more>> feeling incomplete. <<less
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RoseAmethyst remembrance
RoseAmethyst remembrance rated it
May 6, 2021
Status: c529
If I had to be honest, the novel is so well-writting and the world building is so expansive. But as I read on, I feel like the morals was getting more convoluted (especially at ch.379). The MC feeing did become more sincere and his moral views does clear up later, particularly in regards to his transactional relationship with the ML, but.....

My personal conspiracy theory: I get serious vibes that the author is glorifying the CCP (China Community Party) and China’s history in general, specifically in medicine since the MC was... more>> a medical doctor and researcher in his past life. I would even go as far as to say that the MC is based off of Mao Ze Dong. The resemblance in the timeline of their lives is just so uncanny (They both were feminists and strong advocators of free love. They both used brainwashing tactics to justify their actions. They both lead a cult like following with lower class population against the upper class populations: the cultural revolution. They were generous to their allies but merciless to any dissenters).


In the novel, you can correspond the tribal ppl to the lower class and the members of civilizations as the upper class.

I saw the first traces of Mao Ze Dong in the 200s when the MC debates with a woman about women’s rights and marriage. Timeline-wise, this could correspond to when Mao Zedong rejected his own arranged marriage at age 14.

In the 200s, the MC is building his base starting with the weakest tribes and gradually accumulates his power so that he eventually absorbs the stronger tribes by force. The tribes that willingly cooperated with the MC, like the White Snake or Merman clans, got the biggest benefits. By the 300s, he sets his sights on established civilizations. When you interchange tribes and civilizations to lower and upper class, doesn’t this sound like the cultural revolution?

Thankfully, the MC doesn’t resort to a massacre due to the system rules. Instead makes use of his OP finger, courtesy of the system, to keep them subdued.


This novel is set in a primitive era in a cultivation world: To be more specific, it set in a transition period between the prehistoric era and early civilization because there are some tribes that are still living a tribal lifestyle, while others groups have well established civilizations. (The MC starts with the former type obviously which is the ML’s tribes). The advancement of the civilization is dependent on the level of their cultivators which are called blood warriors.

When the MC arrives in this world, ***cannibalism, r*pe, and s*avery*** are all accepted practices. Even the victims themselves don’t see it as anything wrong.

The MC is an anti-hero: Although the MC is mildly sympathetic towards the poor living conditions of the natives, he’s not compassionate either. However, he is forced to help them out because of the system. The MC is viciously cunning to the point that he learns how to sift out the loopholes in the system. I have to admit that as much as some of his actions disturbs me, it’s quite a refreshing change to see a transmigrator rebelling against the system.

The system rules is so flawed that the MC outsmarts it in every way: Although the system rules is set up to keep the MC in check, the loopholes in the system allows the MC to take his villainous endeavors to a whole other level. Just look at this segment in ch.379 in which the MC discusses how he brainwash the coolies into accepting their circumstances! Coolies is the term coined by the MC for indentured servants. The MC gets rewarded by the system for banning s*avery, while he uses debt to as a way to entrap ppl. The is the biggest example of how the MC exploits the system’s loopholes:


Snippet from Ch.379

Other tribesmen, more threatening tribesmen, were brought back to the Jiu Yuan for what Yan Mo called brainwashing education.

Yan Mo is less optimistic than Da-da and Yuan Zhan. He knows how powerful the rebellion of the s*ave people will be, and even if it has the stamp of the soul, it will not necessarily be insured that they will be obedient. For this reason, after thinking about it again and again, he found three disciples and Cao Ting and others to speak to them, so that they could take turns to brainwash their coolies.

So there was a stream of words between coolies.

"Priest Da-Ren said that we drink from the same river as they and we are our own people. Although he was not happy that The Moer-Gan, The Huang Jing and The Duo Fei tribe jointly attacked him, he did not want to send us out to other tribes to be s*aves and bullied again. And the ancestral gods do not like their loyal people to become s*aves, so that’s why the Jiu Yuan has no s*aves. You see, we are given to the Jiu Yuan and we much better than if we are given to the other tribes. At least we are just working here as a long-term worker, not really sold as a s*ave for life. "

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dee_ism rated it
August 30, 2020
Status: Completed
Pheeew, what a read. I finish the whole novel in 2 months, lol

A pretty good story. What you have in your mind is: the story set is in PRIMITIVE area with BARBARIC tribes without norms, basically the civilization not yet founded.

