Unbeknownst to Me, I am Secretly Dating the Emperor


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I was reincarnated in a romance fantasy where the war-crazy tyrant emperor falls in love with the saintly heroine.

“The Emperor contracting a romantic relationship with the heroine and then falling in love is something only high society would gossip about.”

For a minor official in the imperial palace who couldn’t even become an extra, whether I have to work overtime tomorrow is more important. Still, living diligently like a good citizen seemed to reward me with a handsome boyfriend…

“Are you planning to hold hands throughout the entire relationship and only kiss at the wedding?”
“You’ll regret it.”
“I won’t.”


Can’t I just take back what I said?
…For an extra, he was way too handsome.

“Rina, are you planning to seduce the Emperor and run away?”

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황제와 비밀 연애 중인데 나는 그걸 몰라
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