Banished to Another World


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A miracle doctor was exiled to an alternate savage world and forced to change his scummy ways!

Yan Mo’s soul was transferred to another world after he had thoroughly offended God. He quickly understood how cruel the world he was in was.

The reason he was hit unconscious by a primitive man and brought back to his home was to be that man’s winter food reserves. The tribe he was in was a super spartan primitive tribe, and the people here only respected two things: Combat power and fighting ability! The former was the fighting power in battles, the latter was…


Examine illness? Chinese medicine? Drink those bitter sandy things? The hell is that? Are you trying to mu*der our tribe’s warrior? Die!

Plant wheat? Raise pigs and chickens? We are warriors, not s*aves! Die!

Teaching the women to make clothes and cook? Make them soap and perfume? F*ck, he’s actually seducing our women! Die!

You’re a messenger of God? Here to lead us to a better life? Very well. We’ll give you one day, conquer all of our enemies, make them into sl*ves and bring them back. If you can’t, you’re dead!

Yan Mo: “……”

Associated Names
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Dị thế lưu đày
Yi Shi Liu Fang
Yishi Liufang
Related Series
Stone Age Husband Raising Journal (7)
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I Have Medicine (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Danmei's I am dying to read
  2. Transmigration/Reincarnation
  3. BB novels
  4. Farming/Slice of Life/Business
  5. planning to read soon pt 6

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New raideshinn
June 30, 2024
Status: Completed
This is a violent story, it also doesn't beautify the main characters. So if you want the male lead to be a pretty boy I'd suggest you skip this one but if you're in for the plot this book is for you.

Actually, even if the MC get thrashed all around you don't need to feel bad cause Yan Mo is no moral man either. He is just as cruel as those savages, just more civilized. All of them also have raw emotions, just on different aspects. That is why you... more>> don't need to invest too much emotions on the characters, specially pity, there is no mary sue in the story

When I first read it I got shocked by how extreme the ML were, but it's actually quite fortunate of Yan Mo to end up with him, even though he's cruel, it on the tolerable side and doesn't tick me off. He's a savage so it's a joke to expect him to know code of ethics, trust me, he'll get better.

Both the MC and ML were unconventional characters. Really, I didn't like either of them at the start (it piqued my interest tho so I kept reading) then as the story progress I started to connect with them and as grow (they do have character development but the initial personality is still there which I was thankful). It gave me a fresh experience. Why? Because I am usually very careful of what I read, and only sticking on safe recommendations. It was because of one book I encountered before where I completely hate the main characters because the author didn't do a good job on portraying the personality of the characters which is a huge part of the plot, resulting in the whole story feeling like a 2d (following patterns and no raw feelings)

As you can see this series has quite a lot of chapters (not for me tho, I usually read thousand chapters cn novels lol), but it didn't feel like it was dragged off unnecessarily, atleast that's what it looks for me. Every part is just necessary to build the tension because without those I wouldn't get the satisfaction of the exciting scenes.

Still, the MC and ML is bound to be op, the main reason I'm here. No matter the hardship was they just need to beat down all the villains, sounds stereotypical but what can I do. It's true that bullied protagonists are unsatisfying and boring <<less
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Fuyuneko rated it
April 15, 2018
Status: c600
I just copied the stuff I had already written in NUF

The combination of MC that is the opposite of Holy Mother and a system that's forcing him to do good acts is so funny. I think this is the first time I read about an MC that's tries to outsmart the system. This world is so savage and brutal, but MC is very good at pretending to be pitiful and innocent (except to ML) and quickly adapts to the situations he's thrown into.

I really like how the story isn't one-sided.... more>> It's not just about the MC using future knowledge to impress cave people. He's improving their standard of living, but he can't survive without them. Their skills and knowledge of this world is still better than all of the skills he has from the modern world.

Funny part during chapter 11


MC performs surgery. He has an option to temporarily block the person's pain while he does surgery. Instead, he presses an acupuncture point so that the person can't move and will feel all of the pain of having part of his intestines being cut out for MC's amusement.

System rewards MC for saving him a life then punishes him for torturing someone. That person and his family misunderstand. They think MC is a really good person because they mistakenly thought god was punishing him for saving a person life

When MC does next part of surgery, he obediently numbs that person's pain.