I love the character growth and world building. Many might found Yuan Zhan unsightly, but I like him. As a primitive man, he can be considered as a good character, has a talent as leader, ambitious, hard working, willing to learn, and overall have positive mind set.

It just at the... more>> ending I hope more story about the future, about the growth of Jiu Yuan and eastern continent, what about the alien war? What about north and south continent? What about their child? <<less
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aml.1908 rated it
August 11, 2020
Status: Completed
(Summary below)

This was one of my favorites before the time skip.

But after that I feel like everything changed, I really like the character evolution of MC and ML, especially how the MC often realizes his way of thinking is wrong and ajusts.

... more>>

For example when MC expiriences the plight of the weak and then changes his outlook nad realizes that not everyone can rise up even if they are not lazy and try reall hard.

Witch I found really refreshing.


But honestly after the time skip the story only gets more ande more boring and has a lot of plotholes and unfinished storylines.


Things I would like to get resolved:

  • THE GODDAMM ALIENS, I really wanted to know theire body composition strengths and weaknesses and of course the big Fight but the author probably got bored and stopped the story early
  • Du-Du: Does he remember the past life? Does he blame his Dad?
  • What happend to fire city?
  • What happend to the white horns?
  • what happend to the sand crawlers that lived in the second holy place of the bone sculpting people?
  • What hapend to the wepons there?
  • What happens when you break the Sky?
  • I really was looking forward to the other 2 continents just a small description would be enough
  • What happend to the other 6 students that he got from the awu tribe they are never mentiond again

So many things just got fergotten and never metioned again.

I feel like after the time skip we kind of fergot about the development of the tribe and only focused on how poerful the chief is and the adventures they go through.

I mean I like adventure but I feel like so many things just got glazed over.

Also why suddenly change from a development novel to a face slapping one?


Also I kind of hate the relationship with theire children (especially Wu Wu), when he is born they just kind of push him aside and just do theire normal thing they dont even seem to be that happy? Like thats your child !



I think the Author had a lot of ambition and a great world to back it up, but he kinda gave up halfway...

The novel is very readable though, but there is really not a lot of romance witch ic dissapointing.

All in all its a good novel to read when bored.

(I mean I complain so much just because I got invested in the world and characters) <<less
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Vanlatte rated it
July 4, 2020
Status: Completed

I can't say how much I really love this novel. Apart from the r*pe (well, what can I say? There's no excuse. It's really a r*pe), this is a really good world-building novel. Basically from scratch!

I binge read this (really, it's so hard to put this book down) like two/three weeks?

Back to the story. I think the summary doesn't do justice. MC came from modern world to a really primitive tribe. They said he is a scum, but actually the main villain is the ultimate scum. This couple... more>> is interesting. MC and ML are like two evils (but good in a way XD) and their chemistry is.. unique (?). This is slow-burn romance and ML when he realizes his feeling (well, this is primitive times and there's no 'love' word), he becomes sickening sweet and F**K, I'm melting!! (honest confession, I don't like sweet words that make ur tooth ache, but coming from ML it's different! He means every word he said and I really believe it!).

Now, the plot. A very well made plot *thumbs up*. The most enjoyable is the first half. MC and ML starts from scratch, both in accumulating power and building the world. It's not instant either. They did it step-by-step, even the laws and everything. Also the resistance to the new-made law, the logic-based in solving problems, etc are mentioned. Don't worry, it's not boring at all! All happen simultaneously with actions and allies + villains' appearance! Every character has their own charm and purpose. The adventure is top-notch. I have a hunch that the author actually has more plot for this book. Like, in the middle there's this mer-king appeared in a flash, but never to be mentioned again (just a little narration to glimpse at the far future) and I also have a hunch that the author wanted to make arc about north, south, and central continent (?). All in all it's amazing.

