Transmigrated into the Qing Dynasty: The Empress’s Leisurely Daily Life


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Shen Han transmigrated into the role of a humble little princess in Palace’s harem, living a very difficult life.

Lying flat won’t turn you into a salted fish; it will only turn you into a dead fish.

Shen Han had to pull herself together—she needed to survive well!

“Survival Handbook of the Harem”

Central Idea:
Truly effective favor-seeking never focuses on palace intrigue among women; the emperor is the only valuable target for action.

General Strategy:
Do not engage in the scheming and power struggles of the concubines. Instead, diligently study the leader’s preferences and strive to win Kangxi’s heart as soon as possible to gain promotion and a raise!

“Survival Handbook of the Harem”

– Diet Chapter:
According to the ancestral rules of the Qing Palace, the Imperial Tea and Food Department employs Manchu cooks who primarily steam, boil, stew, and braise dishes, which are tasteless and unappealing to the emperor.

Kangxi prefers sweet and sour flavors and likes to pair sweet buns with salty dishes.

This must be noted.
Action 1:
He may not know how to fry, cook, stew, roast, or pickle, but he certainly knows how to eat!

Hotpot, barbecue, spicy hot pot, fruit juice, milk tea, sour plum soup.

Emperor, would you like to try some sweet and sour pork?

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06/26/24 Shanghai Fantasy c1
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