The summary seems only true for the first 15-20 chapters or so. After that, there doesn't seem much fighting and killing until after chapter 300. And, its clarified later that the MC is a prodigy doctor from modern world that was considered to have "godly" skills.

For a chapter, I was worried that the story was going to be about the MC getting more and more skills. But, ML points out that even if MC's has more attack power, he can still be defeated by him. MC also acknowledges to himself that he doesn't have the personality and mindset to become a clan leader. And the story shifts to focusing on how to expand their group and create a new tribe.

Cute part in chapter 59 -

MC temporarily has 9 little buns/children for students from a tribe that he and ML save from goblin monsters. For first lesson, he using rewarding them with hazelnuts as a positive reinforcement to get them into the habit of helping each other instead of older, bigger kids pushing the younger kids around and to have new ideas*. (This is world where the strong rule, so their initial behavior isn't unusual.) At some point, MC pats one of the little buns' head. And all of the kids get super jealous. MC is totally clueless and wonders why patting is better than food. So cute.

* Usually new ideas aren't encouraged because the priest of the each tribe wants to be the only one with special knowledge in order to maintain his power and authority.


A short, rough translation of MC's pov in chapter 188 about love and his relationship with ML.


"Some people love appearances. Others love talent or money. If you say that you love someone, it's only because that person is helpful to you in some way, whether its for family or career. If someone is not only ugly and poor, but also harsh, merciless, greedy, and has many bad habits, would you still fall in love with that person?

If he were to ask Yuan Zhan (ML), are you in love with me? Yuan Zhan would only reply, what is love? He and Yuan Zhan didn't have an affectionate love. Their love was like painfully wanting to die, but also not wanting to. They didn't have the grand sentiment of mutual devotion. But, their relationship was solid and real. Without any chances for refusal, they had slowly joined together into one.

Then, let it just be like that. They both needed each other. They won't discuss their feelings or debt of gratitude coupled with revenge. It would be pretty good if they just continue walking down the road of life like this."

I think that even if the word love doesn't exist in Yuan Zhan's vocabulary yet, through his actions, he has proved again and again that he loves MC. Whether its agreeing to monogamy, or even creepily wanting MC to eat his corpse if he dies, or willing to forsake everyone else if MC wanted to the leave their tribe, proposing marriage, and so on.


I felt like the romance in this story was more meaningful than other BL novels. They feel like partners (which I really like. The story isn't about an OP ML that always helps and protects a weak MC. They're partners who are good at different things.) For a lot of BL/Yaoi novels, if you strip away the ML acting yandere and the MC acting helpless and cute and innocent, there's nothing left of the story. For this novel, if you were to remove the romantic parts between the MC and ML, there's still 95% of an epic story left. Plus, It's a slow burn romance instead of the usual BL novels where MC and ML fall in love early on.

I think the chapters up to the end of the City of Music storyarc was amazing and so unique, but after that..

  1. There was originally minimal face slapping -> There's suddenly ridiculous amounts of face slapping and it continues until the end of the story.
  2. Even though MC and ML are relatively more powerful than other people, they think that they can only use their powers in self-defense, or system will punish MC -> But then, MC successfully figured out how to avoid being punished by system. Every story arc, there's so much build up to try to get everyone to work together to fight the common enemy, but in the end only MC and ML fight.
    Almost every story arc is resolved by MC and ML showing off their powers.
  3. Every time the system gives MC a "reward", there's always a fine print. For example, MC can create a medicine that can bring back a person who died if its within 3 days. But to create the medicine, MC has to use his own flesh and slowly refine into pills -> But then, system gives MC power where he can ask for any type blessing. For example, ML injured a group of people, MC asked for an instantaneous mass group healing without any repercussions.
  4. As their tribes grows in population, various problems comes up. The problems that come up from managing a tribe of 70 primitive people that willing followed MC and ML were very different from trying to incorporate 1000 s*aves into their tribe -> But then, author keeps recycling the same problem and solution. This was the part that disappointment me the most. On the hand, MC acknowledges that his solution is flawed and only works as temporary fix.

At the beginning of the story, there are interesting female characters, who are strong in different ways, but at some point, all of the women introduced are cookie cutter status climbers. Their only aspiration in life is to marry a powerful man and they spent all of their time scheming to do that. MC goes from wanting to create a society where women are equal to men because he doesn't want his children to have a harder time in life just because they're born female to no longer caring about that goal.