Oh, yeah. One thing worth highlighted is the characters are not the 'full-naive' kind or 'full-evil' kind (urghh, I don't know how to say it. I hope u understand). Like, it's real human nature. U want me to do this, what's good for me? How do u compensate me? I will help u, but I'll make sure first I'm not at disadvantages. It's not blind kindness nor blind evilness. Well, some inclined to either those blindness, but still realistic enough to believe that kind of person exists in real world (apart from the h**ny part of ML. Maybe because it's primitve era? LOL). Another example is the narrative wasn't like 'Even if he lost control, everyone still like him because he is kind'. No bullsh*t like this. If u lose people's trust, then they'll have different response. Most will be wary, escape, and even oppose. Only few close people will still believe him. And how to get back those people's hearts were not describe in just one line like before which is kinda instant (and not believable at all). No miraculous change of disposition, like suddenly become good people w/o any clear explanation (sorry, man. I just don't believe that) or accept big chance w/o much rift (just "Yeah. It's good for us. Let's do this!" Then everything run smoothly... (Are u kidding me?!)).

Now, the flaws.

  • I never think MC is bad at politic even though he claims so. He is fu***ng good at it, although sometimes his decision is not in-line w/ the era. Why flaw? Because MC mentioned it many times and I never believe it xD.
  • 1/3 to end MC and ML become too powerful. I don't really mind it, but I feel the story line is rushed by the author... (I am so sad it's gonna end!)
  • Many things left untouch and one of them is the 'great prophecy' from the beginning of time. I think the author just... stop? Tbh, this novel can reach the legendary 1000 chapters. I still hope for continuation... (u know, the 'gods' haven't arrived yet...) and so many potential side characters that each can be made their own (side) story. The ending is HFN (Happy for Now) if u're wondering and quite okay to end there, but still..!
So, let's talk about the r*pe tag that everyone talked about. I don't like r*pe too, but let's be real, this is primitive era and if the author removes that part, it wouldn't make sense (well, in this modern era there's still r*pe and suddenly in primitive era there's no r*pe? Is our society going backwards?)

I don't force u to read. I know some people really can't stand it. Just, if u can still stomach it, this is a wonderful novel (the r*pe only at the beginning (MC is actually okay (?). Hurts his pride and wants revenge, but as time went on ML's love and devotion appease him) and at the end (side couple, this one is worse than at the beginning... So maybe stop reading at this point if u hate it? It's the last 5 chapters (I think) in side stories. U will wonder 'tho about the pair if u stop... LOL)

Actually, I avoid this novel many times at first because the tags (r*pe, sl*ve, etc.). But I'm not disappointed at all! <<less
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XavierForest rated it
January 1, 2020
Status: Completed
So this is pretty much a story about a cold-blooded researcher/doctor who was reincarnated (transmigrated) into a primitive world and is monitored by a Guide (System) which promises him that if he can earn the required amount of points via doing good deeds, his child from his previous life that died early will be reincarnated with him.

The Guide rewards him when he reaches certain numbers of points and punished him brutally (e.g. Blindness, limb paralysis, aging, pain, etc.) for set periods of time when he loses points due to committing... more>> bad deeds. This results in him trying to be "good", and because he doesn't tell people about the Guide, everyone around him is generally led to believe that he's soft even though he's actually a really insidious bastard.

Ultimately, this is literally just a guy from the 21st (?) century swindling a growing number of barbarians into believing he's the priest of the gods until he ends up becoming basically that. The lies this guy tells to get what he wants and the ways he twists his words is hilarious at times, especially when everyone either believes him completely or it comes back to bite him in the butt.

The story is really interesting, with a lot of world building and civilisation building. There's so much explained and there's even more difficult things that I had to reread a couple times to be able to wrap my head around the concepts. The author did skip over some bits that I would have liked to have read about in more detail, but not really anything too important.

I recommend opening up a document and writing out the names of all the characters and their respective tribes or you might get lost at times. I was able to keep up because I binge-read this in the span of a month, but sometimes I had to pause and remember who was who. There are dozens of different races and even more cities and tribes, and remembering who was the son of which chief and which witch was which and who the ML's old tribe friends were and which collections of tribes they met at which city proved to be a challenge at times, especially as the story progressed and there was a massive increase in the amount of characters with the expansion of the tribe.

