When the Monster Wants Me


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Chairman Kang Tae-wook of ‘The Khan,’ which owns prominent subsidiaries in electronics, finance, construction, aviation, and healthcare, had everything. Yet, a bothersome incident had stirred his calm life.

“I’m sorry. The bracelet has been fastened to a woman.”

In reality, Tae-wook, who also leads the Mu (無) clan, a lineage bearing the blood of wolves and different from ordinary humans. The Mu clan lived alongside humans but had strong blood and toxic lineage, making it difficult for them to have offspring, hence their small numbers.

For the Mu clan, the existence of the ‘bracelet’ was extremely tempting. It had the supernatural power to ensure that women who bore children would not die, and that their descendants would be stronger than anyone else.

Suddenly, the bracelet had chosen someone as its owner. Driven by curiosity about who this woman, who would be sacrificed in the conflict among the Mu clan, was and in order to retrieve the bracelet, he revealed himself before her.

* * *

“Open your eyes.”


“If you keep your eyes closed, I’ll kiss you again.”

When she blinked her eyes open, their gazes locked. Yu-joo momentarily stopped her breath. His dark, deep eyes showed no trace of warmth. They felt eerily cold, almost terrifying.

“I kept my promise of a morning kiss, so I don’t need to apologize, do I?”

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