I was disappointed when the story stopped being about MC developing primitive society to modern times and focused on MC trying to unify all of the tribes and amassing a giant army to fight the aliens when they invade the planet. It was such a weird change. Around chapter 600, there's an author's note that the story will end before the aliens invade the planet.

I still skimmed through most of the second half the novel because I wanted to read more about the progression in MC and ML's relationship.

I would still rate this novel as a 5 though because the first half of the novel was that amazing and unique and the rest of the novel occasionally has interested parts. I think the author should have split the novel into two books: one before the time skip and one after the time skip. It feels like a different person wrote the part after the time skip, but there's occasionally funny parts and very interesting story arcs in the second half of the novel that reminds me of the earlier chapters.


One of the more interesting story arcs in the second half of the novel

Also, near the end of the novel. When MC is a god-level priest and he's forgotten what it's like to be a helpless s*ave, he considers when would be the most optimal time from him to save a group of s*aves. The system punishes him with falling unconscious and dreaming that he, ML, and their two children are s*aves.

He initially tries to rebel, but he ends up causing ML to suffer a crippling injury and their two children die. After that, for a period of time, he tries to get revenge for them. By the end of this fake lifetime, he realizes how futile all of his attempts were. The actual chapters are way sadder as we see MC slowly losing all hope.

When he wakes up from the dream, he rushes to ML's side and cries in happiness that it was all a dream and that ML is alive. Because MC once again empathizes with the helplessness that s*aves experience, he immediately goes to save the group of s*aves without having any calculating thoughts.

It's one thing to pity or sympathize with weaker characters from a lofty position, but experiencing something that lets the MC empathize with his original beginnings seems unique to me. And, it shows how far he's come from the beginning of the story. He used to internally grumble about helping people and spent time plotting how to avoid being punished by the system and still do what he wanted.

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Elizalovesbooks rated it
February 13, 2020
Status: c26
I loved this book but I can't follow with the second translator!! I realize they put a lot of efforts but the translations are really bad.. Or actually they need to edit it to make it readable.. Because of this translator I could not read Number one zombie's wife and now this one.. Please either edit them or stop translating so other groups pick it up.. Seeing the books translated other groups don't pick them up..

Sorry I know I am sounding rude but I had to stop three books because... more>> of this particular translator because the translations are realllly bad!!! <<less
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applebeans rated it
May 21, 2018
Status: c246
This type of story is my FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BtAW difference from most transmigrating novels I read:

  • the plot is to survive and thrive in the savage (stone age?) world; hundreds of chapters... which means.. ADVENTURE!!!
  • some aspects of living is simpler than now, other aspects are harder..
  • there are tons of character to care about.. The main character Yan Mo is the driving character of the story, I see him explore and go to places and achieve stuff, and it makes my investment in the story stronger. Even really trivial things makes me excited!
MC... more>> (Yan Mo) has the ability, but he's also so hardworking (this is not spoiler if you read tags.. as you should). It's hard not to root for him! With this many chapters the character growth is not bad, relationships are allowed to grow naturally. Expect betrayals, heartbreaks, old and new love, family, master-disciple (my favorite!!), politics, alliance!

before I started reading Founder of Diabolism I didn't know novels like this, like Banished to Another World existed in danmei too, that handles relationships like this one, and is so serious about research and details in the story. Millions of thanks to the translators, old and new, who let me discover this and continued to share this story with us!!

spoiler about character development and story below


To be honest, I was expecting the characters to slip to stereotypes around 100ish but delighted to find they only grew more. Maybe I speak too soon, but right now it's great. ML Yuan Zhan is a dear puppy. Also nothing against full-on yandere characters, but constantly trapping your lover to be with you all the time always pokes me in that 'this is not alright' spot.. slightly unhealthy and always makes it feel unrequited, forced. Instead, when the main characters spend time away from each other only to come back together again, you feel the inevitability of that pair and you can relish the comfort they feel when they are finally back home.

