When I Ran Away from Home, an Extrovert Took Me In, Claiming We Were Lovers in the Previous Timeline


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I was asked to become lovers in this timeline too. But I don’t remember the past one.

One day, Amakawa Iroha, who had fled home, found herself sheltered by her extrovert classmate, Inadzuki Misora.

A month later, Iroha expressed her desire to repay Misora for letting her stay for free. Misora responded, “Then I want you to recall the memories of us being lovers in the previous timeline.”

As they spent more time together, Iroha began to realize that Misora’s claim about their past timeline was neither a lie nor a joke…

This is the tale of an absentminded oddball and a timid extrovert becoming lovers, influenced by the echoes of the previous timeline.

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Extrovert Lovers
Iede shitara Youkya ni Hirowarete "Mae no Jikanjiku dewa Koibito Doushidatta" to Semarareru Hanashi
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  1. Shoujo ai and Sonyeo salang

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Date Group Release
06/26/24 Re:Library c1
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