When I Read the Heart of the Never-Smiling Princess, for Some Reason She Had Already Fell Head Over Heels in Love for Me


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‘I love you more than anything in the world’… Um, this was our first meeting, right?

I, Saiga Takagi, have the power to read the minds of others.

Because of which, right now I had become completely engulfed with social phobia.

That’s why I’ve always prepared myself to live my life without having anything to do with anyone.

…And yet, I accidentally read that person’s inner feelings.

The most beautiful person in our school – Katsuragi Minami.

Even though she is so beautiful that even got a nickname attached to her: ‘The Never-Smilling and cool’ student council president

But her true appearance was absolutely and completely different.

In front of others: “Saiga-kun. Good morning. I hope you have a good day today as well.”

Inner feelings: ‘Haa (enchanted). Ko-kun is shyoo cute and cool even today. I lwove you, I shyoo llowe you, I want to lick your every corner.’

Inside, it was filled with excessive love for me.

How did this come to be?

—-This is a story of a boy who can read minds and a girl who truly loves him, a story filled with tragedy and endless miracles.

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06/28/24 Zetro Translation v1c1
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