Yan Mo (again) is so sly and black-bellied but he has to restrain himself because of the system and this duality adds another layer to the relationship between the characters. Although he's supposed to be scum... he really doesn't feel like one, he can sacrifice quite few but it's for good of many, and aren't we all that way to some extent? sometimes you ask yourself if he is reforming slowly or if it's still just the guide..


TL;DR I love Yan Mo with all my soul <<less
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whitespade rated it
January 7, 2020
Status: Completed
Let me say the ugly word first - the translation is barely above mtl though its still readable. Translator exert great effort to publish 649 chapter in less than 9 months so if you want to complain help him to edit rather than be ungrateful.


The story is very engaging. The plot is methodological so you will not be confused even with the various happenings and characters. The world building is immersive and author really put thought in the cause and effect of race relations and the effect of climates in... more>> the development of civilization.

The best thing is that author have a moral compass. How many novels have authors trying to potray their main characters as the 'good guys' but they are even more disgusting than the villians? How many genocides and r*pes do MC did but they all have excuses like its not their fault and they can't help it? Even in the modern setting somehow MC could be a heartless prick.

But the MC here is a true good quality goodness. Now, he's not at first but by the end of the story he really is someone with a moral compass

Let's talk about ML that do not have moral compass. He did r*pe our MC, and I don't think he ever grow any humanity. But! Our MC do not fall in love with him willy nilly and there are great effort in his part to create a space for him in our MC heart thus their relationship is not disgusting like other r*pe turn into love story.

Anyway there's so many great thing about this story and if you could just power through the torture, r*pe and cannibalism in the first part of the story you will find the story really worth it. <<less
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SilverRider09 rated it
May 18, 2022
Status: c18
in reply to Ennuye's comment:

it's LITERALLY in the description that the main character is a piece of tr*sh. Don't like, don't read, and CERTAINLY don't use the content as ammo to feed your racist, presumptious, ignorant confirmation bias against chinese people. Perpetuating harmful and racist stereotypes, saying only people raised in china would have such views on the world is never okay. I guess that must mean shows like Game of Thrones, Westworld, Saw, and so on must say a lot about their writers too, along with the morals of... more>> everyine in their country right? No sh1t the main character's a butt, it's literally in the blurb, and in the origjnal text the author warns repeatedly that readers should be wary of that before delving in. Sit down and think twice before saying potentially hurtful things, PLEASE. <<less
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Tazberry rated it
March 29, 2020
Status: c52
I was excited to read this at first, it seems to have a lot of interesting details and worldbuilding set up but unfortunately the translations are too bad for me to understand what is going on. At first I was confused by some things but managed to guess what was going on but as I kept reading I gradually could not understand many sentences, which turned into entire paragraphs of nonsense. Unfortunately, unless another translation group picks this up this, it just isn't worth reading. I hope someone does pick... more>> it up, I would love to read it then. <<less
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seasons1 rated it
February 27, 2018
Status: c1
The translation is very good and details aren't omitted. In fact, when the MC was doing medical treatment on himself a lot of images came into mind. It was very disturbing but in a very satisfying way. Also, the ML is very simple-minded in the beginning. His thoughts are "Kill, hunt, good for the tribe (?) ". To me, it was very funny that way. There's also a very interesting start where there is a language barrier. That type of beginning makes me so excited for whats to come. The... more>> MC original body owner past is something I'm looking forward too. So excited for this story and I can't wait for more updates! <<less
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GaaraJunkie rated it
June 11, 2021
Status: c659
It was an interesting read, I liked that the MC & ML are reversible couple and was hoping for Yan Mo to top more. The build up of the story was interesting, and Yan Mo had me laughing as he BSed through a religion that he created

I do not understand why they never use any sort of LUBE in Chinese BL novels - if you come across one, please let me know

1) I hoped that the MC, as a physician, would at least introduce the importance of lubrication before stretching... more>> and doing the deed... a torn and bleeding chrysanthemum is dangerous and not pleasant at all! This must not be treated like female v**ginity at all!

2) another frequently used trope - that I dislike - is the ‘ferocious’ top and the unwilling bottom that is forced into submissiveness (r*pe) at the start of a relationship... as a victim, that was triggering tbh <<less
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isecai rated it
June 13, 2018
Status: c16
This. This is everything.

