Unrestrained Earth


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Yang Qinyu is suddenly sent to the palace by his father, the Prime Minister, to tutor the young Emperor. Feeling inadequate and unambitious, he’s determined to uphold one principle:

He absolutely won’t lead the young Emperor astray!

However, the Emperor’s regent uncle is not only handsome but also has a great physique. Though his eyes look a bit fierce when gazing at Yang Qinyu, he thinks:

It’s okay! He can still be saved!

Oh, brave young man! Embark on the grand path of pursuing his husband!

One day, Yang Qinyu suddenly remembers: What was he supposed to do in the palace again???

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  1. The best once I ever read . 2
  2. Some more tbr =-=;
  3. Novel interessanti da tradurre -Cinesi
  4. 2024 Danmei Reads
  5. Dja lus3

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06/21/24 Turtle Raine c6
06/21/24 Turtle Raine c5
06/21/24 Turtle Raine c4
06/21/24 Turtle Raine c3
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06/21/24 Turtle Raine c1
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2 Reviews sorted by

New Staringatastar rated it
June 29, 2024
Status: Completed
As the other reviewer mentioned, this story has a cute couple, is too short for its own good, and ends with an abrupt/confusing fizzle. I read the story because of the tantalizing description, and there are elements in it that feel like they would be great in a longer story. However, in this story, combined with the confusing ending, I felt like things didn't prefectly gel.

What especially annoyed me was the abrupt love at first sight and negging that the ML did. It's played off as sweet, but I hate... more>> the concept of a loved one feeling the need to catch the other's attention by putting them down and making them question their own intelligence or attractiveness. Especially since the ML had so many other, actually sweet ways of catching the mc's attention. This mildly repulsive behavior combined with renegading on his promise made me really question what the regent had going for him other than being the regent and handsome. <<less
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New lil_lazybum rated it
June 27, 2024
Status: Completed
Personally, there is enough depth to the characters (mainly the MC) that you can understand what’s going on through his POV, but the romance is a bit misplaced or a bit abrupt.

The ending doesn’t completely make sense either; I was a bit confused by what was going on, but I do genuinely think the MC and ML would make a great couple in a more developed and well-thought-out novel. Their love is pretty sincere and it’s a bit underwhelming that there wasn’t much emphasis on its development.

But definitely don’t expect... more>> anything too serious, you could finish this in one sitting. It could’ve been a very entertaining pass-time short story but the ending didn’t leave me satisfied and left me with more questions more than anything. <<less
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