Working as a Simp


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I had simped for Jiang An for three years.

I cooked and did his laundry for him, and even helped him with his elective assignments.

Someone asked him, “Jiang An, Lin Wan Yue has been simping for you for so long, haven’t you been moved?”

Under the dim light, I heard him chuckle softly.

“Hmm? She’s just a maid, why would I be moved?”

The whole room burst into laughter.

But they didn’t know, Jiang An gave me 60,000 yuan every month.

Actually… I was really just his highly paid campus maid.

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Date Group Release
06/19/24 Crimson Translations part7
06/19/24 Crimson Translations part6
06/19/24 Crimson Translations part5
06/19/24 Crimson Translations part4
06/19/24 Crimson Translations part3
06/19/24 Crimson Translations part2
06/19/24 Crimson Translations part1
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3 Reviews sorted by

Nom de Plume
New Nom de Plume rated it
June 29, 2024
Status: part7
It's an adorable version of 'I gave a near stranger a job to help her in disguise.' The ML is a true rich second-generation who can truly order her around like a maid without hesitation, but not everything she does is actually what he wants or expects. The extras from his perspective make it obvious that he is a bit naive about emotions and common sense. His actions show that he has strong execution ability once he is certain of what (or who) he wants. We never see the moment... more>> he falls for her. If anything, this is a 'curiosity begets interest' scenario. He wants to learn more about her and in the process they become closer.

The employment relationship between them could have caused an unequal relationship, but the female protagonist is the type who follows through on and is stubborn about her own principles causing her to take the upper hand in their relationship from the beginning even if it is not obvious from the first chapter. He genuinely respects her so I am not entirely certain why he sneered to call her a maid during Truth or Dare other than to have a nice story hook for the summary. Maybe he is laughing at himself for falling for someone he personally hired to be a maid and who takes the responsibilities so seriously he doesn't seem to have a chance~.

There is only one loophole I found in the story which is definitely a mistake, but also not a big deal:


He proposes twice: once in part7 and once at the very end of the story, unless the final scene by the tr*shcan was meant to be their marriage ceremony. Granted, she did ruin the first proposal, so maybe this was his second try. The couple ruined this one even more. The ending is as adorable as it is funny.

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New chande rated it
June 27, 2024
Status: Completed
The beginning of MC and ML's love story wasn't that ideal but MC's hilarious ramblings successfully got me hooked till the end. She's so funny, had a positive vibe, and very hardworking so it's easy to like her. I also love how she didn't feel inferior even though she and ML had a different background. ML was a bit tsundere but he cherished MC a lot. From an unlikely pair, they became a perfect (comedic) couple.
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ChocoFries rated it
June 21, 2024
Status: Completed
Short and sweet. Their relationship dynamic is a bit weird but nonetheless, I enjoyed this one, the FL's personality personally motivated me to be more hard working and consistent.
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