I'm adding more rave reviews because this title is so worth it. Highly recommended, one of the best danmei/yaoi story in WN format. No, it's even belittling to categorize it in that way, because it has one of the most interesting take for a "transported into another world/transmigration" setting. Even if you don't like BL, you'll want to read it for the details and adventure.

The medicine-related details are amazing, the savage world setting is unique, and the main characters have motives that keeps me in awe so... more>> far.


I was in a rollercoaster ride when relying on the MC's pov and finding out that he really needs that berating when calling himself a God's messenger for a joke.


When you already feel invested in a character that far, I think it speaks loud about the author's capability in weaving well rounded personality into the character.

I'm left in awe and ache because that 600++ chapters won't come as soon as I wish. I'll be staying for the journey, definitely. <<less
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Ike45 rated it
November 29, 2020
Status: c44
Like many others I had to drop this novel because of the translation.

Here's an exemple to show you what you should expect.

... more>>

Yuan Zhan's eyes were less doubtful indeed, since he saw the boy, even when the boy has not been injured or sick, he was still thin and weak body.

Very good, solved the first problem, the second is to lay the groundwork. Some of the knowledge and skills that he has leaked are no longer suitable for h to continuing to take Yanshan Priest Disciple banner.


If you still want to read it you should directly start with a MTL. <<less
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AinE.520 rated it
February 9, 2021
Status: Completed

This should be fairly obvious, but there are concepts in this story that can be a turn off for some ppl. They are listed in the tags so please read them. For instance, if tags such as 'r*pe', 's*aves' or 'mpreg' ruin it for you then you have every reason to not waste your time reading the novel. On the other hand, had you decided to not heed the warnings, read anyway and continue to leave a bad review, then I can only say that your inability... more>> to enjoy the novel is on you. You should have expected these concepts to appear in the content if you read the tags in the first place. Therefore, giving a bad review, despite the obvious disclaimers is ridiculous and why?? For what good reason should you ruin the ratings of a novel and for other people just because of your own ignorance? Those tags are there for a reason. Lastly, if you read the tags, noticed that there were some concepts you disliked, but continued to read and actually ended up enjoying it then kudos to you!! Again: If you know that there are topics that you may be triggered by, READ THE TAGS :)

:D On a brighter note, I really enjoyed this novel! I remember struggling to take breaks in between because it was just so engaging. I couldn't stop reading! (I ended up binging the rest of it after getting hooked and it was totally worth it). If you've read The Earth is Online, this novel is similar in their world building. Although this novel is tagged with mpreg, I discovered that it didn't distract from the plot at all and this is coming from someone that never enjoyed the tag all that much in the first place. Every moment was exciting, a large part of why I enjoyed the novel so much was because it always kept me curious and wanting to know what the MC would do next. I soon found myself feeling for and rooting on the characters whenever they encountered challenges or difficulties.

The MC is also very intelligent and cunning and I believe that overall, he is a very attractive character. If you're looking for an anti-hero protagonist, MC definitely checks the boxes. While MC is very charming and intelligent, the ML takes the role of the brawn in their relationship. He has his flaws in the beginning and he treats MC roughly, (I mean he was born into a primitive society, expected) but over time, their relationship flourishes and eventually he becomes MC's most powerful backer and partner (he also gains intelligence from following MC around). Hence the power couple tag. Throughout the story, the both of them gradually develop their kingdom and gather various powerful allies along the way whilst still keeping their competition and enemies in check. I was able to complete the novel a while before I wrote this review, but when I revisited the page to re-read, there were no chapters listed. Not too sure what happened, but hopefully they'll be able to restore all the translated chapters again. Hope you have a good read! <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
July 15, 2019
Status: c200
Wow, the jump between the two translators is big... I'm extremely thankful to both of them, but... warning: the second translator is fast, but the quality is noticeably lower. I appreciate them because they're quite passionate and both languages aren't their first language, so props to them. If only they had an editor... EDIT: Chrysanthemum Garden picked it up, so it's probably good now.

I sometimes almost forget that this is yaoi... it kinda feels more like kingdom building. The world is quite complex and it's interesting to see how the... more>> MC deals with bringing "civilization" to more simple areas. The pros and cons of development are addressed fairly well, so I enjoying this aspect of the book.

Well, since it is a more "primitive" area at the start of the novel, r*pe, cannibalism, and s*avery occurs. These hardcore aspects get better though, so don't be too turned off by them.


