Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved Elf Poster Girl Soothes Everyone’s Hearts ~


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Who am I? Where am I?

When I came to, I was in an unfamiliar rocky mountain. I was an office worker in modern Japan, so what’s going on with my body becoming smaller? What’s the deal with this mentally-an-office-worker-but-physically-a-little-girl situation!?
And wait… I’m not even human!?

After wandering around in confusion and collapsing, I was picked up by a handsome man dressed in black, looking suspiciously like a ninja. After a series of events, I ended up being taken in by a guild.
A special-grade guild? There are ranks? Wait, what even is a guild in the first place?

There are so many things I don’t understand, but they’re letting me stay out of kindness, so I’m going to study little by little and become a productive member!
Surrounded by fun, unique, and eccentric companions, I’ll work hard today as well!

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Tokkyuu Guild e Youkoso! Kanban Musume no Aisare Elf wa Minna no Kokoro wo Nagomaseru
Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved Elf Mascot Soothes Everyone’s Hearts ~
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Welcome to the Special Guild! ~The Beloved Signboard Elf Girl who Soothes Everyone’s Hearts~ (Light Novel)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Fun loving

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New PiRho rated it
June 23, 2024
Status: c39
A cute story with a very cute MC. But I'm a little fearful that the MC will forever be and talk like a child in this one. The baby talk gets old fast. I see no reason why the baby couldn't grow up and still be the mascot but I doubt that it will go that way. Expect lots of baby crying and an MC with a speech impediment.
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