As a Villain, I Just Want Them to Behave


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In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke’s son, shouldn’t I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What’s that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You’re accusing me of buying two s*aves for the price of one?
Don’t slander me! I didn’t even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I’m a scumbag?
That’s strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It’s only fair for a sister to pay her brother’s debts, right?

Don’t be afraid, I’m not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I’ll put away these little toys.

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The villain just wants them to behave
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New davidwolf2d rated it
June 26, 2024
Status: c76
The plot is actually entertaining, unfortunately, there is very little of that. Most of the novel revolves around the protagonist getting his revenge on the different people who made him suffer. Normally, this is a good thing for revenge stories, but not for this one.

The main problem is that he treats the one who hurt him the most relatively okay, and some that barely had anything to do with his demise like complete and utter shit. It leaves you unsatisfied with how he treats those who really hurt him and... more>> makes you want to skip the parts where he's torturing others who barely did anything to him.

Aside from that, the MC is s*upidly OP and overwhelmingly intelligent. It's unexplained how he became such a genius, but the biggest problem is that there is no challenge. In just one word, boring. <<less
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