After the MC builds his own city, he sets up laws that prohibit these among other things.


The characters in the novel are of high quality! The "pets" are adorable, and the various tribe members have special characteristics that help you remember or make you like them a lot despite the huge amount of characters. I like how complex the main characters are, especially the MC, who is both "evil" but not. The "system" he has is also quite complex, unlike most other systems, and is both kind and cruel to the MC. The power system has cool abilities too! Other races exist, and the relations are interestingly complex. It isn't as simple as: dwarves=smithing, etc..

Examples of Abilties:

So far, we've seen a type of earthbending initially similar to Avatar: The Last Airbender. Mermaids/men can waterbend, and there are various special abilities.


I'm waiting to see what happened to make Yan Mo's life so tragic... <<less
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djeeny rated it
December 30, 2020
Status: Completed
I really liked this novel, took me a couple of chapters to get into it but once I did I couldn't put my phone down. Really interesting plot, loved the characters development. I do feel like the ending was a little rushed, could have had more scene to close everything but apart from that this story was really great.

Now I'm looking for stories similar to this lmao...

Ps: I'm just a little, I read this earlier this year but I didn't leave a review at that time, so I came back... more>> to read it again and give a review and imagine my surprise when I saw that all the chapters were gone😃😫😧 can someone explain to me what happened bcs I'm totally clueless... <<less
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Honey B
Honey B rated it
December 18, 2019
Status: c70
You'll like this if you like:

Scummy MC who is hard to like.

An apathetic and annoyingly vague system. (I'm starting not to like system novels...?)

An ML who is smarter than his time.

A so-so translation (barely so-so ?)

No smut so far (Booooooooo!)

Very detailed civilization building and slow... very slow ?

Speaking of slow... the romance is still at the MC hating the ML despite the fact the ML is only following his customs... AND THAT IS WHERE I COME TO MY RANT!!

... more>>

The high and mighty MC is so wrapped around his own ideas that he takes forever to realize he's not in the modern era anymore. He's so busy trying to modernize the tribe, he keeps forgetting CULTURE DOESN'T JUST DISAPPEAR CAUSE YOU WANT IT TO. STOP LOOKING DOWN ON THEIR WAY OF LIFE AND STOP JUDGING YOU PRICK BASTARD BECAUSE WITHOUT THEM YOU WOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN EATEN BY SOMETHING BIGGER THAN YOU!!!! ?


The story isn't bad just slow ? and wrapped around layers of description (and poor translation if you can't read the original. Honestly the translation needs a translation...)

I will come back to it and try to muddle through more when I feel like taking my time, but right now... Nope. <<less
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Chairgod rated it
November 4, 2019
Status: c450
[This is one of the best BL I have read and I have read alot.

What makes this novel so good is that it has a very deep meaning unlike other romantic novels. Which are about a fun love story where the protagonist and the love interest have ups and downs to they finally get together at the end and no one is really hurt well maybe the bad guys but this novel is different there a lot of pain some of it justified some of it not but it really... more>> makes the whole setting fell more heavy.

I don't know if the author did this or not on purpose but this books has alot of similarities with the biblical stories especially the protagonist who is damned at the start left for dead, who has alot of sins on his back and 'God's is making him pay them back.

The protagonist is not a nice person and is not very happy about been force to do good.

So he goes on to do good grudgingly. But on the road of salvation he becomes alot of archetypes the first one we see is the Beauty and the Beast. Where he tame's the top of our story who is a whole interesting character on his own. But the top is still a beast but aleast he is some what civilised.

The 2nd one we see is the savour as the protagonist is force to pay for his sin by be unable to let suffering go by. Meaning he has to save everyone with his knowledge of the modern world and of the old. While trying to make a better life for his followers.

The 3rd archetypes is the holy mother. The protagonist gets pregnant in notreally in the physical sense but more in the spiritual sense well because he a man, men dont get pregnant. But this one is very will done. He gets pregnant with witchcraft frult which is best viewed in the seed of god so you could a say this was a virg*n birth.

But the witchcraft frult can go by a different name the son of life very cant be anymore obvious they way to get the son of life is with proper guidance. Which in a sense can be view as if you give all your love and not give into temptation then you will have a savour.