Overall, I had fun reading this (even if it hurt my brain at times) and wish it didn't end where it did. I could have easily read another couple hundred chapters of this and been happy. <<less
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Strange BR Dude
Strange BR Dude rated it
November 3, 2019
Status: Completed
Honestly? My favorite Novel, the translator is very fast, and the plot is one of the bests

About the MC

... more>>

The MC is not OP as the others Isekai or Transm. MCs. His character development is truly worthy a gradution prize, why? Because he is not born with Overpowered mana, energy or whatever, he is a simply graduated chinese doctor


For the people who would judge it as bad because it is yaoi...

Well, the yaoi part is always present but not such important I mean, it´s not that sugar and candy kinda of yaoi and you will only note this sweet part at the end of the novel (if im not wrong c500 up)


About the History

The MC is Banished to this primal world and ends up being a s*ave of the ML and ends up helping the village treating some injuries ('cause he is a doctor, get it?), I won't spoiler much any more, I will only write that the people of this world have some strange powers (not op powers, its like a well balanced MOBA) and the MC and ML end up making theyr own tribe and the history goes on...

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You gotta be kidding me
You gotta be kidding me rated it
April 30, 2021
Status: c47
This is oddly interesting and I have no idea why. Sometimes I wanted to drop it but when I tried reading other novel I ended up thinking about what happens here next and ill go back here like I got obssession problems lmao. This is lowkey awesome. Minus all the primitive customs I couldnt stomach no matter how I console myself. But all in all this is great. Reminds me of Dr. Stone in a whole different vibe/way.
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LunaSolis070 rated it
April 8, 2021
Status: Completed
April 08, 2021

I really love this novel.

At first, I hated the MC because of his attitude and then hated the ML HAHAHA but I would always think that they don't have the same perspective and they didn't come from the same Era. So, there's a lot of fighting from both sides and opinions clashing (it's pretty normal). But even though the ML is from the primitive he really is a decent one (when it comes to their Era) when Yan Mo was depress the ML was there and when... more>> Yan Mo's attitude was too much ML was also there.

From what I have understand, The ML beats the MC (at the early chapters) because MC might die like those people who claim to be a "Messenger of god." also, MC have the "s*ave" status so the "Master" (ML) needs to beat their s*aves if they have done something wrong to the other tribesmen because if the Master doesn't beat the s*ave other tribesmen might kill and punish the s*ave. So, it is much better to get ONE beating than being punished by the tribe. So, all the beatings was a protection in that Era where people eats humans and have a shitty civilization. (In the early chapters I wanted Yan Mo to leave Yuan Zhan because of the violence but at the same time I don't want Yan Mo to Leave him because Yan Mo will die and get killed by another tribe because of Yan Mo's personality.) (I also hated Yan Mo because he was doing s*upid things without thinking but Yan Mo would reflect after that.) I would just think that We also Yan Mo, and Yuan Zhan have different perspective since this is Primitive or primordial Era.

It's 5 stars for me.

Jan 12, 2022

Already my 3rd time reading this. 😚😚

Ps. Yan Mo is relatable. He would think of the situation. Just like when Yan Mo was R*PE by Yuan Zhan in the bonfire because it was some kind of practice from their Tribe. Yan Mo wanted to put a needle in Yuan Zhan but he thought of the situation. If he let Yuan Zhan Sleep (by needling him 🤔) he would get gangb*nged by the tribesmen. It was also good that Yuan Zhan didn't let anyone touch Yan Mo. I also hate Yuan zhan. (This is from our generations perspective.)

But From this savage tribe. Who eats, kill, s*aves people. Yuan Zhans behavior can be called good in this savage perspective. Not our generations perspective. He didnt let anyone touch MC even when he needed resources, which is scarce. He also goes with monogamy and also supports MC. In there perspective MC is just a s*ave.

April 9, 2024

I really want to read this again, but I'm still busy with school. 🥲 <<less
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