I will not go into much more detail of this book as it too big to talk about but I hope you understand that this book is deep and if you are scared of drowning then this book probably not for you. <<less
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Boinkers rated it
October 31, 2018
Status: Completed
I didnt expect this to be so good. The plot is unique. Thou, First 50 chapters of the story has gory content. So beware to those readers weak at heart ?.

The only problem I find here is that the names are so confusing. But, all in all its a good read ?

edit: Just finished reading this (took me 20days!!!seriously! ?)... Just wish the author continued the story. I really wish to see the MC going to north, south and central continent ?.

Ive read plenty of stories going around 2k... more>> chapters and so far when it hits 800chapters it gets kinda boring and dragging. But, this novel is different and I keep wishing the chapters will go on until 9k hahahah, no, seriously! ? its so enjoyable reading this that it became one of my top ten favourite BL novel.

Probably, I will be reading this again when the translations are complete. ? <<less
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RedsFable rated it
March 1, 2018
Status: c1
Kind of a gore-y start, but gooooood. The MC is smart and his reactions are funny and witty when handling (spoiler :p). Cause let's be honest here, dealing with that (spoiler :p) and then having to (spoiler :p) would just suck and there'd have to be lots of grass mud horses flying around.

Sorry if my (spoiler :p) x3 irritated you, but let's face it, at the time I wrote this *points at status* there was only ONE CHAPTER.
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Shybreeze rated it
April 4, 2020
Status: Completed
I found this in one forum, and I can't agree more :

This novel goes from :

    1. primitive world (MC goes from s*ave to priest) ->
    2. fantasyworld (MC and ML build up their adopted tribe) ->
    3. realms/shounen manga-like world (majority of the arcs is exploring the other advance cities in this world and tournaments with interludes about their adopted tribe) ->
    4. western historical world (epidemic, s*avery/racism, MC levels up to god-like powers, too much face slapping, meeting another transmigrator, MC solves problems by impressive displays of power instead of clever ideas) ->
    5. science fiction world (exploring alien spacecraft, history of this planet, why was MC sent here by system, more face slapping, "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", recycled information from previous arcs, everyone loves MC).
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MrMuda rated it
August 25, 2019
Status: c241
I can already tell that BTAW is going on my all time favourites list. It's another transmigration novel but the premise and storyline is incredibly different from any others I've encountered (FOD, TLMW, etc). This makes BTAW an intriguing and refreshing read. It has a Scum Point system just like in Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil and The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System but at least 100x more savage (l0l) to the not over powered MC. I do admit, the beginning was hard to read through due to its... more>> unconventional setting and non-con elements between the MC and ML that made me almost want to drop it. I'm not making any excuses but the thoughts and actions of the characters are based on the setting of the story, which is in the prehistoric era. This story makes you sympathetic (I suspect because of realistic plot devices and calculative and smart but not OP MC) and that is dangerous, just like the primitive world the MC is in. You know that the author has done their research thoroughly on topics from ancient civilizations to modern medicine and technology, based on the details and care in which they've written BTAW. This makes BTAW retain a sense of realism in its prehistoric fantasy setting. The plot is very imaginative and keeps surprising you. I look forward to the worldbuilding, romance and character development of Yan Mo (MC) and Yuan Zhan (ML) ! Thank you author, translators and editors for your continuous hard work in sharing this exceptional story with us all.

TLDR: This story is essentially like CIV VI (worldbuilding) but with a transmigrated MC and BL <<less
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alpineraspberry rated it
April 2, 2019
Status: c23
A subtle BL work that has the MC trying to survive in a brutal primitive society. The story captives early with its morbid and gruesome intro, but its uniquely dark humored MC and his relationship with his overseerer and tribesmen, carry the plot forward. The MC is a morally debased figure whose cynicism, contempt, and superior knowledge make the world seem cruelly suppressing, yet truly enthralling as he persists to keep his head on his shoulders and rise from his lowly status; protect his own hide along the way while... more>> being under the watchful eye of a mysterious force guiding him towards repentance. The story will likely develop into a more robust BL series and clan/tribe building segment with a boost from his medical and modern knowledge, The MC has funny and enjoyable monologues all through out this debacle. Binged in 2 days; a worthwhile read. <<less
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